946 resultados para Industrial engineering|Operations research


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The paper deals with the determination of an optimal schedule for the so-called mixed shop problem when the makespan has to be minimized. In such a problem, some jobs have fixed machine orders (as in the job-shop), while the operations of the other jobs may be processed in arbitrary order (as in the open-shop). We prove binary NP-hardness of the preemptive problem with three machines and three jobs (two jobs have fixed machine orders and one may have an arbitrary machine order). We answer all other remaining open questions on the complexity status of mixed-shop problems with the makespan criterion by presenting different polynomial and pseudopolynomial algorithms.


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We study a two-machine open shop scheduling problem, in which one machine is not available for processing during a given time interval. The objective is to minimize the makespan. We show that the problem is NP-hard and present an approximation algorithm with a worst-case ratio of 4/3.


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We motivate, derive, and implement a multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem.The resulting algorithm progressively coarsens the problem, initialises a tour, and then employs either the Lin-Kernighan (LK) or the Chained Lin-Kernighan (CLK) algorithm to refine the solution on each of the coarsened problems in reverse order.In experiments on a well-established test suite of 80 problem instances we found multilevel configurations that either improved the tour quality by over 25% as compared to the standard CLK algorithm using the same amount of execution time, or that achieved approximately the same tour quality over seven times more rapidly. Moreover, the multilevel variants seem to optimise far better the more clustered instances with which the LK and CLK algorithms have the most difficulties.


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This paper considers a variant of the classical problem of minimizing makespan in a two-machine flow shop. In this variant, each job has three operations, where the first operation must be performed on the first machine, the second operation can be performed on either machine but cannot be preempted, and the third operation must be performed on the second machine. The NP-hard nature of the problem motivates the design and analysis of approximation algorithms. It is shown that a schedule in which the operations are sequenced arbitrarily, but without inserted machine idle time, has a worst-case performance ratio of 2. Also, an algorithm that constructs four schedules and selects the best is shown to have a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2. A polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) is also presented.


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We consider the multilevel paradigm and its potential to aid the solution of combinatorial optimisation problems. The multilevel paradigm is a simple one, which involves recursive coarsening to create a hierarchy of approximations to the original problem. An initial solution is found (sometimes for the original problem, sometimes the coarsest) and then iteratively refined at each level. As a general solution strategy, the multilevel paradigm has been in use for many years and has been applied to many problem areas (most notably in the form of multigrid techniques). However, with the exception of the graph partitioning problem, multilevel techniques have not been widely applied to combinatorial optimisation problems. In this paper we address the issue of multilevel refinement for such problems and, with the aid of examples and results in graph partitioning, graph colouring and the travelling salesman problem, make a case for its use as a metaheuristic. The results provide compelling evidence that, although the multilevel framework cannot be considered as a panacea for combinatorial problems, it can provide an extremely useful addition to the combinatorial optimisation toolkit. We also give a possible explanation for the underlying process and extract some generic guidelines for its future use on other combinatorial problems.


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We consider a single machine due date assignment and scheduling problem of minimizing holding costs with no tardy jobs tinder series parallel and somewhat wider class of precedence constraints as well as the properties of series-parallel graphs.


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In this paper we provide a fairly complete complexity classification of various versions of the two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan in which some of the jobs have to be processed with no-wait in process. For some version, we offer a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme and a 43-approximation algorithm.


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This paper considers two-machine flow shop scheduling problems with machine availability constraints. When the processing of a job is interrupted by an unavailability period of a machine, we consider both the resumable scenario in which the processing can be resumed when the machine next becomes available, and the semi-resumable scenario in which some portion of the processing is repeated but the job is otherwise resumable. For the problem with several non-availability intervals on the first machine under the resumable scenario, we present a fast (3/2)-approximation algorithm. For the problem with one non-availability interval under the semi-resumable scenario, a polynomial-time approximation scheme is developed.


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In the scheduling literature, the notion of machine non availability periods is well known, for instance for maintenance. In our case of planning chemical experiments, we have special periods (the week-ends, holidays, vacations) where the chemists are not available. However, human intervention by the chemists is required to handle the starting and termination of the experiments. This gives rise to a new type of scheduling problems, namely problems of finding schedules that respect the operator non availability periods. These problems are analyzed on a single machine with the makespan as criterion. Properties are described and performance ratios are given for list scheduling and other polynomial-time algorithms.


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An Internet based supply chain simulation game (ISCS) is introduced and demonstrated in this paper. Different from other games and extended from the Beer Game, a comprehensive set of supply chain (SC) management strategies can be tested in the game, and these strategies can be evaluated and appraised based on the built-in Management Information System (MIS). The key functionalities of ISCS are designed to increase players SC awareness, facilitate understanding on various SC strategies and challenges, foster collaboration between partners, and improve problem solving skills. It is concluded that an ISCS can be used as an efficient and effective teaching tool as well as a research tool in operations research and management science. Problems and obstacles have been observed while engaging in the SC business scenario game. The actions proposed and implemented to solve these problems have resulted in improved SC performance.