890 resultados para Hip


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Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural index of bone microarchitecture derived from lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. TBS is a bone mineral density (BMD)-independent predictor of fracture risk. The objective of this meta-analysis was to determine whether TBS predicted fracture risk independently of FRAX probability and to examine their combined performance by adjusting the FRAX probability for TBS. We utilized individual-level data from 17,809 men and women in 14 prospective population-based cohorts. Baseline evaluation included TBS and the FRAX risk variables, and outcomes during follow-up (mean 6.7 years) comprised major osteoporotic fractures. The association between TBS, FRAX probabilities, and the risk of fracture was examined using an extension of the Poisson regression model in each cohort and for each sex and expressed as the gradient of risk (GR; hazard ratio per 1 SD change in risk variable in direction of increased risk). FRAX probabilities were adjusted for TBS using an adjustment factor derived from an independent cohort (the Manitoba Bone Density Cohort). Overall, the GR of TBS for major osteoporotic fracture was 1.44 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.35-1.53) when adjusted for age and time since baseline and was similar in men and women (p > 0.10). When additionally adjusted for FRAX 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture, TBS remained a significant, independent predictor for fracture (GR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.24-1.41). The adjustment of FRAX probability for TBS resulted in a small increase in the GR (1.76, 95% CI 1.65-1.87 versus 1.70, 95% CI 1.60-1.81). A smaller change in GR for hip fracture was observed (FRAX hip fracture probability GR 2.25 vs. 2.22). TBS is a significant predictor of fracture risk independently of FRAX. The findings support the use of TBS as a potential adjustment for FRAX probability, though the impact of the adjustment remains to be determined in the context of clinical assessment guidelines. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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Contient : 1 Lettre du roi « HENRY » II au connétable Anne de Montmorency ; 2 Lettre du roi « HENRY [II]... à monsieur le connetable » ; 3 Lettre de la reine « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le deuc de Monmoransy, per et connestable de Franse » ; 4 Lettre de la reine « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le connetable » ; 5 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le conestable » ; 6 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à... madame la connetable, duchesse de Mommorency » ; 7 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le conestable » ; 8 Lettre du roi « HENRY » II au « Sr de La Rochepot,... A Fontainebleau, le XXIIIe jour de fevrier [M.]V.C.XLVII » ; 9 Lettre du roi « HENRY » II au « Sr de La Rochepot,... A Moulins, le XXIIIe jour d'octobre M.V.C.XLVIII » ; 10 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à... monsieur le duc de Momoransi, comnestable de France » ; 11 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à... monsieur le connestable » ; 12 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le connestable » ; 13 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à... monsieur le duc de Momonrancy, connestable de France » ; 14 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le conestable » ; 15 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le conestable » ; 16 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsieur le connestable » ; 17 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monsyeur le connestable » ; 18 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à... monseigneur le deuc de Momoransi, per et conestable de Franse » ; 19 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à... monseigneur le conestable » ; 20 Lettre de « MARGUERITE DE FRANCE,... à... madame la connestable, ducesse de Monmorency » ; 21 Lettre, en italien, d'«HIP[POLITO D'ESTE], cardinale di Ferrara... a... monseigneur il duca di Momoransi,... Di Ferrara, il X di novembre 1556 » ; 22 Accord fait « au Chasteau Cambresis, le troisiesme jour d'avril mil cinq cens cinqte neuf... entre monseigneur le connestable [de Montmorency] et le duc d'Alve, pour le faict des prisonniers » ; 23 Projet d'expédition en Italie par le « cardinale DE MEDICI ». En italien ; 24 « Memoire » de tous les objets d'ameublement « qu'il fault pour Madame, seur du roy » ; 25 Nouvelles « de Rome, le XXIIe de septembre 1555 » ; 26 « La Liste des cardinaulx selon ce qu'il semble à monseigneur le cardinal de Ferrare que l'on les doive recongnoistre » ; 27 « Ordonnances du seigneur DE CHASTILLON » pour la police de ses troupes ; 28 Lettre de « DIANNE DE POYTIERS,... à madame la connestable » ; 29 Lettre de « LA ROCHEPOT,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Mouchi, se tiers jour de novembre » ; 30 Lettre d'ANNE DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur... de Castres,... De Fontainebleau, ce IXme de juillet » ; 31 « Estat du payement qu'il convient faire pour les unze mil deux cens Suisses levez ou moys de juillet 1553 » ; 32 « Estat du nombre des hommes gens de guerre à pied qui sont pour le service du roy, tant deçà que delà les monts » ; 33 « Estat abregé de la recepte et depense des parties casuelles faicte par Me Gilles de Laubespine,... Bloys, le VIIIme jour de janvier, l'an mil cinq cens cinquante cinq »


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Contient : 1 Lettre de « RENEE DE FRANCE, duchesse de Ferrare... au roy [Henry II]. 1553 » ; 2 « Instructione di MARGARITA D'AUSTRIA à Montemerlo, di quello ha a negotiare in Francia con la Mta del re chrmo. 1551 » ; 3 Lettre, en latin, du pape JULES III au roi Henri II. « Ex palatio nostro apostolico, die IIII julii M.D.L » ; 4 Lettre de « ROBERT DE LA MARCK,... à monsieur le conestable [Anne de Montmorency]... De Pavye, montant en barque, ce XXIIIIe avril 1550 » ; 5 Lettre de « F[RANÇOIS], cardinal DE TOURNON,... à monseigneur le connestable... De Rome, le VIe d'octobre M.V.C.L » ; 6 Lettre, en français et en italien, d'« HIP[POLITO], cardinale DI FERRARA,... au roy... A Rome, ce XXIXe jour d'aoust 1550 » ; 7 Lettre de D'« URFE,... au roy... De Rome, ce XXIXme jour d'aoust 1550 » ; 8 Lettre de D'« URFE,... au roy... De Rome, ce XVIIIe d'octobre 1550 » ; 9 « Instruction au Sr de Camby, depesché devers le roy par nous cardinal de Tournon et de Selve, ambassadeur de Sa Majesté à Venise... Faict à Venise, le dix huictme de decembre M.V.C.LI » ; 10 Lettre, en italien, d'« el duca DI FERRARA [HERCULE D'EST] al re chrmo... Di Ferrara, alli XVII di giugno 1553 » ; 11 Lettre, en italien, d'« el duca DI FERRARA,... alli illmo Mor il car. di Lorena et Mor il duca di Guisa,... Di Ferrare, 5 di octobre 1553 » ; 12 Lettre de « RENEE DE FRANCE,... duchesse de Ferrare,... à mon cousin monseigneur le duc de Montmorency, per et connestable de France... De Consandollo, le XXIIIe jour d'avril 1553 » ; 13 Lettre d'« HIP[POLITO] carle DI FERRARA,... à monsieur le connestable... A Tivoly, ce XIIIme jour de septembre 1550 » ; 14 Lettre, en italien, d'« il conte DELLA MIRANDOLA,... al re chrmo... Della Mirandola, il VII di giugno M.D.LIII » ; 15 Lettre d'« il conte DELLA MIRANDOLA,... all' illmo Sr il duca di Momorensi, gran pere et conestabile di Francia... Della Mirandola, il VII di giugno M.D.LIII » ; 16 Lettre, en italien, d'« OTTAVIO FARNESE [duc DE PARME], a la sacra chrma Mta... Di Parma, a li II di giugno 1553 » ; 17 Lettre, en italien, d'« OTTAVIO FARNESE [duc DE PARME] al' illme sigor mio monsor il conestabile di Francia... Di Parma, a li XXIII di agosto 1553 » ; 18 Lettre, en italien, de « madame la duchesse DE CASTRES,... al re chrmo... Di Valentano, a li XVIII di settemb. M.D.LIII » ; 19 Lettre, en italien, d'« OTTAVIO FARNESE,... al' illmo monsor monseigneur il conestabile di Francia... Di Parma, a li XXV di giugno 1553 » ; 20 « Memoire particulier donné au Sr Cornelio Bentivoille, pour presenter au roy ou à monseigneur le connestable, de la part de monseigneur de Termes,... Faict à Chioze, le XVIIIe jour de juillet 1553 » ; 21 Lettre d'« HIP[POLITO], cardinale DI FERRARA,... au roy... A Ferrare, ce IXme jour de mars 1552 » ; 22 Lettre, en italien, d'« ALPHONSO DE ESTE,... all' illmo Ser mio il duca di Monmoransy, par et conestabile di Francia... Di Ferrara, il XXVII di feb° M.LVII » ; 23 « Coppie du traicté de la prorogation de suspension que le pape [Jules III] a accordée en 1552 ». En italien ; 24 Lettre, en italien, de « madame la duchesse DE CASTRES,... all' illmo Sor mio il Sr conestabile di Francia... Di Valentano, a li XVIII di settembre M.D.LIII » ; 25 Lettre de D'« URFE,... au roy... De Rome, ce XXXme jour d'aoust 1550 » ; 26 Lettre, en italien, d'« ALFONSO DE ESTE,... al re... Di Ferrara, il XXVII di febro M.LVII » ; 27 Lettre, en italien, d'« il cardinale DI SERMONETA,... al christianissimo re di Francia... Di Roma, il di XXX di settembre M.D.LIII » ; 28 Lettre, en italien, d'« il cap° di pop° e deputati a la difesa della liberta di Siena » au connétable Anne de Montmorency. « De la citta nostra di Montalc[in]o, il di XX d'ottobre M.D.LVI » ; 29 Lettre de D'« URFE » au connétable Anne de Montmorency. « De Rome, ce XIXe jour d'octobre 1550 » ; 30 Lettre, en italien, d'« il conte DELLA MIRANDOLA » au roi. « Della Mirandola, il XXV di febraro M.LII » ; 31 Lettre, en italien, d'« il capno