865 resultados para Generación de 1896


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Introducción A esta pregunta, habría que contestar mediante un razonamiento, que no se puede escribir en una página. En efecto, la respuesta involucra numerosas facetas que deben ser aclaradas, para intentar satisfacer al interrogador. El término generación que aquí se plantea, lo consideramos integrado al concepto de Ortega y Gasset, razón por la cual deberemos empezar a clarificarlo. Según Ortega: “Las variaciones de la sensibilidad vital que son decisivas en historia se presentan bajo la forma de generación. Una generación no es un puñado de hombres egregios ni simplemente una masa: es como un nuevo cuerpo social integro como su maniobra selecta y su muchedumbre, que ha sido lanzado sobre el ámbito de la existencia con una trayectoria vital determinada. La generación, compromiso dinámico entre masa en individuos, es el concepto más importante de la historia, y por decirlo así, el gozne sobre el que ésta ejecuta sus movimientos” Para Ortega el caráter dinámico del término obedece al sentimiento del individuo como ser individualizado, lo que hace que al hablar de generación sea preciso a la vez destacar el carácter de “sensibilidad social” de que él habla, como fenómeno primario de la historia…


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En este artículo se reconstruye la crisis cafetalera de finales del siglo XIX y primeros años del siglo XX. So toma en cuenta las diferentes tendencias y fluctuaciones de la coyuntura adversa con el propósito de conocer su impacto en la economía nacional y en aquellos actores que conformaron los distintos eslabones de la cadena del café.Abstract: This article reconstructs the coffee crisis of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. II takes into account the different trends and fluctuations of the business cycle in order to understand its impact on the national economy and those actors who made up the different stages of the coffee chain.


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This article focuses on the influence cinema has had on literature, since as we have seen, the arrival of filmmakers led to a cultural revolution. The world of cinema was joined to other traditional arts, suchs as painting and literature, which man had already used to express his ideas and feelings. Cinema forms part of the new 20th century trends, influencing the poets of creating new imagery and metaphors which so greatly enhanced their work.


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Haciendo uso de datos de AVHRR, de datos de viento dci QuikScat y de una estación meteorológica en la zona de Cuajiniquil en Costa Rica, se ha encontrado una clara relación entre la velocidad de los vientos y el fenómeno de surgencia en Papagayo entre el 14 de diciembre de 2001 y el 5 de abril de 2002. Se observa también un corrimiento notable hacia el norte de los vórtices anticiclónicos formados en Papagayo para finales de febrero de 2002 con respecto a los anillos investigados por Ballestero y Coen en el experimento llevado a cabo en 1996 (Ballestero y Coen, 2004).Abstract: Using daLa from (he AVHRR and QuikScat instruments together with information from a meteorological station located in Cuajiniquil, Costa Rica, a relationship between the wind direction and the shape of the upwelling plume in Papagayo has been obtained for the period 14 December 200110 5 April 2002. The acticyclonic rings formed in Papagayo during the end of February 2002 were located 1.5 degrees to the north of the position of the rings observed by Ballestero and Coen in an experiment carried out in 1996.


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La gestión eficiente del agua es de importancia primordial en las regiones áridas y semiáridas del territorio mexicano. El crecimiento poblacional y económico de ciudades ubicadas en ellas, como San Luis Potosí, ha rebasado la infraestructura de almacenamiento y distribución del recurso, que resulta insuficiente para cubrir necesidades de la población, industria y actividades agropecuarias. Asimismo, es insoslayable incorporar la tecnología informática para apoyar la toma de decisiones, a fin de mejorar el acceso a los recursos acuíferos disponibles. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de la generación y aplicación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica en el marco de una gestión eficiente del agua en la localidad analizada. En la primera parte se desglosan las variables empleadas para elaborar el SIG; posteriormente se realizó el análisis e integración de la información, se estructuró el sistema para fundamentar la relación entre los datos georreferenciados y las combinaciones posibles que apoyan el seguimiento de los procesos. Por último, se detectaron las zonas que requieren atención inmediata por parte del organismo operador del recurso, quien funge como proveedor y usuario del sistema, adecuándolo a sus propias necesidades, por lo que el SIG aporta elementos correctivos para la política pública correspondiente.


