976 resultados para Gay and lesbian studies -- New Zealand


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The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic applications of some new transition metal complexes of the Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline 2-carboxaldehyde.. Schiff bases which are considered as ‘privileged ligands’ have the ability to stabilize different metals in different oxidation states and thus regulate the performance of metals in a large variety of catalytic transformations. The catalytic activity of the Schiff base complexes is highly dependant on the environment about the metal center and their conformational flexibility. Therefore it is to be expected that the introduction of bulky substituents near the coordination sites might lead to low symmetry complexes with enhanced catalytic properties. With this view new transition metal complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde have been synthesised. These Schiff bases have more basic donor nitrogen atoms and the presence of the quinoxaline ring may be presumed to build a favourable topography and electronic environment in the immediate coordination sphere of the metal. The aldehyde was condensed with amines 1,8-diaminonaphthalene, 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, 2-aminophenol and 4-aminoantipyrine to give the respective Schiff bases. The oxovanadium(IV), copper(II) and ruthenium(II)complexes of these Schiff bases were synthesised and characterised. All the oxovanadium(IV) complexes have binuclear structure with a square pyramidal geometry. Ruthenium and copper form mononuclear complexes with the Schiff base derived from 4- aminoantipyrine while binuclear square planar complexes are formed with the other Schiff bases. The catalytic activity of the copper complexes was evaluated in the hydroxylation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Catechol and hydroquinone are the major products. Catalytic properties of the oxovanadium(IV) complexes were evaluated in the oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. Here allylic oxidation products rather than epoxides are formed as the major products. The ruthenium(II) complexes are found to be effective catalysts for the hydrogenation of benzene and toluene. The kinetics of hydrogenation was studied and a suitable mechanism has been proposed.


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Biodegradable polymers have opened an emerging area of great interest because they are the ultimate solution for the disposal problems of synthetic polymers used for short time applications in the environmental and biomedical field. The biodegradable polymers available until recently have a number of limitations in terms of strength and dimensional stability. Most of them have processing problems and are also very expensive. Recent developments in biodegradable polymers show that monomers and polymers obtained from renewable resources are important owing to their inherent biodegradability, biocompatibility and easy availability. The present study is, therefore, mostly concemed with the utilization of renewable resources by effecting chemical modification/copolymerization on existing synthetic polymers/natural polymers for introducing better biodegradability and material properties.The thesis describes multiple approaches in the design of new biodegradable polymers: (1) Chemical modification of an existing nonbiodegradable polymer, polyethylene, by anchoring monosaccharides after functionalization to introduce biodegradability. (2) Copolymerization of an existing biodegradable polymer, polylactide, with suitable monomers and/or polymers to tailor their properties to suit the emerging requirements such as (2a) graft copolymerization of lactide onto chitosan to get controlled solvation and biodegradability and (2b) copolymerization of polylactide with cycloaliphatic amide segments to improve upon the thermal properties and processability.


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The main purpose of the thesis is to improve the state of knowledge and understanding of the physical structure of the TMCS and its short range prediction. The present study principally addresses the fine structure, dynamics and microphysics of severe convective storms.The structure and dynamics of the Tropical cloud clusters over Indian region is not well understood. The observational cases discussed in the thesis are limited to the temperature and humidity observations. We propose a mesoscale observational network along with all the available Doppler radars and other conventional and non—conventional observations. Simultaneous observations with DWR, VHF and UHF radars of the same cloud system will provide new insight into the dynamics and microphysics of the clouds. More cases have to be studied in detail to obtain climatology of the storm type passing over tropical Indian region. These observational data sets provide wide variety of information to be assimilated to the mesoscale data assimilation system and can be used to force CSRM.The gravity wave generation and stratosphere troposphere exchange (STE) processes associated with convection gained a great deal of attention to modem science and meteorologist. Round the clock observations using VHF and UHF radars along with supplementary data sets like DWR, satellite, GPS/Radiosondes, meteorological rockets and aircrafl observations is needed to explore the role of convection and associated energetics in detail.


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The present work deals with the complexation of Schiff bases of aroylhydrazides with various transition metal ions. The hydrazone systems selected for study are capable of forming bridged polymeric structures which is one of the fascinating subjects in the crystal engineering of coordination polymers owing to their attractive new topologies and intriguing structural features. Complexation with metal ions like copper, manganese, vanadium, nickel, palladium, zinc and cadmium are tried. Various spectral techniques are employed for characterization. The structures of some complexes have been well established by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.The work is presented in seven chapters and the last section deals with summary and conclusion. The studies reveal that the aroylhydrazone systems vary in their geometrical configuration depending on the substituents. The coordination modes of the ligands also differ upon chelating with metal ions. One of the hydrazone system selected for study proved that it could give rise to polymeric metal complexes.


