967 resultados para Hispanic scholars
[ES] El léxico griego relativo a los animales marinos constituye un campo muy extenso, al que en pocas ocasiones han dedicado su interés los estudiosos de la antigüedad. En el presente artículo ofrecemos un acercamiento a uno de los grupos que lo constituyen, el de los moluscos, junto con un intento de identificación de todas aquellas especies que lo permiten, partiendo de la obra de Ateneo de Náucratis y completando su información con otros datos obtenidos de Aristóteles, Eliano, Opiano y Plinio el viejo.
[EN] This contribution offers a brief overview of research undertaken for the last few years under the TRACE (translation and censorship, or censored translations) project with respect to theatre. The AGA (General Administration Archive in Alcala de Henares, Madrid), a unique source for information for translation scholars, has become the focus of TRACE-theatre investigations on Francoist Spain in the last few years. In Spain, these censorship archives have proved to be an essential source of information, and a rich reservoir of data that, when explored in depth, help draw a history of Spanish theatre in translation. Contrary to what one may think at first, the purpose of using censorship archives in TRACE is not only to check what got censored (banned, crossed out or modified) but rather to trace back all written evidence left by plays that underwent the bureaucratic censoring process which was applied to all cultural manifestations, national or foreign, theatrical as well as non-dramatic. And it is precisely when tracing back censorship records that one finds a way to uncover a history of Spanish theatre in translation that is yet to be written but can now be outlined.
The evidence collected concerning the biocentric judgment that young children express when evaluating human actions on the environment leads some scholars to suggest that an essential understanding of the notion of living beings should appear earlier than previously believed. This research project aims to study that assumption. To this end, young children’s choice when they are put in situation of having to compare and choose the most negative option between environmentally harmful actions and the breaking of social conventions are examined. Afterwards, the results are categorized in relation to those obtained from the study of children’s grasp of the distinction between living beings and inanimate entities. The data is analysed according to the individuals’ age and overall, it suggests a lack of relationship between environmental judgment and the understanding of the concept of living beings. The final results are discussed in keeping with recent research in the field of moral development that underscores the role that unconscious emotional processing plays in the individual’s normative judgment.
Mª José García Soler ( editora).Anejos de VELEIA. Serie Minor nº 17
Scientific research revolves around the production, analysis, storage, management, and re-use of data. Data sharing offers important benefits for scientific progress and advancement of knowledge. However, several limitations and barriers in the general adoption of data sharing are still in place. Probably the most important challenge is that data sharing is not yet very common among scholars and is not yet seen as a regular activity among scientists, although important efforts are being invested in promoting data sharing. In addition, there is a relatively low commitment of scholars to cite data. The most important problems and challenges regarding data metrics are closely tied to the more general problems related to data sharing. The development of data metrics is dependent on the growth of data sharing practices, after all it is nothing more than the registration of researchers’ behaviour. At the same time, the availability of proper metrics can help researchers to make their data work more visible. This may subsequently act as an incentive for more data sharing and in this way a virtuous circle may be set in motion. This report seeks to further explore the possibilities of metrics for datasets (i.e. the creation of reliable data metrics) and an effective reward system that aligns the main interests of the main stakeholders involved in the process. The report reviews the current literature on data sharing and data metrics. It presents interviews with the main stakeholders on data sharing and data metrics. It also analyses the existing repositories and tools in the field of data sharing that have special relevance for the promotion and development of data metrics. On the basis of these three pillars, the report presents a number of solutions and necessary developments, as well as a set of recommendations regarding data metrics. The most important recommendations include the general adoption of data sharing and data publication among scholars; the development of a reward system for scientists that includes data metrics; reducing the costs of data publication; reducing existing negative cultural perceptions of researchers regarding data publication; developing standards for preservation, publication, identification and citation of datasets; more coordination of data repository initiatives; and further development of interoperability protocols across different actors.
Boeckx C., M.C. Horno & J.L. Mendívil (Eds.)
