945 resultados para Genre fluctuation
Liu Qingquan, Singh V.P
In HCCI engines, the Air/Fuel Ratio (AFR) and Residual Gas Fraction (RGF) are difficult to control during the SI-HCCI-SI transition, and this may result in incomplete combustion and/or high pressure raise rates. As a result, there may be undesirably high engine load fluctuations. The objectives of this work are to further understand this process and develop control methods to minimize these load fluctuations. This paper presents data on instantaneous AFR and RGF measurements, both taken by novel experimental techniques. The data provides an insight into the cyclic AFR and RGF fluctuations during the switch. These results suggest that the relatively slow change in the intake Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) and actuation time of the Variable Valve Timing (VVT) are the main causes of undesired AFR and RGF fluctuations, and hence an unacceptable Net IMEP (NIMEP) fluctuation. We also found large cylinder-to-cylinder AFR variations during the transition. Therefore, besides throttle opening control and VVT shifting, cyclic and individual cylinder fuel injection control is necessary to achieve a smooth transition. The control method was developed and implemented in a test engine, and the result was a considerably reduced NIMEP fluctuation during the mode switch. The instantaneous AFR and RGF measurements could furthermore be adopted to develop more sophisticated control methods for SI-HCCI-SI transitions. © 2010 SAE International.
利用非线性分析技术中的分形理论,在长24.73 m、内径0.05 m的小型气液两相流实验装置上对下倾管空气-水段塞流中的液塞频率波动特性进行了研究.结果表明,液塞频率的波动是对初始条件敏感的混沌振荡,遵循分形统计规律,具有持久性.折算液速小时,液塞频率波动的长程相关性随着混合速度的增大而减弱,液塞频率波动对初始条件的敏感程度增强,折算液速较大时则相反.管线倾角越大,液塞频率对初始条件的敏感程度受混合速度的影响越小.折算液速和混合速度均较大时,液塞频率的混沌程度受管线倾角的影响较小.
An algebraic unified second-order moment (AUSM) turbulence-chemistry model of char combustion is introduced in this paper, to calculate the effect of particle temperature fluctuation on char combustion. The AUSM model is used to simulate gas-particle flows, in coal combustion in a pulverized coal combustor, together with a full two-fluid model for reacting gas-particle flows and coal combustion, including the sub-models as the k-epsilon-k(p) two-phase turbulence niodel, the EBU-Arrhenius volatile and CO combustion model, and the six-flux radiation model. A new method for calculating particle mass flow rate is also used in this model to correct particle outflow rate and mass flow rate for inside sections, which can obey the principle of mass conservation for the particle phase and can also speed up the iterating convergence of the computation procedure effectively. The simulation results indicate that, the AUSM char combustion model is more preferable to the old char combustion model, since the later totally eliminate the influence of particle temperature fluctuation on char combustion rate.
Resumen: El fragmento 194 (Kassel-Austin) del poeta cómico Antífanes, proveniente de su obra Safo (c. 360 a.C.), reproduce un diálogo entre la poetisa y un personaje desconocido que da cuenta de una adivinanza. La imagen propuesta de una mujer que protege a sus hijos, silenciosos, mientras lloran ante quien los quiera escuchar es, pues, resemantizada en el pasaje, a la vez, desde una dimensión política y un plano autorreferencial. Examinada inicialmente como una pólis que cobija a los demagogos corruptos, la escena familiar termina siendo decodificada en términos poéticos: se trata de una tablilla de escritura con letras que resultan sus mudos descendientes. El enigma, por tanto, supone una interesante estrategia para consolidar desde una visión cómica la polivalencia de la imagen maternal como un mecanismo metafórico eficiente para cargar las tintas sobre aquellas temáticas a las que el género concede un tratamiento privilegiado.
When a shock wave interacts with a group of solid spheres, non-linear aerodynamic behaviors come into effect. The complicated wave reflections such as the Mach reflection occur in. the wave propagation process. The wave interactions with vortices behind each sphere's wake cause fluctuation in the pressure profiles of shock waves. This paper reports an experimental study for the aerodynamic processes involved in the interaction between shock waves and solid spheres. A schlieren photography was applied to visualize the various shock waves passing through solid spheres. Pressure measurements were performed along different downstream positions. The experiments were conducted in both rectangular and circular shock tubes. The data with respect to the effect of the sphere array, size, interval distance, incident Mach number, etc., on the shock wave attenuation were obtained.
Resumen: El valor estético de la Crónica de tres reyes siempre ha sido puesto en entredicho a raíz de su estilo neutro que contrasta con el de otras obras del género, como ser las crónicas de Alfonso X y las de Pero López de Ayala. El presente trabajo se encarga de estudiar los procedimientos narrativos a través de los cuales algunos de sus personajes son confi gurados en función de asignar a la trama de los acontecimientos un determinado sentido político que se distancia de otras versiones de los hechos que circulaban en el período, como por ejemplo la "Historia hasta 1288 dialogada".
