986 resultados para HLA-DP Antigens
The peptides bound to class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules extend out both ends of the peptide binding groove. This structural feature provided the opportunity to design multivalent polypeptide chains that cross-link class II MHC molecules through multiple, repetitive MHC binding sites. By using recombinant techniques, polypeptide oligomers were constructed that consist of up to 32 copies of an HLA-DR1-restricted T cell epitope. The epitope HA306–318, derived from influenza virus hemagglutinin, was connected by 12- to 36-aa long spacer sequences. These oligomers were found to cross-link soluble HLA-DR1 molecules efficiently and, upon binding to the MHC molecules of a monocyte line, to trigger signal transduction indicated by the enhanced expression of some cell surface molecules. A particularly strong effect was evident in the T cell response. A hemagglutinin-specific T cell clone recognized these antigens at concentrations up to three to four orders of magnitude lower than that of the peptide or the hemagglutinin protein. Both signal transduction in the monocyte and the proliferative response of the T cell were affected greatly by the length of the oligomer (i.e., the number of repetitive units) and the distance of the epitopes within the oligomer (spacing). Thus, the formation of defined clusters of T cell receptor/MHC/peptide antigen complexes appears to be crucial for triggering the immune response and can be used to enhance the antigenicity of a peptide antigen by oligomerizing the epitope.
HLA-G is the putative natural killer (NK) cell inhibitory ligand expressed on the extravillous cytotrophoblast of the human placenta. Killing of the class I negative human B cell line 721.221 by NK cells is inhibited by the expression of HLA-G. This inhibition is dependent on a high level of HLA-G expression. In the present study, the nature of the receptors that mediate the inhibition has been studied with 140 NK cell lines from two donors and 246 NK clones from 5 donors by blocking the inhibition using monoclonal antibodies against the known NK inhibitory receptors: CD158a, CD158b, and CD94. Both CD94 and the two CD158 proteins can function as receptors, although the former clearly predominates. In many cases, a combination of antibodies to these receptors is required to achieve maximal reversal of inhibition. Moreover, in at least one-third of the NK cells that are inhibited by HLA-G, these antibodies alone or in combination do not reverse inhibition, strongly suggesting the existence of a third major unidentified receptor for HLA-G.
Insulin receptor (IR) and class I major histocompatibility complex molecules associate with one another in cell membranes, but the functional consequences of this association are not defined. We found that IR and human class I molecules (HLA-I) associate in liposome membranes and that the affinity of IR for insulin and its tyrosine kinase activity increase as the HLA:IR ratio increases over the range 1:1 to 20:1. The same relationship between HLA:IR and IR function was found in a series of B-LCL cell lines. The association of HLA-I and IR depends upon the presence of free HLA heavy chains. All of the effects noted were reduced or abrogated if liposomes or cells were incubated with excess HLA-I light chain, β2-microglobulin. Increasing HLA:IR also enhanced phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 and the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. HLA-I molecules themselves were phosphorylated on tyrosine and associated with phosphoinositide 3-kinase when B-LCL were stimulated with insulin.
Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of recipient HLA-DRB1 allele disparity in the development of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after unrelated donor marrow transplantation. The role of HLA-DQB1 allele disparity in this clinical setting is unknown. To elucidate the biological importance of HLA-DQB1, we conducted a retrospective analysis of 449 HLA-A, -B, and -DR serologically matched unrelated donor transplants. Molecular typing of HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles revealed 335 DRB1 and DQB1 matched pairs; 41 DRB1 matched and DQB1 mismatched pairs; 48 DRB1 mismatched and DQB1 matched pairs; and 25 DRB1 and DQB1 mismatched pairs. The conditional probabilities of grades III-IV acute GVHD were 0.42, 0.61, 0.55, and 0.71, respectively. The relative risk of acute GVHD associated with a single locus HLA-DQB1 mismatch was 1.8 (1.1, 2.7; P = 0.01), and the risk associated with any HLA-DQB1 and/or HLA-DRB1 mismatch was 1.6 (1.2, 2.2; P = 0.003). These results provide evidence that HLA-DQ is a transplant antigen and suggest that evaluation of both HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 is necessary in selecting potential donors.