del populo et reggimento de la repca sen. » au roi. « Del palazzo pubco sen., a XIII d'aprile M.D.LIII » ; 32 Lettre, en italien, d'« HIP[POLITO], carle DI FERRARA,... all' illmo duca di Momoransi, conestabile di Francia... Di Ferrara, il X di novembre 1556 » ; 33 Lettre de « RENEE DE FRANCE, duchesse de Ferrare... au roy... De Ferrare, le IXe jour de decembre 1556 » ; 34 Lettre de « RENEE DE FRANCE,... à mon cousin monseigneur le duc de Montmorency, per et connestable de France... De Ferrare, le XXVIIe jour de fevrier 1557 » ; 35 Lettre d'« HONORET DE CAYS,... au roy... De Lixbonne, ce premier jour de apvril 1556 » ; 36 Lettre d'« HONORET DE CAYS,... à monseigneur de Montmoransi,... De Lixbonne, ce premier jour de apvril 1556 » ; 37 Lettre, en italien, du « rettore et conseglio di Raugia » au roi. « Da Raugia, el di XII di luglio M.D.LVI » ; 38 Minute de lettre adressée à « monseigneur de Soubize »


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Physical inactivity poses a huge burden on Canada's health care system and is detrimental to the health of Canadians (Katzmarzyk & Janssen, 2004). Walking is a viable option for individuals to become physically active on a daily basis and is in fact the most commonly reported leisure time physical activity. It has been associated with many health benefits including weight loss/weight control, reduced risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes, lowered blood pressure, and improved psychological wellbeing (Brisson & Tudor-Locke, 2004). Specifically, individuals' stage of change, selfefficacy and health related quality of life (HRQL) are three psychological constructs that can be greatly improved with increased physical activity (Dishman, 1991; Penedo & Dahn, 2005; Poag & McAuley, 1992). Public health physical activity recommendations exist but many individuals find these difficult to meet due to overly busy lifestyles (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2003). Pedometers are inexpensive devices that can monitor individual bouts of walking so that the incorporation of physical activity into one's daily life is more plausible. They are also excellent tools for motivation, goalsetting, and immediate feedback (Brisson & Tudor-Locke, 2004). Since many people spend a large proportion of their time at their places of employment, workplaces have begun to be a common site for the development of physical activity interventions. These programs have been growing in popUlarity and have shown numerous benefits for both employees and employers (Voit, 2001). The purpose of the current study was to implement and evaluate the use of a pedometer-based physical activity intervention incorporating goal-setting and physical activity logs in a workplace setting, and to examine the relationship between different types of self-efficacy (task, barrier, and scheduling) and different phases of the intervention. Twenty male participants from a local steel manufacturing plant who exhibited health risk factors (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, etc.) were assigned to one of two groups (group A or group B). All participants were asked to wear pedometers on their waists, record their daily steps, set goals that were outlined on a step-tracking sheet (detennined by their baseline number of steps), and keep track of their work days, wakelbed time, sedentary time, and time spent doing other physical activity. Group A began the intervention immediately following the baseline measures, whereas group B continued with their regular routine for 4 weeks before beginning. Physiological measures (height, weight, blood pressure, relative body fat, waist and hip circumference, and body mass index) were taken and a battery of questionnaires that assessed barrier, task and scheduling self-efficacy, HRQL, and stage of change administered at baseline, week 5 (end of intervention for group A), week 9 (end of intervention for group B; follow-up for group A) and week 13 (follow-up for both groups). Results showed that this workplace physical activity intervention was successful at increasing the participants' daily steps, that task self-efficacy is a significant predictor of participants' exercise adherence during the initial stages of participation (intervention phase), and that the participants felt that this intervention was effective. Finally, further exploratory analyses showed that this intervention was effective for all participants, but most valuable for participants most in need of improvement - that is, those who were most sedentary prior to the intervention. This intervention is an inexpensive use of simple and effective tools (e.g. pedometers), has the potential to attract a wide variety of participants and become a pennanent part of any health promotion initiative.


