940 resultados para International medical graduates
What is the contribution of the provision, at no cost for users, of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC; copper intrauterine device [IUD], the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system [LNG-IUS], contraceptive implants and depot-medroxyprogesterone [DMPA] injection) towards the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted through a Brazilian university-based clinic established over 30 years ago. Over the last 10 years of evaluation, provision of LARC methods and DMPA by the clinic are estimated to have contributed to DALY averted by between 37 and 60 maternal deaths, 315-424 child mortalities, 634-853 combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. LARC methods are associated with a high contraceptive effectiveness when compared with contraceptive methods which need frequent attention; perhaps because LARC methods are independent of individual or couple compliance. However, in general previous studies have evaluated contraceptive methods during clinical studies over a short period of time, or not more than 10 years. Furthermore, information regarding the estimation of the DALY averted is scarce. We reviewed 50 004 medical charts from women who consulted for the first time looking for a contraceptive method over the period from 2 January 1980 through 31 December 2012. Women who consulted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Campinas, Brazil were new users and users switching contraceptive, including the copper IUD (n = 13 826), the LNG-IUS (n = 1525), implants (n = 277) and DMPA (n = 9387). Estimation of the DALY averted included maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality and unsafe abortions averted. We obtained 29 416 contraceptive segments of use including 25 009 contraceptive segments of use from 20 821 new users or switchers to any LARC method or DMPA with at least 1 year of follow-up. The mean (± SD) age of the women at first consultation ranged from 25.3 ± 5.7 (range 12-47) years in the 1980s, to 31.9 ± 7.4 (range 16-50) years in 2010-2011. The most common contraceptive chosen at the first consultation was copper IUD (48.3, 74.5 and 64.7% in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively). For an evaluation over 20 years, the cumulative pregnancy rates (SEM) were 0.4 (0.2), 2.8 (2.1), 4.0 (0.4) and 1.3 (0.4) for the LNG-IUS, the implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively and cumulative continuation rates (SEM) were 15.1 (3.7), 3.9 (1.4), 14.1 (0.6) and 7.3 (1.7) for the LNG-IUS, implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively (P < 0.001). Over the last 10 years of evaluation, the estimation of the contribution of the clinic through the provision of LARC methods and DMPA to DALY averted was 37-60 maternal deaths; between 315 and 424 child mortalities; combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality of between 634 and 853, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. The main limitations are the number of women who never returned to the clinic (overall 14% among the four methods under evaluation); consequently the pregnancy rate could be different. Other limitations include the analysis of two kinds of copper IUD and two kinds of contraceptive implants as the same IUD or implant, and the low number of users of implants. In addition, the DALY calculation relies on a number of estimates, which may vary in different parts of the world. LARC methods and DMPA are highly effective and women who were well-counselled used these methods for a long time. The benefit of averting maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality, and unsafe abortions is an example to health policy makers to implement more family planning programmes and to offer contraceptive methods, mainly LARC and DMPA, at no cost or at affordable cost for the underprivileged population. This study received partial financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), grant # 2012/12810-4 and from the National Research Council (CNPq), grant #573747/2008-3. B.F.B., M.P.G., and V.M.C. were fellows from the scientific initiation programme from FAPESP. Since the year 2001, all the TCu380A IUD were donated by Injeflex, São Paulo, Brazil, and from the year 2006 all the LNG-IUS were donated by the International Contraceptive Access Foundation (ICA), Turku, Finland. Both donations are as unrestricted grants. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this study.
To assess quality of care of women with severe maternal morbidity and to identify associated factors. This is a national multicenter cross-sectional study performing surveillance for severe maternal morbidity, using the World Health Organization criteria. The expected number of maternal deaths was calculated with the maternal severity index (MSI) based on the severity of complication, and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for each center was estimated. Analyses on the adequacy of care were performed. 17 hospitals were classified as providing adequate and 10 as nonadequate care. Besides almost twofold increase in maternal mortality ratio, the main factors associated with nonadequate performance were geographic difficulty in accessing health services (P < 0.001), delays related to quality of medical care (P = 0.012), absence of blood derivatives (P = 0.013), difficulties of communication between health services (P = 0.004), and any delay during the whole process (P = 0.039). This is an example of how evaluation of the performance of health services is possible, using a benchmarking tool specific to Obstetrics. In this study the MSI was a useful tool for identifying differences in maternal mortality ratios and factors associated with nonadequate performance of care.
