927 resultados para High Energy
We show that the multi-boson KP hierarchies possess a class of discrete symmetries linking them to discrete Toda systems. These discrete symmetries are generated by the similarity transformation of the corresponding Lax operator. This establishes a canonical nature of the discrete transformations. The spectral equation, which defines both the lattice system and the corresponding Lax operator, plays a key role in determining pertinent symmetry structure. We also introduce the concept of the square root lattice leading to a family of new pseudo-differential operators with covariance under additional Bäcklund transformations.
We discuss a relativistic free particle with fractional spin in 2+1 dimensions, where the dual spin components satisfy the canonical angular momentum algebra {Sμ, Sν} = εμνγSγ. It is shown that it is a general consequence of these features that the Poincaré invariance is broken down to the Lorentz one, so indicating that it is not possible to keep simultaneously the free nature of the anyon and the translational invariance.
A χ2 analysis is performed to test the resolving power of two-dimensional pion interferometry using for illustration the preliminary E802 data on Si+Au at 14.6 A GeV/c. We find that the resolving power to distinguish two decoupling geometries of different dynamical models is enhanced by studying the variation of the mean χ2 per degrees of freedom with respect to the range of the analysis in the qT, qL plane. The preliminary data seem to rule out dynamical models with significant ω, η resonance formation yields.
We estimate the cross-section for glueball production in peripheral heavy-ion collisions through two-photon and double-Pomeron exchange, at energies that will be available at RHIC and LHC. Glueballs will be produced at large rates, opening the possibility to study decays with very small branching ratios. In particular, we discuss the possibility of observing the subprocess γγ(PP) → G → γγ.
Starting from the Fock space representation of hadron bound states in a quark model, a change of representation is implemented by a unitary transformation such that the composite hadrons are redescribed by elementary-particle field operators. Application of the unitary transformation to the microscopic quark Hamiltonian gives rise to effective hadron-hadron, hadron-quark, and quark-quark Hamiltonians. An effective baryon Hamiltonian is derived using a simple quark model. The baryon Hamiltonian is free of the post-prior discrepancy which usually plagues composite-particle effective interactions.
We review two-dimensional QCD. We start with the field theory aspects since 't Hooft's 1/N expansion, arriving at the non-Abelian bosonization formula, coset construction and gauge-fixing procedure. Then we consider the string interpretation, phase structure and the collective coordinate approach. Adjoint matter is coupled to the theory, and the Landau-Ginzburg generalization is analysed. We end with considerations concerning higher algebras, integrability, constraint structure, and the relation of high-energy scattering of hadrons with two-dimensional (integrable) field theories.
We discuss the consistency of the traditional vector meson dominance (VMD) model for photons coupling to matter, with the vanishing of vector meson-meson and meson-photon mixing self-energies at q2 = 0. This vanishing of vector mixing has been demonstrated in the context of rho-omega mixing for a large class of effective theories. As a further constraint on such models, we here apply them to a study of photon-meson mixing and VMD. As an example we compare the predicted momentum dependence of one such model with a momentum-dependent version of VMD discussed by Sakurai in the 1960's. We find that it produces a result which is consistent with the traditional VMD phenomenology. We conclude that comparison with VMD phenomenology can provide a useful constraint on such models.
We show that the emission of a Minkowski particle by a general class of scalar sources as described by inertial observers corresponds to either the emission or the absorption of a Rindler particle as described by uniformly accelerated observers. Our results are discussed in connection with the current controversy whether uniformly accelerated detectors radiate.
In analogy with the Liouville case we study the sl3 Toda theory on the lattice and define the relevant quadratic algebra and out of it we recover the discrete W3 algebra. We define an integrable system with respect to the latter and establish the relation with the Toda lattice hierarchy. We compute the relevant continuum limits. Finally we find the quantum version of the quadratic algebra.
In Neoponera villosa ants, we found ovaries of the polytrophic meroistic type which is characterized by the presence of nurse cells forming together with the oocyte, the so-called follicles. The nurse cells have the primary function of supplying the oocyte with RNA, but they contribute to the supply of other elements such as glycogen. With the objetive of detecting the presence of this substance in the ovarioles of workers and queens of N. viillosa ants the ovaries were removed and processed according to electron microscopy technic for glycogen detection. Glycogen is a common element in insect oocytes and is abundantly distributed in the cytoplasm of N. villosa workers and queens. However, in ovarian follicles it can only be detected at stages II and III of development. Glycogen synthesis probably occurs predominantly in nurse cells which transfer it into the oocyte through the nourish pore. This process requires high energy expenditure that justify the large numbers of mitochondria associated with glycogen in the nurse cell cytoplasm. The amount of glycogen in the nurse cells of queens is slightly greater than workers.
Analysis of the taphonomic signatures of a well preserved, silicifled coquina (Pinzonella neotropica assemblage) from the Camaquã outcrop, upper part of the Corumbataí Formation (Late Permian), in the Rio Claro region, state of Sáo Paulo, allowed interpretation of processes involved in its origin as related to high energy events (storms). The coquina occurs as a lenticular body, 2-11 cm thick and extending laterally for about 120 m. Basal contact of the coquina is sharp and erosive. Its upper contact is sharp. The concentration is dominated by pelecypods including the shallow burrowers (Pinzonella neotropica, Jacquesia brasiliensis), intermediate burrower (Pyramus anceps) and semi-infaunal forms (Naiadopsis lamellosus). All these species are suspension feeders. Besides sand-sized or even smaller shell fragments, there occur disarticulated, complete shells which are commonly abraded but do not show any signs of bioerosion or incrustation. In vertical side view, the shells are mainly convex-up, nested or stacked, while in plan-view they show random orientation. Multiple discontinuous grading is visible. These taphonomic signatures suggest that the origin of the skeletal accumulation is related to high energy events (possibly storm flows) in a proximal environment. The amalgamated nature of the Camaquã coquina records several episodes of erosion and deposition.
The phenomenology of a QCD-Pomeron model based on the exchange of a pair of non-perturbative gluons, i.e. gluon fields with a finite correlation length in the vacuum, is studied in comparison with the phenomenology of QCD chiral symmetry breaking, based on non-perturbative solutions of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the quark propagator including these non-perturbative gluon effects. We show that these models are incompatible, and point out some possibles origins of this problem.
We compute the critical coupling constant for the dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking in a model of quantum chromodynamics, solving numerically the quark self-energy using infrared finite gluon propagators found as solutions of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gluon, and one gluon propagator determined in numerical lattice simulations. The gluon mass scale screens the force responsible for the chiral breaking, and the transition occurs only for a larger critical coupling constant than the one obtained with the perturbative propagator. The critical coupling shows a great sensibility to the gluon mass scale variation, as well as to the functional form of the gluon propagator.
Superstring field theory was recently used to derive a covariant action for a self-dual five-form field strength. This action is shown to be a ten-dimensional version of the McClain-Wu-Yu action. By coupling to D-branes, it can be generalized in the presence of sources. In four dimensions, this gives a local Maxwell action with electric and magnetic sources.
Superstring field theory was recently used to derive a four-dimensional Maxwell action with manifest duality. This action is related to the McClain-Wu-Yu Hamiltonian and can be locally coupled to electric and magnetic sources. In this letter, the manifestly dual Maxwell action is supersymmetrized using N = 1 and N = 2 superspace. The N = 2 version may be useful for studying Seiberg-Witten duality. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.