912 resultados para Human beings.


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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Esta investigación tiene por propósito analizar la construcción histórica de la infancia en el proceso de escolarización desde las diferentes formas de clasificación y jerarquización tales como niños "anormales", "débiles", "falsos anormales", "retrasados pedagógicos", "excepcionales", "deficientes". En esta dirección se analizan los cambios en la legislación, y normativa educativa en la provincia de Buenos Aires en el período de 1880 a 1952. Se tomó a la legislación y la prensa educativa como analizadoras de las diferentes conceptualizaciones pedagógicas, atravesadas por las nociones de saber, poder, subjetivación y tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se analizaran las categorías de norma, normalidad, anormalidad y normalización en relación con el lenguaje jurídico, la política educativa y la política sanitaria escolar. Desde el punto de vista teórico la investigación se inscribe en los estudios sobre gubernamentalidad, los cuales permitieron analizar, por una parte, la construcción histórica de saberes especializados cuyo foco fue la población, (en este caso fue la población infantil) y por otro lado, apuntó a reconstruir las formas de clasificación de las infancias en el proceso de escolarización. De esta manera, se pretendió objetivar las funciones sociales de los discursos cuestionando los saberes que originaron su configuración sirviéndole de cobertura y soporte, o sea, someter a crítica los saberes propios de la racionalidad instituida y dominante que constituyen en gran parte el orden social. Este posicionamiento teórico entiende a la crítica esencialmente por su función de des-sujeción de lo que pudiéramos llamar la "política de la verdad", entonces historizar los diferentes modos de subjetivación, encierra también la posibilidad de objetivación que transforman a los seres humanos en sujetos, o sea la crítica como cuestionamiento de las formas de experiencias que nos constituyen


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This paper explains how the practice of integrating ecosystem-service thinking (i.e., ecological benefits for human beings) and institutions (i.e., organisations, policy rules) is essential for coastal spatial planning. Adopting an integrated perspective on ecosystem services (ESs) both helps understand a wide range of possible services and, at the same time, attune institution to local resource patterns. The objective of this paper is to identify the extent to which ESs are integrated in a specific coastal strategic planning case. A subsequent objective is to understand whether institutions are capable of managing ESs in terms of uncovering institutional strengths and weaknesses that may exist in taking ESs into account in existing institutional practices. These two questions are addressed through the application of a content analysis method and a multi-level analysis framework on formal institutions. Jiaozhou Bay in China is used as an illustrative case. The results show that some ESs have been implicitly acknowledged, but by no means the whole range. This partial ES implementation could result from any of four institutional weaknesses in the strategic plans of Jiaozhou Bay, namely a dominant market oriented interest, fragmented institutional structures for managing ESs, limited ES assessment, and a lack of integrated reflection of the social value of ESs in decision-making. Finally, generalizations of multi-level institutional settings on ES integration, such as an inter-organisational fragmentation and a limited use of ES assessment in operation, are made together with other international case studies. Meanwhile, the comparison highlights the influences of extensive market-oriented incentives and governments' exclusive responsibilities on ES governance in the Chinese context.


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La Musicoterapia se ha revelado últimamente como una herramienta de intervención efectiva en la prevención y rehabilitación de patologías muy diversas, ayudando a mantener o mejorar las funciones físicas, psico-emocionales y sociales de las personas. En este articulo explicamos cómo se articula una intervención en Musicoterapia partiendo del conocimiento de los efectos de la música en el ser humano y cómo estos llegan de una manera global a todas las áreas de la persona y utilizando adecuadamente las diferentes técnicas de musicoterapia basadas en la escucha y la improvisación musical, podemos influir en el bien estar de nuestros pacientes o clientes


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The aim of art, as transformer of the individual, has numerous sides which give the human beings a sense of enhancement and growth. It is considered by university the need for our students to take part of this process of social transformation in which they feel the need of helping the community when its members are at risk of social exclusion. Art is considered to be a means, a tool and a purpose for an artis-pedagogue to be used as a guide for the renewal. And the university is also considered as a focus of commitment by means of the development of good practices as well as adopting an open and innovative attitude to any changes aimed at living harmoniously within a more just society.


