996 resultados para Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Plants react to changes in light and hydrological conditions in terms of quantity and composition of chloroplastidic pigments, which affects the photosynthetic properties and consequently the accumulation of plant biomass. Thus, the chloroplastidic pigment concentration and chlorophyll a fluorescence of three Amazonian species (Bertholletia excelsa, Carapa guianensis e Dipteryx odorata) were investigated in sun and shade leaves form the tree crown collected during two distinct periods of precipitation (dry and rainy seasons). Pigment contents were determined by spectrophotometry and fluorescence variables were determined using a portable fluorometer. The results demonstrated that the species showed high concentrations of Chl a, Chl b e Chl total during the wet season in relation to the dry season, especially in shade leaves. A higher concentration of carotenoids was found in B. excelsa, when compared with leaves of C. guianensis and D. odorata. In leaves of B. excelsa and D. odorata no significant difference was found in relation to the photochemistry of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) between the wet and dry seasons. In conclusion, the three species react differently to variations in the light and precipitation conditions regarding light capture, aspects that might be considered in the management of forest plantations.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo visa a fornecer dados anatômicos sobre a incidência, a origem, e o trajeto da artéria que transita pela parede posterior do canal inguinal, permitindo evitar acidentes durante as intervenções cirúrgicas na região inguinal. MÉTODO: Os autores realizaram a dissecação de 40 regiões inguinais de cadáveres fixados. RESULTADOS: Em 38 casos (95%) existia uma artéria, às vezes, de calibre insignificante, que estava presente posteriormente ao canal inguinal. Em 27/38 casos (67,5%), esta artéria representava a "coroa mortal", pois era constituída pela origem anômala da artéria obturatória, na artéria epigástrica inferior, ou representava uma anastomose da artéria epigástrica inferior com a artéria obturatória. Nos 11/38 casos restantes (27,5%), existia uma artéria, de reduzido calibre, que tinha origem na artéria epigástrica inferior, e capilarizava-se, após curto trajeto na parede posterior do canal inguinal. CONCLUSÃO: A existência da "coroa mortal", situada posteriormente ao canal inguinal, sempre implica em risco de hemorragias nas herniorrafias inguinais
I min doktorsavhandling undersöker jag framställningen av verbala konflikter mellan äkta makar inom både tysk- och svenskspråkiga dramer. Det empiriska materialet består av en historisk rad av tre svensk- och tre tyskspråkiga dramer som sträcker sig från 1896 till 1987. Den svenskspråkiga dramaserien består av dramerna Dödsdansen (1900, A. Strindberg), Ringleken (1978, Ahlfors/Andersson/Bargum) och Hämndaria (1987, L. Norén). Den tyskspråkiga serien består av dramerna Reigen (1896, A. Schnitzler), Die Zimmerschlacht (1967, M. Walser) och Play Strindberg (1968, F. Dürrenmatt). Som teoretisk och metodisk utgångspunkt för analysen fungerar det relativt nya och outforskade forskningsområdet ’historisk dialoganalys’, vilket är både språk- och litteraturvetenskapligt inriktat. Inom historisk dialoganalys utgår man ifrån att litterära dialoger, även om de är fiktiva, fungerar som en rikhaltig källa till historisk kunskap om samtal och kommunikation. Min avhandling sträver efter att genom noggrann analys beskriva de framställda verbala konflikterna mot deras estetiska, historiska, kulturella och sociala bakgrund. Resultaten av den historiska och kontrastiva jämförelsen av de sex valda dialogerna visar att det finns signifikanta historiska paralleller i framställningen av de verbala konfliktmönstren bland de tyskspråkiga dramerna och bland de svenskspråkiga dramerna. Däremot visar den kontrastiva jämförelsen av de svensk- och tyskspråkiga dramaserierna att det finns signifikanta skillnader mellan de framställda svensk- och tyskspråkiga konfliktmönstren. Samtidigt kunde det upptäckas att dessa kontrastiva skillnader inte bara är påverkade av skilda estetiskt-litterära traditioner, utan delvis också av olika historiska, sociala och kulturella normer och konventioner som står bakom de svensk- och tyskspråkiga dialogerna. Avhandlingens resultat leder å ena sidan till en djupare insikt om genrehistoriska paralleller, differenser och utvecklingar, och å andra sidan ger de upptäckta dialogstrukturerna inblick i historiskt och kulturellt bundna normer och konventioner om (verbalt) beteende. I och med att det är fråga om fiktionala dialoger får resultaten inte likaställas med sådana från naturliga samtal. Min avhandling fungerar snarare som ett komplement till analysen av verkliga konflikter i och med att den tillför en historisk och kulturell dimension som samtalsanalysen inte har när den enbart fokuserar på nutidens samtal.
