924 resultados para Heart failure clinic
OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the major causes of surgical morbidity and mortality in patients with infective endocarditis operated upon in a regional cardiology center. METHODS: Thirty-four patients underwent surgical treatment for infective endocarditis. Their ages ranged from 20 to 68 years (mean of 40.6) and 79% were males. Their NYHA functional classes were as follows: IV - 19 (55.8%) patients; III - 12 (35.2%) patients; II - 3 (8.8%) patients. Blood cultures were positive in only 32% of the cases. Eight patients had already undergone previous cardiac surgery, whose major indication (82.3%) was heart failure refractory to clinical treatment. RESULTS: Four (11.7%) patients died at the hospital. Follow-up was complete in 26 (86%) patients. Five (14.7%) patients died later, 12, 36, 48, 60, and 89 months after hospital discharge. Of the 21 patients being currently followed up, 1 is in NYHA functional class III, and 5 in NYHA functional class II. CONCLUSION: A high degree of clinical suspicion, at an early diagnosis, and indication of surgical treatment prior to deterioration of left ventricular function and installation of generalized sepsis may improve prognosis.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the oscillatory breathing on the variability of RR intervals (VRR) and on prognostic significance after one year follow-up in subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction. METHODS: We studied 76 subjects, whose age ranged from 40 to 80 years, paired for age and gender, divided into two groups: group I - 34 healthy subjects; group II - 42 subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction < 0.40). The ECG signals were acquired during 600s in supine position, and analyzed the variation of the thoracic amplitude and the VRR. Clinical and V-RR variables were applied into a logistic multivariate model to foretell survival after one year follow-up. RESULTS: Oscillatory breathing was detected in 35.7% of subjects in vigil state of group II, with a concentration of the spectral power in the very low frequency band, and was independent of the presence of diabetes, functional class, ejection fraction, cause of ventricular dysfunction and survival after one year follow-up. In the logistic regression model, ejection fraction was the only independent variable to predict survival. CONCLUSION: 1) Oscillatory breathing pattern is frequent during wakefulness in the left ventricular global systolic dysfunction and concentrates spectral power in the very low band of V-RR; 2) it does not relate to severity and cause of left ventricular dysfunction; 3) ejection fraction is the only independent predictive variable for survival in this group of subjects.
FUNDAMENTO: Na Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC), a atenção especial é necessária não somente em relação à aspectos objetivos ou isolados, mas também às percepções de saúde do paciente. Os aspectos subjetivos podem ajudar os profissionais da saúde a entender e a melhor tratar a IC. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar simultaneamente os efeitos dos indicadores clínicos da IC na qualidade de vida (QDV). MÉTODOS: Investigamos, através de análise multivariada, a QDV de 101 pacientes ambulatoriais brasileiros, utilizando o questionário de Minnesota (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire), incluindo suas sub-escalas, e sua correlação com as variáveis clínicas e psicológicas, tais como idade, etnia, gênero, parâmetros ecocardiográficos, índice de massa corporal, pressão arterial média de repouso, tempo de diagnóstico, Classificação Funcional de acordo com a NYHA, capacidade funcional através de uma Escala de Atividade Específica, comorbidades, Escore de Risco de Framingham (ERF), teste de função pulmonar (espirometria) e composição corporal. RESULTADOS: A QDV mostrou correlações univariadas significantes com o ecocardiograma: fração de ejeção (p=0,0415), diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) (p=0,004), diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DSVE) (p=0,0001); comorbidades (p=0,002) e teste de função pulmonar: Capacidade Vital Forçada (CVF) (p<0,0001), Volume Expiratório Forçado no 1º segundo (FEV1) (p<0,0001) e Ventilação Voluntária Máxima (VVM) (p=0,001). Na análise multivariada, o protocolo Backward Stepwise detectou importantes variáveis influentes simultâneas (r²=0.60): gênero (0,000178), etnia (p<0,00001), DSVE (p<0,00001), ERF (p=0,000002), CVF (p=0,002027), FEV1 (p<0,00001) e VVM (p=0,00001). CONCLUSÃO: Gênero, etnia, DSVE, ERF, CVF, FEV1 e VVM são preditores independentes de QDV em pacientes com IC. Simultaneamente, eles são responsáveis por cerca de 60% da variância da QDV. Os aspectos biopsicossociais podem contribuir para as expectativas dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde e resultado do tratamento.