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Wikis have proved to be very effective collaboration and knowledge management tools in large variety of fields thanks to their simplicity and flexible nature. Another important development for the internet is the emergence of powerful mobile devices supported by fast and reliable wireless networks. The combination of these developments begs the question of how to extend wikis on mobile devices and how to leverage mobile devices' rich modalities to supplement current wikis. Realizing that composing and consuming through auditory channel is the most natural and efficient way for mobile device user, this paper explores the use of audio as the medium of wiki. Our work, as the first step towards this direction, creates a framework called Mobile Audio Wiki which facilitates asynchronous audio-mediated collaboration on the move. In this paper, we present the design of Mobile Audio Wiki. As a part of such design, we propose an innovative approach for a light-weight audio content annotation system for enabling group editing, versioning and cross-linking among audio clips. To elucidate the novel collaboration model introduced by Mobile Audio Wiki, its four usage modes are identified and presented in storyboard format. Finally, we describe the initial design for presentation and navigation of Mobile Audio Wiki.


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This is volume 1 in a series of four volumes about the origins of Australian football as it evolved in Victoria between 1858 and 1896. This volume addresses its very beginnings as an amateur sport and the rise of the first clubs. Invented by a group of Melbourne cricketers and sports enthusiasts, Australian Rules football was developed through games played on Melbourne's park lands and was originally known as "Melbourne Football Club Rules". This formative period of the game saw the birth of the first 'amateur heroes' of the game. Players such as T.W. Wills, H.C.A. Harrison, Jack Conway, George O'Mullane and Robert Murray Smith emerged as warriors engaged in individual rugby-type scrimmages. The introduction of Challenge Cups was an important spur for this burgeoning sport. Intense competition and growing rivalries between clubs such as Melbourne, South Yarra, Royal Park, and Geelong began to flourish and the game developed as a result. By the 1870s the game "Victorian Rules" had become the most popular outdoor winter sport across the state. In subsequent decades, rapid growth in club football occurred and the game attracted increasing media attention.


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The health of an individual is determined by the interaction of genetic and individual factors with wider social and environmental elements. Public health approaches to improving the health of disadvantaged populations will be most effective if they optimise influences at each of these levels, particularly in the early part of the life course. In order to better ascertain the relative contribution of these multi-level determinants there is a need for robust studies, longitudinal and prospective in nature, that examine individual, familial, social and environmental exposures. This paper describes the study background and methods, as it has been implemented in an Australian birth cohort study, Environments for Healthy Living (EFHL): The Griffith Study of Population Health. EFHL is a prospective, multi-level, multi-year longitudinal birth cohort study, designed to collect information from before birth through to adulthood across a spectrum of eco-epidemiological factors, including genetic material from cord-blood samples at birth, individual and familial factors, to spatial data on the living environment. EFHL commenced the pilot phase of recruitment in 2006 and open recruitment in 2007, with a target sample size of 4000 mother/infant dyads. Detailed information on each participant is obtained at birth, 12-months, 3-years, 5-years and subsequent three to five yearly intervals. The findings of this research will provide detailed evidence on the relative contribution of multi-level determinants of health, which can be used to inform social policy and intervention strategies that will facilitate healthy behaviours and choices across sub-populations.


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Although the tourism industry has been dramatically altered due to the Internet, there has been limited research published about international entrepreneurial values and Internet use in tourism firms. The findings of this study point to a relationship between the values of Internet-enabled international entrepreneurs in small-sized to medium-sized enterprises and the inclination of the firm to develop and initiate international activity. The findings of this study suggest that Internet-enabled tourism entrepreneurs share similar construct values. Two effective but underutilized qualitative methods were used in this study. The first method, repertory test, is an efficient technique for exploring constructs in decision making; the second method, laddering analysis, facilitates understanding of the perceived consequences and personal values guiding behaviour.


