856 resultados para Internet of things, Mqtt, domotica, Raspberry Pi


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[es] El presente trabajo analiza las «novelas de la nebulosa» de Ramón Gómez de la Serna y especialmente El hombre perdido (1947) como culminación y cierre de la práctica ramoniana del des/hacer, ejemplificada plenamente a partir de los «libros ultravertebrados» como El Rastro (1914). Por tal práctica entendemos, a partir de Fredric Jameson, la expresión estética del ideologema de la circulación de la mercancía, en tanto que Ramón deshace la realidad, las cosas, para ponerlas de nuevo en circulación a través de sus «precipitados nuevos» de cosas, o greguerías. La nebulosa a la que se retira el protagonista anónimo de El hombre perdido al final de la obra es el no-lugar del cese de la circulación de imágenes, de imágenesmercancías. Ese no-espacio es al mismo tiempo el del fin de la creación artística y el lugar donde abrazar la disolución de la existencia. Como consecuencia de esto último, en un giro rehumanizador de su obra, la «nebulosa» es una solución nihilista a la creciente angustia ante la vida y la muerte del Ramón exiliado en Buenos Aires desde 1936. [en] This article analyses the “novelas de la nebulosa” by Ramón Gómez de la Serna and especially El hombre perdido (1947) as the culmination and end of Ramón’s literary practice of the “des/hacer”, implemented in his “libros ultravertebrados”, of which El Rastro (1914) is the first best example. Following Fredric Jameson, we understand that literary practice as the aesthetic expression of the ideologeme of the circulation of the commodity, since Ramón unleashes reality, dissolves its apparent configuration in order to re-circulate reality under the guise of his “greguerías”, or metaphorical “precipitates” of things. The “nebulosa” to which the protagonist of El hombre perdido retires at the end of the novel is the no-place where the circulation of commodities or image-commodities has ceased. That no-space represents at the same time the end of the artistic creativity and the place for embracing the dissolution of existence. As a consequence, his work takes here a re-humanizing turn that transforms the “nebulosa” in a sort of nihilistic solution to the increasing anguish in front of life and death that is tormenting Ramón since his exile in Argentina after 1936.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 7 de Abril de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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This study presents a proposal of speed servomechanisms without the use of mechanical sensors (sensorless) using induction motors. A comparison is performed and propose techniques for pet rotor speed, analyzing performance in different conditions of speed and load. For the determination of control technique, initially, is performed an analysis of the technical literature of the main control and speed estimation used, with their characteristics and limitations. The proposed technique for servo sensorless speed induction motor uses indirect field-oriented control (IFOC), composed of four controllers of the proportional-integral type (PI): rotor flux controller, speed controller and current controllers in the direct and quadrature shaft. As the main focus of the work is in the speed control loop was implemented in Matlab the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS) for identification of mechanical parameters, such as moment of inertia and friction coefficient. Thus, the speed of outer loop controller gains can be self adjusted to compensate for any changes in the mechanical parameters. For speed estimation techniques are analyzed: MRAS by rotóricos fluxes MRAS by counter EMF, MRAS by instantaneous reactive power, slip, locked loop phase (PLL) and sliding mode. A proposition of estimation in sliding mode based on speed, which is performed a change in rotor flux observer structure is displayed. To evaluate the techniques are performed theoretical analyzes in Matlab simulation environment and experimental platform in electrical machinery drives. The DSP TMS320F28069 was used for experimental implementation of speed estimation techniques and check the performance of the same in a wide speed range, including load insertion. From this analysis is carried out to implement closed-loop control of sensorless speed IFOC structure. The results demonstrated the real possibility of replacing mechanical sensors for estimation techniques proposed and analyzed. Among these, the estimator based on PLL demonstrated the best performance in various conditions, while the technique based on sliding mode has good capacity estimation in steady state and robustness to parametric variations.