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications. In the past, metals like Fe, Ni and Co were sought after for various applications though iron was in the forefront because of its cost effectiveness and abundance. Later, alloys based on Fe and Ni were increasingly employed. They were used in magnetic heads and in inductors. Ferrites entered the arena and subsequently most of the newer applications were based on ferrites, a ferrimagnetic material, whose composition can be tuned to tailor the magnetic properties. In the late 1950s a new class of magnetic material emerged on the magnetic horizon and they were fondly known as metallic glasses. They are well known for their soft magnetic properties. They were synthesized in the form of melt spun ribbons and are amorphous in nature and they are projected to replace the crystalline counterparts.


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications.


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Higher education is nowadays the main driver of development of knowledge, science and hence, the wellbeing of various people in different countries. On the other hand, gender inequalities represent a delay toward this status. Gender inequalities have been proven to be a great barrier to the development of the full human being’s potential and if it manifests in education, their effect will be worse. This research paper seeks to determine what drives the reversal of gender inequalities in enrollment in higher education in Cape Verde. The paper outlines the struggles for a more equal society and look for different reasons behind this phenomenon. This study has brought out some barriers that interfere with an equal enrollment in that level of Education. The objective of this study is to raise awareness about the need to change the positive measures related to girls, and use some of them to encourage boys in the education field because they are lagging behind in all levels of education.


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Le principe de coopération est considéré depuis longtemps comme l’une des pierres angulaires du droit international, toutefois, l’existence d’une obligation de coopérer en droit international reste encore controversée. Les ressources en eau, à cause de leur fluidité et de leurs multiples usages, démontrent toujours l’interdépendance humaine. En matière de cours d’eau transfrontaliers, la Convention de New York inclut explicitement dans son texte l’obligation générale de coopérer comme l’un de ses trois principes fondamentaux. Il nous incombe alors de voir quelle obligation de coopérer les États souverains s’imposent dans leurs pratiques ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous procédons tout d’abord à une étude positiviste du contenu normatif de l’obligation de coopérer. Nous constatons que l’incorporation de la notion de l’obligation de coopérer dans le principe de la souveraineté est une tendance manifeste du droit international qui a évolué du droit de coexistence composé principalement des règles d’abstention, au droit de coopération qui comporte essentiellement des obligations positives de facere, dont la plus représentative est l’obligation de coopérer. Néanmoins, il n’existe pas de modèle unique d’application pour tous les États, chaque bassin disposant de son propre régime coopératif. Pour mesurer l’ampleur des régimes coopératifs, nous étudions cinq paramètres : le champ d’application, les règles substantielles, les règles procédurales, les arrangements institutionnels et le règlement des différends. Quatres modèles de coopération ressortent : le mécanisme consultatif (l’Indus), le mécanisme communicateur (le Mékong), le mécanisme de coordination (le Rhin) et le mécanisme d’action conjointe (le fleuve Sénégal). Pour ce qui est de la Chine, il s’agit de l’État d’amont en voie de développement le plus important dans le monde qui a longtemps été critiqué pour son approche unilatérale dans le développement des eaux transfrontières. Nous ne pouvons pas cependant passer sous silence les pratiques de coopération qu’elle a développées avec ses voisins. Quelle est son interprétation de cette obligation générale de coopérer ? Notre étude des pratiques de la Chine nous aide, en prenant du recul, à mieux comprendre tous les aspects de cette obligation de coopérer en droit international. Afin d’expliquer les raisons qui se cachent derrière son choix de mode de coopération, nous introduisons une analyse constructiviste qui est plus explicative que descriptive. Nous soutenons que ce sont les identités de la Chine qui ont déterminé son choix de coopération en matière de cours d’eau transfrontaliers. Notre étude en vient à la conclusion que même s’il y a des règles généralement reconnues, l’obligation de coopérer reste une règle émergente en droit international coutumier. Ses modes d’application sont en réalité une construction sociale qui évolue et qui peut varier énormément selon les facteurs culturels, historiques ou économiques des États riverains, en d’autres mots, selon les identités de ces États. La Chine est un État d’amont en voie de développement qui continue à insister sur le principe de la souveraineté. Par conséquent, elle opte pour son propre mécanisme consultatif de coopération pour l’utilisation des ressources en eau transfrontalières. Néanmoins, avec l’évolution de ses identités en tant que superpuissance émergente, nous pouvons probablement espérer qu’au lieu de rechercher un pouvoir hégémonique et d’appliquer une stratégie unilatérale sur l’utilisation des ressources en eau transfrontalières, la Chine adoptera une stratégie plus coopérative et plus participative dans l’avenir.


