1000 resultados para Haiti História 1937


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Este estudo prope-se a identificar e analisar, na fala de uma pessoa com diagnstico de deficincia mltipla, aspectos do pensamento coletivo. Nossa pesquisa insere-se na abordagem histrico-cultural, que toma como referncia os trabalhos de Vygotsky e Bakthin a respeito da constituio da subjetividade como um processo de apropriao de relaes sociais. O trabalho emprico desenvolveu-se em uma instituio particular de carter assistencial para atendimento de pessoas com deficincia mltipla no estado de So Paulo. Enfocamos a dinmica discursiva de uma pessoa com deficincia mltipla, apresentando-a marcada por condies macroestruturais de produo e discutimos algumas implicaes na relao ensino-aprendizagem.


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Este artigo trata sobre o livro didtico como fonte de pesquisa em História da Educao. Compreende-o como possuidor de valores que se desejou fossem transmitidos num dado momento histrico, ao mesmo tempo em que portador de um projeto de nao a ser construdo por meio da educao escolar. Entende que esse tipo de material faz parte do universo da cultura escolar residindo a a importncia da sua utilizao para a compreenso das prticas escolares no interior das instituies educativas ao longo da história da educao. Tece consideraes sobre sua produo e sua comercializao como elementos a considerar na sua organizao.


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O artigo prope apresentar, explicar e analisar como a cultura escolar se manifestou em ambientes de instruo eclesistica, utilizando o contexto histrico dos seminrios de tradio tridentina. Sabemos que no Brasil, at meados do sculo XIX, no existiam seminrios tridentinos para a formao do clero. Somente com a ao dos bispos ultramontanos, d. Romualdo Seixas, prelado da diocese de Salvador, d. Antnio Ferreira Vioso, da diocese de Mariana e d. Antnio Joaquim de Melo, da diocese de So Paulo, todos eles, especialmente os dois ltimos, perceberam que era quase impossvel reformar o clero sem criar seminrios tridentinos. Para eles, os seminrios fechados, onde os internos entravam antes da puberdade, para no conhecer a maldade do mundo, sendo isolados do convvio social, era um procedimento eficaz na formao de um clero moralizado, ilustrado e ultramontano. Seguindo a compreenso de Dominique Julia (La culture scolaire comme objet historique), o principal objetivo deste artigo entender e explicar a cultura escolar como definidora de saberes e condutas que permitiram a transmisso e a incorporao de valores no comportamento dos internos do Seminrio Diocesano de Santa Maria, entre os anos de 1915 e 1919.


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0-meridiaani : Greenwich.


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f.1-2 : lettre d'Adrien Bernheim, f.3 : lettre d'Henri Bsser, f.4-5 : lettre de Franois Flameng, f.6 : carte sur papier de deuil d'Albert Girard, f.7 : lettre de Louis Schneider date d'aprs l'anne de dcs de Louis Schneider, f.8 : lettre d'Hlne Seguin, f.9-10 : lettre de Charles Silver, f.12 : lettre de Francis Wey, f.13-18 : lettres de Charles-Marie Widor ; f.11 : lettre sur papier de deuil d'un correspondant non identifi


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Charles C. Chapman and Ethel Chapman Wickett at a birthday picnic for Charles C. Chapman at Orange County Park, California, July 2, 1937. [Copy an excerpt of CCCF27]


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Charles C. Chapman, Ethel Chapman Wickett and Stanley Chapman at birthday picnic for Charles C. Chapman at Orange County Park, California, July 2, 1937.


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Norah and Fred Fisher welcomed John Fisher into the world on November 29, 1912, not knowing what an influential role he would play in shaping Canada's history. John Fisher grew up as the middle child of five brothers and sisters in Frosty Hollow, New Brunswick, close to todays town of Sackville. Sackvilles main industry was the Enterprise Foundry which the Fisher family owned and operated; however, Fisher had no plans of going into the family business. He was more inspired by his maternal grandfather, Dr. Cecil Wiggins, who lived with the family after retiring from the Anglican ministry. Wiggins encouraged all his grandchildren to be well read and to take part in discussions on current events. There were often visitors in the Fisher household taking part in discussions about politics, religion, and daily life. Fisher forced himself to take part in these conversations to help overcome his shyness in social settings. These conversations did help with his shyness and also in forming many opinions and observations about Canada. It put Fisher on the road to becoming Mr. Canada and delivering the many eloquent speeches for which he was known. Fisher did not venture far from home to complete his first degree. In 1934 he graduated from Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB with an Arts degree. The same year Fisher enrolled in Dalhousies law school. During his time at Dalhousie, Fisher discovered radio through Hugh Mills. Mills or Uncle Mel was on CHNS, Halifaxs only radio station at the time. Fisher began by making appearences on the radio drama show. By 1941 he had begun writing and broadcasting his own works and joined the staff as an announcer and continuity writer. In 1936 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was formed, the first National radio station. Fisher joined the CBC shortly after its beginning and remained with them, as well as the Halifax Herald newspaper, even after his law school graduation in 1937. By 1943 Fishers talks became a part of the CBCs programming for a group of maritime radio stations. Fisher once described his talks as follows my talks werent meant to be objective. . . they were meant to be favourable. They were pride builders He began his famed John Fisher Reports at CBC Toronto when he transfered there shortly after the war. This program brought emmence pride to the fellow Canadians he spoke about leading to approximately 3500 requests per year to speak at banquets and meeting throughout Canada and the United States. Fisher was a well travelled indivdual who would draw on personal experiences to connect with his audience. His stories were told in simple, straight forward language for anyone to enjoy. He became a smooth, dynamic and passionate speaker who sold Canada to Canadians. He became a renowned journalist, folk historian, writer and broadcaster. Fisher was able to reach a vast array of people through his radio work and build Canadian pride, but he did not stop there. Other ways Fisher has contributed to Canada and the Canadian people include: Honoured by five Canadian Universities. 1956, became the Director of the Canadian Tourist Association. 1961, was appointed Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Canada. 1963, Commissioner of the Centennial Commission (the Federal Agency Responsible for Canadas 100th birthday) 1968, received the Service Medal , a coveted Order of Canada. President of John Fisher Enterprises Ltd., private consultant work, specializing in Centennial planning, broadcasts, lectures and promotion. John Fisher continued recording radio broadcasts even after his diagnosis with cancer. He would record 3 or 4 at a time so he was free to travel across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Mexico in search of treatments. Fisher passed away from the disease on February 15, 1981 and he is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto.


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On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.