During the last 30 years many advances have been made in kidney tumor pathology. In 1981, 9 entities were recognized in the WHO Classification. In the latest classification of 2004, 50 different types have been recognized. Additional tumor entities have been described since and a wide variety of prognostic parameters have been investigated with variable success; however, much attention has centered upon the importance of features relating to both stage and grade. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) recommends after consensus conferences the development of reporting guidelines, which have been adopted worldwide ISUP undertook to review all aspects of the pathology of adult renal malignancy through an international consensus conference to be held in 2012. As in the past, participation in this consensus conference was restricted to acknowledged experts in the field.
To report on the use of chronic myeloid leukemia as a theme of basic clinical integration for first year medical students to motivate and enable in-depth understanding of the basic sciences of the future physician. During the past thirteen years we have reviewed and updated the curriculum of the medical school of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. The main objective of the new curriculum is to teach the students how to learn to learn. Since then, a case of chronic myeloid leukemia has been introduced to first year medical students and discussed in horizontal integration with all themes taught during a molecular and cell biology course. Cell structure and components, protein, chromosomes, gene organization, proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling and so on are all themes approached during this course. At the end of every topic approached, the students prepare in advance the corresponding topic of clinical cases chosen randomly during the class, which are then presented by them. During the final class, a paper regarding mutations in the abl gene that cause resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is discussed. After each class, three tests are solved in an interactive evaluation. The course has been successful since its beginning, 13 years ago. Great motivation of those who participated in the course was observed. There were less than 20% absences in the classes. At least three (and as many as nine) students every year were interested in starting research training in the field of hematology. At the end of each class, an interactive evaluation was performed and more than 70% of the answers were correct in each evaluation. Moreover, for the final evaluation, the students summarized, in a written report, the molecular and therapeutic basis of chronic myeloid leukemia, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. Considering all 13 years, a median of 78% of the class scored above 5 (min 74%-max 85%), and a median of 67% scored above 7. Chronic myeloid leukemia is an excellent example of a disease that can be used for clinical basic integration as this disorder involves well known protein, cytogenetic and cell function abnormalities, has well-defined diagnostic strategies and a target oriented therapy.
To present a case report of a metastasis from cervical cancer to the maxilla, which was misdiagnosed as periapical disease and to caution clinicians that metastases could have a disguised clinical presentation that must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of periapical disease in oncologic patients. Although metastatic tumours of the jaws are uncommon, they may mimic benign inflammatory processes and reactive lesions. The ability of metastatic lesions to mimic periapical disease is discussed and a brief review of the literature is presented, emphasizing the importance of correct diagnosis to prevent delay in diagnosing cancer. Attention should therefore be given to the patient's medical history, especially of those with a previous history of cancer, and all dental practitioners should be aware of the possibility of metastases that may be confused with periapical disease. Finally, endodontists are well placed to recognize malignant and metastatic oral lesions during the initial clinical stages, given that their treatments are usually based on frequent dental appointments and long-term follow-ups.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microscopic structure and chemical composition of titanium bone plates and screws retrieved from patients with a clinical indication and to relate the results to the clinical conditions associated with the removal of these devices. Osteosynthesis plates and screws retrieved from 30 patients between January 2010 and September 2013 were studied by metallographic, gas, and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses and the medical records of these patients were reviewed. Forty-eight plates and 238 screws were retrieved. The time elapsed between plate and screw insertion and removal ranged between 11 days and 10 years. Metallographic analysis revealed that all the plates were manufactured from commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti). The screw samples analyzed consisted of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, except four samples, which consisted of CP-Ti. Titanium plates studied by EDX analysis presented greater than 99.7% titanium by mass. On gas analysis of Ti-6Al-4V screws, three samples were outside the standard values. One CP-Ti screw sample and one plate sample also presented an oxygen analysis value above the standard. The results indicated that the physical properties and chemical compositions of the plates and screws did not correspond with the need to remove these devices or the time of retention.