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Background For decades film has proved to be a powerful form of communication. Whether produced as entertainment, art or documentary, films have the capacity to inform and move us. Films are a highly attractive teaching instrument and an appropriate teaching method in health education. It is a valuable tool for studying situations most transcendental to human beings such as pain, disease and death. Objectives The objectives were to determine how this helps students engage with their role as health care professionals; to determine how they view the personal experience of illness, disease, disability or death; and to determine how this may impact upon their provision of patient care. Design, Setting and Participants The project was underpinned by the film selection determined by considerate review, intensive scrutiny, contemplation and discourse by the research team. 7 films were selected, ranging from animation; foreign, documentary, biopic and Hollywood drama. Each film was shown discretely, in an acoustic lecture theatre projected onto a large screen to pre-registration student nurses (adult, child and mental health) across each year of study from different cohorts (n = 49). Method A mixed qualitative method approach consisted of audio-recorded 5-minute reactions post film screening; coded questionnaires; and focus group. Findings were drawn from the impact of the films through thematic analysis of data sets and subjective text condensation categorised as: new insights looking through patient eyes; evoking emotion in student nurses; spiritual care; going to the moves to learn about the patient experience; self discovery through films; using films to link theory to practice. Results Deeper learning through film as a powerful medium was identified in meeting the objectives of the study. Integration of film into pre registration curriculum, pedagogy, teaching and learning is recommended. Conclusion The teaching potential of film stems from the visual process linked to human emotion and experience. Its impact has the power to not only help in learning the values that underpin nursing, but also for respecting the patient experience of disease, disability, death and its reality.


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The most important attribute for which we all aspire as human beings is good health because it enables us to undertake different forms of activities of daily living. The emergence of scientific knowledge in Western societies has enabled us to explore and define several parameters of “health” by drawing boundaries around factors that are known to impact the achievement of good health. For example, the World Health Organization defined health by taking physical and psychological factors into consideration.


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Equality is a political and moral ideal that refers to some universal condition thought to be shared by human beings. Since this inherent equality is often thought to have been corrupted by a self-interested secular world, this essay shifts the emphasis from equality as a timeless concept to equalization as a historical process.


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Desde da antiguidade que o ser humano se preocupa com a sua aparência externa, em especial com a pele. Para além do desenvolvimento de cosméticos, surgiram também produtos mais complexos, os cosmecêuticos, que diferem dos cosméticos devido a poderem influenciar a função biológica da pele, causando modificações positivas e duráveis. O conceito de sustentabilidade é usado para definir ações e atividades humanas que visam suprir as necessidades atuais dos seres humanos, sem comprometer o futuro das próximas gerações. Ou seja, a sustentabilidade está diretamente relacionada ao desenvolvimento económico e material sem agredir o meio ambiente, utilizando os recursos naturais de forma inteligente para que eles se mantenham no futuro. Seguindo estes parâmetros, a humanidade pode garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável. As borras de café são consideradas como um subproduto alimentar, sem grande reutilização, o que promove danos no impacto ambiental. Por outro lado, as borras de café podem exercer grandes benefícios para a pele, pois são consideradas excelentes exfoliantes naturais com propriedades refirmantes. Os produtos à base de cafeína são aliados no combate à celulite, na estimulação da regeneração celular e da circulação sanguínea, bem como, no rejuvenescimento e revitalização da pele. Este trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de um sabonete, contendo borras de café, como forma de reaproveitamento de um subproduto alimentar rico em cafeína, com o intuito de obter produtos com boas propriedades cosméticas e elevada estabilidade física e química. As borras de café foram analisadas em termos da sua estabilidade física e química através de ensaios de estabilidade acelerada por centrifugação, textura, reologia e doseamento do teor de cafeína por HPLC. Os resultados obtidos através do controlo físico-químico dos sabonetes, da determinação do potencial irritante cutâneo e da análise sensorial efectuada em voluntários humanos, demonstraram que é possível preparar sabonetes de borra de café com boa estabilidade físico-química, boa tolerância cutânea e com características sensoriais adequadas, utilizando uma base de sabão constituída pelos ingredientes (INCI): Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Aqua (water), Glycerine, Fragância de café, Sodium Chloride, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter (Shea Butter), CI 778911 (Titanium Dioxide), Tetrasodium EDTA, CI 77499, Linalool e à qual foi adicionada 5% de borras de café.