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Existing research on attraction to body features has suggested that men show general preferences for women with lower waist-to-hip ratios (WHR), larger breasts, and slender body weights. The present study intended to expand on this research by investigating several individual difference factors and their potential contribution to variation in what men find attractive in female body features. Two hundred and seventy-three men were assessed for sex-role identity, 2D:4D digit ratios (a possible marker of prenatal exposure to androgens, and thus masculinization), physical attractiveness, early sexual experiences (as indices of early sexual conditioning), and early family attitudes toward body features, as well as their current preferences for WHR, breast size, weight, and height in women. For WHR, as predicted, physical attractiveness, early sexual experiences, and lower (more masculine) right-hand 2D:4D ratios significantly predicted current preferences for more feminine (lower) WHR. Early sexual experiences significantly predicted later preferences for breast size; in addition, more masculine occupational preferences and lower (more masculine) left-hand 2D:4D ratios predicted preferences for larger breasts. Participants' height, education level, Unmitigated Agency (masculinity) scores, and early sexual experiences significantly predicted current preferences for height. Finally, early sexual experiences significantly predicted current preferences for weight. The results suggest that variation in preferences for women's bodily features can be uniquely accounted for by a number of individual difference factors. Strengths and weaknesses of the study, along with implications for future research, are discussed.


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The objective of this study was to examine the association between body composition and arterial stiffuess in peri-pubescent boys and girls. Differences in arterial distensibility were measured in 68 children (45 normal weight, 12 overweight, and 11 obese) between the ages of9 to 12 years. Weight classification was based on age and gender-specific body mass index cut-offs, while pubertal maturation was self-reported using Tanner staging. Distensibility was determined using two-dimensional, B-Mode echo Doppler ultrasound to measure changes at the right common carotid artery (CCA) diameter changes, while carotid pulse pressure (cPP) was measured at the left CCA by applanation tonometry. One-way ANOV A analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.001) in all anthropometric measures between the normal weight and overweight children, as well as the normal weight and obese children. Body stature was only higher in obese children compared to normal weight children (p<0.01). No significant differences were found between groups regarding age or Tanner stage. Common carotid artery distensibility showed a significant difference (p<0.01) between normal weight children (0.008 ± 0.002 mmHg-1 ) compared to obese children (0.005 ± 0.002 mmHg-1 ), with a borderline significant difference between the normal and overweight subjects (p=0.06). There was no significant effect for gender between males and females across all independent variables. The strongest determinants of distensibility in children were cPP (r= -0.52, phip ratio explained 94% of the variance among peri-pubescent children. This study greatly underscores the need for weight management for long-term prevention of cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese children.


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ABSTRACT Introduction The purpose of this study was to assess specific osteoporosis-related health behaviours and physiological outcomes including daily calcium intake, physical activity levels, bone strength, as assessed by quantitative ultrasound, and bone turnover among women between the ages of 18 and 25. Respective differences on relevant study variables, based on dietary restraint and oral contraceptive use were also examined. Methods One hundred women (20.6 ± 0.2 years of age) volunteered to participate in the study. Informed written consent was obtained by all subjects prior to participation. The study and all related procedures were approved by the Brock University Research Ethics Board. Body mass, height, relative body fat, as well as chest, waist and hip circumferences were measured using standard procedures. The 10-item restrained eating subscale of the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used to assess dietary restraint (van Strien et al., 1986). Daily calcium intake was assessed by the Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) (Hertzler & Frary 1994). Weekly physical activity was documented by the 4-item Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (Godin & Shephard 1985). Bone strength was determined from the speed of sound (SOS) as measured by QUS (Sunlight 7000S). SOS measurements (m/s) were taken of the dominant and non-dominant sides of the distal one third of the radius and the mid-shaft of the tibia. Resting blood samples were collected from all subjects between 9am and 12pm, in order to evaluate the impact of lifestyle factors on biochemical markers of bone turnover. Blood was collected during the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (approximately days 1-5) for all subjects. Samples were centrifliged and the serum or plasma was aliquoted into separate tubes and stored at -80°C until analysis. The bone formation markers measured were Osteocalcin (OC), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and 25-OH vitamin D. The bone resorption markers measured were the carboxy (CTx) and amino (NTx) terminal telopeptides of type-I collagen crosslinks. All markers were assessed by ELISA. Subjects were divided into high (HDR) and