1000 resultados para Intestinos - Doenças Radioterapia - Teses


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Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. Asteraceae e Casearia sylvestris Swartz Salicaceae so plantas nativas do Brasil e de uso tradicional em doenças do trato digestrio. Seus extratos e substncias purificadas apresentaram diversas atividades farmacolgicas (ex.antiulcerognica, antimicrobiana) e baixa toxicidade. O Helicobacter pylori (bacilo gram-negativo) coloniza o estmago humano, associada ao maior risco de incidncia de vrias doenças (lceras ppticas, linfomas e adenocarcinomas gstricos). Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de diferentes extratos, fraes e substncias de ambas as plantas medicinais, extratos de partes areas de B. trimera e de folhas de C. sylvestris foram preparados utilizando-se tcnicas de macerao, obtendo-se o extrato acetato de etila e etanlico de C. sylvestris e acetato de etila, etanlico, etanol 70% e hexnico de B. trimera. Estes foram fracionados e analisados por tcnicas cromatogrficas. Os extratos e suas fraes e substncias foram submetidos a ensaios para avaliao da atividade antibacteriana para a determinao da concentrao inibitria mnima (CIM). O mtodo utilizado para os ensaios foi a diluio em microplacas usando as bactrias Helicobacter pylori ATCC 43504, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 e Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. A partir do fracionamento do extrato acetato de etila de B. trimera e do extrato etanlico de C. sylvestris foram obtidas oito fraes distintas do EAcBt e a frao de diterpenos do EEtCs. A anlise em CCD demonstrou a presena de casearina X, B e caseargrewiina F na frao de diterpenos (EFSCs2). Os extratos da B. trimera EAcBt, EEtBt e EEt70Bt e da C. sylvestris EAcCs e EEtCs apresentaram atividade anti-H. pylori, com valores de CIM de 250, 500, 500, 125 e 750 g/mL, respectivamente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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Medical Physics is an interdisciplinary field that applies concepts and laws of physics in medical practices. Currently, one of its main applications is the use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of oncological diseases. Due to its wide use and highly dangerous, many of radioprotection procedures should be adopted with the objective of protecting human beings from harmful effects of radiation. Thus, you can better enjoy the benefits that the practice can offer. The methodology proposed by the National Council on Radiation Protection 151 (NCRP 151), relates technical information necessary to Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X- and Gamma- Ray Radiotherapy Facilities. However, many parameters used to calculate the shield are based on estimates only, and it is an international standard that may not be adequate to the Brazilian reality. Thus, the central idea of this study is the collection of data from the routine of the Radiotherapy Service of the Real e Benemrita Associao Portuguesa de Beneficncia, in particular equipment cobalt therapy Theratron 780 (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) and the linear accelerator Varian Clinac 2100C for measurement of workload, number of patients, fields, and dose factors to determine the best use of barrier protection. Furthermore, this work features a profile of radiotherapy treatments carried out closer to the Brazilian reality


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A tcnica radioterpica Total Skin Irradiation (TSI), utilizada para tratamento de Micose Fungide e doenças similares, apresenta grande complexidade na sua dosimetria e implementao nos Servios de Radioterapia. No SUS Sistema nico de Sade - do Brasil, s h esse tratamento no Servio de Radioterapia do Hospital das Clnicas da UNICAMP (Campinas) e no Instituto Nacional do Cncer (INCA) (Rio de Janeiro). O objetivo deste trabalho o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um protocolo de controle de qualidade e dosimetria a ser implementado na tcnica utilizada no Servio de Radioterapia do Hospital de Clnicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (HC - UNICAMP). Todos os estudos e anlises para a elaborao do protocolo foram baseados no Report 23[1] da AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine - e no TRS-398[3] da IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency. A metodologia e os resultados obtidos apresentam-se descritos neste relatrio


