996 resultados para Grant Number: 200716


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The physical disector is a method of choice for estimating unbiased neuron numbers; nevertheless, calibration is needed to evaluate each counting method. The validity of this method can be assessed by comparing the estimated cell number with the true number determined by a direct counting method in serial sections. We reconstructed a 1/5 of rat lumbar dorsal root ganglia taken from two experimental conditions. From each ganglion, images of 200 adjacent semi-thin sections were used to reconstruct a volumetric dataset (stack of voxels). On these stacks the number of sensory neurons was estimated and counted respectively by physical disector and direct counting methods. Also, using the coordinates of nuclei from the direct counting, we simulate, by a Matlab program, disector pairs separated by increasing distances in a ganglion model. The comparison between the results of these approaches clearly demonstrates that the physical disector method provides a valid and reliable estimate of the number of sensory neurons only when the distance between the consecutive disector pairs is 60 microm or smaller. In these conditions the size of error between the results of physical disector and direct counting does not exceed 6%. In contrast when the distance between two pairs is larger than 60 microm (70-200 microm) the size of error increases rapidly to 27%. We conclude that the physical dissector method provides a reliable estimate of the number of rat sensory neurons only when the separating distance between the consecutive dissector pairs is no larger than 60 microm.


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In this order the governor declares that volunteerism is an integral part of Iowa's future and well-being and creates the Governor's Council on National Service in Iowa.


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Esitelmä Suomen ISBN-keskus 30 vuotta -juhlassa Helsingin yliopistossa 7.11.2002


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In this order the governor declares that accountability, openness and transparency are essential to the efficient operation of state government and in the best interest of taxpayers as relates to personnel settlement agreements.


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We describe an improved multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) scheme for genotyping Staphylococcus aureus. We compare its performance to those of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa typing in a survey of 309 strains. This collection includes 87 epidemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains of the Harmony collection, 75 clinical strains representing the major MLST clonal complexes (CCs) (50 methicillin-sensitive S. aureus [MSSA] and 25 MRSA), 135 nasal carriage strains (133 MSSA and 2 MRSA), and 13 published S. aureus genome sequences. The results show excellent concordance between the techniques' results and demonstrate that the discriminatory power of MLVA is higher than those of both MLST and spa typing. Two hundred forty-two genotypes are discriminated with 14 VNTR loci (diversity index, 0.9965; 95% confidence interval, 0.9947 to 0.9984). Using a cutoff value of 45%, 21 clusters are observed, corresponding to the CCs previously defined by MLST. The variability of the different tandem repeats allows epidemiological studies, as well as follow-up of the evolution of CCs and the identification of potential ancestors. The 14 loci can conveniently be analyzed in two steps, based upon a first-line simplified assay comprising a subset of 10 loci (panel 1) and a second subset of 4 loci (panel 2) that provides higher resolution when needed. In conclusion, the MLVA scheme proposed here, in combination with available on-line genotyping databases (including http://mlva.u-psud.fr/), multiplexing, and automatic sizing, can provide a basis for almost-real-time large-scale population monitoring of S. aureus.


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In this order the governor declares that the recently elected Constitution of Iowa is the supreme law of the State of Iowa.


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BACKGROUND: Stage IIIB non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is usually thought to be unresectable, and is managed with chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. However, selected patients might benefit from surgical resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The aim of this multicentre, phase II trial was to assess the efficacy and toxicity of a neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed by surgery in patients with technically operable stage IIIB NSCLC. METHODS: Between September, 2001, and May, 2006, patients with pathologically proven and technically resectable stage IIIB NSCLC were sequentially treated with three cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin with docetaxel), immediately followed by accelerated concomitant boost radiotherapy (44 Gy in 22 fractions) and definitive surgery. The primary endpoint was event-free survival at 12 months. Efficacy analyses were done by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00030810. FINDINGS: 46 patients were enrolled, with a median age of 60 years (range 28-70). 13 (28%) patients had N3 disease, 36 (78%) had T4 disease. All patients received chemotherapy; 35 (76%) patients received radiotherapy. The main toxicities during chemotherapy were neutropenia (25 patients [54%] at grade 3 or 4) and febrile neutropenia (nine [20%]); the main toxicity after radiotherapy was oesophagitis (ten patients [29%]; nine grade 2, one grade 3). 35 patients (76%) underwent surgery, with pneumonectomy in 17 patients. A complete (R0) resection was achieved in 27 patients. Peri-operative complications occurred in 14 patients, including two deaths (30-day mortality 5.7%). Seven patients required a second surgical intervention. Pathological mediastinal downstaging was seen in 11 of the 28 patients who had lymph-node involvement at enrolment, a complete pathological response was seen in six patients. Event-free survival at 12 months was 54% (95% CI 39-67). After a median follow-up of 58 months, the median overall survival was 29 months (95% CI 16.1-NA), with survival at 1, 3, and 5 years of 67% (95% CI 52-79), 47% (32-61), and 40% (24-55). INTERPRETATION: A treatment strategy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed by surgery is feasible in selected patients. Toxicity is considerable, but manageable. Survival compares favourably with historical results of combined treatment for less advanced stage IIIA disease. FUNDING: Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) and an unrestricted educational grant by Sanofi-Aventis (Switzerland).


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Contains information on Iowa Area Command Operation Plan 1, Military Support of Civil Defense, Iowa Area Command, consisting of the basic plan and Annexes "A" through "N", is furnished for information, guidance and necessary actions of Commanders concerned.