The human Melan-A/MART-1 gene encodes an HLA-A2-restricted peptide epitope recognized by melanoma-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we report that this gene also encodes at least one HLA-DR4-presented peptide recognized by CD4+ T cells. The Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide was able to induce the in vitro expansion of specific CD4+ T cells derived from normal DR4+ donors or from DR4+ patients with melanoma when pulsed onto autologous dendritic cells. CD4+ responder T cells specifically produced IFN-γ in response to, and also lysed, T2.DR4 cells pulsed with the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide and DR4+ melanoma target cells naturally expressing the Melan-A/MART-1 gene product. Interestingly, CD4+ T cell immunoreactivity against the Melan-A/MART-151–73 peptide typically coexisted with a high frequency of anti-Melan-A/MART-127–35 reactive CD8+ T cells in freshly isolated blood harvested from HLA-A2+/DR4+ patients with melanoma. Taken together, these data support the use of this Melan-A/MART-1 DR4-restricted melanoma epitope in future immunotherapeutic trials designed to generate, augment, and quantitate specific CD4+ T cell responses against melanoma in vivo.
The immunodominant, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the HLA-B8-restricted peptide, RAKFKQLL, located in the Epstein–Barr virus immediate-early antigen, BZLF1, is characterized by a diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. Here, we show that this diversity can be partitioned on the basis of crossreactive cytotoxicity patterns involving the recognition of a self peptide—RSKFRQIV—located in a serine/threonine kinase and a bacterial peptide—RRKYKQII—located in Staphylococcus aureus replication initiation protein. Thus CTL clones that recognized the viral, self, and bacterial peptides expressed a highly restricted αβ TCR phenotype. The CTL clones that recognized viral and self peptides were more oligoclonal, whereas clones that strictly recognized the viral peptide displayed a diverse TCR profile. Interestingly, the self and bacterial peptides equally were substantially less effective than the cognate viral peptide in sensitizing target cell lysis, and also resulted only in a weak reactivation of memory CTLs in limiting dilution assays, whereas the cognate peptide was highly immunogenic. The described crossreactions show that human antiviral, CD8+ CTL responses can be shaped by peptide ligands derived from autoantigens and environmental bacterial antigens, thereby providing a firm structural basis for molecular mimicry involving class I-restricted CTLs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.
The γ-herpesviruses, in contrast to the α- and β-herpesviruses, are not known to inhibit antigen presentation to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) during lytic cycle replication. However, murine γ-herpesvirus 68 causes a chronic lytic infection in CD4+ T cell-deficient mice despite the persistence of a substantial CTL response, suggesting that CTL evasion occurs. Here we show that, distinct from host protein synthesis shutoff, γ-herpesvirus 68 down-regulates surface MHC class I expression on lytically infected fibroblasts and inhibits their recognition by antigen-specific CTLs. The viral K3 gene, encoding a zinc-finger-containing protein, dramatically reduced the half-life of nascent class I molecules and the level of surface MHC class I expression and was by itself sufficient to block antigen presentation. The homologous K3 and K5 genes of the related Kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus also inhibited antigen presentation and decreased cell surface expression of HLA class I antigens. Thus it appears that an immune evasion strategy shared by at least two γ-herpesviruses allows continued lytic infection in the face of strong CTL immunity.
NY-ESO-1 elicits frequent antibody responses in cancer patients, accompanied by strong CD8+ T cell responses against HLA-A2-restricted epitopes. To broaden the range of cancer patients who can be assessed for immunity to NY-ESO-1, a general method was devised to detect T cell reactivity independent of prior characterization of epitopes. A recombinant adenoviral vector encoding the full cDNA sequence of NY-ESO-1 was used to transduce CD8-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes as antigen-presenting cells. These modified antigen-presenting cells were then used to restimulate memory effector cells against NY-ESO-1 from the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Specific CD8+ T cells thus sensitized were assayed on autologous B cell targets infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1. Strong polyclonal responses were observed against NY-ESO-1 in antibody-positive patients, regardless of their HLA profile. Because the vectors do not cross-react immunologically, only responses to NY-ESO-1 were detected. The approach described here allows monitoring of CD8+ T cell responses to NY-ESO-1 in the context of various HLA alleles and has led to the definition of NY-ESO-1 peptides presented by HLA-Cw3 and HLA-Cw6 molecules.