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Com a revoluo industrial e tecnolgica, o trabalho braal foi e vem sendo substitudo por mquinas e equipamentos eletrnicos, na inteno de poupar o ser humano e diminuir gastos e despesas com salrios e aumento da produtividade. Devido a esses fatores, o trabalho tornou-se repetitivo, o que possibilitou o aparecimento de doenças como a L.E.R./D.O.R.T.. Esse contexto despertou o interesse na realizao desta pesquisa, cujo objetivo relacionar essas patologias e suas incidncias personalidade das pessoas atravs de um sistema denominado Eneagrama. Por meio de uma reviso de literatura nas reas de Ginstica Laboral, L.E.R./D.O.R.T. e Eneagrama, foi possvel obter informaes que levou analisar que os Tipos do Eneagrama 1 (Perfeccionista), 3 (Bem Sucedido), 8(Confrontador) e 9 (Preservacionista), apresentam alta probabilidade de incidncia de L.E.R./D.O.R.T.. Os Tipos 4 (Romntico), 5 (Observador), 6 (Questionador) e 7 (Sonhador), apresentam baixa probabilidade de incidncia. Enquanto que o Tipo 2 (Prestativo) neutro quanto ao resultado. Concluindo assim, que o aparecimento dessas doenças pode estar relacionado a um ou mais tipos especficos de personalidade, e que aplicando esse sistema nas empresas, acompanhado da realizao da Ginstica Laboral, podemos contribuir na diminuio de casos como esses.


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O procedimento da radioterapia no traz em si a garantia de qualquer resultado favorvel, preciso, antes, apostar em um planejamento minucioso e implementao cuidadosa do tratamento necessrio para potencializar os benefcios da radioterapia atravs de sua aplicao. Primeiramente preciso aplicar uma dose de radiao para as clulas tumorais em quantidade suficiente para matar as clulas cancerigenas no menor tempo possivel, aumentanto a possibilidade de controle da doena maligna, matando as clulas malignas e elevando a probabilidade de controlar a doena maligna, enquanto ao mesmo tempo, limita a dose para os tecidos saudveis que circunda a clula com o tumor maligno, para que a probabilidade de dano induzindo a esses tecidos seja reduzida ao mnimo. Dentro desta perspectiva, o estudo teve por objetivo apresentar as atividades realizadas na Clnica de Radioterapia de So Carlos, procurando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a radioterapia para melhorar o atendimento aos pacientes com diagnstico de cancer de mama e de cancer de prostata. Foi possivel neste perodo acompanhar a rotina de trabalho dos fsicos mdicos, que permitiram participar ativamente das atividades de planejamento, posicionamento do paciente, clculo de dose, procurando manter a qualidade no atendimento aos pacientes. O estgio como componente curricular desempenha um papel fundamental no processo de formao. Responsvel pela introduo do aluno no campo profissional, realmente possibilita a anlise contextual dessa realidade na perspectiva de uma ao interventiva. Como aprendizagem maior possvel dizer que o estgio mostrou que nos dias atuais, os novos profissionais, se quiserem conquistar seu lugar, precisam juntar inteligncia, conhecimento e capacidade emocional e social para enfrentar e poder atuar rumo s mudanas requeridas, a qualificao humana precisa ir alm... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone cancer in dogs. It affects most commonly dogs of big or giant breeds with 7 to 8 years and the etiology is unknown. Osteosarcoma is defined as a bone matrix-producing malignant mesenchymal tumor and has a predilection for the metaphyseal region of appendicular skeleton, however, it can affect axial skeleton and soft tissues. Distal radius is the most commonly affected site. The definitive diagnosis of osteosarcoma can be obtained with history, physical examination, radiographs and biopsy. Lung is the most common organ for metastatic disease. The mainly treatment for osteosarcoma is limb amputation and systemic chemotherapy for metastatic disease control. Limb-sparing surgery is a viable alternative to amputation for dogs with concomitant conditions that impede limb amputation. Palliative treatments for osteosarcoma have been studied such as local and systemic radiotherapy, immunotherapy and biphosphonates. This study has the objective of presenting the aspects of diagnosis and treatment for appendicular osteosarcoma


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This paper presents a study about the operation of the major systems components of a linear particle acclerator (Linac). It addresses the components mainly responsible for the formation of the beam, through the inclusion of several block diagrams showing the details of the structure. Among the systems discussed may be mentioned the system modulator, automatic frequency control, dosimetry and auxiliary systems. The main objective is the dissemination of basic technology applied in linear accelerators and create literature about this subject in national language. Despite the high complexity and large number of devices that comprise a linear accelerator, it has been developed an easy to understand text that adresses the most relevant issues to the operation of the linear accelerator from the point of view of electrical engineering