low dietary restrainers (LDR) based on the median DEBQ score, and also into users (BC) and non-users (nBC) of oral contraceptives. A series of multiple one way ANOVA's were then conducted to identify differences between each set of groups for all relevant variables. A two-way ANOVA analysis was used to explore significant interactions between dietary restraint and use of oral contraceptives while a univariate follow-up analysis was also performed when appropriate. Pearson Product Moment Correlations were used to determine relationships among study variables. Results HDR had significantly higher BMI, %BF and circumference measures but lower daily calcium intake than LDR. There were no significant differences in physical activity levels between HDR and LDR. No significant differences were found between BC and nBC in body composition, calcium intake and physical activity. HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores than LDR in both the dominant and non-dominant sites. The post-hoc analysis showed that within the non-birth control group, the HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores of bone strength when compared to the LDR but Aere were no significant differences found between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. HDR had significantly lower levels of OC than LDR and the BC group had lower levels of BAP than the nBC group. Consistently, the follow-up analysis revealed that within those not on birth control, subjects who were classified as HDR had significantly (f*<0.05) lower levels of OC when compared with LDR but no significant differences were observed in bone turnover between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. Physical activity was not correlated with SOS scores and bone turnover markers possibly due to the low physical activity variability in this group of women. Conclusion This is the first study to examine the effects of dietary restraint on bone strength and turnover among this population of women. The most important finding of this study was that bone strength and turnover are negatively influenced by dietary restraint independent of relative body fat. In general, the results of the present thesis suggest that dietary restraint, oral contraceptive use, as well as low daily calcium intake and low physical activity levels were widespread behaviours among this population of college-aged women. The young women who were using dietary restraint as a strategy to lose weight, and thus were in the HDR group, despite their higher relative body fat and weight, had lower scores of bone strength and lower levels of markers of bone turnover compared to the low dietary restrainers. Additionally, bone turnover seemed to be negatively affected by oral contraceptives, while bone strength, as assessed by QUS, seemed unaffected by their use in this population of young women. Physical activity (weekly energy expenditure), on the other hand, was not associated with either bone strength or bone tiimover possibly due to the low variability of this variable in this population of young Canadian women.


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Introduction: The prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) is ever increasing in western industrialized societies. An individuals overall risk for CAD may be quantified by integrating a number of factors including, but not limited to, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, blood lipid profile and blood pressure. It might be expected that interventions aimed at improving any or all of these independent factors might improve an individual 's overall risk. To this end, the influence of standard endurance type exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, blood lipids and blood pressure, and by extension the reduction of coronary risk factors, is well documented. On the other hand, interval training (IT) has been shown to provide an extremely powerful stimulus for improving indices of cardiorespiratory function but the influence of this training type on coronary risk factors is unknown. Moreover, the vast majority of studies investigating the effects of IT on fitness have used laboratory type training protocols. As a result of this, the influence of participation in interval-type recreational sports on cardiorespiratory fitness and coronary risk factors is unknown. Aims: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of recreational ball hockey, a sport associated with interval-type activity patterns, on indices of aerobic function and coronary risk factors in sedentary men in the approximate age range of 30 - 60 years. Individual risk factors were compiled into an overall coronary risk factor score using the Framingham Point Scale (FPS). Methods: Twenty-four sedentary males (age range 30 - 60) participated in the study. Subject activity level was assessed apriori using questionnaire responses. All subjects (experimental and control) were assessed to have been inactive and sedentary prior to participation in the study. The experimental group (43 ± 3 years; 90 ± 3 kg) (n = 11) participated in one season of recreational ball hockey (our surrogate for IT). Member of this group played a total of 16 games during an 11 week span. During this time, the control group (43 ± 2 years; 89 ± 2 kg) (n = 11) performed no training and continued with their sedentary lifestyle. Prior to and following the ball hockey season, experimental and control subjects were tested for the following variables: 1) cardiorespiratory fitness (as V02 Max) 2) blood lipid profile 3) body composition 5) waist to hip ratio 6) blood glucose levels and 7) blood pressure. Subject V02 Max was assessed using the Rockport submaximal walking test on an indoor track. To assess body composition we determined body mass ratio (BMI), % body fat, % lean body mass and waist to hip ratio. The