995 resultados para Gato - Raças


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was described in 1964 by William Jarrett and collaborators wen find viral particles attached to the membrane of lymphoblasts in cat with lymphoma. The virus belongs to the family Retroviridae, subfamily oncornavirus. With worldwide distribution, the occurrence of FeLV has 1.6% in healthy cats and 10.8% in sick cats in Brazil. The mortality of persistently viremic animals in catteries is about 50% in two years and 80% in three years. In catteries that have endemic feline Coronavirus (FCoV), FeLV and / or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), the FeLV infection has greater contribution to mortality. The test for infection and FeLV positive cats segregation is the main way to prevent the spread of infection. The diagnostic methods are based on clinical signs and changes compatible with FeLV infection observed by physical examination, complete blood count, X-ray, bone marrow aspirate and biochemical. The viral p27 protein is produced in infected cells in high amounts and is found in abundance in the cytoplasm and in body fluids enabling diagnosed methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA and direct immunofluorescence, detection of viral genome (Chain Reaction Polymerase - PCR) and detection of the virus by virus isolation. Although diagnostic tests are highly sensitive, it should be made more than a confirmatory test, especially serological due to variable characteristic of the progress of infection


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Portosystemic shunt, an hepatobiliary anomaly, much common in dogs and less frequent in cats, can be detected by several diagnostic methods. Among them, the one which stands out is ultrasonography due to its numerous advantages: noninvasive, quick, accessible, relatively low cost and provides useful information relating to the other systems, apart from being a highly sensitive method. Portosystemic shunt diagnosis using ultrasonography becomes highly sensitive when associated with B-mode, color Doppler and pulsed Doppler. A bibliographic survey about portosystemic shunt ultrasonographic diagnosis was carried out, and the main ultrasonographic signals were: decreased hepatic size, difficulty in blood vessels visualization, presence of an anomalous vessel, tortuous with turbulent flow and, finally, increased portal blood flow velocity near the shunting vessel


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The acceptance of biotechnology for the most equine breeders association had a significant effect in the horse industry, gaining popularity around the world, because the increasing on the genetic gain, allowing the use of sub fertile mares and stallions with high genetics value on reproduction. The embryos in vitro production of human and cattle has been used with success, however in vitro embryo production is not efficient in the horse, as oocyte transfer (OT) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocyte transfer has been used especially in subfertile old mares presenting reproductive pathologies as: endometrite, cervical and uterine adhesions, blocked oviduct, perineal laceration and ovulation failures. During oocyte recovery process, the oocytes must be collected from immature follicles that need be matured in vitro or in vivo matured oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles through the transvaginal aspiration guided by ultrasound. The recovered oocyte is transferred to a previously inseminated recipient mare, through the flank laparotomy. The intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) is a procedure of in vitro fertilization that needs only one sperm that is aspirated and injected inside the oocyte. The oocytes used, can be from mature and immature follicles. Fresh, cooled and frozen semen can be used, because the procedure not requires a functional sperm. The use of Piezo drill resulted in a breakthrough the pellucid zone, allowing the vibration per minute provided in the sperm injection pipette, a major result of cleaved oocytes, due to a better sperm injection in the oocyte. The embryo transfer can be straight inside the oviduct, as also transcervical transferred after embryo culture produced in vitro. In conclusion both procedures (OT and ICSI) are effective to be used on equine assisted reproduction, getting results even lower than expected, but satisfactory from animal genetically superior


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Lymphoma is a cancer originating in solid hematopoietic tissue and is one of the most common tumors in dogs and cats. Usually the diagnosis is made late, when the disease is at an advanced stage, reducing the success of treatment, affecting the prognosis. Therefore, early diagnosis is the best tool to combat this increasingly common disease in veterinary medicine. Due to the diversity of presentations and forms of the disease, clinical signs are nonspecific and varied making the use of laboratory testing essential to lymphoma diagnosis in order of establishing the most appropriate treatment as quickly as possible, giving the patient a longer survival rate


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The cat population is increasing more and more, and with it the concern about the treatment for pain in these animals. Although better treated for pain now, the cats are still less treated than dogs, especially when it comes to opioids such as morphine. It is known that morphine is very effective in the treatment of acute post-surgical pain and is an extremely safe drug. However, in regard to cats, morphine may act differently, due to the deficiency that these animals have in the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of morphine, and may have prolonged effects, toxicity and less analgesia. This drug can cause many adverse effects, but if administered in correct doses and intervals they are rare and there is the possibility of reversal with other drugs


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The atlantoaxial subluxation or luxation is an instability of this articulation that produces excessive flexion of this joint causing the cranial aspect of the axis to rotate dorsally into the vertebral channel with subsequent spinal cord compression. This disorder is most commonly found in young small breed dogs. The diagnosis of this disease is done by survey radiographs, where there is a larger distance between the atlas dorsal arch and the axis spinal process characterize the atlantoaxial subluxation. Surgical stabilization is the treatment of choice and multiple implants show the best results to stabilize the atlantoaxial joint. The main complications are sudden death or implant failure. The sudden death happens because of cardiorespiratory arrest and it is most likely caused by brainstem iatrogenic trauma. However, a larger study comparing different surgical stabilization techniques should be performed to evaluate relative success rates in dogs that have the same initial neurologic status