959 resultados para I15 - Health and Economic Development


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This paper concerns the use of social indicators to improve social development and the happiness of populations. A distinction will be drawn between the traditional indicators of wealth and health and the new subjective social indicators. These latter measures concern the subjective side of life quality, or happiness, which in contemporary science is more commonly referred to as subjective wellbeing (SWB). The SWB construct is described within the theoretical context of SWB homeostasis. This is a proposed management system which has the role of maintaining a positive view of the self. It will be described how the homeostatic system can be challenged by hardship and defended by a variety of resources. Recommended forms of SWB measurement will be considered. It is concluded that both objective and subjective social indicators should be consulted by policy makers in order to plan the most effective initiatives to enhance population wellbeing.


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The mechanism of regional economic development has been studied extensively by economists, geographers, town planners and other academics. The existing wide varieties of theories into regional economic development are insufficient on their own in explaining how a region can develop and prosper. Each theory has evaluated a few facets of regional economic development. Research from these different perspectives is narrow and prevents any cross-fertilization of research from all these diverse

Recognition of multiple factors affecting the development process has led the author to create a new broad composite model of regional economic development. The paper first sets out to describe and explain this broad composite model. Each of the components of this new model draws heavily upon seminal work in the field. This model proposes three rings. Each ring is at a different level of abstraction. The determinants of development described in each ring can influence each and every other determinant of development shown in the three ring structure. This model recognises that development in any centre, regional or urban, nascent or established is a composite end result of the complex interplay of all the determinants of development.

The paper then goes on to show how this model can provide a broad holistic approach to regional economic development that can assist researchers in their attempts to understand and link the various theories of regional economic development.


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New epidemiological studies on children's health and wellbeing are essential to guide policy development. To ensure that these studies are based on the current conceptualisation of health, they should have a theoretical rationale for the selection of their domains. The scales used to measure each domain must be psychometrically sound, and also reflect the current conceptualisation of the domain. When selecting scales for each domain, child questionnaires must be considered, in addition to adult proxy measures. Through following these recommendations, researchers can ensure that their studies have theoretical and practical relevance. (non-author abstract)


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The implications of the division of labor, capital, and technology for economic growth have long been a fundamental issue in development economics. This paper employs the bounds testing approach to cointegration to examine the relationship between the division of labor, capital accumulation, communication technology, and economic growth for China over the period 1952–99. We find that in the long run, capital stock and the division of labor both have statistically significant positive effects on growth, while in the short run the effects are not significantly positive. Telecommunication technology, rather surprisingly, has a statistically insignificant impact on growth both in the long run and in the short run. Our findings indicate that there exists a long run equilibrium relationship between capital and the division of labor on the one hand, and economic growth on the other, thereby lending support to the division of labor theory of growth.


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This chapter is concerned with education as a factor in shaping life opportunities.  Education affects, and is affected by, individual and collective health and well-being.  It is now well established that the health and well-being of students impacts on their educational experience and outcomes, and that those experiences and outcomes impact on students' occupational futures, their future health and well-being and their level of participation as citizens.  Policy makers and practitioners are incresingly attentive to the relationship between education and health because of evidence highlighting the cyclical relationship between the economic and social conttext of schools, poor health and the well-being of students, and educational under-acheivement.


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Evidence-based interventions designed to reduce the risk of re-offending, particularly violent re-offending, are commonly offered in correctional systems around the world. The interventions are often based upon the application of several principles of service delivery that have become widely known as the 'what works' approach to offender rehabilitation. The applicability of these principles to forensic psychiatric services has yet to be determined. The aims are to examine the possible application of the 'what works' approach and its implications for forensic mental health practice. The method used was a review of relevant research from both the general offender and forensic psychiatry literature. The principles underlying the 'what works' approach are likely to have utility in service delivery in forensic psychiatry, particularly when a treatment target is a reduction in risk of harm to others. The individualized models of patient care practiced in forensic psychiatry are also likely to have utility in improving treatment outcomes in correctional settings. The conclusion is that an increased interchange of ideas and interventions between the two areas of practice is likely to be of mutual benefit. This is an area that requires significant development.


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The literature indicates that entrepreneurship and economic growth are closely and positively associated. For four years running, New Zealand has had the developed world’s highest rate of “Total Entry-Level Entrepreneurial Activity” (Acs et al. 2005; Frederick et al. 2004; Reynolds et al., 2004), yet it has slid to the lower ranks in the OECD in measures of economic development. At its level of entrepreneurial activity, New Zealand should have a higher level of economic development if it were to emulate other countries.

We make use of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data set, including nascent entrepreneurship rates for 45 countries over the 2000-2004 period as well as variables from standardised national statistics.

