968 resultados para Gastrointestinal Microflora


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Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To report two cases of amyloidosis secondary to ankylosing spondylitis. PATIENTS AND RESULTS: Of the 47 ankylosing spondylitis patients who have received follow-up at our department over the last few years, two have developed AA amyloidosis. Both have extremely severe, long-standing joint disease, with virtually complete spinal ankylosis and destructive peripheral arthritis of the hips and wrists; one also has tarsal joint destruction. Renal dysfunction was the first manifestation of amyloidosis in both cases. One patient required chronic hemodialysis and developed peritonitis due to colonic perforation, probably at a site of amyloid deposition. CONCLUSIONS: Secondary amyloidosis is a rare complication of ankylosing spondylitis that can cause severe renal and gastrointestinal complications. No treatment capable of clearing established amyloid deposits is available to date.


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BACKGROUND: In female adolescents and young adults, malignancies of the genital tract are the most frequent type of cancer, closely followed by Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of sporadic Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) presenting with massive bilateral ovarian infiltration, peritoneal carcinomatosis and diffuse nodular lesions of the stomach and the intestine mimicking Krukenberg tumor. Diagnostic biopsies were obtained by endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract. With intensive chemotherapy, complete remission was rapidly achieved, without life-threatening tumor lysis syndrome. CONCLUSION: Besides metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma, BL is an important differential diagnosis in adolescents presenting with Krukenberg tumor.


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Al llarg dels últims anys l’òxid nítric (NO) i el monòxid de carboni (CO) han estat investigats com dos neurotransmissors gasosos del tracte gastrointestinal. Algunes dades demostren que el sulfur d’hidrogen (H2S) podria ser el tercer neurotransmissor gasos a nivell central i perifèric. Objectiu: valorar si el H2S compleix els requisits per ser considerat com el tercer neurotransmissor gasos a nivell del sistema nerviós entèric. Mètodes: la motilitat espontània de preparacions de múscul llis circular de mostres de còlon sigma humà i còlon mig de rata es van determinar in vitro mitjançant la tècnica de banys d’òrgans. El hidrogensulfur de sodi (NaHS) va ser utilitzat com donador de H2S. Resultats: 1- El NaHS va inhibir de forma concentració depenent la motilitat espontània en presència de bloqueig neural amb Tetrodotoxina (TTX 1 μM) (IC50 101±18 μM rata n=10; 329±86 μM humà n=18). 2- Aquesta relaxació es va veure reduïda per ODQ 10 μM, un inhibidor de la guanilat ciclasa, en còlon mig de rata (n=5). En humà a més de ser reduïda per ODQ 10μM (n=6), també ho va ser per SQ 22,536 100 μM (n=10), un inhibidor de l’adenilat ciclasa, i per L-NNA 1 mM (n=8), un inhibidor de la sintesi de NO. 3- En còlon de rata la incubació amb D,L-Propargilglicina 2 mM (PAG), un inhibidor de la síntesi de H2S, va incrementar la motilitat tant en situació control (10,05±2,06 vs 17,46±3,37 g•min-1 AUC, P&0,001, n=10) com en presència de TTX 1μM (14,45±7,28 vs 21,67±10,05 g•min-1 AUC, P&0,01, n=7). Conclusió: el H2S compleix part dels criteris per ser considerat un neurotransmissor gasos inhibitori en el tracte gastrointestinal: la inhibició de la seva síntesi incrementa la motilitat intestinal i la seva addició exògena produeix relaxació de la musculatura llisa intestinal.