Número monográfico: El viaje y sus discursos
Resumen: n esta intervención Carlos Galli dialoga con la valiosa ponencia del cardenal Walter Kasper resumiendo la recepción de la eclesiología conciliar desde la Argentina. Este diálogo se centra en cuatro puntos, la dialéctica liberación – libertad en el diálogo de la Iglesia con la modernidad, la recepción argentina de su eclesiología considerando las relaciones entre la fe del Pueblo de Dios y las culturas de los pueblos, la reforma evangélica radical a partir del paradigma de la conversión misionera de todo el Pueblo de Dios y de todos en el Pueblo de Dios. El género del texto une el comentario interpretativo y el diálogo teológico más constructivo que crítico.
A probe utilizing the bipolar pulse method to measure the density of a conducting fluid has been developed. The probe is specially designed such that the concentration of a stream tube can be sampled continuously. The density was determined indirectly from the measurement of solution conductivity. The probe was calibrated using standard NaCl solutions of varying molarity and was able to rapidly determine the density of a fluid with continuously varying conductance. Measurements of the conductivity profiles, corresponding density profiles, and their fluctuation levels are demonstrated in a channel flow with an electrolyte injected from a slot in one wall.
A brief review is presented of statistical approaches on microdamage evolution. An experimental study of statistical microdamage evolution in two ductile materials under dynamic loading is carried out. The observation indicates that there are large differences in size and distribution of microvoids between these two materials. With this phenomenon in mind, kinetic equations governing the nucleation and growth of microvoids in nonlinear rate-dependent materials are combined with the balance law of void number to establish statistical differential equations that describe the evolution of microvoids' number density. The theoretical solution provides a reasonable explanation of the experimentally observed phenomenon. The effects of stochastic fluctuation which is influenced by the inhomogeneous microscopic structure of materials are subsequently examined (i.e. stochastic growth model). Based on the stochastic differential equation, a Fokker-Planck equation which governs the evolution of the transition probability is derived. The analytical solution for the transition probability is then obtained and the effects of stochastic fluctuation is discussed. The statistical and stochastic analyses may provide effective approaches to reveal the physics of damage evolution and dynamic failure process in ductile materials.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of supercritical CO2 turbulent channel flow has been performed to investigate the heat transfer mechanism of supercritical fluid. In the present DNS, full compressible Navier-Stokes equations and Peng-Robison state equation are solved. Due to effects of the mean density variation in the wall normal direction, mean velocity in the cooling region becomes high compared with that in the heating region. The mean width between high-and low-speed streaks near the wall decreases in the cooling region, which means that turbulence in the cooling region is enhanced and lots of fine scale eddies are created due to the local high Reynolds number effects. From the turbulent kinetic energy budget, it is found that compressibility effects related with pressure fluctuation and dilatation of velocity fluctuation can be ignored even for supercritical condition. However, the effect of density fluctuation on turbulent kinetic energy cannot be ignored. In the cooling region, low kinematic viscosity and high thermal conductivity in the low speed streaks modify fine scale structure and turbulent transport of temperature, which results in high Nusselt number in the cooling condition of the supercritical CO2.
Resumen: En el presente texto retomamos y reconocemos el carácter de ‘texto fundante’ que El Matadero de Esteban Echeverría tiene en nuestra cultura argentina. Analizamos lo enraizado del texto conectándolo hacia atrás, con los orígenes de la gauchesca, y hacia adelante, con su culminación y con sus proyecciones, incluso en diversas disciplinas. Luego podemos centrarnos en el tema de la violencia como recurrente no solo literario, y precisar el sentido en que la tomamos. Sostenemos que la violencia de El Matadero ya estaba presente, de manera velada, en otras obras de Echeverría; no tanto por su tematización, sino porque figurativiza, de manera muy acorde con la ideología románticas, razón y corazón, considerado éste no como exclusiva sede de sentimientos, sino como víscera, y de allí sus equivalentes, como el estómago y el matambre. Esta parte visceral no accede a mayor formulación, porque no entra en el programa de la estética en boga. Desde este punto de vista, releo las quejas debidas al sufrimiento del corazón, y entiendo el llanto y el descontento de otro modo. Hay lamento porque nada, al menos en el terreno literario, brinda salida a ese fondo vivo, no esquemático y que le resulta abyecto, porque encierra un modo y un contenido que no puede reconocer como propios. Asociado con esta cara puesta en sombra, inopinadamente, El matadero vuelve a ser texto fundante, pero de otra parte de la literatura argentina: de lo marginal, que no puede sumarse a proyectos, y que muy pocos dicen.
Resumen: La exhortación apostólica Evangelii gaudium, sin ser un documento social, no sólo contiene numerosas afirmaciones sobre temas sociales y económicos, sino que enuncia cuatro novedosos principios para orientar el desarrollo de la vida social. Este artículo sostiene, sin embargo, que ni aquellos juicios ni estos principios se encuentran en continuidad con la DSI. Los primeros, porque dejan de lado el género propio de ésta, para adoptar un tono profético falto de los necesarios matices y equilibrios. Los segundos, porque a diferencia de los principios universales de la DSI, no son de carácter específicamente social. Ambos ponen en peligro la continuidad del magisterio social.