blood lipid profile included high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels; in addition, the ratio of total cholesterol to high density was calculated. Blood triglycerides were also assessed. All data were analyzed using independent t - tests and all data are expressed as mean ± standard error. Statistical significance was accepted at p :S 0.05. Results: Pre-test values for all variables were similar between the experimental and control group. Moreover, although the intervention used in this study was associated with changes in some variables for subjects in the experimental group, subjects in the control group did not exhibit any changes over the same time period. BODY COMPOSITION: The % body fat of experimental subjects decreased by 4.6 ± 0.5%, from 28.1 ± 2.6 to 26.9 ± 2.5 % while that of the control group was unchanged at 22.7 ± 1.4 and 22.2 ± 1.3 %. However, lean body mass of experimental and control subjects did not change at 64.3 ± 1.3 versus 66.1 ± 1.3 kg and 65.5 ± 0.8 versus 64.7 ± 0.8 kg, respectively. In terms of body mass index and waist to hip ratio, neither the experimental nor the control group showed any significant change. Respective values for the waist to hip ratio and body mass index (pre and post) were as follows: 1 ± 0.1 vs 0.9 ± 0.1 (experimental) and 0.9 ± 0.1 versus 0.9 ± 0.1 (controls) while for BMI they were 29 ± 1.4 versus 29 ± 1.2 (experimental) and 26 ± 0.7 vs. 26 ± 0.7 (controls). CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS: In the experimental group, predicted values for absolute V02 Max increased by 10 ± 3% (i.e. 3.3 ± 0.1 to 3.6 ± 0.1 liters min -1 while that of control subjects did not change (3.4 ± 0.2 and 3.4 ± 0.2 liters min-I). In terms of relative values for V02 Max, the experimental group increased by 11 ± 2% (37 ± 1.4 to 41 ± 1.4 ml kg-l min-I) while that of control subjects did not change (41 ± 1.4 and 40 ± 1.4 ml kg-l min-I). BLOOD LIPIDS: Compared to pre-test values, post-test values for HDL were decreased by 14 ± 5 % in the experiment group (from 52.4 ± 4.4 to 45.2 ± 4.3 mg dl-l) while HDL data for the control group was unchanged (49.7 ± 3.6 and 48.3 ± 4.1 mg dl-l, respectively. On the other hand, LDL levels did not change for either the experimental or control group (110.2 ± 10.4 versus 112.3 ± 7.1 mg dl-1 and 106.1 ± 11.3 versus 127 ± 15.1 mg dl-1, respectively). Further, total cholesterol did not change in either the experimental or control group (181.3 ± 8.7 mg dl-1 versus 178.7± 4.9 mg dl-l) and 190.7 ± 12.2 versus 197.1 ± 16.1 mg dl-1, respectively). Similarly, the ratio of TC/HDL did not change for either the experimental or control group (3.8 ± 0.4 versus 4.5 ± 0.5 and 4 ± 0.4 versus 4.2 ± 0.4, respectively). Blood triglyceride levels were also not altered in either the experimental or control group (100.3 ± 19.6 versus 114.8 ± 15.3 mg dl-1 and 140 ± 23.5 versus 137.3 ± 17.9 mg dl-l, respectively). BLOOD GLUCOSE: Fasted blood glucose levels did not change in either the experimental or control group. Pre- and post-values for experimental and control groups were 92.5 ± 4.8 versus 93.3 ± 4.3 mg dl-l and 92.3 ± 11.3 versus 93.2 ± 2.6 mg dl-1 , respectively. BLOOD PRESSURE: No aspect of blood pressure was altered in either the experimental or control group. For example, pre- and post-test systolic blood pressures were 131 ± 2 versus 129 ± 2 mmHg (experimental) and 123 ± 2 and 125 ± 2 mmHg (controls), respectively. Pre- and post-test diastolic blood pressures were 84 ± 2 and 83 ± 2 mmHg (experimental) and 81 ± 1 versus 82 ± 1 mmHg, respectively. Similarly, calculated pulse pressure was not altered in the experimental or control as pre- and post-test values were 47 ± 1 versus 47 ± 2 mmlHg and 42 ± 2 versus 43 ± 2 mmHg, respectively. FRAMINGHAM POINT SCORE: The concerted changes reported above produced an increased risk in the Framingham Point Score for the subjects in the experimental group. For example, the pre- and post-test FPS increased from 1.4 ± 0.9 to 2.7 ± 0.7. On the other hand, pre- and post-test scores for the control group were 1.8 ± 1 versus 1.8 ± 0.9. Conclusions: Our data confirms previous studies showing that interval-type exercise is a useful intervention for increasing aerobic fitness. Moreover, the increase in V02 Max we found in response to limited participation in ball hockey (i.e. 16 games) suggests that recreational sport may help reduce this aspect of coronary risk in previously sedentary individual. On the other hand, our results showing little or no positive change in body composition, blood lipids or blood pressures suggest that one season of recreational sport in not in of itself a powerful enough stimulus to reduce the overall risk of coronary artery disease. In light of this, it is recommended that, in addition to participation in recreational sport, the performance of regular physical activity is used as an adjunct to provide a more powerful overall stimulus for decreasing coronary risk factors. LIMITATIONS: The increase in the FPS we found for the experimental group, indicative of an increased risk for coronary disease, was largely due to the large decrease in HDL we observed after compared to above one season of ball hockey. In light of the fact that cardiorespiratory fitness was increased and % body fat was decreased, as well as the fact that other parameters such as blood pressure showed positive (but non statistically significant) trends, the possibility that the decrease in HDL showed by our data was anomalous should be considered. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: The results of this study suggesting that recreational sport may be a potentially useful intervention in the reduction of CAD require to be corroborated by future studies specifically employing 1) more rigorous assessment of fitness and fitness change and 2) more prolonged or frequent participants.