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Radiotherapy in veterinary practice is already known and widely distributed in large specialized centers of developed countries. In early 2000, there were about 30 radiotherapy equipment specifically designed for the veterinary clinic in the United States. In Brazil, the veterinary radiotherapy is still confined to research in universities, where most of the procedures is radiation therapy performed with superficial x-ray machines, with a voltage between 50 and 150 kVp, focus-distance surface (DFS) between 20,0cm and 40,0cm. As that occurs in human medicine, new research strengthens the development and prospects for the use of radiotherapy as a safe option for treating cancer in animals. This paper presents a methodology for calculating the exposure time for superficial radiotherapy procedures in veterinary medicine for small animals (dogs and cats). The dosimetric parameters of X-rays are determined using a spreadsheet tool for Microsoft Office Excel, developed in this paper for a device Dermopan 2, Veterinary Hospital of UNESP in Araatuba. Using the worksheet helps the veterinarian to determine the time of exposure to radiation determined for each clinical case, optimize the workflow for professionals in veterinary radiotherapy procedures, which often lack the medical physics in team and at the time of radiotherapy. The correct use of spreadsheet decreases the chances of errors in dose rates of radiation, providing a higher quality of care


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Radiotherapy is a branch of medical physics related to the treatment of malignant neoplasm, being an important instrument in the fight against cancer, when combined with the effort of a multidisciplinary team, composed of, physicians, physicists, nurses and technicians. Every year more than 3.5 million new cases of cancer are recorded in the world, being the prostate cancer responsible for approximately 25% of this amount (INCA and IARC, 2008). In this type of cancer, radiotherapy is a method indicated for treatement. The technological advance in this area over years has allowed a greater accuracy in the tumor location, more conformation of the radiation beam around the tumor, reducing the dose in healthy tissues and a consequent dose increase on treatment (Bedford et al., 1999). A radiotherapy planning, in which the physicist develops an important role, is composed of several steps, including choosing the best configuration of treatment beams. This choice has a close relationship with success of therapy and is critical to achieve the best distribution of dose inside the tumor and expose the least as possible the healthy tissue to radiation. In this work, two options for setting up camps in the first phase in a treatment of prostate cancer were simulated in computer planning: 4 fields orthogonal or Box with gantry angles in 00, 1800, 2700 e 90 and 4 fields angled or X (1350, 450, 3150 e 2250). The percentage of the rectal volume exposed to 40, 50, 60, 72 and 76 Gy should be limited to 60, 50, 25, 15 and 5% respectively (Greco et al., 2003). The femoral toxicity have limited dose by 70% of the total dose prescribed in a prostate treatment (Bedford et al., 1999). The planning of 27 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma submitted to 3D conformal radiotherapy were accompanied. As a result, it was assessed that the best TCP (tumor control probability)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Tuberculosis and brucellosis are important diseases in national scenario, as they affect national cattle and can be transmitted to human, as they are zoonosis. The transmission risk increases mostly for those who have strict contact with animals, as is this case of slaughterhouse workers. This paper presents a bibliographic review of data referent to both diseases occurring in bovine slaughterhouse workers in Brazil, characterizing as occupational zoonosis diseases. We still have few data available of this subject, what raise difficulties to know the real incidence of both diseases in national cattle and in people who work in contact with animals, and most of the time are not instructed to the risk that they are exposed and how to prevent it. Its important to know which is the situation of both diseases so that prevention and even eradication measures can be taken, as we know the Veterinary has an essential function in this matter, protecting animal health as much as protecting national public health


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O trabalho prope rotinas computacionais usando o Mtodo de Monte Carlo com o Cdigo MCNP-5, para analisar os perfis de dose de radiao liberada nos tratamentos de tumores de pele e otimizar os clculos radiomtricos dos feixes de radiao estudados. Foram realizadas medidas dosimtricas do feixe de radiao, comparando os resultados obtidos com os respectivos valores fornecidos pelo servio de fsica mdica das instituies, com resultados informados pelo fabricante do equipamento e com as simulaes computacionais efetuadas com o Cdigo MCNP-5. A quantificao dos erros relativos percentual entre os resultados simulados e os fornecidos pelo Servio de Radioterapia (E1), os informados pelo fabricante (E2) e os medidos experimentalmente (E3) so inferiores a 4,0% e validam a metodologia computacional proposta para avaliao do comportamento do feixe de raios-X superficial e do feixe de raios da unidade de Cobaltoterapia. A metodologia de anlise do espectro energtico e da curva de porcentagem de dose profunda (PDP) desenvolvida neste trabalho pode ser estendida para estudos de outros feixes clnicos e subsidiar os dados radiomtricos utilizados nos planejamentos e clculos de dose realizados pelo profissional da fsica mdica na sua rotina nos Servios de Radioterapia