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The unusual coordination modes of semicarbazones when bound to metals, the wide applications and structural diversity of metal complexes of semicarbazones provoked us to synthesize and characterize the tridentate ONO and NNO-donor semicarbazones and their transition metal complexes. This work is focused on the studies on complexes of three N4-phenylsemicarbazones synthesized by changing the carbonyl compounds. This work is concerned with the studies of two new semicarbazones, 2- formylpyridine-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (HL1) and 3-ethoxysalicylaldehyde- N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2L2) and a reported semicarbazone 2-benzoylpyridine-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (HL3) [29]. The compositions of these semicarbazones were determined by the CHN analyses and IR, UV and NMR spectral studies were used for the characterization of these compounds. The molecular structure of 3-ethoxysalicylaldehyde-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2L2) was obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Also, we have synthesized Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) complexes of these three semicarbazones. The complexes were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, magnetic and conductivity studies. We could isolate single crystals of some complexes of all metals suitable for X-ray diffraction studies. This thesis is divided into six chapters.


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Semicarbazones and their transition metal complexes have been receiving considerable attention because of their biological relevance and applications in the field of analysis and in the field of organic NLO materials. Their structural diversity also attracted inorganic chemists. A good deal of work has been reported on the synthesis and structural investigation of semicarbazones and their complexes. This is due partially to their capability of acting as multidentate, NO, NNO, ONO and ONNO donors with the formation of either mono or bi or polynuclear complexes. Their chemistry and pharmacological applications have been extensively investigated. Appreciable biological applications as well as diverse stereochemistry of their metal complexes prompted us to synthesize two new tridentate ONO donor N4-phenyl semicarbazones derived from 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone and their transition metal complexes. These ketones were selected since they can provide a further binding site from phenolic–OH and can thus increase the denticity. Introduction of heterocyclic bases like 1,10-phenanthroline, 2,2′-bipyridine, 4,4′-dimethyl- 2,2′-bipyridine and 4-picoline and some pseudohalides like azide and thiocyanate ion can result in mixed ligand metal chelates with different geometries in coordination compounds In the present study, oxovanadium(IV), manganese(II), cobalt (II/III), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of 2-hydroxy-4- methoxyacetophenone-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2ASC) and 2-hydroxy-4- methoxybenzophenone-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2BSC) were synthesized and characterized.


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Laser engineering is an area in which developments in the existing design concepts and technology appear at an alarming rate. Now—a-days, emphasis has shifted from innovation to cost reduction and system improvement. To a major extent, these studies are aimed at attaining larger power densities, higher system efficiency and identification of new lasing media and new lasing wavelengths. Todate researchers have put to use all the ditferent Forms of matter as lasing material. Laser action was observed For the first time in a gaseous system - the He-Ne system. This was Followed by a variety of solidstate and gas laser systems. Uarious organic dyes dissolved in suitable solvents were found to lase when pumped optically. Broad band emission characteristics of these dye molecules made wavelength tuning possible using optical devices. Laser action was also observed in certain p-n junctions of semiconductor materials and some of these systems are also tunable. The recent addition to this list was the observation of laser action from certain laser produced plasmas. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the design and Fabrication techniques of pulsed Nitrogen lasers and high power Nd: Glass laserso Attempt was also made to put the systems developed into certain related experiments


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A new semicarbazone, HL has been synthesized from quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde and N4-phenyl-3- semicarbazide and structurally and spectrochemically characterized. 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR and electronic spectra of the compound are studied. The existence of keto form in the solid state is supported by the crystal structure and IR data. The compound crystallizes into an orthorhombic space group P212121. Intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions facilitates unit cell packing in the crystal lattice


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A new class of chiral polyurethanes containing amido linkages in the polymer backbone have been synthesized by reacting toluene diisocyanate with isosorbide (IS) chiral moiety and the chromophores [N,N0-ethane- 1,2-diyl bis(6-hydroxy hexanamide), N,N0-butane-1,4-diyl bis(6-hydroxy hexanamide) and N,N0-hexane-1,6-diyl bis (6-hydroxy hexanamide)]. The corresponding chromophores were obtained by the aminolysis of e-caprolactone by using the diamines, diaminoethane, diaminobutane and diaminohexane, respectively. All the polymers were synthesized according to the symmetry conditions so as to obtain the non-centrosymmetric environment. A series of polyurethanes were synthesized by varying the chiral– chromophore composition. The polyurethanes developed were characterized by optical and thermal methods.


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La Universidad del Rosario es una de las universidades más antiguas de Colombia, fundada en 1653 y, desde entonces, caracterizada como una universidad tradicional. Existe al interior de la Universidad una Facultades ha desarrollado fuertemente un cambio cultural transformando la naturaleza y desempeño de la Universidad. Esta investigación explora este cambio utilizando un modelo que estudia la cultura como una realidad compleja. El resultado de este trabajo es interesante desde el punto de vista teórica dado que es un ejemplo de “cambio de los agentes” en como una institución antigua y tradicional en términos académicos puede transformarse y cómo puede estudiarse dicho caso.