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The human neuromuscular system is susceptible to changes within the thermal environment. Cold extrinsic temperatures can significantly reduce muscle and nervous system function and communication, which can have consequences for motor performance. A repeated measures design protocol exposed participants to a 12°C cold water immersion (CWI) up to the ankle, knee, and hip to determine the effect that reduced skin and muscle temperature had on balance and strength task execution. Although a linear reduction in the ability to perform balance tasks was seen from the control condition through to the hip CWI, results from the study indicated a significant reduction in dynamic balance (Star Excursion Balance Test reach distance) performance from only the hip CWI (P<0.05). This reduced performance could have been due to an increase in joint stiffness, increased agonist-antagonist co-contraction, and/or reduced isokinetic muscular strength. Reduced physical performance due to cold temperature could negatively impact outdoor recreational athletics.


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Affiliation: Pierre Dagenais : Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Placer une charge au niveau du membre inférieur est une approche sans fondement scientifique, utilisée par les cliniciens, pour renforcer certains muscles clés de la marche. Cette étude a déterminé les modifications du patron de marche lors de l’ajout d’une charge à la cheville parétique ou non parétique chez des personnes ayant une hémiparésie suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral et a comparé les résultats à ceux d’un groupe témoin. Il est supposé qu’une charge placée à la jambe parétique/non dominante (charge ipsilatérale) augmenterait les efforts (moments et puissance) à la hanche parétique/non dominante lors de l’oscillation et qu’une charge placée controlatéralement augmenterait les efforts lors de la phase d’appui principalement pour les abducteurs de hanche stabilisant le bassin dans le plan frontal. La marche avec et sans charge de cinq individus hémiparétiques chroniques et 5 personnes en santé a été analysée en laboratoire par l’enregistrement des forces de réaction du sol et des mouvements des membres inférieurs. Ces informations ont permis de calculer les paramètres temps-distance, les angles à la hanche parétique/non dominante et au tronc, les moments nets, les puissances et le travail mécanique à la hanche parétique/non dominante. Des tests statistiques non-paramétriques ont servi à déterminer l’effet de la condition, avec charge (ipsi- et controlatérale) ou sans charge et à comparer les résultats entre les deux groupes. L’ajout d’une charge n’a pas modifié la vitesse de marche des sujets. Les phases d’appui et d’oscillation étaient rendus plus symétriques par la charge, même si peu de différences apparaissaient dans le plan sagittal avec ou sans la charge. Dans le plan frontal, le moment abducteur de hanche des sujets hémiparétiques a diminué avec la charge controlatérale, tandis qu'il a augmenté chez les sujets en santé. L’utilisation d’une stratégie posturale ou dynamique au tronc pourrait expliquer la différence de l’effet de la charge sur le moment abducteur à la hanche. Au vu de ces résultats, il est nécessaire de poursuivre l’évaluation de cette approche de renforcement musculaire spécifique à la tâche avant d’en recommander son utilisation.


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Ce mémoire présente l’évaluation du remodelage osseux autour des composantes acétabulaires non cimentées press-fit d’une arthroplastie de resurfaçage (RH) et d’une prothèse totale de hanche (PTH) après un minimum de 21 mois d’implantation. Nous avons mesuré par l’absorptiométrie à rayons X en double énergie (DEXA) la densité minérale osseuse (DMO) supra acétabulaire chez 60 patients (44 RH, 16 PTH). Aucune différence significative de la moyenne des DMO au niveau de la zone globale et de la zone centrale de l’acétabulum n’a été trouvée entre la hanche opérée et la hanche controlatérale, dans les deux groupes de traitement. Cependant, la DMO des zones corticospongieuses médiale et latérale est plus élevée du côté opéré par rapport au côté non opéré avec la cupule en chrome cobalt de la RH; (p=0,014 et 0,031 respectivement). Alors que pour la PTH avec une cupule en titane, la différence de la DMO au niveau de ces zones n’est pas significative; (p=0,130 et 0,733). Ces données semblent démontrer qu’avec des cupules plus rigides, il y a transfert des contraintes de charges vers la périphérie corticale. C’est la première étude à évaluer le remodelage osseux péri acétabulaire avec un RH. Cela montre que la DMO est relativement préservée et que le transfert des contraintes vers la périphérie peut être favorable au maintien de la stabilité de l’implant primaire et aux éventuelles révisions de la cupule press-fit du RH.