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The study analyzed contours of the thoracic region of patients undergoing radiotherapy of breast tumors in Hospital Manuel de Abreu of Bauru (institution 1) and the Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina of Botucatu (Institution 2). Were prepared isodose curves corresponding to the contours of the patient, which were presented for radiotherapists doctors both hospital services that enabled the choice of the curve isodose that provides the best distribution of radiation dose in the irradiated volume. Some boundaries were digitized in one institution and sent for preparation of isodose lines in the institution 2, both curves plotted in each of the institutions and for the same contour, were compared, showing that the methodology of Curves of distance is feasible and reliable, while optimizing the routine procedures regarding the handling of isodose plans provided by different radiation equipment. It compares the calculation of the exposure time determined using the isodose curve selected by calculating the value obtained considering the PDP at the point of the middle line of separation between the internal and external fields, the difference between the two methods for determining exposure time was around 2.4%. A study on the angle of the radiation beam at the input field (region breast-air) was conducted showing that, once known a tangent angle of the input beam, one can estimate the angle of the wedge filter used in some procedures for uniformity of dose within the irradiated volume compensation and the lack of tissue in the treatment volume. A comparative study between the isodose curves produced manually with the curves obtained in a two-dimensional computer system, the computer system showed that provides further information regarding the dose gradient within the irradiated volume, in addition to reducing the time spent in preparing the curves isodose


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Introduction: The intestinal parasites continue to represent a significant public health problem, due to the large number of infected people and the various organic changes that can cause. The intestinal parasites become more prevalent in villages with high population density absence or inadequacy of sanitation and adequate, and personal hygiene practices and inadequate housing. Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Giardia duodenalis in children of school age (7-14 years) living in the city of Salvador, Bahia, which were part of the Environmental Sanitation Program (Bahia Azul) covering eight different sewage basins in the years 1997/1998 and 2003/2004. Methods: Data were collected pre-coded questionnaire administered to the parents of students, collecting information socioeconomic, environmental and housing conditions. Stool samples were analyzed for each school in the Laboratory of Parasitology of the ISC, UFBA. The database was built and analyzed by Epi Info program (version 3.5.1/2008) were built where overall prevalence rate and Basin depletion of parasites. We compared the overall prevalence rates (at least one parasite) before and after the intervention health, as well as species of parasite. Results: The overall prevalence before the intervention was 56,2% (N = 729) and 42,5% after the intervention (N = 890), down -24,5%. The prevalence observed for each species A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and G. duodenalis before intervention was respectively 31,4%, 35,8% and 9,9% respectively after the intervention and 24,4%, 28,8% and 6,0%. In relation to variations in prevalence were found to decrease A. lumbricoides, T. Trichiura and G. duodenalis respectively -22,4%, -19,7% and -39,7%. When the results were compared by Basin exhaustion, it was observed that the greatest variation with reduction occurred among students Basin M. Camurujipe to at least one parasite (-51,4%), ...


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In radiation theraphy with electron beam, the electrons are produced in linear accelerators, and energy the most used have between 4MeV and 20MeV. Generally, the treatments are done for superficial injuries, because the low penetration of these particles. In this work a system for calculation of monitor units (U.M.) for cases of treatments with electron beam was developed. The Excel program of Microsoft was used and is easily found in the operational system of the personal microcomputers. In the Excel has been inserted the pertinent data of the linear accelerator of Varian, model 2100C, used in the Service of radiation theraphy of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the UNESP of Botucatu. For some values of the physical parameters, such as: factors field and factors calibration, not supplied in the tests of acceptance of the machine, still proceeded calculations from interpolation and extrapolation. The mathematical formulas for automatic search of these and others factors used in the calculations of the determination of the U.M had been developed in agreement available routines in Excel. For this the functions had been used the function IF (that it imposes search condition) and the PROCH (that looks a value in a column from determined line), beyond the basic functions of addition, multiplication and division. It is intended to optimize the routine of the Services of radiation theraphy that perform through eletrontheraphy procedures, speeding the calculations and minimizing the occurrence of errors and uncertainties deriving of the maken a mistake manipulation of the parameters gotten in tables of data of electron beams