To analyze the relationship between parity, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), and gestational weight gain (GWG). This observational controlled study was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014, with postpartum women who started antenatal care up to 14 weeks and had full-term births. Data were collected from medical records and antenatal cards. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed. The significance level was 5%. Data were collected from 130 primiparous and 160 multiparous women. At the beginning of prenatal care, 54.62% of the primiparous were eutrophic, while the majority of multiparous were overweight or obese (62.51%). Multiparas are two times more likely to be obese at the beginning of their pregnancies, when compared to primiparas. The average pre-pregnancy weight and final pregnancy weight was significantly higher in multiparous, however, the mean GWG was higher among primiparous. We found an inverse correlation between parity and the total GWG, but initial BMI was significantly higher in multiparas. Nevertheless, monitoring of the GWG through actions that promote a healthier lifestyle is needed, regardless of parity and nutritional status, in order to prevent excessive GWG and postpartum weight retention and consequently inadequate pre-pregnancy nutritional status in future pregnancies.
Perineural invasion (PNI) and lymphovascular invasion (LVI) have been associated with the risk of local recurrences and lymph node metastasis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic impact of PNI and LVI in patients with advanced stage squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and floor of the mouth. One hundred and forty-two patients without previous treatment were selected. These patients underwent radical surgery with neck dissection and adjuvant treatment. Clinicopathological data were retrieved from the medical charts, including histopathology and surgery reports. Univariate analysis was performed to assess the impact of studied variables on survival. Overall survival was negatively influenced by six tumour-related factors: increasing T stage (P = 0.003), more than two clinically positive nodes (P = 0.002), extracapsular spread of lymph node metastasis (P < 0.001), tumour thickness (P = 0.04), PNI (P < 0.001), and LVI (P = 0.012). Disease-free survival was influenced by PNI (P = 0.04), extracapsular spread of lymph node metastasis (P = 0.008), and N stage (P = 0.006). Multivariate analysis showed PNI to be an independent predictor for overall survival (P = 0.01) and disease-free survival (P = 0.03). Thus the presence of PNI in oral carcinoma surgical specimens has a significant impact on survival outcomes in patients with advanced stage tumours submitted to radical surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy/radiochemotherapy.
To subjectively and objectively compare an accessible interactive electronic library using Moodle with lectures for urology teaching of medical students. Forty consecutive fourth-year medical students and one urology teacher were exposed to two teaching methods (4 weeks each) in the form of problem-based learning: - lectures and - student-centered group discussion based on Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) full time online delivered (24/7) with video surgeries, electronic urology cases and additional basic principles of the disease process. All 40 students completed the study. While 30% were moderately dissatisfied with their current knowledge base, online learning course delivery using Moodle was considered superior to the lectures by 86% of the students. The study found the following observations: (1) the increment in learning grades ranged from 7.0 to 9.7 for students in the online Moodle course compared to 4.0-9.6 to didactic lectures; (2) the self-reported student involvement in the online course was characterized as large by over 60%; (3) the teacher-student interaction was described as very frequent (50%) and moderately frequent (50%); and (4) more inquiries and requisitions by students as well as peer assisting were observed from the students using the Moodle platform. The Moodle platform is feasible and effective, enthusing medical students to learn, improving immersion in the urology clinical rotation and encouraging the spontaneous peer assisted learning. Future studies should expand objective evaluations of knowledge acquisition and retention.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Em razão do crescimento do número de indivíduos submetidos à terapêutica anticoagulante também nos consultórios odontológicos, realizamos um levantamento retrospectivo de prontuários de pacientes anticoagulados com derivados cumarínicos e uma revisão sobre os protocolos de atendimento, a fim de procurar estabelecer diretrizes para um tratamento cirúrgico-odontológico adequado e seguro. A avaliação do paciente com relação ao seu nível de anticoagulação através do Índice Normatizado Internacional (INR) ou Tempo de Protrombina (TP) e a classificação da amplitude do trauma cirúrgico são fatores importantes a serem avaliados antes do procedimento cirúrgico. Nosso levantamento mostrou que, em 47 cirurgias, sem alteração da medicação sistêmica, apenas um caso apresentou hemorragia pós-operatória, controlada por manobras de hemostasia local. Desse modo, observamos que, dentre os vários protocolos propostos na literatura, a manutenção da terapia anticoagulante, com a utilização de hemostáticos locais se necessário, parece o mais adequado à maioria dos casos cirúrgicos ambulatoriais.
