981 resultados para Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814.
O movimento Criança Constituinte quer garantir no novo texto o artigo que dá aos menores infratores o direito de defesa, este dispositivo tem sido combatido por alguns juristas que defendem a manutenção do atual Código de Menores. Os integrantes do movimento Criança Constituinte são favoráveis ao voto aos 16 anos, mas sem a redução da idade para a responsabilidade criminal. A tarde começará a primeira sessão de votação do 2º Turno da Constituinte. Nesta etapa as emendas só podem cortar parte do texto e corrigir erros ou contradições. Para o 2º Turno os constituintes apresentaram 1844 Emendas e 1744 foram destacadas, mas ao contrário do 1º Turno o Destaque não dá preferência na votação. Os dispositivos que os constituintes mais querem mudar no 2º Turno são os que tratam dos direitos dos trabalhadores, da anistia financeira, do voto aos 16 anos, da reforma agrária e do tabelamento de juros. Carlos Sant’Anna (Líder do Governo) acredita que para os temas polêmicos haverá quórum para decisões
Seguido da Indagação da mais vantajosa construcção dos diques por Mrs. Bossut e Viallet ; e de hum extracto da architectura hydraulica de M. Belidor... ; terminado pelo tratado pratico da medida das aguas correntes, e uso da taboa parabolica do P. D. Francisco Maria de Regi ; de Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente Nosso Senhor traduzidos por Manoel Jacinto Nogueira da Gama.
Tabella das produções dos tres Reinos da Natureza, que ha na capitania de Santa Catharina, escriptas por ordem alphabetica : reino vegetal, reino animal. Mappa das producções, consumo, e exportação da Capitania de Santa Catharina, no anno de 1810. Calculo aproximado das despezas da companhia, durante a primeira epocha, em conformidade do disposto nos artigos 2, 3., 4., 6., do appendice.
Variação do título : Extensão de isenção de penhoras dos engenhos de açúcar.
This paper draws together contributions to a scientific table discussion on obesity at the European Science Open Forum 2008 which took place in Barcelona, Spain. Socioeconomic dimensions of global obesity, including those factors promoting it, those surrounding the social perceptions of obesity and those related to integral public health solutions, are discussed. It argues that although scientific accounts of obesity point to large-scale changes in dietary and physical environments, media representations of obesity, which context public policy, pre-eminently follow individualistic models of explanation. While the debate at the forum brought together a diversity of views, all the contributors agreed that this was a global issue requiring an equally global response. Furthermore, an integrated ecological model of obesity proposes that to be effective, policy will need to address not only human health but also planetary health, and that therefore, public health and environmental policies coincide.
A nonvolatile recording scheme is proposed using LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals and modulated UV light to record gratings simultaneously in two centres and using red light to bleach the grating in the shallow centre to realize persistent photorefractive holographic storage. Compared with the normal UV-sensitized nonvolatile holographic system, the amplitude of refractive-index changes is greatly increased and the recording sensitivity is significantly enhanced by recording with UV light in the LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals. Based on jointly solving the two-centre material equations and the coupled-wave equations, temporal evolutions of the photorefractive grating and the diffraction effciency are effectively described and numerically analysed. Roles of doping levels and recording-beam intensity are discussed in detail. Theoretical results confirm and predict experimental results.
The subject of this thesis is the measurement and interpretation of thermopower in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs). These 2DESs are realized within state-of-the-art GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures that are cooled to temperatures as low as T = 20 mK. Much of this work takes place within strong magnetic fields where the single-particle density of states quantizes into discrete Landau levels (LLs), a regime best known for the quantum Hall effect (QHE). In addition, we review a novel hot-electron technique for measuring thermopower of 2DESs that dramatically reduces the influence of phonon drag.
Early chapters concentrate on experimental materials and methods. A brief overview of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and device fabrication is followed by details of our cryogenic setup. Next, we provide a primer on thermopower that focuses on 2DESs at low temperatures. We then review our experimental devices, temperature calibration methods, as well as measurement circuits and protocols.
Latter chapters focus on the physics and thermopower results in the QHE regime. After reviewing the basic phenomena associated with the QHE, we discuss thermopower in this regime. Emphasis is given to the relationship between diffusion thermopower and entropy. Experimental results demonstrate this relationship persists well into the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime.
Several experimental results are reviewed. Unprecedented observations of the diffusion thermopower of a high-mobility 2DES at temperatures as high as T = 2 K are achieved using our hot-electron technique. The composite fermion (CF) effective mass is extracted from measurements of thermopower at LL filling factor ν = 3/2. The thermopower versus magnetic field in the FQH regime is shown to be qualitatively consistent with a simple entropic model of CFs. The thermopower at ν = 5/2 is shown to be quantitatively consistent with the presence of non-Abelian anyons. An abrupt collapse of thermopower is observed at the onset of the reentrant integer quantum Hall effect (RIQHE). And the thermopower at temperatures just above the RIQHE transition suggests the existence of an unconventional conducting phase.