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Joseph Henry Maiden was born in London in 1859 and sailed for Australia in 1880, where he lived for the remainder of his life. He was an ardent Australian nationalist, and like many immigrants of this time, remained proud of his British heritage. His sweetheart, Eliza Jane Hammond, followed him to Australia in 1883. They married in Kew the day after she made port in Melbourne, and together in Sydney they raised five children. [1] During the first phase of his career Maiden presided over the Technological Museum of Sydney from 1882 to 1896. In the second phase, he was the director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens from 1896 to 1924. There he managed a whole complex of parks including the Domain,Centennial Park and the Governor's residences, a state nursery at Campbelltown and a scientific institution, the National Herbarium of New South Wales, devoted to botany. A short time after his retirement, he died at his home in Turramurra in 1925...


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The aim of this on-going research is to interrogate the era of colonialism in Australia (1896-1966) and the denial of paid employment of Aboriginal women. The 1897 Aborigines Protection and the Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act witnessed thousands of Aboriginal people placed on Government run reserves and missions. This resulted in all aspects of their lives being controlled through state mechanisms. Under various Acts of Parliament, Aboriginal women were sent to privately owned properties to be utilised as ‘domestic servants’ through a system of forced indentured labour, which continued until the 1970’s. This paper discusses the hidden histories of these women through the use of primary sources documents including records from the Australian Department of Native Affairs and Department of Home and Health. This social history research reveals that the practice of removing Aboriginal women from their families at the age of 12 or 13 and to white families was more common practice than not. These women were often: not paid, worked up to 15 hour days, not allowed leave and subjected to many forms of abuse. Wages that were meant to be paid were re-directed to other others, including the Government. Whilst the retrieval of these ‘stolen wages’ is now an on-going issue resulting in the Queensland Government in 2002 offering AUS $2,000 to $4,000 in compensation for a lifetime of work, Aboriginal women were also asked to waive their legal right to further compensation. There are few documented histories of these Aboriginal women as told through the archives. This hidden Aboriginal Australian women’s history needs to be revealed to better understand the experiences and depth of misappropriation of Aboriginal women as domestic workers. In doing so, it also reveals a more accurate reflection of women’s work in Australia.


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Hyperthermia, raised temperature, has been used as a means of treating cancer for centuries. Hippocrates (400 BC) and Galen (200 BC) used red-hot irons to treat small tumours. Much later, after the Renaissance, there are many reports of spontaneous tumour regression in patients with fevers produced by erysipelas, malaria, smallpox, tuberculosis and influenza. These illnesses produce fevers of about 40 °C which last for several days. Temperatures of at least 40 °C were found to be necessary for tumour regression. Towards the end of the nineteenth century pyrogenic bacteria were injected into patients with cancer. In 1896, Coly used a mixture of erysipelas and B. prodigeosus, with some success...