BACKGROUND: Mentoring Programs have been developed in several medical schools, but few studies have investigated the mentors'perspective. PURPOSES: To explore mentors'perceptions regarding their experience. METHODS: Mentors at a medical school were invited to participate in an in-depth interview including questions on satisfaction, difficulties, and perception of changes resulting from the program. RESULTS: Mentors' satisfaction and difficulties are strongly associated with students'involvement in the activity. Mentors believe changes observed in students were more related to life issues; for some mentors, there is no recognition or awareness of the program. However, most of the mentors acknowledged important changes in relation to themselves: as teachers, faculty members, and individuals. CONCLUSION: Attendance is crucial for both the mentoring relationship and strengthening of the program. Students involved in the activity motivate mentors in teaching and curriculum development, thereby creating a virtuous circle and benefiting undergraduate medical education as a whole.
Drug consumption among medical students in São Paulo, Brazil: influences of gender and academic year
OBJECTIVE: To analyze alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among medical students. METHOD: Over a five-year period (1996-2001), we evaluated 457 students at the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine, located in São Paulo, Brazil. The students participated by filling out an anonymous questionnaire on drug use (lifetime, previous 12 months and previous 30 days). The influence that gender and academic year have on drug use was also analyzed. RESULTS: During the study period, there was an increase in the use of illicit drugs, especially inhalants and amphetamines, among the medical students evaluated. Drug use (except that of marijuana and inhalants) was comparable between the genders, and academic year was an important influencing factor. DISCUSSION: Increased inhalant use was observed among the medical students, especially among males and students in the early undergraduate years. This is suggestive of a specific behavioral pattern among medical students. Our findings corroborate those of previous studies. CONCLUSION: Inhalant use is on the rise among medical students at the Universidade de São Paulo School of Medicine. Because of the negative health effects of illicit drug use, further studies are needed in order to deepen the understanding of this phenomenon and to facilitate the development of preventive measures.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de sintomas respiratórios e analisar fatores associados, bem como medidas de pico de fluxo expiratório em escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal com escolares de dez a 14 anos de Monte Aprazível, SP. Foram aplicados questionários sobre sintomas de asma e de rinite do protocolo International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, questões sociodemográficas, fatores predisponentes e antecedentes pessoais e familiares. Foram realizadas medidas repetidas do pico de fluxo expiratório nas crianças e dos níveis de concentração de material particulado (MP2,5) e de black carbon. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sintomas de asma foi de 11% e de 33,2% de rinite; 10,6% apresentaram mais de quatro crises de sibilos nos últimos 12 meses. Antecedentes familiares para bronquite e rinite associaram-se à presença de asma (p = 0,002 e p < 0,001) e de rinite atuais (p < 0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente). Para rinite, houve associação com presença de mofo ou rachadura na casa (p = 0,009). Houve maior freqüência de rinite nos meses de junho a outubro, período de safra da cana de açúcar. Prevalência diária de pico de fluxo expiratório abaixo de 20% da mediana de medidas na criança foi maior em dias com maior concentração de MP2,5. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de sintomas de asma está abaixo e a de rinite está acima da média nacional. Ainda que dentro dos níveis aceitáveis, a poluição nos períodos de queima da palha da cana-de-açúcar pode contribuir para a exacerbação de episódios de asma e de rinite.