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Folpet is one of the most widely employed fungicides in agriculture. It is typically used in the culture of vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. Once absorbed in the human body, it has been found to be very reactive, especially in acid conditions. According to various in vitro and in vivo experiments in animals, Folpet is first fractioned at the N-S link when in contact with aqueous solutions and thiol groups. From this non-enzymatic process a phthalimide (PI) molecule is formed, which may be used as a biomarker of exposure, along with the short-lived thiophosgene. We have built a human toxicokinetic model to account for the biotransformation of Folpet into PI and its subsequent excretion while accounting for other non-monitored metabolites. The mathematical parameters of the model were determined accordingly from best-fits to the time courses of PI in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg/kg and dermally 10 mg/kg of Folpet. In both cases, the mean elimination half-life of PI from the body (either through faeces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 31.6 h. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI were 0.025% and 0.002%, for oral and dermal administration, respectively after 96 h. According to the model, when orally administered, PI rapidly hydrolyzes to phthalamic and phthalic acids such that only 0.04% of the PI found in the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood stream. Likewise, after dermal application, model predicts that only 7.4% of the applied Folpet dose crosses the epidermis. In the model, the PI initial metabolite of Folpet is formed in the dermis and further metabolized prior to reaching systemic circulation, such that only 0.125% of PI formed at the site-of-entry reaches systemic blood. Our mathematical model is in accordance with both measures of blood (R2=0.57 for dermal and R2=0.66 for oral) and urine (R2 =0.98 for dermal and R2=0.99 for oral).


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Patients with moderate to severe disease and patients with steroid-refractory or steroid-dependent disease differ in their management, as the latter groups usually include patients with less acute situations. Systemic corticosteroids represent the mainstay of the management of moderate to severe disease and remain the first-line therapy in this setting. Infliximab is the choice alternative for patients who do not respond to steroids or in whom steroids are contraindicated. Purine analogues, methotrexate and infliximab have shown efficacy in achieving steroid-free remission in patients with steroid-refractory or -dependent disease. Other fast-acting immunosuppressors showed little benefit. Surgery may be indicated in this setting. Nataluzimab may prove useful in patients refractory to infliximab.


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Baccharus triptera Mart, is a widespread Compositae used in Brazilian folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disturbances, rheumatic disease, mild fever, diabetes and as an anti-helminthic. Water extract of small branches of the plant (WE) administered to mice and rats (0.1 to 2 g/Kg, p.o) did not alter spontaneous motor activity, sleeping time induced by barbiturates or the tailflick response in mice. The extract decreased by 40 por cento the number of writhings induced by 0.8 por cento scetic acid, i.p., but did not influence paw edema induced by carrageenan or dextran in rats WE (2g/Kg, p.o.) decreased the intestinal transit of charcoal in mice by 20//. Gastric secretion in pylorus ligated rats was reduced after treatment with WE (1 and 2 g/Kg. i.p. or intraduodenal and the gastric pH was raised. The extract (1 g/Kg, p.o.) prevented gastric ulcers induced in rats by immobilization at 4ºC, but not those induced by indomethacin (10 mg/Kg, s.c.). The results indicate that WE may relieve gastrointestinal disorders by reducing acid secretion and gastrointestinal hiperactivity. Neither analgesic nor anti-inflammatory activities were detectable.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Standardization of surgical technique helps to reproduce excellent clinical outcomes, especially in teaching institutions. We aim to describe in detail our established approach for oncological right colectomy. TECHNIQUE: The right colon is mobilized in a five-step latero-inferior approach starting off with (1) the terminal ileum, visualizing the duodenum and the head of pancreas. (2) The ascending colon is dissected from the retroperitoneum, and takedown of the hepatic flexure is completed coming retrograde from the transverse colon (3). (4) Transection of the remaining retroperitoneal attachments completes exposure of the duodenum and mobilization of the right colon. (5) Ileocolic vessels are dissected out and divided close to their origin, and the mesocolon is divided. We then establish intestinal continuity by use of a side-to-side stapled technique. (1) The arms of a linear cutting stapler are inserted via transverse incisions at the anti-mesenteric sides of the terminal ileum and the transverse colon (tenia) and fired. (2) The enterotomy site is closed by removal of the specimen using a second transverse firing of the linear cutting stapler. An important final step is the (3) reinforcement of the anastomotic ends and the crossing of the staple lines; an omental patch and closure of the mesenteric window are optional. CONCLUSION: The suggested standardized five-step lateral-to-medial dissection of the right colon and the three-step side-to-side stapled technique for ileo-colonic anastomosis are easy to learn and to reproduce. Careful adherence to pivotal technical details will help to obtain an optimal oncological outcome and a consistently low leak rate around 2 %.