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Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas can still inspire education in the East as well as in the West today. In this paper, I survey Tagore’s philosophical anthropology and argue that there is more coherence to his philosophy and pedagogy than is usually seen. For Tagore, the highest goal is to make the world one’s own, as well as to enlarge one’s self to encompass the world. The educational practices through which this ideal can be reached can be classified as “creative action,” “love,” and “freedom.” On the basis of such an ideal, realms such as the arts, nature, and movement no longer remain expendable additions to the kind of knowledge-driven education that aims primarily at making everyone economically productive.One of the problems with such a pedagogical strategy is that it treats human beings as means and not as ends. Tagore’s educational approach (his “method of nature”) refrains from turning children into adults as soon as possible and accepts the deceleration of learning and the simplification of living asmost forward-leading approach to a successful and comprehensive education.


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Introdução: As mudanças no mundo do trabalho vem repercutindo de maneira positiva e negativa na saúde dos trabalhadores, na particularidade do ambiente rural. A inclusão de tecnologias representam parte destas mudanças, que buscam aumentar a produtividade e, consequentemente, a exposição ao riscos. Objetivos: o primeiro objetivo deste estudo incide em identificar o perfil do trabalhador agricultor rural na relação saúde, trabalho e ambiente. O segundo objetivo visa analisar a relação saúde e ambiente rural frente a percepção de agricultores e o terceiro e último, desenvolver um processo de intervenção junto à equipe da EMATER/ASCAR de Uruguaiana/RS, a partir da percepção de risco ocupacional de pequenos produtores rurais do município. Metodologia: a fim de contemplar a primeira produção realizou-se um estudo exploratório, descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra intencional pareada de 20 agricultores de Uruguaiana/RS/Brasil. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de questionário, observações não participantes e registro fotográfico. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente e por meio da leitura dos registros nos diários de campo. O segundo estudo foi qualitativo tipo exploratório, realizado com uma amostra intencional de 27 agricultores, neste incluimos sete agricultores que participaram do estudo piloto. A análise temática resultou em dois temas: características socioeconômicas dos agricultores e ação humana na relação saúde e ambiente com dois significados principais na relação: benefícios e agravos. Resultados: as propriedades rurais eram de difícil acesso para transporte e coleta de lixo, ausência do tratamento de água e rede sanitária de esgoto; a maioria não possuía cuidado com a água e utilizavam agrotóxicos na produção. Todos identificaram a existência da relação entre saúde e ambiente, remetendo-se a siginificados como: ausência da doença e da dor, local natural, manutenção da vida, higiene, bem estar e poluição. Conclusão: os enfermeiros podem fomentar ações de cuidado à saúde dos trabalhadores que têm dificuldades de acesso às informações em saúde, mediante atenção e orientações aos riscos estabelecidos na relação saúde e ambiente, por meio da saúde socioambiental, no intuito de orientar estes trabalhadores para mudanças de hábitos que promoverão melhoras na saúde, ambiente e trabalho, propiciando o bem estar dos seres humanos.