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are now major players in the realm of environmental conservation. While many environmental NGOs started as national organizations focused around single-species protection, governmental advocacy, and preservation of wilderness, the largest now produce applied conservation science and work with national and international stakeholders to develop conservation solutions that work in tandem with local aspirations. Marine managed areas (MMAs) are increasingly being used as a tool to manage anthropogenic stressors on marine resources and protect marine biodiversity. However, the science of MMA is far from complete. Conservation International (CI) is concluding a 5 year, $12.5 million dollar Marine Management Area Science (MMAS) initiative. There are 45 scientific projects recently completed, with four main “nodes” of research and conservation work: Panama, Fiji, Brazil, and Belize. Research projects have included MMA ecological monitoring, socioeconomic monitoring, cultural roles monitoring, economic valuation studies, and others. MMAS has the goals of conducting marine management area research, building local capacity, and using the results of the research to promote marine conservation policy outcomes at project sites. How science is translated into policy action is a major area of interest for science and technology scholars (Cash and Clark 2001; Haas 2004; Jasanoff et al. 2002). For science to move policy there must be work across “boundaries” (Jasanoff 1987). Boundaries are defined as the “socially constructed and negotiated borders between science and policy, between disciplines, across nations, and across multiple levels” (Cash et al. 2001). Working across the science-policy boundary requires boundary organizations (Guston 1999) with accountability to both sides of the boundary, among other attributes. (Guston 1999; Clark et al. 2002). This paper provides a unique case study illustrating how there are clear advantages to collaborative science. Through the MMAS initiative, CI built accountability into both sides of the science-policy boundary primarily through having scientific projects fed through strong in-country partners and being folded into the work of ongoing conservation processes. This collaborative, boundary-spanning approach led to many advantages, including cost sharing, increased local responsiveness and input, better local capacity building, and laying a foundation for future conservation outcomes. As such, MMAS can provide strong lessons for other organizations planning to get involved in multi-site conservation science. (PDF contains 3 pages)
There is a growing amount of experimental evidence that suggests people often deviate from the predictions of game theory. Some scholars attempt to explain the observations by introducing errors into behavioral models. However, most of these modifications are situation dependent and do not generalize. A new theory, called the rational novice model, is introduced as an attempt to provide a general theory that takes account of erroneous behavior. The rational novice model is based on two central principals. The first is that people systematically make inaccurate guesses when they are evaluating their options in a game-like situation. The second is that people treat their decisions similar to a portfolio problem. As a result, non optimal actions in a game theoretic sense may be included in the rational novice strategy profile with positive weights.
The rational novice model can be divided into two parts: the behavioral model and the equilibrium concept. In a theoretical chapter, the mathematics of the behavioral model and the equilibrium concept are introduced. The existence of the equilibrium is established. In addition, the Nash equilibrium is shown to be a special case of the rational novice equilibrium. In another chapter, the rational novice model is applied to a voluntary contribution game. Numerical methods were used to obtain the solution. The model is estimated with data obtained from the Palfrey and Prisbrey experimental study of the voluntary contribution game. It is found that the rational novice model explains the data better than the Nash model. Although a formal statistical test was not used, pseudo R^2 analysis indicates that the rational novice model is better than a Probit model similar to the one used in the Palfrey and Prisbrey study.
The rational novice model is also applied to a first price sealed bid auction. Again, computing techniques were used to obtain a numerical solution. The data obtained from the Chen and Plott study were used to estimate the model. The rational novice model outperforms the CRRAM, the primary Nash model studied in the Chen and Plott study. However, the rational novice model is not the best amongst all models. A sophisticated rule-of-thumb, called the SOPAM, offers the best explanation of the data.
Lan hau UPV/EHUko Donostiako VII. Udako Ikastaroetan ("Euskalaritza XVIII eta XIX. mendeetan", 1988ko iraila) emandako hitzaldiaren testu zuzendu eta osatua da.
We report on the conversion of near-ultraviolet radiation of 250-350 nm into near-infrared emission of 970-1100 nm in Yb3+-doped transparent glass ceramics containing Ba2TiSi2O8 nanocrystals due to the energy transfer from the silicon-oxygen-related defects to Yb3+ ions. Efficient Yb3+ emission (F-2(5/2)-> F-2(7/2)) was detected under the excitation of defects absorption at 314 nm. The occurrence of energy transfer is proven by both steady state and time-resolved emission spectra, respectively, at 15 K. The Yb2O3 concentration dependent energy transfer efficiency has also been evaluated, and the maximum value is 65% for 8 mol % Yb2O3 doped glass ceramic. These materials are promising for the enhancement of photovoltaic conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells via spectra modification.