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This is an overview of the program that the General Assembly of Iowa appropriated $1 million for to the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs with the intent to improve delivery services by the various County Commissions of Veterans Affairs to veterans in their respective counties.


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Abstract : A preliminary understanding of the phenotypic effect of copy number variation (CNV) of DNA segments is emerging. These rearrangements were shown to influence, in a somewhat dose-dependent manner, the expression of genes mapping within them. They were also shown to modify the expression of genes located on their Hanks, sometimes at great distance. Here, we demonstrate by monitoring these effects at multiple life stages, that these controls over expression are effective throughout mouse development. Similarly, we observe that the more specific spatial expression patterns of CNV genes are maintained through life. However, 'we find that some brain- expressed genes mapping within CNVS appear to be under compensatory loops only at specific time-points, indicating that the effect of CNVS on these genes is modulated during development. Notably, we also observe that CNV genes are significantly enriched within transcripts that show variable time-course expression between strains. Thus, modifying the copy number of a gene may potentially alter not only its expression level, but its timing of expression as well. Résume : Nous commençons à comprendre les effets phénotypiques liés aux séquences d'ADN qui changent de nombre de copies d'un individu a l'autre. Des travaux précédents ont montré que ces variante de nombre de copies (CNVS) avaient une influence sur l'expression non seulement des gènes se trouvant dans le réarrangement, mais aussi sur ceux se trouvant à une certaine distance. Le présent travail étudie ces effets à différents stades du développement de la souris allant d'un embryon de deux semaines à la souris adulte. Nous avons observé que certains gènes exprimés dans le cerveau semblent soumis à un contrôle plus strict a certaines étapes du développement suggèrent que l'effet des CNVs est modulé différemment au cours de la vie. Notre travail sur trois souches différentes de souris a permis de montrer que les gènes ayant un profil d'expression différent dans le temps entre souches sont enrichis en gènes se trouvant dans des CNVs. Ceci nous amène à penser que les CNVs ont, non seulement une influence sur le niveau d'expression des gènes, mais aussi sur les moments durant lesquels ils seront exprimés. Résumé pour un large public : De nombreuses maladies sont dues soit a un gain (on parle alors de duplication) soit à une perte de matériel génétique (il s'agit dune délétion). Bien que les recherches visant à identifier les mécanismes moléculaires liés à ces réarrangements de notre génome progressent continuellement, la plupart des causes des maladies génétiques restent à élucider. Certaines parties de notre génome sont présentes en un nombre de copies qui diffère d'un individu à l'autre sans pour autant provoquer une ou des maladies. Ces segments d'ADN qui varient en nombre sont appelés Copy Number Variant (CNVs). Ils couvrent environ 12% de notre matériel génétique. Des études menées sur différents modèles animaux ont montré que les CNVs avaient une influence aussi bien sur les gènes qui sont a l'intérieur des CNVs que sur ceux qui sont dans leur voisinage. Ce travail étudie l'effet des CNVs à travers différents stades du développement de la souris. Nous avons démontré que les segments d'ADN qui varient en nombre de copies ont des effets variables selon le stade auxquels ils sont mesurés. Ainsi, les CNVs ont non seulement un impact sur l'expression des gènes présents dans ces régions et dans leur voisinage, mais influencent également leurs profils d'expression au cours du temps.


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Copy-number variants (CNVs) represent a significant interpretative challenge, given that each CNV typically affects the dosage of multiple genes. Here we report on five individuals with coloboma, microcephaly, developmental delay, short stature, and craniofacial, cardiac, and renal defects who harbor overlapping microdeletions on 8q24.3. Fine mapping localized a commonly deleted 78 kb region that contains three genes: SCRIB, NRBP2, and PUF60. In vivo dissection of the CNV showed discrete contributions of the planar cell polarity effector SCRIB and the splicing factor PUF60 to the syndromic phenotype, and the combinatorial suppression of both genes exacerbated some, but not all, phenotypic components. Consistent with these findings, we identified an individual with microcephaly, short stature, intellectual disability, and heart defects with a de novo c.505C>T variant leading to a p.His169Tyr change in PUF60. Functional testing of this allele in vivo and in vitro showed that the mutation perturbs the relative dosage of two PUF60 isoforms and, subsequently, the splicing efficiency of downstream PUF60 targets. These data inform the functions of two genes not associated previously with human genetic disease and demonstrate how CNVs can exhibit complex genetic architecture, with the phenotype being the amalgam of both discrete dosage dysfunction of single transcripts and also of binary genetic interactions.


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Staff and Beaver Creeks are two tributaries of the Upper Iowa River (UIR). Additional acres that drain directly into the UIR bring the size of the project area to 41,328 acres. The goal of the project is to reduce sediment loading and excess nutrients from reaching the streams which ultimately reach the UIR. Staff/Beaver Water Quality Project initially received funding as part of the FY 2005 WSPF/319 grant application cycle. Tremendous progress has been accomplished towards the original goals of the project. Due to the large number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) installed and the continued high interest for those practices, more work remains to be done. The heavy rains received in 2008 caused severe erosion and has dramatically increased interest in conservation practices. A thorough watershed assessment was completed in the fall of 2008. Data from this assessment indicates additional work is needed. The initial grant funding will be exhausted within fiscal year 2009. Therefore, the Howard Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking 3 years of funding. The District believes interest in the water quality project is at an all time high and that with an additional three years of funding, even more progress can be achieved in reducing sediment delivery and excess nutrients to these priority streams.