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Les transfusions sanguines sont fréquemment employées pour corriger l’anémie secondaire à une arthroplastie de la hanche ou du genou. Il n’y a cependant pas consensus sur les indications de transfuser. La tendance actuelle est d’utiliser une stratégie transfusionnelle restrictive (soit un seuil de 75-80 g/L d’hémoglobine) mais les conséquences d’une telle pratique sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie des patients sont mal connues. Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé la pratique transfusionnelle au Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). Notre hypothèse était que, devant l’imprécision des recommandations, la pratique transfusionnelle serait variable. Une étude rétrospective de 701 dossiers de patients ayant subi une arthroplastie de la hanche ou du genou a été réalisée. Nous avons observé que les transfusions étaient utilisées de la même façon dans les trois hôpitaux et que les médecins basaient leur décision de transfuser principalement sur un seul chiffre, la concentration d’hémoglobine, adoptant une stratégie restrictive. Soixante-six pourcent des patients avaient une concentration d’hémoglobine inférieure à 100 g/L au départ de l’hôpital. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons évalué l’impact de cette anémie postopératoire sur la récupération fonctionnelle et la qualité de vie des patients. Notre hypothèse était qu’il existe une concentration d’hémoglobine en dessous de laquelle celles-ci sont atteintes. Une étude de cohorte prospective et observationnelle a été menée chez 305 patients regroupés selon leur concentration d’hémoglobine postopératoire. Les groupes d’hémoglobine (≤ 80, 81-90, 91-100 et > 100 g/L) étaient similaires dans l’évolution de la distance de marche en six minutes, de l’évaluation de l’effort fourni, de la force de préhension et des scores de qualité de vie. L’anémie modérée n’est donc pas associée à une atteinte de la récupération fonctionnelle et de la qualité de vie à court terme. D’autres études devront déterminer les conséquences à long terme d’une stratégie transfusionnelle restrictive sur ces patients.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Depuis les dernières années, la prévalence de personnes souffrant de dégénérescence des cartilages articulaires, communément appelée ostéoarthrite (OA), ne cesse d’augmenter. Les douleurs articulaires et les raideurs musculaires associées à cette pathologie mènent à des limitations des capacités fonctionnelles, à une perte de mobilité et d’autonomie affectant grandement la qualité de vie de ces personnes. Afin de soulager les personnes souffrant de cette pathologie, l’arthroplastie de la hanche est une procédure chirurgicale fréquemment utilisée. À la suite de cette chirurgie, une amélioration de la qualité de vie et une reprise des capacités fonctionnelles sont souvent observées. Cependant, comparativement à des sujets sains, la vitesse de marche est diminuée, une faiblesse des muscles abducteurs de la hanche est constatée et des mouvements compensatoires au niveau du tronc sont persistants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer le patron locomoteur chez des patients qui subiront une arthroplastie de la hanche. Plus spécifiquement, les adaptations locomotrices pré et post-opératoires seront quantifiées dans le but d’apporter des modifications aux programmes de réhabilitation pour ainsi favoriser un patron locomoteur sans déficit. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois études distinctes ont été effectuées. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’impact de l’implantation d’une prothèse totale de la hanche avec une tête fémorale de large diamètre et une prothèse de resurfaçage a été évalué par rapport aux sujets sains lors de la locomotion. Au cours de cette étude, le contrôle du tronc a été analysé en utilisant la distance entre le centre de masse corporel et le centre articulaire de la hanche opérée. Suite aux résultats obtenus, aucune différence majeure n’existe entre les deux types de prothèses en ce qui a trait au contrôle du tronc et ce, à un an post-opératoire. Lors de la deuxième étude, la symétrie des paramètres biomécaniques des membres inférieurs lors de la locomotion chez des patients ayant bénéficié de l’implantation d’une prothèse de la hanche a été caractérisée suite à un programme d’exercices péri-opératoires (pré et post-opératoire). Lors de cette étude, le programme d’exercices péri-opératoires était complémentaire au protocole de réadaptation du centre hospitalier. D’après les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude exploratoire, ce programme d’exercices péri-opératoires semble permettre d’améliorer la symétrie de la puissance et du travail musculaire au niveau de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville favorisant ainsi un patron de marche avec de minimes compensations. Finalement, dans le cadre de la troisième étude, l’approche prédictive et l’approche fonctionnelle, utilisées pour localiser le centre articulaire de la hanche, ont été comparées aux mesures radiographiques, chez des patients à la suite d’un remplacement articulaire de la hanche. À la suite de cette étude, les résultats démontrent que l’utilisation de l’approche fonctionnelle est plus appropriée chez des patients ayant bénéficié d’une arthroplastie de la hanche. En effet, cette approche individualisée est plus précise ce qui, par conséquent, permettra d’obtenir des résultats de plus grande qualité lors d’analyses biomécaniques de la locomotion.