OBJETIVO: Discutir aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, anátomo-patológicos e terapêuticos de cistos mesentéricos atendidos em hospitais do Estado de Sergipe. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal, consistindo de um levantamento de uma série de casos de cistos mesentéricos, nos arquivos do Laboratório de Patologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe no período de 1995 a 2007. Revisaram-se os prontuários dos pacientes para coleta de dados: gênero, idade, quadro clínico, exames complementares e abordagem terapêutica. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 18 casos de cistos mesentéricos. O gênero predominante foi o feminino (72,2%). A média de idade dos pacientes ao diagnóstico foi de 30,48 anos. Os sintomas mais freqüentes foram dor e massa abdominal. A ultra-sonografia de abdome, realizada em todos os pacientes, não foi conclusiva em metade dos casos. Tomografia computadorizada de abdome com contraste foi realizada em seis casos, sendo a tumoração cística bem evidenciada em todos estes. Quanto ao tipo histopatológico foram encontrados oito linfangiomas, oito cistos mesoteliais, um cisto hemorrágico em organização e um cisto mucinoso. O tratamento cirúrgico foi empregado em todos os casos. Hemorragia intracística foi a principal complicação apresentada, ocorrendo em três casos. CONCLUSÃO: Os cistos mesentéricos apresentaram-se clinicamente com sintomas inespecíficos e pouco sintomáticos. Quanto ao diagnóstico, a tomografia computadorizada mostrou ser mais efetiva que a ultrassonografia. Linfangiomas e mesoteliomas foram encontrados em proporções iguais. A ressecção completa do cisto foi o tratamento de eleição e não houve óbitos no pós-operatório.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as formas de tratamento empregadas e os principais aspectos relacionados à morbidade e à mortalidade dos ferimentos cardíacos.. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 102 doentes com lesão cardíaca, atendidos nos dois prontos socorros de Manaus (Pronto Socorro Municipal 28 de Agosto e Hospital Pronto Socorro Dr. João Lúcio P. Machado) no período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 102 doentes, 95,1% eram homens; a média de idade foi 27 anos; ferimentos por arma branca representaram 81,4% dos casos, contra 18,6% por arma de fogo; cardiorrafia foi realizada em 98,1% dos casos. As câmaras cardíacas atingidas foram: VD: 43,9% (36,2% isoladamente e 7,7% associada a outras câmaras); VE: 37,2%; AD: 8,5% e AE: 10,4%, com mortalidades específicas de 21%, 23%, 22% e 45%, respectivamente. Lesões de duas câmaras associadas alcançaram mortalidade de 37,5%, sendo 20% para VD+AD, 100% para VD+VE e zero para VD+AE. O pulmão correspondeu a 33,7% de 89 lesões associadas. Os tempos médios de cirurgia e de internação foram de 121 minutos e 8,2 dias, respectivamente. Cerca de 22,5% complicaram representando 41 complicações. A mortalidade foi 28,4%. Lesões grau IV e V corresponderam a 55% e 41% dos casos, com mortalidade específica de 26% e 15%, respectivamente. Todos os doentes com lesão grau VI morreram. CONCLUSÃO: O ferimentos cardíacos por arma branca estiveram associados a menor mortalidade, as lesões cardíacas grau IV estiveram associadas à maior mortalidade e um menor tempo operatório esteve associado à maior gravidade e mortalidade.
Forequarter amputations are an uncommon option for the treatment of upper limb and shoulder girdle tumors nowadays. This procedure can be done by different approaches and general anesthesia is commonly used. The authors report a case of forequarter amputation by the posterior approach performed for treatment of a soft-tissue sarcoma under a brachial plexus block associated with venous sedation and local anesthesia.
PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities in couples with two or more recurrent first trimester miscarriages of unknown cause. METHODS: The study was conducted on 151 women and 94 partners who had an obstetrical history of two or more consecutive first trimester abortions (1-12 weeks of gestation). The controls were 100 healthy women without a history of pregnancy loss. Chromosomal analysis was performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured for 72 hours, using Trypsin-Giemsa (GTG) banding. In all cases, at least 30 metaphases were analyzed and 2 karyotypes were prepared, using light microscopy. The statistical analysis was performed using the Student t-test for normally distributed data and the Mann-Whitney test for non-parametric data. The Kruskal-Wallis test or Analysis of Variance was used to compare the mean values between three or more groups. The software used was Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 17.0. RESULTS: The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in women with recurrent miscarriages was 7.3%, including 4.7% with X-chromosome mosaicism, 2% with reciprocal translocations and 0.6% with Robertsonian translocations. A total of 2.1% of the partners of women with recurrent miscarriages had chromosomal abnormalities, including 1% with X-chromosome mosaicism and 1% with inversions. Among the controls, 1% had mosaicism. CONCLUSION: An association between chromosomal abnormalities and recurrent miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy (OR=7.7; 95%CI 1.2--170.5) was observed in the present study. Etiologic identification of genetic factors represents important clinical information for genetic counseling and orientation of the couple about the risk for future pregnancies and decreases the number of investigations needed to elucidate the possible causes of miscarriages.
PURPOSE: To investigate the association between polymorphisms in genes that encode enzymes involved in folate- and vitamin B12-dependent homocysteine metabolism and recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA).METHODS: We investigated the C677T and A1298C polymorphisms of the methylenetetrahydrofalate reductase gene (MTHFR), the A2756G polymorphism of the methionine synthase gene (MS) and the 844ins68 insertion of the cystathionine beta synthetase gene (CBS). The PCR technique followed by RFLP was used to assess the polymorphisms; the serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate were investigated by chemiluminescence. The EPI Info Software version 6.04 was used for statistical analysis. Parametric variables were compared by Student's t-test and nonparametric variables by the Wilcoxon rank sum test.RESULTS: The frequencies of gene polymorphisms in 89 women with a history of idiopathic recurrent miscarriage and 150 controls were 19.1 and 19.6% for the C677T, insertion, 20.8 and 26% for the A1298C insertion, 14.2 and 21.9% for the A2756G insertion, and 16.4 and 18% for the 844ins68 insertion, respectively. There were no significant differences between case and control groups in any of the gene polymorphisms investigated. However, the frequency of the 844ins68 insertion in the CBS gene was higher among women with a history of loss during the third trimester of pregnancy (p=0.003). Serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels id not differ between the polymorphisms studied in the case and control groups. However, linear regression analysis showed a dependence of serum folate levels on the maintenance of tHcy levels.CONCLUSION: The investigated gene polymorphisms and serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels were not associated with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage in the present study. Further investigations are needed in order to confirm the role of the CBS 844ins68 insertion in recurrent miscarriage.
Tarkastelen tutkielmassani brittiläisen Granadan vuosina 1984–1994 tuottamien TV-sarjojen rakentamaa mieskuvaa niiden päähenkilöstä Sherlock Holmesista. Millaisena miehenä Sherlock Holmes näyttäytyy sarjan esittämässä viktoriaanisessa kulttuurissa ja millaisen kuvan sarja antaa mieheydestä 1980–1990-lukujen brittiläisessä televisiotuotannossa? Olennaisessa osassa aiheen tutkimista on pääaineiston sijoittaminen tutkimuskontekstiinsa 1980–90-luvuille, jolloin Iso-Britanniassa tehtiin lukuisia 1800-luvun lopulle ja 1900-luvun alkuun sijoittuvia, ns. perinne-elokuvia. Sarjat on sovitettu Sir Arthur Conan Doylen kirjoittamista tarinoista ja ne liittyvät myös vahvasti Sherlock Holmesin audiovisuaaliseen perinteeseen. Mieskuvan rakentumisen tarkastelussa nostan esiin kaksi teemaa: sosiaaliset suhteet ja eksentrisyyden. Millainen mies Sherlock Holmes on veljensä, ystävänsä tai sarjassa nähtävien naishahmojen seurassa? Millä tavalla nämä sosiaaliset suhteet luovat Holmesin mieskuvan monimuotoisuutta? Millä tavoin Sherlock Holmes voidaan nähdään eksentrisenä kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna? Eksentrisyydestä puhuessani nostan esiin sarjoissa Holmesia esittävän Jeremy Brettin, jonka oma persoona kietoutuu hänen tulkintaansa tiiviisti. Pohdin mm. miesten välistä ystävyyttä ja horjuvan terveyden vaikutusta mieskuvaan. Pääaineistonani toimivat Granadan tuottamat TV-sarjat, jotka sisältävät 41 jaksoa. Analysoin sarjojen kohtauksia ja avaan tutkimusteemojani niiden kautta. Kiinnitän huomiota pieniin yksityiskohtiin, kuten repliikkeihin, eleisiin ja äänenpainoihin. Niiden kautta rakentuu Sherlock Holmesin moniulotteinen mieskuva. Sosiaaliset suhteet luovat eksentrisyydelle elinympäristön, ja erikoinen käyttäytyminen nousee parhaiten esiin kanssakäymisessä toisten hahmojen kanssa. Holmes käyttäytyy eri ihmisten seurassa selkeästi erilaisin tavoin, jotka riippuvat esimerkiksi vastapuolen sukupuolesta tai yhteiskunnallisesta asemasta. Holmesin eksentrisyys jakautuu kahtia positiivisen puolen linkittyessä vahvasti hänen työhönsä ja negatiivisten piirteiden tullessa esiin maanis-depressiivisyyttä sairastaneen Jeremy Brettin tulkinnassa.