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee Suomen murteiden sanakirjan taustaksi kerätyn Suomen murteiden sana-arkiston kartuttamisen historiaa; fennistisen murteenkeruun alkuvaiheita. Lähestyn murresanakirjan pitkää hanketta tutkimus- ja kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta. Kansankielen sanakirja on fennistiikan merkittävimpiä tutkimushankkeita. Suo-men kielen vanhojen pitäjänmurteiden sanasto on ällistyttävän laaja aineisto, jonka keräämiseen ja julkaisemiseen on kulunut toista vuosisataa, ja sanakirjan toimitustyö jatkuu edelleen. Kansanmurteemme sisältävät paitsi kielitieteellisesti mielenkiintoista aineistoa myöskin runsaasti tietoa agraarisen elinkeinorakenteen aikakaudelta. Dialektologia ja kansatiede kulkevat käsikkäin. Murresanakirja on niin ollen merkittävä kansallinen omaisuus, jonka arvo koko suomalaiselle yhteiskunnalle on eittämättä suuri. Murteiden sanakirjan syntysanat on ajoitettavissa vuoteen 1868, vaikka toki fennistiikassa oli leksikografisia pyrintöjä jo ennen sitä (mm. Lönnrotin Suomalais-ruotsalainen sanakirja). Sanakirjahankkeessa on hahmotettavissa kolme vaihetta, joita kutsun ryhdistäytymisiksi. Nämä tapahtuivat noin vuosina 1896, 1916 ja 1925. Valotan työni aluksi hieman kansallisten tieteiden ja 1800-luvun alun aatehistoriallista taustaa (luku 2), jonka jälkeen tutkin murresanakirjahankkeen alkuvaiheita ja ensimmäisten sanastonkeruiden käynnistymistä (luku 3). Käsittelen kutakin hankkeen organisatorista muutosvaihetta ja hallinnollisten puitteiden kehittymistä luvuissa 4-6. Lopuksi pohdin murresanakirjan ja murteenkeruun historiallista merkitystä fennistiikalle ja yhteiskunnalle (luku 7). Tutkimukseni lähteinä on oppihistoriallista kirjallisuutta sekä murteiden keruusta vastanneiden yhteisöjen asiakirjoja. Erityisen kiinnostaviksi osoittautuivat Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksessa säilytettävät sanakirjahankkeen hallinnolliset asiakirjat 1916-1925. Tuon esiin varhaisempiakin pöytäkirjamainintoja. Hankkeen alussa Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Kielitieteellinen Osakunta ja Kotikielen Seura keräsivät ensimmäisiä sanastokokoelmia. Tämän jälkeen ensimmäinen ryhdistäytyminen tapahtui vuodesta 1896 lähtien, jolloin Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura otti vastuun hankkeesta, E. N. Setälän tunnettua sanakirjaohjelmaa ja E. A. Ekmanin Suomen kielen keräilysanastoa noudattaen. Keruu oli kuitenkin liian hidasta, joten 1916 perustettiin Suomen kielen sanakirjaosakeyhtiö, jotta toimintaan saataisiin enemmän varoja. Ensimmäinen maailmansota ja sisällissota kuitenkin romahduttivat rahan arvon, ja kolmannen kerran hanke jouduttiin organisoimaan uudelleen vuonna 1925, Sanakirjasäätiön muodossa. Vuonna 1976 Sanakirjasäätiö liittyi Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskukseen. Kansanmurteiden keräämisessä korostuu kaikissa keruun vaiheissa kaksi asiaa. Ensinnäkin sanastuksella oli aina kiire. Vanhat murteet olivat katoamassa, ja ne piti saada nopeasti talteen. Tähän kiinnitettiin huomiota jo varhain, ja vielä 1900-luvun loppupuoliskollakin, kun keruuhanke hiljalleen saatiin loppuunviedyksi. Toiseksi sanakirjahanke on aina joutunut elämään kädestä suuhun, toisin sanoen taloudelliset puitteet ovat sanelleet keruumahdollisuudet. Vakaalle taloudelliselle pohjalle hanke pääsi vasta 1930-luvulla Sanakirjasäätiön aikana, jolloin siihen alettiin saada valtion rahoitusta. Murresanakirjahankkeen läpi kulkee punaisena lankana kansallisromanttinen innostus ja isänmaallis-tieteellinen pyrkimys suomen kirjakielen kehittämiseen, joka vielä 1800-luvun puolivälissä oli meneillään. Kansalliset tieteet lujittivat itsenäistymistä ja suoma-laistumista. Aatehistorian kautta sanakirjahanke asettuu laajempaan yhteyteen. Avainsanat: tutkimushistoria, suomen kielen murteet, murteenkeruu, dialektologia, suomen murteiden sanakirja, fennistiikan oppihistoria, leksikografia, kansalliset tieteet, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Kotikielen Seura, Suomen kielen sanakirjaosakeyhtiö, Sanakirjasäätiö