Research throughout the last century has led to a consensus as to the strategy of the humoral component of the immune system. The essence is that, for killing, the antibody molecule activates additional systems that respond to antibody–antigen union. We now report that the immune system seems to have a previously unrecognized chemical potential intrinsic to the antibody molecule itself. All antibodies studied, regardless of source or antigenic specificity, can convert molecular oxygen into hydrogen peroxide, thereby potentially aligning recognition and killing within the same molecule. Aside from pointing to a new chemical arm for the immune system, these results may be important to the understanding of how antibodies evolved and what role they may play in human diseases.
Transgenic mice expressing human HOX11 in B lymphocytes die prematurely from lymphomas that initiate in the spleen and frequently disseminate to distant sites. Preneoplastic hematopoiesis in these mice is unperturbed. We now report that expression of the HOX11 transgene does not affect the ability of dendritic cells (DCs) to process and present foreign peptides and activate antigen-specific T cell responses. We also show that nontransgenic DCs presenting peptides derived from the human HOX11 protein are highly efficient stimulators of autologous T cells, whereas transgenic T cells are nonresponsive to peptides derived from the HOX11 transgene and the murine Meis1 protein. HOX11 transgenic mice thus show normal development of tolerance to immunogenic antigens expressed throughout B cell maturation. DCs pulsed with cell lysates prepared from lymphomas, obtained from HOX11 transgenic mice with terminal lymphoma, activate T cells from nontransgenic and premalignant transgenic mice, whereas T cells isolated from lymphomatous transgenic mice are nonresponsive to autologous tumor cell antigens. These data indicate that HOX11 lymphoma cells express tumor-rejection antigens that are recognized as foreign in healthy transgenic mice and that lymphomagenesis is associated with the induction of anergy to tumor antigen-specific T cells. These findings are highly relevant for the development of immunotherapeutic protocols for the treatment of lymphoma.
A large library of phage-displayed human single-chain Fv antibodies (scFv), containing 6.7 × 109 members, was generated by improving the steps of library construction. Fourteen different protein antigens were used to affinity select antibodies from this library. A panel of specific antibodies was isolated with each antigen, and each panel contained an average of 8.7 different scFv. Measurements of antibody–antigen interactions revealed several affinities below 1 nM, comparable to affinities observed during the secondary murine immune response. In particular, four different scFv recognizing the ErbB2 protein had affinities ranging from 220 pM to 4 nM. Antibodies derived from the library proved to be useful reagents for immunoassays. For example, antibodies generated to the Chlamydia trachomatis elementary bodies stained Chlamydia-infected cells, but not uninfected cells. These results demonstrate that phage antibody libraries are ideally suited for the rapid production of panels of high-affinity mAbs to a wide variety of protein antigens. Such libraries should prove especially useful for generating reagents to study the function of gene products identified by genome projects.