FUNDAMENTO: Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) apresentam progressiva incapacidade e declínio na qualidade de vida, ambos relacionados com dispneia e fadiga. Dessa forma, há interesse crescente em mensurar a qualidade de vida (QV), seja por instrumento genérico, tal como o 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), seja por específico, tal como o Minnesota Living with Heart Failure (MLHFQ). OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou correlacionar os questionários de QV, SF-36 e MLHFQ, com a capacidade funcional de pacientes com IC, expressa pelo teste cardiopulmonar e o TC6M. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se os questionários SF-36 e MLHFQ para avaliação da QV. Para avaliação da capacidade funcional, utilizou-se o teste cardiopulmonar, sendo executado em esteira com protocolo de Weber, bem como a distância percorrida no teste da caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M). RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 46 pacientes com diagnóstico de IC (22 homens, idade média de 52 anos), classes II e III da New York Heart Association. Observou-se correlação fraca entre os domínios aspectos físico e emocional do SF-36 e o VE/VCO2pico (r=-0,3; p<0,05) e a distância percorrida no TC6M (r=0,4; p<0,05), respectivamente. Observaram-se ainda correlações de fraca a moderada do escore total do MLHFQ com o VO2pico (r=-0,5; p<0,05), o limiar anaeróbio (r=-0,4; p<0,05) e a distância percorrida no TC6M (r=-0,5; p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que a aplicação de ambos os instrumentos de avaliação da QV, genérico (SF-36) e específico (MLHFQ) em pacientes com IC, evidenciaram de fraca a moderada correlação com as variáveis do teste cardiopulmonar e a distância percorrida no TC6M.
Esta atualização da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica (IC) - 2012 surge para reavaliar as recomendações através de uma avaliação criteriosa das pesquisas (considerando-se a qualidade dos estudos), fundamental para que se atinja esse propósito. Para tanto, foi dada ênfase ao efeito em desfechos de morte, à qualidade "CONSORT" (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials), à descrição qualitativa e quantitativa da otimização da medicação, à população realmente incluída, às metanálises somente de estudos qualidade "CONSORT", à custo-efetividade, à existência de efeito de classe, ao número de pacientes incluídos e à análise de subgrupos apenas para gerar hipóteses. Na área da epidemiologia, as recentes abordagens das características da IC com fração de ejeção preservada (ICFEP) e da importância da IC como causa de morte no Brasil foram revisadas. Além disso, este documento contempla a reavaliação do valor dos biomarcadores no diagnóstico e no seguimento da IC, o papel diagnóstico da angiotomografia coronariana nos casos de risco intermediário ou baixo risco de doença coronariana, a não recomendação de rotina do telemonitoramento; o surgimento da avaliação familiar como recomendação importante, e a reavaliação da restrição da adição de sal na dieta. As clínicas de IC e reabilitação física, apesar de alguns resultados negativos ou controversos quanto à mortalidade, continuam com recomendação importante. No campo do tratamento farmacológico, abrange-se a reavaliação da indicação do nebivolol, introduz-se a ivabradina como um novo paradigma no tratamento, os antagonistas da aldosterona não têm efeito de classe reconhecido, o ômega 3 passa a ser recomendado, o ferro administrado por via endovenosa e o sildenafil recebem indicação em casos selecionados. Todas as recomendações para outras etiologias são expandidas para a Doença de Chagas. Na área da anticoagulação, recomenda-se a utilização dos escores CHA2DS2VASC e o HAS-BLED na fibrilação atrial, com introdução de inibidores da trombina e do fator Xa como alternativas na anticoagulação. No tratamento cirúrgico da IC, considerou-se que resultados neutros do estudo STICH influenciaram as recomendações, o transplante cardíaco continua a ser o tratamento indicado nas fases evolutivas tardias de IC, os dispositivos de assistência circulatória mecânica para terapia de destino passam a ter recomendação, a duração do QRS foi fundamental na indicação de TRV-AV, e o CDI continua com recomendação I para miocardiopatia isquêmica. Entretanto, baseada em análise crítica dos estudos considerando-se o custo-efetividade, o CDI não atingiu recomendação I para classes menos graves devido as limitações dos estudos. Também a importância da cardiotoxicidade por drogas para tratamento de neoplasias foi ressaltada, o tratamento da IC na gravidez e da miocardite foi revisado. Novos potenciais métodos de tratamento em fase de pesquisa são apresentados e novos fluxogramas de diagnóstico e tratamento da IC, reformulados, foram incluídos
Background: The effects of modern therapy on functional recovery after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are unknown.Objectives:To evaluate the predictors of systolic functional recovery after anterior wall AMI in patients undergoing modern therapy (reperfusion, aggressive platelet antiaggregant therapy, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers).Methods:A total of 94 consecutive patients with AMI with ST-segment elevation were enrolled. Echocardiograms were performed during the in-hospital phase and after 6 months. Systolic dysfunction was defined as ejection fraction value < 50%.Results:In the initial echocardiogram, 64% of patients had systolic dysfunction. Patients with ventricular dysfunction had greater infarct size, assessed by the measurement of total and isoenzyme MB creatine kinase enzymes, than patients without dysfunction. Additionally, 24.5% of patients that initially had systolic dysfunction showed recovery within 6 months after AMI. Patients who recovered ventricular function had smaller infarct sizes, but larger values of ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time than patients without recovery. At the multivariate analysis, it can be observed that infarct size was the only independent predictor of functional recovery after 6 months of AMI when adjusted for age, gender, ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time.Conclusion: In spite of aggressive treatment, systolic ventricular dysfunction remains a frequent event after the anterior wall myocardial infarction. Additionally, 25% of patients show functional recovery. Finally, infarct size was the only significant predictor of functional recovery after six months of acute myocardial infarction.
