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DNA-hsp65, a DNA vaccine encoding the 65-kDa heat-shock protein of Mycobacterium leprae (Hsp65) is capable of inducing the reduction of established tumors in mouse models. We conducted a phase I clinical trial of DNA-hsp65 in patients with advanced head and neck carcinoma. In this article, we report on the vaccine`s potential to induce immune responses to Hsp65 and to its human homologue, Hsp60, in these patients. Twenty-one patients with unresectable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck received three doses of 150, 400 or 600 mu g naked DNA-hsp65 plasmid by ultrasound-guided intratumoral injection. Vaccination did not increase levels of circulating anti-hsp65 IgG or IgM antibody, or lead to detectable Hsp65-specific cell proliferation or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by blood mononuclear cells. Frequency of antigen-induced IL-10-producing cells increased after vaccination in 4 of 13 patients analyzed. Five patients showed disease stability or regression following immunization; however, we were unable to detect significant differences between these patients and those with disease progression using these parameters. There was also no increase in antibody or IFN-gamma responses to human Hsp60 in these patients. Our results suggest that although DNA-hsp65 was able to induce some degree of immunostimulation with no evidence of pathological autoimmunity, we were unable to differentiate between patients with different clinical outcomes based on the parameters measured. Future studies should focus on characterizing more reliable correlations between immune response parameters and clinical outcome that may be used as predictors of vaccine success in immunosuppressed individuals. Cancer Gene Therapy (2009) 16, 598-608; doi:10.1038/cgt.2009.9; published online 6 February 2009
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most prevalent diaper dermatitis and, probably, the most common cause of skin disease in infancy. The wearing of diaper leads to overhydration, increased local temperature and humidity. Constant maceration and prolonged contact with urine and stools makes the skin under the diaper more susceptible. There is often secondary infection due to Candida or bacteria, such as Bacillus faecallis, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus e Streptococcus. Oils, soaps, powders and ointments can be irritants and aggravate the rash. It is important to know the pathophysiology of the disease for appropriate treatment and prevention.
Considering that mycobacterial heat-shock protein 65 (hsp65) gene transfer can elicit a profound antitumoral effect, this study aimed to establish the safety, maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and preliminary efficacy of DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy in patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). For this purpose, 21 patients with unresectable and recurrent HNSCC were studied. Each patient received three ultrasound-guided injections at 21-day intervals of: 150, 600 or 400 mu g of DNA-hsp65. Toxicity was graded according to CTCAE directions. Tumor volume was measured before and after treatment using computed tomography scan. The evaluation included tumor mass variation, delayed-type hypersensitivity response and spontaneous peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation before and after treatment. The MTD was 400 mg per dose. DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy was well tolerated with moderate pain, edema and infections as the most frequent adverse effects. None of the patients showed clinical or laboratory alterations compatible with autoimmune reactions. Partial response was observed in 4 out of 14 patients who completed treatment, 2 of which are still alive more than 3 years after the completion of the trial. Therefore, DNA-hsp65 immunotherapy is a feasible and safe approach at the dose of 400 mg per injection in patients with HNSCC refractory to standard treatment. Further studies in a larger number of patients are needed to confirm the efficacy of this novel strategy.
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) phenotype is typically characterized by visceral obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia involving hypertriglyceridemia and subnormal levels of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), oxidative stress and elevated cardiovascular risk. The potent antioxidative activity of small HDL3 is defective in MetS [Hansel B, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:4963-71]. We evaluated the functional capacity of small HDL3 particles from MetS subjects to protect endothelial cells from apoptosis induced by mildly oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL). MetS subjects presented an insulin-resistant obese phenotype, with hypertriglyceridemia, elevated apolipoprotein B and insulin levels, but subnormal HDL-C concentrations and chronic low grade inflammation (threefold elevation of C-reactive protein). When human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) were incubated with oxLDL (200 jig apolipoprotein B/ml) in the presence or absence of control HDL subfiractions (25 mu g protein/ml), small, dense HDL3b and 3c significantly inhibited cellular annexin V binding and intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species. The potent anti-apoptotic activity of small HDL3c particles was reduced (-35%; p < 0.05) in MetS subjects (n = 16) relative to normolipidemic controls (n = 7). The attenuated anti-apoptotic activity of HDL3c correlated with abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia and systemic oxidative stress (p < 0.05), and was intimately associated with altered physicochemical properties of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I-poor HDL3c, involving core cholesteryl ester depletion and triglyceride enrichment. We conclude that in MetS, apoA-I-poor, small, dense HDL3c exert defective protection of endothelial cells from oxLDL-induced apoptosis, potentially reflecting functional anomalies intimately associated with abnormal neutral lipid core content. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Single session repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the motor cortex (M1) is effective in the treatment of chronic pain patients but the analgesic effect of repeated sessions is still unknown We evaluated the effects of rTMS in patients with refractory pain due to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I Twenty three patients presenting CRPS type I of 1 upper limb were treated with the best medical treatment (analgesics and adjuvant medications physical therapy) plus 10 daily sessions of either real (r) or sham (s) 10Hz rTMS to the motor cortex (M1) Patients were assessed daily and after 1 week and 3 months after the last session using the Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) the Health Survey 36 (SF 36) and the Hamilton Depression (HDRS) During treatment there was a significant reduction in the VAS scores favoring the r rTMS group mean reduction of 4 65 cm (50 9%) against 2 18 cm (24 7%) in the s rTMS group The highest reduction occurred at the tenth session and correlated to improvement in the affective and emotional subscores of the MPQ and SF 36 Real rTMS to the M1 produced analgesic effects and positive changes in affective aspects of pain in CRPS patients during the period of stimulation Perspective This study shows an efficacy of repetitive sessions of high frequency rTMS as an add on therapy to refractory CAPS type I patients It had a positive effect in different aspects of pain (sensory discriminative and emotional affective) It opens the perspective for the clinical use of this technique (C) 2010 by the American Pain Society
Fibroblasts are thought to be partially responsible for the persisting contractile forces that result in burn contractures. Using a monolayer cell culture and fibroblast populated collagen lattice (FPCL) three-dimensional model we subjected hypertrophic scar and non-cicatricial fibroblasts to the antifibrogenic agent pentoxifylline (PTF - 1 mg/mL) in order to reduce proliferation, collagen types I and III synthesis and model contraction. Fibroblasts were isolated from post-burn hypertrophic scars (HSHF) and non-scarred skin (NHF). Cells were grown in monolayers or incorporated into FPCL`s and exposed to PTF. In monolayer, cell number proliferation was reduced (46.35% in HSHF group and 37.73% in NHF group, p < 0.0001). PTF selectively inhibited collagen III synthesis in the HSHF group while inhibition was more evident to type I collagen synthesis in the NHF group. PTF also reduced contraction in both (HSHF and NHF) FPCL. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
The St. Lawrence Island polynya (SLIP) is a commonly occurring winter phenomenon in the Bering Sea, in which dense saline water produced during new ice formation is thought to flow northward through the Bering Strait to help maintain the Arctic Ocean halocline. Winter darkness and inclement weather conditions have made continuous in situ and remote observation of this polynya difficult. However, imagery acquired from the European Space Agency ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has allowed observation of the St. Lawrence Island polynya using both the imagery and derived ice displacement products. With the development of ARCSyM, a high resolution regional model of the Arctic atmosphere/sea ice system, simulation of the SLIP in a climate model is now possible. Intercomparisons between remotely sensed products and simulations can lead to additional insight into the SLIP formation process. Low resolution SAR, SSM/I and AVHRR infrared imagery for the St. Lawrence Island region are compared with the results of a model simulation for the period of 24-27 February 1992. The imagery illustrates a polynya event (polynya opening). With the northerly winds strong and consistent over several days, the coupled model captures the SLIP event with moderate accuracy. However, the introduction of a stability dependent atmosphere-ice drag coefficient, which allows feedbacks between atmospheric stability, open water, and air-ice drag, produces a more accurate simulation of the SLIP in comparison to satellite imagery. Model experiments show that the polynya event is forced primarily by changes in atmospheric circulation followed by persistent favorable conditions: ocean surface currents are found to have a small but positive impact on the simulation which is enhanced when wind forcing is weak or variable.
The class II major histocompatibility complex molecule I-A(g7) is strongly linked to the development of spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non obese diabetic mice and to the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Biozzi AB/H mice. Structurally, it resembles the HLA-DQ molecules associated with human IDDM, in having a non-Asp residue at position 57 in its beta chain. To identify the requirements for peptide binding to I-A(g7) and thereby potentially pathogenic T cell epitopes, we analyzed a known I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitope, hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) amino acids 9-27. NH2- and COOH-terminal truncations demonstrated that the minimal epitope for activation of the T cell hybridoma 2D12.1 was M12-R21 and the minimum sequence for direct binding to purified I-A(g7) M12-Y20/K13-R21. Alanine (A) scanning revealed two primary anchors for binding at relative positions (p) 6 (L) and 9 (Y) in the HEL epitope. The critical role of both anchors was demonstrated by incorporating L and Y in poly(A) backbones at the same relative positions as in the HEL epitope. Well-tolerated, weakly tolerated, and nontolerated residues were identified by analyzing the binding of peptides containing multiple substitutions at individual positions. Optimally, p6 was a large, hydrophobic residue (L, I, V, M), whereas p9 was aromatic and hydrophobic (Y or F) or positively charged (K, R). Specific residues were not tolerated at these and some other positions. A motif for binding to I-A(g7) deduced from analysis of the model HEL epitope was present in 27/30 (90%) of peptides reported to be I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitopes or eluted from I-A(g7). Scanning a set of overlapping peptides encompassing human proinsulin revealed the motif in 6/6 good binders (sensitivity = 100%) and 4/13 weak or non-binders (specificity = 70%). This motif should facilitate identification of autoantigenic epitopes relevant to the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of IDDM.