Male germ cell differentiation, spermatogenesis is an exceptional developmental process that produces a massive amount of genetically unique spermatozoa. The complexity of this process along with the technical limitations in the germline research has left many aspects of spermatogenesis poorly understood. Post-meiotic haploid round spermatids possess the most complex transcriptomes of the whole body. Correspondingly, efficient and accurate control mechanisms are necessary to deal with the huge diversity of transcribed RNAs in these cells. The high transcriptional activity in round spermatids is accompanied by the presence of an uncommonly large cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule, called the chromatoid body (CB) that is conjectured to participate in the RNA post-transcriptional regulation. However, very little is known about the possible mechanisms of the CB function. The development of a procedure to isolate CBs from mouse testes was this study’s objective. Anti-MVH immunoprecipitation of cross-linked CBs from a fractionated testicular cell lysate was optimized to yield considerable quantities of pure and intact CBs from mice testes. This protocol produced reliable and reproducible data from the subsequent analysis of CB’s protein and RNA components. We found that the majority of the CB’s proteome consists of RNA-binding proteins that associate functionally with different pathways. We also demonstrated notable localization patterns of one of the CB transient components, SAM68 and showed that its ablation does not change the general composition or structure of the CB. CB-associated RNA analysis revealed a strong accumulation of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the CB. When the CB transcriptome and proteome analysis results were combined, the most pronounced molecular functions in the CB were related to piRNA pathway, RNA post-transcriptional processing and CB structural scaffolding. In addition, we demonstrated that the CB is a target for the main RNA flux from the nucleus throughout all steps of round spermatid development. Moreover, we provided preliminary evidence that those isolated CBs slice target RNAs in vitro in an ATPdependent manner. Altogether, these results make a strong suggestion that the CB functions involve RNA-related and RNA-mediated mechanisms. All the existing data supports the hypothesis that the CB coordinates the highly complex haploid transcriptome during the preparation of the male gametes for fertilization. Thereby, this study provides a fundamental basis for the future functional analyses of ribonucleoprotein granules and offers also important insights into the mechanisms governing male fertility.
This study aimed to evaluate the tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to ratoon eradication under different glyphosate rates by means of physiological responses. Therefore, a trial was carried out in randomized complete blocks with 4 x 4 factorial design (cultivars x rates) totaling 16 treatments with four replicates. The cultivars IAC91-5155, IACSP93-3046, and IAC86-2480 and IAC87-3396 and the glyphosate rates 0 g ha-1; 1,920 g ha-1; 2,400 g ha-1; 2,880 g ha-1 were tested. The variables analyzed were percentage of tiller mortality, quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and SPAD index. The results showed that there are differences among sugarcane cultivars for tiller eradication and for physiological responses with glyphosate different rates. The rate of 2,880 g ha-1 was the most efficient in eliminating sugarcane tillers. The cultivars IAC86-2480, IAC87-3396 and IACSP93-3046 were the most sensitive and the IAC91-5155 tolerated, for a longer period of time, the damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of the ratoons caused by glyphosate desiccation. Due to different responses, different managements should be considered for eliminating ratoons of different cultivars.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014