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This book is a synthesizing reflection on the Holocaust commemoration, in which space becomes a starting point for discussion. The author understands space primarily as an amalgam of physical and social components, where various commemorative processes may occur. The first part of the book draws attention to the material aspect of space, which determines its character and function. Material culture has been a long ignored and depreciated dimension of human culture in the humanities and social sciences, because it was perceived as passive and fully controlled by human will, and therefore insignificant in the course of social and historical processes. An example of the Nazi system perfectly illustrates how important were the restrictions and prohibitions on the usage of mundane objects, and in general, the whole material culture in relation to macro and micro space management — the state, cities, neighborhoods and houses, but also parks and swimming pools, factories and offices or shops and theaters. The importance of things and space was also clearly visible in exploitative policies present in overcrowded ghettos and concentration and death camps. For this very reason, when we study spatial forms of Holocaust commemoration, it should be acknowledged that the first traces, proofs and mementoes of the murdered were their things. The first "monuments" showing the enormity of the destruction are thus primarily gigantic piles of objects — shoes, glasses, toys, clothes, suitcases, toothbrushes, etc., which together with the extensive camps’ space try to recall the scale of a crime impossible to understand or imagine. The first chapter shows the importance of introducing the material dimension in thinking about space and commemoration, and it ends with a question about one of the key concepts for the book, a monument, which can be understood as both object (singular or plural) and architecture (sculptures, buildings, highways). However, the term monument tends to be used rather in a later and traditional sense, as an architectural, figurative form commemorating the heroic deeds, carved in stone or cast in bronze. Therefore, the next chapter reconstructs this narrower line of thinking, together with a discussion about what form a monument commemorating a subject as delicate and sensitive as the Holocaust should take on. This leads to an idea of the counter-monument, the concept which was supposed to be the answer to the mentioned representational dilemma on the one hand, and which would disassociate it from the Nazi’s traditional monuments on the other hand. This chapter clarifies the counter-monument definition and explains the misunderstandings and confusions generated on the basis of this concept by following the dynamics of the new commemorative form and by investigating monuments from the ‘80s and ‘90s erected in Germany. In the next chapter, I examine various forms of the Holocaust commemoration in Berlin, a city famous for its bold, monumental, and even controversial projects. We find among them the entire spectrum of memorials – big, monumental, and abstract forms, like Peter Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe or Daniel Liebeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin; flat, invisible, and employing the idea of emptiness, like Christian Boltanski’s Missing House or Micha Ullman’s Book Burning Memorial; the dispersed and decentralized, like Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock’s Memory Places or Gunter Demnig’s Stumbling Blocks. I enrich descriptions of the monuments by signaling at this point their second, extended life, which manifests itself in the alternative modes of (mis)use, consisting of various social activities or artistic performances. The formal wealth of the outlined projects creates a wide panorama of possible solutions to the Holocaust commemoration problems. However, the discussions accompanying the building of monuments and their "future life" after realization emphasize the importance of the social component that permeates the biography of the monument, and therefore significantly influences its foreseen design. The book also addresses the relationship of space, place and memory in a specific situation, when commemoration is performed secretly or remains as unrealized potential. Although place is the most common space associated with memory, today the nature of this relationship changes, and is what indicates popularity and employment of such terms as Marc Augé’s non-places or Pierre Nora’s site of memory. I include and develop these concepts about space and memory in my reflections to describe qualitatively different phenomena occurring in Central and Eastern European countries. These are unsettling places in rural areas like glades or parking lots, markets and playgrounds in urban settings. I link them to the post-war time and modernization processes and call them sites of non-memory and non-sites of memory. Another part of the book deals with a completely different form of commemoration called Mystery of memory. Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin initiated it in 2000 and as a form it situates itself closer to the art of theater than architecture. Real spaces and places of everyday interactions become a stage for these performances, such as the “Jewish town” in Lublin or the Majdanek concentration camp. The minimalist scenography modifies space and reveals its previously unseen dimensions, while the actors — residents and people especially related to places like survivors and Righteous Among the Nations — are involved in the course of the show thanks to various rituals and symbolic gestures. The performance should be distinguished from social actions, because it incorporates tools known from religious rituals and art, which together saturate the mystery of memory with an aura of uniqueness. The last discussed commemoration mode takes the form of exposition space. I examine an exhibition concerning the fate of the incarcerated children presented in one of the barracks of the Majdanek State Museum in Lublin. The Primer – Children in Majdanek Camp is unique for several reasons. First, because even though it is exhibited in the camp barrack, it uses a completely different filter to tell the story of the camp in comparison to the exhibitions in the rest of the barracks. For this reason, one experiences immersing oneself in all subsequent levels of space and narrative accompanying them – at first, in a general narrative about the camp, and later in a specifically arranged space marked by children’s experiences, their language and thinking, and hence formed in a way more accessible for younger visitors. Second, the exhibition resigns from didacticism and distancing descriptions, and takes an advantage of eyewitnesses and survivors’ testimonies instead. Third, the exhibition space evokes an aura of strangeness similar to a fairy tale or a dream. It is accomplished thanks to the arrangement of various, usually highly symbolic material objects, and by favoring the fragrance and phonic sensations, movement, while belittling visual stimulations. The exhibition creates an impression of a place open to thinking and experiencing, and functions as an asylum, a radically different form to its camp surrounding characterized by a more overwhelming and austere space.


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Diseño de un sistema de telefonía utilizando el protocolo VoIP, el cual se implementó en el cantón Santa Marta, municipio de Ciudad Victoria, Cabañas, usando enlaces inalámbricos a 24.6 Hz. El sistema permite la integración de teléfonos Smartphone gracias al uso del software FreePbx el cual corre dentro de un dispositivo Raspberry PI


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Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.


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Este artigo dá uma introdução à noção de necessidade. O objetivo principal é refletir sobre os fundamentos e as fontes da necessidade. Primeiro, apresentamos a semântica dos mundos possíveis. Como ela depende fundamentalmente da noção de mundo possível, discutimos algumas críticas relevantes a essa noção. Em seguida, analisamos duas teorias do novo atualismo, que pretendem justamente explicar a necessidade sem recorrer a mundos possíveis, a saber, a teoria de Fine, na qual as essências de objetos são os fundamentos da necessidade, e a teoria de Jubien, na qual as necessidades são obtidas em virtude da relação básica de necessitação entre propriedades. Propomos algumas modificações às duas teorias. Finalmente, apresentamos uma estrutura do reino das necessidades segundo a qual a necessidade metafísica é a necessidade genuína e mais inclusiva.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2015.


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Cada vez mais, se torna necessário, apresentar, transpor e adequar as Novas Tecnologias ao ambiente de aprendizagem na sala de aula, interligando não só as Áreas Curriculares Não Disciplinares (ACND) como as Áreas Curriculares Disciplinares (ACD) a um trabalho colaborativo. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste projeto de investigação é aplicar um projeto de aprendizagem colaborativa denominado “Triângulo das Histórias”, utilizando como instrumento de partilha um blogue na internet, e avaliar o tipo de aceitação que a sua aplicação gerou. A aplicação do projeto em contexto educativo visará uma interação entre a comunidade educativa, possibilitando assim, a experimentação de comunidades virtuais de comunicação e de colaboração escolar. Para complementar este estudo pretende-se também perceber os hábitos de utilização da Internet dos alunos envolvidos no projeto. A amostra utilizada para este estudo foi um conjunto de dezoito alunos dos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 12 anos de idade, dos regimes público, cooperativo e particular, repartidos por três escolas distintas, com meios socioeconómicos também diferentes. Para a recolha dos dados foi realizado um inquérito aos alunos envolvidos no projeto e realizadas observações sobre as suas interações e comportamentos. Os dados extraídos dos inquéritos foram apresentados sob a forma de gráfico. A implementação deste projeto permitiu perceber que os alunos foram recetivos a esta nova abordagem de realização de trabalho de grupo colaborativo recorrendo às comunidades virtuais. A criação de uma história associando três escolas distintas permitiu que os alunos, para além de terem de elaborar um texto de forma coletiva, tivessem acesso a novas ferramentas tanto da internet como do sistema operativo, tornando-se, desta forma, um bom complemento de aprendizagem.


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El presente estudio corresponde a una investigación cuantitativa realizada en la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador, cuyo objetivo fue determinar las prácticas parentales en la función de socialización de la familia. Se trabajó con una muestra de 445 padres con hijos en segundo año de educación básica, a quienes se aplicó el cuestionario “Estudio socioeducativo de hábitos y tendencias de comportamiento en familias de niños de segundo año de educación básica” (Torio, 2001). Luego del procesamiento de la información se encontró que: a) El cuidado de los hijos y administración de recursos para el hogar son actividades que los padres realizan de manera conjunta; las actividades escolares y preparación de alimentos recae generalmente en las madres; b) la participación de los padres en los juegos es diferente según el tipo de juego: los padres tienden a involucrarse en juegos que demandan actividad física y las madres en juegos didácticos; c) la verdad, la solidaridad y la responsabilidad son los valores que los padres/madres mencionan transmitir y los que consideran de mayor importancia; d) los besos, abrazos y caricias son estrategias que los padres/madres utilizan para premiar a sus hijos, en tanto que la prohibición de cosas lo utilizan como castigo, en consecuencia los padres/madres cuencanos son más expresivos que instrumentales.