Herpesviruses, such as murine and human cytomegalovirus (MCMV and HCMV), can establish a persistent infection within the host and have diverse mechanisms as protection from host immune defences'. Several herpesvirus genes that are homologous to host immune modulators have been identified, and are implicated in viral evasion of the host immune response(2,3). The discovery of a viral major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I homologue, encoded by HCMV(4), led to speculation that it might function as an immune modulator and disrupt presentation of peptides by MHC class I to cytotoxic T cells(5). However, there is no evidence concerning the biological significance of this gene during viral infection. Recent analysis of the MCMV genome has also demonstrated the presence of a MHC class I homologue(6). Here we show that a recombinant MCMV,in which. the gene encoding the class I homologue has been disrupted, has severely restricted replication during the acute stage of infection compared with wild-type MCMV, We demonstrate by in vivo depletion studies that natural killer (NK) cells are responsible for the attenuated phenotype of the mutant. Thus the viral MHC dass I homologue contributes to immune evasion through interference with NK cell-mediated clearance.
Insulin-like growth factor I has similar mitogenic effects to insulin, a growth factor required by most cells in culture, and it can replace insulin in serum-free formulations for some cells. Chinese Hamster Ovary cells grow well in serum-free medium with insulin and transferrin as the only exogenous growth factors. An alternative approach to addition of exogenous growth factors to serum-free medium is transfection of host cells with growth factor-encoding genes, permitting autocrine growth. Taking this approach, we constructed an IGF-I heterologous gene driven by the cytomegalovirus promoter, introduced it into Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and examined the growth characteristics of Insulin-like growth factor I-expressing clonal cells in the absence of the exogenous factor. The transfected cells secreted up to 500 ng/10(6) cells/day of mature Insulin-like growth factor I into the conditioned medium and as a result they grew autonomously in serum-free medium containing transferrin as the only added growth factor. This growth-stimulating effect, observed under both small and large scale culture conditions, was maximal since no further improvement was observed in the presence of exogenous insulin.
The SH3 domains of src and other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases have been shown to associate with the motif PXXP, where P and X stand for proline and an unspecified amino acid, but a motif that binds to the SH3 domain of myosin has thus far not been characterized. We previously showed that the SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC interacts with the protein Acan125. We now report that the Acan125 protein sequence contains two tandem consensus PXXP motifs near the C terminus. To test for binding, we expressed a polypeptide, AD3p, which includes 344 residues of native C-terminal sequence and a mutant polypeptide, AD3 Delta 977-994p, which lacks the sequence RPKPVPPPRGAKPAPPPR containing both PXXP motifs. The SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC bound AD3p and not AD3 Delta 977-994p, showing that the PXXP motifs are required for SH3 binding. The sequence of Acan125 is related overall to a protein of unknown function coded by Caenorhabditis elegans gene K07G5.1. The K07G5.1 gene product contains a proline-rich segment similar to the SH3 binding motif found in Acan125. The aligned sequences show considerable conservation of leucines and other hydrophobic residues, including the spacing of these residues, which matches a motif for leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LRR domains have been demonstrated to be sites for ligand binding. Having an LRR domain and an SH3-binding domain, Acan125 and the C. elegans homologue define a novel family of bifunctional binding proteins.
Objective. To evaluate whether the A/G polymorphism at position 2518 in the regulatory region of the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) or the V/I polymorphism at position 64 of the receptor. CCR2, are associated with lupus nephritis (LN) or any clinical characteristics of the disease or with renal survival in a patient population. Methods. We selected 197 patients with lupus nephritis and 220 matched healthy controls for study. MCP-1 and CCR2 genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction. Clinical and laboratory data were compiled from patients` charts over followup that ranged from 6 months to 10 years. Results. The GIG genotype of MCP-1 was more common in LN patients (p = 0.019), while the A allele was associated with healthy controls (p = 0.007) as was the V allele of CCR2 (p = 0.046) compared to LN patients. Clinical index measures [SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI)], immunological markers, renal histology, renal function at enrollment, and renal survival were not influenced by these polymorphisms. A less aggressive renal disease, measured by renal SLEDAI index, was associated with the V allele of the CCR2 gene polymorphism. Conclusion. These findings support that MCP-1 2518 GIG is associated with LN but there was no association of this genotype with renal function or renal survival. When studying CCR2 64 V/I polymorphism we showed a positive association of the V allele with healthy controls but no association of the genotype with LN patients. (First Release March 152010; J Rheumatol 2010;37:776-82; doi:10.3899/jrheum.090681)