The paper uses two approaches. This research first finds evidence for “U-shaped curve” associating entrepreneurship with economic growth. It notes that New Zealand has the greatest deviation from this association compared to other developed countries with similar entrepreneurial rates (e.g. United States, Australia and Iceland). The second approach looks at nascent entrepreneurship as a function of non-economic conditions such as technology, demography, culture and institutions.

This short paper develops the hypotheses and carries out the “U-shaped curve” test. For the time being it leaves the factor analysis of non-economic conditions for another opportunity.


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In the analysis of property markets, especially the retail and residential sectors, increasing importance is being given to the role of demography. The impact of economic influences such as interest rate movements, inflation and changes in the labour market are well documented and although these variables are clearly important, they do not incorporate the changing characteristics of the local inhabitants who actually provide the demand. However, demography can provide an invaluable insight into retail and residential property trends, especially over the long term, and are assisted by reliable population datasets with a relatively high level of detail. For example, the emergence of the 'baby boom' generation shift had a substantial effect on demand for retail and housing products, although little consideration has been given to the effect from the subsequent cohorts, namely generations X, Y and Z.

This paper examines the role of demography when researching property markets, with the focus placed on demographic shifts. It discusses trends in a range of demographic variables that have been observed in society. In addition, it highlights linkages with property markets, especially residential and retail property, and draws inferences for long term trends. The study concludes that when conducting research into property markets, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of various demographic variables to predict how they affect demand. An appreciation of the drivers behind generations will assist property researchers to identify future needs, and the subsequent effect this will have on community development involving retail and residential property.


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The focus of this thesis was leptin and its role in the development of obesity and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Studies in Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity and NIDDM, showed that ob gene expression and plasma leptin concentration correlated significantly with body weight, percentage body fat and plasma insulin concentration. In addition, plasma leptin concentrations were significantly elevated in insulin resistant Psammomys obesus independent of body weight. Dietary energy restriction from weaning in Psammomys obesus prevented excessive body weight gain, hyperleptinemia and hyperglycemia compared with ad libitum fed animals. Interestingly, 19% of the energy-restricted animals still developed hyperinsulinemia and tended to have increased plasma leplin compared with normoinsulinemic energy-restricted Psammomys obesus. Fasting for 24 hours significantly reduced plasma leptin concentration in lean, insulin-sensitive but not obese, insulin-resistant P. obesus, suggesting a dysregulation in the response of leptin to acute caloric deprivation in these animals. The effects of leptin administration to P. obesus were also investigated. Single daily intraperitoneal injection of 5 mg leptin/kg body weight for 14 days had no significant effect in lean or obese P. obesus. This dose had previously been shown to rapidly and significantly reduce food intake and body weight in ob/ob and wild-type mice, suggesting relative leptin resistance in P. obesus. Acute (8 hour) effects of administration of 5 mg leptin/kg body weight were also investigated. No significant effects on food intake or plasma insulin were detected, however blood glucose concentrations were significantly elevated in obese, glucose intolerant P. obexus, suggesting an exacerbation of insulin resistance in susceptible animals. Treatment of lean, healthy P. obesus with 45 mg leptin/kg body weight/day for 7 days resulted in significant decreases in food intake and percentage body fat, showing that the leptin resistance observed in this species could be overcome by the administration of very large doses of leptin. In another study, leplin was shown to significantly inhibit maximal insulin binding to isolated adipocytes, suggesting that leptin may respresent an important link between obesity and NIDDM. Links between aspects of obesity and NIDDM and polymorphisms in the ob and p3-adrencrgic receptor genes were also investigated in two human populations.


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Describes medicinal use among Anglo-Celtic and Russian Australians. Cultural constructions of medicines are embedded in health beliefs; shaped by experiences with health care within socio-economic and political contexts. Cultural practices of medicinal use are best understood in the context of lay models of rationality and recognition of the conflict existing between the lay and expert models.


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This study investigated injection practices and occupational exposure to blood in rural north Indian health settings. The findings highlighted a range of practices potentially contributing to the transmission of hepatitis and HIV to both patients and staff in these settings. Interventions need to focus on the development of organisational structures to support and facilitate safer practices.


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This thesis analyses the economic impact of international tourism on society. It is found that while tourism has the potential to add to national wellbeing through the opportunities created for trade, it has the potential to have complex distributional implications. These distributional implications call for carefull policy development by governments.


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In this study, AHI1 and NDRG2 gene function in the insulin signalling pathways regulating skeletal muscle homeostasis was investigated. Findings implicate AHI1 in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport and the development of insulin resistance, whilst associating NDRG2 with the regulation of myoblast proliferation and differentiation; possible via interactions with PICK1 and arfaptin2.


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Workplace practices form an overarching social determinant of health for Victorian jockeys and their families. This research highlights the importance of riding opportunity, coping with risk and danger, and the gratification associated with the lifestyle to be key characteristics that impact on jockey family health for the better or worse.