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Curatorial Aims and Objectives: Fragmentos was a curated exhibition (or expose) of 13 contemporary Australian artists. It was presented at the upstairs gallery at the Escuela Activa de fotografia in Cuernavaca, Morelos in Mexico. The curatorial objective was to present small samples or fragments from the creative practice of a number Australian artists. It would therefore act as introduction to their broader practice and as a way of representing the diverse range of creative explorations by a number contemporary, mostly Melbourne based Australian artists. These artists were selected on the basis of their diverse and often conceptual approaches to art making. All the artists have an established practice in the arts and their work reflects an experimental and investigative approach to materials and processes as well as exploring a wide range of conceptual and thematic concerns. Visitors to the Fragmentos exhibition were primarily local Mexican artists, art students and academics and members of the general public. The gallery is located in the heart of a photography school in central Cuernavaca but the students are engaged in a wide range of practices and the local arts community is vibrant and divers. Many of the works presented in this exhibition invited audience interaction and even the opportunity to contribute to the works providing a connection to the Australian artists involved and as a way of demystifying the ideas behind the works. One of the main curatorial objectives was to create a sense of connection and dialogue between local Mexican artists and the works. By offering samples and fragments, some of which were from unfinished work (in development) the audience could have an experience which was akin to visiting an artists studio or at least seeing something from behind the scenes This gives a sense of the artists as people, which is often not the case with highly resolved and finished works of art, displayed in a white cube. To facilitate this sense of discovery I made a number of small tables using builders timber work horses with a simple ply wood top to act as benches on which the artists work could be placed and to suggest the idea of things being in a transitional stage and undergoing and development. Also, the inclusion of pin boards, magnifying glasses, G Clamps were used during the installation to invoke this sense of workshop or studio. The works were very well received and I gave a number of public talks and presentation to student groups as well as after hour’s appointments to discuss the exhibition with various academics. The project has also generated some new engagements between Mexican and Australian artists with at least 3 outcomes emerging.


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This paper takes up the question of what might hinder the collaborative impulse among artists and specifically poets, and offers—as one possible answer—the complication posed by the urge of an artist for immortality, or for their (individual) name to live on. The paper begins by returning to a moment in Plato, namely that of the Symposium and its observations concerning the connection between poiesis (making) and a questing after immortality. Contrasting with what seems like Plato's broadly positive framing, the paper takes up a second reading of immortality (or the 'will-to-live') found in an early text of the Yogic canon, that of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. In this second text, written somewhat later than Plato's, the will-to-live is framed otherwise, as one of five afflictions that can be 'made thin' by practice. The paper's wager is that, viewed in this way, as an affliction, the will-to-live (or urge for immortality) deserves consideration as a hindrance to the impulse towards collaboration. Noting, however, that in the poiesis of writing poetry, where there is both the making of things and the action of making things, this creative constellation always contains the tempering solution to its own inherent lures. Writing, although providing fuel for immortal appetites (due to what it makes), also works to temper the worst of this same impulse via the contribution of practice—as dedication, craft and community-as-practice. The practice of writing, therefore, is already at play, and can be emphasised explicitly for any poet or maker who also wants to be able to want to collaborate. The practice of writing, then, and its turn away from investments in identity, works to thin out the more destructive face of an urge for a dubious eternity that can eclipse our ability to work together creatively with others in this life.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Reabilitação


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Reabilitação


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Las teorías administrativas se han basado, casi sin excepción, en los fundamentos y los modelos de la ciencia clásica (particularmente, en los modelos de la física newtoniana). Sin embargo, las organizaciones actualmente se enfrentan a un mundo globalizado, plagado de información (y no necesariamente conocimiento), hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre, por lo que muchas de las teorías pueden mostrar limitaciones para las organizaciones. Y quizá no por la estructura, la lógica o el alcance de las mismas, sino por la falta de criterios que justifiquen su aplicación. En muchos casos, las organizaciones siguen utilizando la intuición, las suposiciones y las verdades a medias en la toma de decisiones. Este panorama pone de manifiesto dos hechos: de un lado, la necesidad de buscar un método que permita comprender las situaciones de cada organización para apoyar la toma de decisiones. De otro lado, la necesidad de potenciar la intuición con modelos y técnicas no tradicionales (usualmente provenientes o inspiradas por la ingeniería). Este trabajo busca anticipar los pilares de un posible método que permita apoyar la toma de decisiones por medio de la simulación de modelos computacionales, utilizando las posibles interacciones entre: la administración basada en modelos, la ciencia computacional de la organización y la ingeniería emergente.