953 resultados para Holy Roman Empire, Law of.
La categorización jurídica de los mal llamados “falsos positivos” en Colombia es un tema controversial: en algunas ocasiones se habla de ejecuciones extrajudiciales, otras veces de homicidio en persona protegida y en otros casos de desapariciones forzadas, dependiendo de la institución que juzgue los casos. Ahora bien, al no existir unidad de criterios en la categorización jurídica de los “falsos positivos”, se hace imprescindible la integración de conceptos en torno a entender dichos hechos ilícitos inequívocamente como tales, toda vez que esto permitiría generar seguridad jurídica al interior del derecho administrativo colombiano. Precisamente, en lo a referente a la responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado. De igual manera, el concepto de reparación adoptado en los estamentos de Derecho Administrativo Colombiano, no siempre coincide con los estándares delineados por el Sistema interamericano de protección de Derechos Humanos, lo cual repercute de manera negativa en el tratamiento dado a las víctimas de los “falsos positivos” que encuadran en la categoría de desapariciones forzadas, lo que hace necesario el estudio detallado de las decisiones propias de cada sistema y compararlas, para buscar un mejoramiento de los estándares nacionales de reparación. Para dar un aporte teórico importante, esta investigación partirá del análisis sistemático de la Convención Interamericana sobre Desaparición Forzada de Personas, y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, y después inspeccionará los elementos fácticos y la reparación de los “falsos positivos”, determinando el grado de aplicación que se ha dado del sistema interamericano en los fallos proferidos por el Consejo de Estado.
Aquesta tesi doctoral té per objecte l'estudi de les "pactiones et stipulationes" com a mode de constitució inter vivos de les servituds predials, en el dret romà clàssic. La principal font que ens informa de la seva existència és Gai. 2, 31, segons la qual les pactiones et stipulationes serien el mecanisme generalment emprat per a la constitució de servituds i d'usdefruit a les províncies romanes. Aquest treball intenta ser una contribució a l'estudi d'aquest negoci constitutiu de drets reals, a partir d'una revisió de les fonts que s'allunyi de la tendència a considerar-les interpolades i ens permeti observar la intervenció del pretor en aquest camp, així com la precisa resposta dela jurisprudència clàssica, davant problemes com ara la trasnformació de les servituds en res incorporales i la progressiva decadència de la mancipatio i de la in iure cessio —agreujada per la impossibilitat d'adquisició d'aquests drets a través d'usucapio (lex Scribonia).
Data from six studies with male broilers fed diets covering a wide range of energy and protein were used in the current two analyses. In the first analysis, five models, specifically re-parameterized for analysing energy balance data, were evaluated for their ability to determine metabolizable energy intake at maintenance and efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy intake for producing gain. In addition to the straight line, two types of functional form were used. They were forms describing (i) diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola) and (ii) sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflection (Gompertz and logistic). These models determined metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance to be in the range 437-573 kJ/kg of body weight/day depending on the model. The values determined for average net energy requirement for body weight gain varied from 7(.)9 to 11(.)2 kJ/g of body weight. These values show good agreement with previous studies. In the second analysis, three types of function were assessed as candidates for describing the relationship between body weight and cumulative metabolizable energy intake. The functions used were: (a) monomolecular (diminishing returns behaviour), (b) Gompertz (smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflection) and (c) Lopez, France and Richards (diminishing returns and sigmoidal behaviour with a variable point of inflection). The results of this analysis demonstrated that equations capable of mimicking the law of diminishing returns describe accurately the relationship between body weight and cumulative metabolizable energy intake in broilers.
A mathematical model describing the main mechanistic processes involved in keratinocyte response to chromium and nickel has been developed and compared to experimental in vitro data. Accounting for the interactions between the metal ions and the keratinocytes, the law of mass action was used to generate ordinary differential equations which predict the time evolution and ion concentration dependency of keratinocyte viability, the amount of metal associated with the keratinocytes and the release of cytokines by the keratinocytes. Good agreement between model predictions and existing experimental data of these endpoints was observed, supporting the use of this model to explore physiochemical parameters that influence the toxicological response of keratinocytes to these two metals.
The overall significance of the construction and building services sector internationally cannot be overemphasised. In the UK, the industry currently accounts for 10% gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 2 million people, which is more than 1 in 14 of the total workforce. However, regardless of its output (approximately £65 billion annually) there has been a steady decline in the number of trade entrants into the construction and building services sector. Consequently, the available ‘pool of labour’ is inadequately resourced; productivity is low; the existing labour force is overstressed; there is an increase in site deaths; and a long-term labour shortage is envisaged. Today, the evidence seems to suggest that multiskilling is a tentative redress for ameliorating the skills crisis in the construction and building sectors. A 43-year time-series of data on 23 manpower attributes was evaluated as part of this investigation. The developed linear regression models show that the concept of multiskilling obeys the ‘law of diminishing returns'. That is, a weak relation was found between construction output and a three or more combination of manpower attributes. An optimisation model is prescribed for traditional trades.
The aim of this review paper is to present experimental methodologies and the mathematical approaches used to determine effective diffusivities of solutes in food materials. The paper commences by describing the diffusion phenomena related to solute mass transfer in foods and effective diffusivities. It then focuses on the mathematical formulation for the calculation of effective diffusivities considering different diffusion models based on Fick's second law of diffusion. Finally, experimental considerations for effective diffusivity determination are elucidated primarily based on the acquirement of a series of solute content versus time curves appropriate to the equation model chosen. Different factors contributing to the determination of the effective diffusivities such as the structure of food material, temperature, diffusion solvent, agitation, sampling, concentration and different techniques used are considered. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present an extensive thermodynamic analysis of a hysteresis experiment performed on a simplified yet Earth-like climate model. We slowly vary the solar constant by 20% around the present value and detect that for a large range of values of the solar constant the realization of snowball or of regular climate conditions depends on the history of the system. Using recent results on the global climate thermodynamics, we show that the two regimes feature radically different properties. The efficiency of the climate machine monotonically increases with decreasing solar constant in present climate conditions, whereas the opposite takes place in snowball conditions. Instead, entropy production is monotonically increasing with the solar constant in both branches of climate conditions, and its value is about four times larger in the warm branch than in the corresponding cold state. Finally, the degree of irreversibility of the system, measured as the fraction of excess entropy production due to irreversible heat transport processes, is much higher in the warm climate conditions, with an explosive growth in the upper range of the considered values of solar constants. Whereas in the cold climate regime a dominating role is played by changes in the meridional albedo contrast, in the warm climate regime changes in the intensity of latent heat fluxes are crucial for determining the observed properties. This substantiates the importance of addressing correctly the variations of the hydrological cycle in a changing climate. An interpretation of the climate transitions at the tipping points based upon macro-scale thermodynamic properties is also proposed. Our results support the adoption of a new generation of diagnostic tools based on the second law of thermodynamics for auditing climate models and outline a set of parametrizations to be used in conceptual and intermediate-complexity models or for the reconstruction of the past climate conditions. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society
Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.