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In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to deal with. The inherent complexity of environmental problems, which brings out the interconnections between the economic, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions of the territory, is increased by the social, scientific and political focuses of the debate, and their interdependencies. In the framework of governance, scientific and technical assessments are a relevant but not “unique” source for legitimating environmental policymaking. The discussion is opened towards the consideration of different existing perspectives on the environment. The main objective of the present study is to systematize and explore in-depth the perspectives brought by feminism and gender to environmental governance. What is the specificity of a feminist and gender outlook? In what sense does it bring new light to environmental governance processes? Such questions are explored empirically and theoretically.


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The [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involves the formation of three carbon-carbon bonds in one single step using alkynes, alkenes, nitriles, carbonyls and other unsaturated reagents as reactants. This is one of the most elegant methods for the construction of polycyclic aromatic compounds and heteroaromatic, which have important academic and industrial uses. The thesis is divided into ten chapters including six related publications. The first study based on the Wilkinson’s catalyst, RhCl(PPh3)3, compares the reaction mechanism of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition process of acetylene with the cycloaddition obtained for the model of the complex, RhCl(PH3)3. In an attempt to reduce computational costs in DFT studies, this research project aimed to substitute PPh3 ligands for PH3, despite the electronic and steric effects produced by PPh3 ligands being significantly different to those created by PH3 ones. In this first study, detailed theoretical calculations were performed to determine the reaction mechanism of the two complexes. Despite some differences being detected, it was found that modelling PPh3 by PH3 in the catalyst helps to reduce the computational cost significantly while at the same time providing qualitatively acceptable results. Taking into account the results obtained in this earlier study, the model of the Wilkinson’s catalyst, RhCl(PH3)3, was applied to study different [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions with unsaturated systems conducted in the laboratory. Our research group found that in the case of totally closed systems, specifically 15- and 25-membered azamacrocycles can afford benzenic compounds, except in the case of 20-membered azamacrocycle (20-MAA) which was inactive with the Wilkinson’s catalyst. In this study, theoretical calculations allowed to determine the origin of the different reactivity of the 20-MAA, where it was found that the activation barrier of the oxidative addition of two alkynes is higher than those obtained for the 15- and 25-membered macrocycles. This barrier was attributed primarily to the interaction energy, which corresponds to the energy that is released when the two deformed reagents interact in the transition state. The main factor that helped to provide an explanation to the different reactivity observed was that the 20-MAA had a more stable and delocalized HOMO orbital in the oxidative addition step. Moreover, we observed that the formation of a strained ten-membered ring during the cycloaddition of 20-MAA presents significant steric hindrance. Furthermore, in Chapter 5, an electrochemical study is presented in collaboration with Prof. Anny Jutand from Paris. This work allowed studying the main steps of the catalytic cycle of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction between diynes with a monoalkyne. First kinetic data were obtained of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition process catalyzed by the Wilkinson’s catalyst, where it was observed that the rate-determining step of the reaction can change depending on the structure of the starting reagents. In the case of the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involving two alkynes and one alkene in the same molecule (enediynes), it is well known that the oxidative coupling may occur between two alkynes giving the corresponding metallacyclopentadiene, or between one alkyne and the alkene affording the metallacyclopentene complex. Wilkinson’s model was used in DFT calculations to analyze the different factors that may influence in the reaction mechanism. Here it was observed that the cyclic enediynes always prefer the oxidative coupling between two alkynes moieties, while the acyclic cases have different preferences depending on the linker and the substituents used in the alkynes. Moreover, the Wilkinson’s model was used to explain the experimental results achieved in Chapter 7 where the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction of enediynes is studied varying the position of the double bond in the starting reagent. It was observed that enediynes type yne-ene-yne preferred the standard [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, while enediynes type yne-yne-ene suffered β-hydride elimination followed a reductive elimination of Wilkinson’s catalyst giving cyclohexadiene compounds, which are isomers from those that would be obtained through standard [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions. Finally, the last chapter of this thesis is based on the use of DFT calculations to determine the reaction mechanism when the macrocycles are treated with transition metals that are inactive to the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction, but which are thermally active leading to new polycyclic compounds. Thus, a domino process was described combining an ene reaction and a Diels-Alder cycloaddition.


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Eye tracking has become a preponderant technique in the evaluation of user interaction and behaviour with study objects in defined contexts. Common eye tracking related data representation techniques offer valuable input regarding user interaction and eye gaze behaviour, namely through fixations and saccades measurement. However, these and other techniques may be insufficient for the representation of acquired data in specific studies, namely because of the complexity of the study object being analysed. This paper intends to contribute with a summary of data representation and information visualization techniques used in data analysis within different contexts (advertising, websites, television news and video games). Additionally, several methodological approaches are presented in this paper, which resulted from several studies developed and under development at CETAC.MEDIA - Communication Sciences and Technologies Research Centre. In the studies described, traditional data representation techniques were insufficient. As a result, new approaches were necessary and therefore, new forms of representing data, based on common techniques were developed with the objective of improving communication and information strategies. In each of these studies, a brief summary of the contribution to their respective area will be presented, as well as the data representation techniques used and some of the acquired results.