T helper 1 cells play a major role in protective immunity against mycobacterial pathogens. Since the antigen (Ag) specificity of CD4+ human T cells is strongly controlled by HLA class II polymorphism, the immunogenic potential of candidate Ags needs to be defined in the context of HLA polymorphism. We have taken advantage of class II-deficient (Ab0) mice, transgenic for either HLA-DRA/B1*0301 (DR3) or HLA-DQB1*0302/DQA*0301 (DQ8) alleles. In these animals, all CD4+ T cells are restricted by the HLA molecule. We reported previously that human DR3-restricted T cells frequently recognize heat shock protein (hsp)65 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and only a single hsp65 epitope, p1–20. DR3.Ab0 mice, immunized with bacillus Calmette–Guérin or hsp65, developed T cell responses to M. tuberculosis, and recognized the same hsp65 epitope, p1–20. Hsp65-immunized DQ8.Ab0 mice mounted a strong response to bacillus Calmette–Guérin but not to p1–20. Instead, we identified three new DQ8-restricted T cell epitopes in the regions 171–200, 311–340, and 411–440. DR3.Ab0 mice immunized with a second major M. tuberculosis protein, Ag85 (composed of 85A, 85B, and 85C), also developed T cell responses against only one determinant, 85B p51–70, that was identified in this study. Importantly, subsequent analysis of human T cell responses revealed that HLA-DR3+, Ag85-reactive individuals recognize exactly the same peptide epitope as DR3.Ab0 mice. Strikingly, both DR3-restricted T cell epitopes represent the best DR3-binding sequences in hsp65 and 85B, revealing a strong association between peptide-immunodominance and HLA binding affinity. Immunization of DR3.Ab0 with the immunodominant peptides p1–20 and p51–70 induced T cell reactivity to M. tuberculosis. Thus, for two different Ags, T cells from DR3.Ab0 mice and HLA-DR3+ humans recognize the same immunodominant determinants. Our data support the use of HLA-transgenic mice in identifying human T cell determinants for the design of new vaccines.
The IMGT/HLA Database (www.ebi.ac.uk/imgt/hla/) specialises in sequences of polymorphic genes of the HLA system, the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The HLA complex is located within the 6p21.3 region on the short arm of human chromosome 6 and contains more than 220 genes of diverse function. Many of the genes encode proteins of the immune system and these include the 21 highly polymorphic HLA genes, which influence the outcome of clinical transplantation and confer susceptibility to a wide range of non-infectious diseases. The database contains sequences for all HLA alleles officially recognised by the WHO Nomenclature Committee for Factors of the HLA System and provides users with online tools and facilities for their retrieval and analysis. These include allele reports, alignment tools and detailed descriptions of the source cells. The online IMGT/HLA submission tool allows both new and confirmatory sequences to be submitted directly to the WHO Nomenclature Committee. The latest version (release 1.7.0 July 2000) contains 1220 HLA alleles derived from over 2700 component sequences from the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. The HLA database provides a model which will be extended to provide specialist databases for polymorphic MHC genes of other species.
Humans who have inherited the class I major histocompatibility allele HLA-A29 have a markedly increased relative risk of developing the eye disease termed birdshot chorioretinopathy. This disease affecting adults is characterized by symmetrically scattered, small, cream-colored spots in the fundus associated with retinal vasculopathy and inflammatory signs causing damage to the ocular structures, leading regularly to visual loss. To investigate the role of HLA-A29 in this disease, we introduced the HLA-A29 gene into mice. Aging HLA-A29 transgenic mice spontaneously developed retinopathy, showing a striking resemblance to the HLA-A29-associated chorioretinopathy. These results strongly suggest that HLA-A29 is involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. Elucidation of the role of HLA-A29 should be assisted by this transgenic model.
Plasmodium falciparum parasites evade the host immune system by clonal expression of the variant antigen, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). Antibodies to PfEMP1 correlate with development of clinical immunity but are predominantly variant-specific. To overcome this major limitation for vaccine development, we set out to identify cross-reactive epitopes on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes (PEs). We prepared mAbs to the cysteine-rich interdomain region 1 (CIDR1) of PfEMP1 that is functionally conserved for binding to CD36. Two mAbs, targeting different regions of CIDR1, reacted with multiple P. falciparum strains expressing variant PfEMP1s. One of these mAbs, mAb 6A2-B1, recognized nine of 10 strains tested, failing to react with only one strain that does not bind CD36. Flow cytometry with Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing variant CIDR1s demonstrated that both mAbs recognized the CIDR1 of various CD36-binding PfEMP1s and are truly cross-reactive. The demonstration of cross-reactive epitopes on the PE surface provides further credence for development of effective vaccines against the variant antigen on the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes.