925 resultados para Integrated library system
The regenerating urodele limb is a useful model system in which to study, in vivo, the controls of cell proliferation and differentiation. Techniques are available which enable one to experimentally manipulate mitogenic influences upon the blastema, as well the morphogenesis of the regenerating 11mb. Although classical regeneration studies have generated a wealth of knowledge concerning tissue interactions, little 1s known about the process at the level of gene expression. The aim of this project was to clone potentially developmentally regulated genes from a newt genomic library for use in future studies of gene expression during limb regeneration. We decided to clone the cytoskeletal actin gene for the following reasons: 1. its expression reflects the proliferative and differentiatlve states of cells in other systems 2. the high copy number of cytoplasmic actin pseudogenes in other vertebrates and the high degree of evolutionary sequence conservation among actin genes increased the chance of cloning one of the newt cytoplasmic actin genes. 3. Preliminary experiments indicated that a newt actin could probably be identified using an available chick ~-actln gene for a molecular probe. Two independent recombinant phage clones, containing actin homologous inserts, were isolated from a newt genomic library by hybridization with the chick actin probe. Restriction mapping identified actin homologous sequences within the newt DNA inserts which were subcloned into the plasmid pTZ19R. The recombinant plasmids were transformed into the Escherichia coli strain, DHsa. Detailed restriction maps were produced of the 5.7Kb and 3.1Kb newt DNA inserts in the plasmids, designated pTNAl and pTNA2. The short «1.3 Kb) length of the actin homologous sequence in pTNA2 indicated that it was possibly a reverse transcript pseudogene. Problems associated with molecular cloning of DNA sequences from N. viridescens are discussed with respect to the large genome size and abundant highly repetitive DNA sequences.
Relation algebras is one of the state-of-the-art means used by mathematicians and computer scientists for solving very complex problems. As a result, a computer algebra system for relation algebras called RelView has been developed at Kiel University. RelView works within the standard model of relation algebras. On the other hand, relation algebras do have other models which may have different properties. For example, in the standard model we always have L;L=L (the composition of two (heterogeneous) universal relations yields a universal relation). This is not true in some non-standard models. Therefore, any example in RelView will always satisfy this property even though it is not true in general. On the other hand, it has been shown that every relation algebra with relational sums and subobjects can be seen as matrix algebra similar to the correspondence of binary relations between sets and Boolean matrices. The aim of my research is to develop a new system that works with both standard and non-standard models for arbitrary relations using multiple-valued decision diagrams (MDDs). This system will implement relations as matrix algebras. The proposed structure is a library written in C which can be imported by other languages such as Java or Haskell.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999.5 B56 D64 2007
La lecture numérique prend de plus en plus de place dans l'espace global de la lecture des étudiants. Bien que les premiers systèmes de lecture numérique, communément appelés livres électroniques, datent déjà de plusieurs années, les opinions quant à leur potentiel divergent encore. Une variété de contenus universitaires numériques s’offre aujourd’hui aux étudiants, entraînant par le fait même une multiplication d'usages ainsi qu'une variété de modes de lecture. Les systèmes de lecture numérique font maintenant partie intégrante de l’environnement électronique auquel les étudiants ont accès et méritent d’être étudiés plus en profondeur. Maintes expérimentations ont été menées dans des bibliothèques publiques et dans des bibliothèques universitaires sur les livres électroniques. Des recherches ont été conduites sur leur utilisabilité et sur le degré de satisfaction des lecteurs dans le but d’en améliorer le design. Cependant, très peu d’études ont porté sur les pratiques de lecture proprement dites des universitaires (notamment les étudiants) et sur leurs perceptions de ces nouveaux systèmes de lecture. Notre recherche s’intéresse à ces aspects en étudiant deux systèmes de lecture numérique, une Tablet PC (dispositif nomade) et un système de livres-Web, NetLibrary (interface de lecture intégrée à un navigateur Web). Notre recherche étudie les pratiques de lecture des étudiants sur ces systèmes de lecture numérique. Elle est guidée par trois questions de recherche qui s’articulent autour (1) des stratégies de lecture employées par des étudiants (avant, pendant et après la lecture), (2) des éléments du système de lecture qui influencent (positivement ou négativement) le processus de lecture et (3) des perceptions des étudiants vis-à-vis la technologie du livre électronique et son apport à leur travail universitaire. Pour mener cette recherche, une approche méthodologique mixte a été retenue, utilisant trois modes de collecte de données : un questionnaire, des entrevues semi-structurées avec les étudiants ayant utilisé l’un ou l’autre des systèmes étudiés, et le prélèvement des traces de lecture laissées par les étudiants dans les systèmes, après usage. Les répondants (n=46) étaient des étudiants de l’Université de Montréal, provenant de trois départements (Bibliothéconomie & sciences de l’information, Communication et Linguistique & traduction). Près de la moitié d’entre eux (n=21) ont été interviewés. Parallèlement, les traces de lecture laissées dans les systèmes de lecture par les étudiants (annotations, surlignages, etc.) ont été prélevées et analysées. Les données des entrevues et des réponses aux questions ouvertes du questionnaire ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu et un traitement statistique a été réservé aux données des questions fermées du questionnaire et des traces de lecture. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, d’une façon générale, l’objectif de lecture, la nouveauté du contenu, les habitudes de lecture de l’étudiant de même que les possibilités du système de lecture sont les éléments qui orientent le choix et l’application des stratégies de lecture. Des aides et des obstacles à la lecture ont été identifiés pour chacun des systèmes de lecture étudiés. Les aides consistent en la présence de certains éléments de la métaphore du livre papier dans le système de lecture numérique (notion de page délimitée, pagination, etc.), le dictionnaire intégré au système, et le fait que les systèmes de lecture étudiés facilitent la lecture en diagonale. Pour les obstacles, l’instrumentation de la lecture a rendu l’appropriation du texte par le lecteur difficile. De plus, la lecture numérique (donc « sur écran ») a entraîné un manque de concentration et une fatigue visuelle notamment avec NetLibrary. La Tablet PC, tout comme NetLibrary, a été perçue comme facile à utiliser mais pas toujours confortable, l’inconfort étant davantage manifeste dans NetLibrary. Les étudiants considèrent les deux systèmes de lecture comme des outils pratiques pour le travail universitaire, mais pour des raisons différentes, spécifiques à chaque système. L’évaluation globale de l’expérience de lecture numérique des répondants s’est avérée, dans l’ensemble, positive pour la Tablet PC et plutôt mitigée pour NetLibrary. Cette recherche contribue à enrichir les connaissances sur (1) la lecture numérique, notamment celle du lectorat universitaire étudiant, et (2) l’impact d’un système de lecture sur l’efficacité de la lecture, sur les lecteurs, sur l’atteinte de l’objectif de lecture, et sur les stratégies de lecture utilisées. Outre les limites de l’étude, des pistes pour des recherches futures sont présentées.
Affiliation: Sophie Broussau, Amelie Pilotte & Bernard Massie : Départment de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Introduction: Avec l’abondance d’information gratuite disponible en ligne, la tâche de trouver, de trier et d’acheminer de l’information pertinente à l’auditoire approprié peut s’avérer laborieuse. En décembre 2010, la Bibliothèque virtuelle canadienne de santé / Canadian Virtual Health Library (BVCS) a formé un comité d’experts afin d’identifier, d’évaluer, de sélectionner et d’organiser des ressources d’intérêt pour les professionnels de la santé. Méthodes: Cette affiche identifiera les décisions techniques du comité d’experts, incluant le système de gestion de contenus retenu, l’utilisation des éléments Dublin Core et des descripteurs Medical Subject Headings pour la description des ressources, et le développement et l’adaptation de taxonomies à partir de la classification MeSH. La traduction française des descripteurs MeSH à l’aide du portail CISMeF sera également abordée. Résultats: Au mois de mai 2011, le comité a lancé la base de données BVCS de ressources en ligne gratuites sur la santé, regroupant plus de 1600 sites web et ressources. Une variété de types de contenus sont représentés, incluant des articles et rapports, des bases de données interactives et des outils de pratique clinique. Discussion: Les bénéfices et défis d’une collaboration pancanadienne virtuelle seront présentés, ainsi que l’inclusion cruciale d’un membre francophone pour composer avec la nature bilingue de la base de données. En lien avec cet aspect du projet, l’affiche sera présentée en français et en anglais. Introduction: With the abundance of freely available online information, the task of finding, filtering and fitting relevant information to the appropriate audience, is daunting. In December 2010 the Canadian Virtual Health Library / Bibliothèque virtuelle canadienne de santé (CVHL) formed an expert committee to identify, evaluate, select and organize resources relevant to health professionals. Methods: This poster will identify the key technical decisions of the expert committee including the content management system used to manage the data, the use of Dublin Core elements and Medical Subject Headings to describe the resources, and the development and adaptation of taxonomies from MeSH classification to catalog resources. The translation of MeSH terms to French using the CiSMeF portal will also be discussed. Results: In May 2010, the committee launched the CVHL database of free web-based health resources. Content ranged from online articles and reports to videos, interactive databases and clinical practice tools, and included more than 1,600 websites and resources. Discussion: The benefits and challenges of a virtual, pan-Canadian collaboration, and the critical inclusion of a Francophone member to address the bilingual nature of the database, will be presented. In keeping with the nature of the project, the poster will be presented in French and English.
The present investigation on the Muvattupuzha river basin is an integrated approach based on hydrogeological, geophysical, hydrogeochemical parameters and the results are interpreted using satellite data. GIS also been used to combine the various spatial and non-spatial data. The salient finding of the present study are accounted below to provide a holistic picture on the groundwaters of the Muvattupuzha river basin. In the Muvattupuzha river basin the groundwaters are drawn from the weathered and fractured zones. The groundwater level fluctuations of the basin from 1992 to 2001 reveal that the water level varies between a minimum of 0.003 m and a maximum of 3.45 m. The groundwater fluctuation is affected by rainfall. Various aquifer parameters like transmissivity, storage coefficient, optimum yield, time for full recovery and specific capacity indices are analyzed. The depth to the bedrock of the basin varies widely from 1.5 to 17 mbgl. A ground water prospective map of phreatic aquifer has been prepared based on thickness of the weathered zone and low resistivity values (<500 ohm-m) and accordingly the basin is classified in three phreatic potential zones as good, moderate and poor. The groundwater of the Muvattupuzha river basin, the pH value ranges from 5.5 to 8.1, in acidic nature. Hydrochemical facies diagram reveals that most of the samples in both the seasons fall in mixing and dissolution facies and a few in static and dynamic natures. Further study is needed on impact of dykes on the occurrence and movement of groundwater, impact of seapages from irrigation canals on the groundwater quality and resources of this basin, and influence of inter-basin transfer of surface water on groundwater.
The present study focuses on the stability of the coast, exploitation of the coastal resources, human activities within the study are that extends from Fort Cochin at north to Thottappally at south, central Kerala State and hinterlands, socio-economic problems of the coastal community and the environmental issues arising in the recent past due to human activities. The objective of the study is critically analyse the coastal zone region and prevailing situation and to propose a comprehensive management plan for the sustainable development of the region under study. The thesis covers varied aspects of coastal uses like fisheries, tourism, land use, water resources etc. To critically examine the above scenarios, the ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information Systems) – GIS software has been used. A satellite image of the area has been used for the coastline change detection and land use patterns. The outcome of the present study will be beneficial to the various stakeholders within the coastal region and its hinterlands. To further add, this study should find better applications to similar or near-similar situations of Southeast Asia where identical scenarios are noticeable.
In the present study the development of bioreactors for nitrifying water in closed system hatcheries of penaeid and non-penaeid prawns. This work is an attempt in this direction to cater to the needs of aquaculture industry for treatment and remediation of ammonia and nitrate in penaeid and non-penaeid hatcheries, by developing nitrifying bacteria allochthonous to the particular environment under consideration, and immobilizing them on an appropriately designed support materials configured as reactors. Ammonia toxicity is the major limiting factors in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems causing lethal and sublethal effects on larvae depending on the pH values. Pressing need of the aquaculture industry to have a user friendly and economically viable technology for the removal of ammonia, which can be easily integrated to the existing hatchery designs without any major changes or modifications. Only option available now is to have biological filters through which water can be circulated for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate through nitrite by a group of chemolithotrophs known as nitrifying bacteria. Two types of bioreactors have been designed and developed. The first category named as in situ stringed bed suspended bioreactor(SBSBR) was designed for use in the larval rearing tanks to remove ammonia and nitrite during larval rearing on a continuous basis, and the other to be used for nitrifying freshly collected seawater and spent water named as ex situ packed bed bioreactior(PBBR). On employing the two reactors together , both penaeid and non-penaeid larval rearing systems can be made a closed recirculating system at least for a season. A survey of literature revealed that the in situ stringed bed suspended reactor developed here is unique in its design, fabrication and mode of application.
Upwelling regions occupies only a small portion of the global ocean surface. However it accounts for a large fraction of the oceanic primary production as well as fishery. Therefore understanding and quantifying the upwelling is of great importance for the marine resources management. Most of the coastal upwelling zones in the Arabian Sea are wind driven uniform systems. Mesoscale studies along the southwest coast of India have shown high spatial and temporal variability in the forcing mechanism and intensity of upwelling. There exists an equatorward component of wind stress as similar to the most upwelling zones along the eastern oceanic boundaries. Therefore an offshore component of surface Ekman transport is expected throughout the year. But several studies supported with in situ evidences have revealed that the process is purely recurring on seasonal basis. The explanation merely based on local wind forcing alone is not sufficient to support the observations. So, it is assumed that upwelling along the South Eastern Arabian Sea is an effect of basin wide wind forcing rather than local wind forcing. In the present study an integrated approach has been made to understand the process of upwelling of the South Eastern Arabian Sea. The latitudinal and seasonal variations (based on Sea Surface Temperature, wind forcing, Chlorophyll a and primary production), forcing mechanisms (local wind and remote forcing) and the factors influencing the system (Arabian Sea High Saline Water, Bay of Bengal water, runoff, coastal geomorphology) are addressed herewith.
Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.
In this paper we show that if the electrons in a quantum Hall sample are subjected to a constant electric field in the plane of the material, comparable in magnitude to the background magnetic field on the system of electrons, a multiplicity of edge states localized at different regions of space is produced in the sample. The actions governing the dynamics of these edge states are obtained starting from the well-known Schrödinger field theory for a system of nonrelativistic electrons, where on top of the constant background electric and magnetic fields, the electrons are further subject to slowly varying weak electromagnetic fields. In the regions between the edges, dubbed as the "bulk," the fermions can be integrated out entirely and the dynamics expressed in terms of a local effective action involving the slowly varying electromagnetic potentials. It is further shown how the bulk action is gauge noninvariant in a particular way, and how the edge states conspire to restore the U(1) electromagnetic gauge invariance of the system. In the edge action we obtain a heretofore unnoticed gauge-invariant term that depends on the particular edge. We argue that this term may be detected experimentally as different edges respond differently to a monochromatic probe due to this term
The present work deals with the An integrated study on the hydrogeology of Bharathapuzha river basin ,south west coast of india. To study the spatial and temporal behaviour of the groundwater system of the Bharathapuzha river basin.To discover the sub-surface parameter by ground resistivity surveys.T o determine the groundwater quality of the Bharathapuzha river basin for the different seasons {pre monsoon and post monsoon with reference to the domestic and irrigational water quality standards.Present study will provide a good database on the hydrogeological aspects within the river basin.The study area covers l7 block Panchayats. Of these, Chitoor block is ‘over exploited’, Kollengode, Trithala, and Palakkad are ‘critical’ in category and Kuttippuram and Sreekrishnapuram blocks are ‘semi critical’ in terms of groundwater development.Comparison of Geomorphology map with drainage map shows that the geomorphology has a clear control on the drainage net work of the basin. The structural hill area shows a highest drainage network, where as pediment shows lowest drainage network.There are many discontinuous lineament in the Bharathapuzha river basin which can be connected by a straight line.Ground water flow directions are generally towards the western portions of the study area. From the northern region Water flows towards the central and also water from the eastern and southern side confluences at the centre and move towards western side of the basin.The positive correlation of transmissivity and storativity values show good aquifer conditions exists in the present study area .
This paper proposes a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system using the local colour and texture features of selected image sub-blocks and global colour and shape features of the image. The image sub-blocks are roughly identified by segmenting the image into partitions of different configuration, finding the edge density in each partition using edge thresholding, morphological dilation. The colour and texture features of the identified regions are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) respectively. A combined colour and texture feature vector is computed for each region. The shape features are computed from the Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD). A modified Integrated Region Matching (IRM) algorithm is used for finding the minimum distance between the sub-blocks of the query and target image. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods
On-line handwriting recognition has been a frontier area of research for the last few decades under the purview of pattern recognition. Word processing turns to be a vexing experience even if it is with the assistance of an alphanumeric keyboard in Indian languages. A natural solution for this problem is offered through online character recognition. There is abundant literature on the handwriting recognition of western, Chinese and Japanese scripts, but there are very few related to the recognition of Indic script such as Malayalam. This paper presents an efficient Online Handwritten character Recognition System for Malayalam Characters (OHR-M) using K-NN algorithm. It would help in recognizing Malayalam text entered using pen-like devices. A novel feature extraction method, a combination of time domain features and dynamic representation of writing direction along with its curvature is used for recognizing Malayalam characters. This writer independent system gives an excellent accuracy of 98.125% with recognition time of 15-30 milliseconds