Background: Abdominal obesity is an important cardiovascular risk factor. Therefore, identifying the best method for measuring waist circumference (WC) is a priority. Objective: To evaluate the eight methods of measuring WC in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as a predictor of cardiovascular complications during hospitalization. Methods: Prospective study of patients with ACS. The measurement of WC was performed by eight known methods: midpoint between the last rib and the iliac crest (1), point of minimum circumference (2); immediately above the iliac crest (3), umbilicus (4), one inch above the umbilicus (5), one centimeter above the umbilicus (6), smallest rib and (7) the point of greatest circumference around the waist (8). Complications included: angina, arrhythmia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, hypotension, pericarditis and death. Logistic regression tests were used for predictive factors. Results: A total of 55 patients were evaluated. During the hospitalization period, which corresponded on average to seven days, 37 (67%) patients had complications, with the exception of death, which was not observed in any of the cases. Of these complications, the only one that was associated with WC was angina, and with every cm of WC increase, the risk for angina increased from 7.5 to 9.9%, depending on the measurement site. It is noteworthy the fact that there was no difference between the different methods of measuring WC as a predictor of angina. Conclusion: The eight methods of measuring WC are also predictors of recurrent angina after acute coronary syndromes.
Background: The association between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and recurrent major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction who undergo primary percutaneous coronary intervention remains controversial. Objective: To investigate the potential association between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and an increased risk of MACE such as death, heart failure, reinfarction, and new revascularization in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Methods: This prospective cohort study included 300 individuals aged >18 years who were diagnosed with ST-elevation myocardial infarction and underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention at a tertiary health center. An instrument evaluating clinical variables and the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) and Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk scores was used. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein was determined by nephelometry. The patients were followed-up during hospitalization and up to 30 days after infarction for the occurrence of MACE. Student's t, Mann-Whitney, chi-square, and logistic regression tests were used for statistical analyses. P values of ≤0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age was 59.76 years, and 69.3% of patients were male. No statistically significant association was observed between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and recurrent MACE (p = 0.11). However, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was independently associated with 30-day mortality when adjusted for TIMI [odds ratio (OR), 1.27; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.07-1.51; p = 0.005] and GRACE (OR, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.06-1.49; p = 0.007) risk scores. Conclusion: Although high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was not predictive of combined major cardiovascular events within 30 days after ST-elevation myocardial infarction in patients who underwent primary angioplasty and stent implantation, it was an independent predictor of 30-day mortality.
Validation of the Killip-Kimball Classification and Late Mortality after Acute Myocardial Infarction
Background: The classification or index of heart failure severity in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was proposed by Killip and Kimball aiming at assessing the risk of in-hospital death and the potential benefit of specific management of care provided in Coronary Care Units (CCU) during the decade of 60. Objective: To validate the risk stratification of Killip classification in the long-term mortality and compare the prognostic value in patients with non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI) relative to patients with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI), in the era of reperfusion and modern antithrombotic therapies. Methods: We evaluated 1906 patients with documented AMI and admitted to the CCU, from 1995 to 2011, with a mean follow-up of 05 years to assess total mortality. Kaplan-Meier (KM) curves were developed for comparison between survival distributions according to Killip class and NSTEMI versus STEMI. Cox proportional regression models were developed to determine the independent association between Killip class and mortality, with sensitivity analyses based on type of AMI. Results: The proportions of deaths and the KM survival distributions were significantly different across Killip class >1 (p <0.001) and with a similar pattern between patients with NSTEMI and STEMI. Cox models identified the Killip classification as a significant, sustained, consistent predictor and independent of relevant covariables (Wald χ2 16.5 [p = 0.001], NSTEMI) and (Wald χ2 11.9 [p = 0.008], STEMI). Conclusion: The Killip and Kimball classification performs relevant prognostic role in mortality at mean follow-up of 05 years post-AMI, with a similar pattern between NSTEMI and STEMI patients.