We report micromodification of Eu element distribution in a silicate glass with femtosecond laser irradiation. Elemental analysis shows that the content of Eu decreased at the focal point and increased in a ring-shaped region around the focal point, which indicates migration of Eu ions has been induced by the femtosecond laser irradiation. Confocal fluorescence spectra demonstrate that the fluorescence intensity of Eu3+ ions increased by 20% in the laser-induced, Eu-enriched, ring-shaped region compared with that for nonirradiated glass. The mechanism for the laser induced change in fluorescence properties of Eu3+ has been investigated. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
It is not hard to see how two visions of nature are intertwined in Darwin’s Journal of Researches: one vision, the province of romantic authors depicting the sentiments awakened by certain landscapes, the other, the domain of natural scientists describing the world without reference to the aesthetic qualities of the scenery. Nevertheless, analyses of this double perspective in Darwin’s work are relatively rare. Most scholars focus on Darwin, the scientist, and more or less ignore the aesthetic aspects of his work. Perceiving the gradual transformation of Darwin’s world view, however, depends on analyzing the two different modes in which Darwin approached and perceived the world. While one can, on occasion, find commentaries on the beauty of the natural world in Darwin’s early work, the passage of time produces a modification in the naturalist’s manner of perceiving nature. This does not, however, mean that Darwin ceases to find beauty in nature; on the contrary, the disenchantment, in Max Weber’s words, that Darwin’s theory produces should not be understood in a pejorative, but rather in a literal sense. The theory of evolution, in effect, divests nature of its magical character and begins to explain it in terms of natural selection, according it, in the process a new and more intense attraction. In the present work, the metaphysical implications of this new vision of the world are analyzed through the eyes of its discoverer.
Scholars recently derived simple models from published data for the prediction from water temperature of hatching times for the eggs of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). A similar model to predict eyeing time for salmon eggs was obtained and used in this study, largely by analogy, to develop equations which might be used to obtain very approximate estimates of eyeing and swim-up times for salmon and brown trout. As the models were based on data for constant temperatures and some of them also had a very inadequate data base, it was desirable that they should be tested, as far as possible, against field and hatchery observations. The present report is a brief summary based on such data as have been obtained to date. None of the data sets were ideal for the purpose and the various inadequacies are discussed later in this report.
A constituição de uma base de dados normativa da marcha é essencial para o diagnóstico e o tratamento de padrões atípicos da locomoção (SUTHERLAND et al., 1997). Não obstante, são escassas as informações relativas aos padrões normais da marcha de crianças (GANLEY e POWERS, 2005), carência ainda mais evidente no tocante à produção acadêmica sobre o padrão biomecânico da locomoção da população de crianças brasileiras. Nesse sentido, especialistas em análise de marcha alertam para o fato que crianças de diferentes populações podem exibir diferentes padrões de marcha de acordo com os grupos étnicos das quais foram extraídas (MORENO-HERNÁNDEZ et al., 2010). Assim sendo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever o padrão biomecânico da marcha de crianças hígidas brasileiras entre 6 e 11 anos de idade. Cento e vinte e duas crianças hígidas, entre seis e 11 anos de idade foram aleatoriamente recrutadas de um universo de 328 alunos. Os sujeitos foram alocados em três grupos etários: Grupo 1 (6-7 anos), Grupo 2 (8-9 anos) e Grupo 3 (10-11 anos). Para o registro das imagens das marchas das crianças foi utilizado um sistema de captura bidimensional de movimento a uma freqüência de aquisição de 30 Hz, composto por uma câmera Sony modelo HC 46 posicionada ortogonalmente a 6 metros da pista. Marcadores esféricos reflexivos de 20mm de diâmetro foram fixados em ambos os lados do corpo dos participantes. Os valores em bruto das coordenadas dos marcadores foram transformadas em coordenadas globais 2D (CALDWELL et al., 2004) e processadas no software SkillSpector (Versão 1.0). A estratégia de Hof (1996) foi utilizada para a normalização dos dados da marcha. Os comprimentos de passo e passada apresentaram uma tendência de aumento com o avanço da idade até 8-9 anos de idade, ao passo que a cadência dos passos apresentou uma tendência de diminuição até o mesmo período. Os números não-dimensionais não apresentaram qualquer tendência de alteração com o avanço da idade. Os três grupos etários apresentaram trajetórias angulares articulares semelhantes. O presente estudo constitui ação pioneira no que tange à descrição do padrão cinemático da marcha de crianças hígidas brasileiras entre 6 e 11 anos de idade. Assim sendo, consideramos que um primeiro passo foi dado no sentido da constituição de uma base de dados normativa da locomoção desses indivíduos.
[ES] El nuevo paradigma propuesto por el marketing corporativo identifica la gestión de la identidad, imagen y reputación de la empresa como elementos esenciales para la supervivencia y el éxito empresarial. Consecuentemente, la comprensión clara de estos tres conceptos es el primer requisito básico para las empresas interesadas en gestionar sus negocios en línea con las tendencias de marketing más actuales. No obstante, la proliferación de enfoques académicos en el estudio de la identidad, imagen y reputación dificulta la creación de un conocimiento integral en este particular. En el presente trabajo se propone una revisión teórica, integrando diversas perspectivas académicas, para comprender mejor los conceptos y las dimensiones de la identidad, imagen y reputación de la empresa. Dicha revisión de literatura facilita la mejor comprensión y gestión de estas tres vertientes del marketing corporativo tanto en el ámbito académico como profesional.