Background: Conventional surgical repair of thoracic aortic dissections is a challenge due to mortality and morbidity risks. Objectives: We analyzed our experience in hybrid aortic arch repair for complex dissections of the aortic arch. Methods: Between 2009 and 2013, 18 patients (the mean age of 67 ± 8 years-old) underwent hybrid aortic arch repair. The procedural strategy was determined on the individual patient. Results: Thirteen patients had type I repair using trifurcation and another patient with bifurcation graft. Two patients had type II repair with replacement of the ascending aorta. Two patients received extra-anatomic bypass grafting to left carotid artery allowing covering of zone 1. Stent graft deployment rate was 100%. No patients experienced stroke. One patient with total debranching of the aortic arch following an acute dissection of the proximal arch expired 3 months after TEVAR due to heart failure. There were no early to midterm endoleaks. The median follow-up was 20 ± 8 months with patency rate of 100%. Conclusion: Various debranching solutions for different complex scenarios of the aortic arch serve as less invasive procedures than conventional open surgery enabling safe and effective treatment of this highly selected subgroup of patients with complex aortic pathologies.
Hemodynamic Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Venocapillary Pulmonary Hypertension
Background: The hemodynamic effects of noninvasive ventilation with positive pressure in patients with pulmonary hypertension without left ventricular dysfunction are not clearly established. Objectives: Analyze the impact of increasing airway pressure with continuous positive airway pressure on hemodynamic parameters and, in particular, on cardiac output in patients with variable degrees of pulmonary hypertension. Methods: The study included 38 patients with pulmonary hypertension caused by mitral stenosis without left ventricular dysfunction or other significant valvulopathy. The hemodynamic state of these patients was analyzed in three conditions: baseline, after continuous positive pressure of 7 cmH2O and, finally, after pressure of 14 cmH2O. Results: The population was composed of predominantly young and female individuals with significant elevation in pulmonary arterial pressure (mean systolic pressure of 57 mmHg). Of all variables analyzed, only the right atrial pressure changed across the analyzed moments (from the baseline condition to the pressure of 14 cmH2O there was a change from 8 ± 4 mmHg to 11 ± 3 mmHg, respectively, p = 0.031). Even though there was no variation in mean cardiac output, increased values in pulmonary artery pressure were associated with increased cardiac output. There was no harmful effect or other clinical instability associated with use application of airway pressure. Conclusion: In patients with venocapillary pulmonary hypertension without left ventricular dysfunction, cardiac output response was directly associated with the degree of pulmonary hypertension. The application of noninvasive ventilation did not cause complications directly related to the ventilation systems.
Background:The QRS-T angle correlates with prognosis in patients with heart failure and coronary artery disease, reflected by an increase in mortality proportional to an increase in the difference between the axes of the QRS complex and T wave in the frontal plane. The value of this correlation in patients with Chagas heart disease is currently unknown.Objective:Determine the correlation of the QRS-T angle and the risk of induction of ventricular tachycardia / ventricular fibrillation (VT / VF) during electrophysiological study (EPS) in patients with Chagas disease.Methods:Case-control study at a tertiary center. Patients without induction of VT / VF on EPS were used as controls. The QRS-T angle was categorized as normal (0-105º), borderline (105-135º) or abnormal (135-180º). Differences between groups for continuous variables were analyzed with the t test or Mann-Whitney test, and for categorical variables with Fisher's exact test. P values < 0.05 were considered significant.Results:Of 116 patients undergoing EPS, 37.9% were excluded due to incomplete information / inactive records or due to the impossibility to correctly calculate the QRS-T angle (presence of left bundle branch block and atrial fibrillation). Of 72 patients included in the study, 31 induced VT / VF on EPS. Of these, the QRS-T angle was normal in 41.9%, borderline in 12.9% and abnormal in 45.2%. Among patients without induction of VT / VF on EPS, the QRS-T angle was normal in 63.4%, borderline in 14.6% and abnormal in 17.1% (p = 0.04). When compared with patients with normal QRS-T angle, those with abnormal angle had a fourfold higher risk of inducing ventricular tachycardia / ventricular fibrillation on EPS [odds ratio (OR) 4; confidence interval (CI) 1.298-12.325; p = 0.028]. After adjustment for other variables such as age, ejection fraction (EF) and QRS size, there was a trend for the abnormal QRS-T angle to identify patients with increased risk of inducing VT / VF during EPS (OR 3.95; CI 0.99-15.82; p = 0.052). The EF also emerged as a predictor of induction of VT / VF: for each point increase in EF, there was a 4% reduction in the rate of sustained ventricular arrhythmia on EPS.Conclusions:Changes in the QRS-T angle and decreases in EF were associated with an increased risk of induction of VT / VF on EPS.