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Evolutionary survival of a species is largely a function of its reproductive fitness. In mammals, a sparsely populated and widely dispersed network of hypothalamic neurons, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, serve as the pilot light of reproduction via coordinated secretion of GnRH. Since it first description, human GnRH deficiency has been recognized both clinically and genetically as a heterogeneous disease. A spectrum of different reproductive phenotypes comprised of congenital GnRH deficiency with anosmia (Kallmann syndrome), congenital GnRH deficiency with normal olfaction (normosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism), and adult-onset hypogonadotropic hypogonadism has been described. In the last two decades, several genes and pathways which govern GnRH ontogeny have been discovered by studying humans with GnRH deficiency. More importantly, detailed study of these patients has highlighted the emerging theme of oligogenicity and genotypic synergism, and also expanded the phenotypic diversity with the documentation of reversal of GnRH deficiency later in adulthood in some patients. The underlying genetic defect has also helped understand the associated nonreproductive phenotypes seen in some of these patients. These insights now provide practicing clinicians with targeted genetic diagnostic strategies and also impact on clinical management.


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In Rendu-Osler disease, haemorrhages due to gastrointestinal vascular malformations are common. Surgical and endoscopic treatments for haemorrhage due to gastrointestinal vascular malformations are compromised when lesions are diffuse, escape identification or are inaccessible to treatment. Hormonal treatment with oestrogen and progestagens is still controversial based on contradictory results from two randomised clinical trials. Although somatostatin and its long-acting analogue, octreotide, have been reported to be beneficial in preventing rebleeding, there is no consensus on this type of treatment. This case report shows how the combination of ethinyloestradiol and norethisterone markedly reduced the need for blood transfusions with few side effects in one patient; in comparison, octreotide seems less effective but this could be related to a worsening of the disease.


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Ce projet de thèse consiste en deux travaux sur le thème commun des thromboses veineuses mésentériques. Dans le premier travail, préliminaire au deuxième, nous avons décrit les signes d'évolution chronique des thromboses veineuses mésentériques. Les signes aigus sont bien connus et bien décrits (défaut de remplissage intra-luminal) contrairement aux signes chroniques dont la description manquait dans la littérature. Nous avons de plus cherché quels étaient les facteurs prédicateurs pour une évolution chronique. Pour se faire, nous avons sélectionné un collectif de patients avec un diagnostic de thromboses veineuses mésentériques aiguës et avons revu tous les scanners abdominaux en phase veineuse de ces patients à la recherche des signes d'évolution des thromboses. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence que les signes d'évolution chronique des thromboses veineuses mésentériques sont la sténose ou l'obstruction complète de la veine thrombosée et le développement d'un réseau de collatérales permettant de contourner la veine thrombosée. D'autre part, nous avons mis en évidence que la plupart des cas de thrombose veineuse mésentérique présente une évolution chronique, indépendamment de si le patient a reçu un traitement anticoagulant. Les thromboses étendues, situées dans des veines de petit calibre, auquel s'associe une infiltration de la graisse mésentérique au moment du diagnostic sont des facteurs favorisants pour une évolution chronique. La seconde étude a été réalisée grâce et avec la collaboration de la « Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort study » (SIBDCS). Les patients atteints de maladie inflammatoire chronique de l'intestin (MICI) présentent un risque augmenté de complications thromboemboliques, principalement de thrombose veineuse périphérique et d'embolie pulmonaire mais également de thrombose veineuse mésentérique. La littérature à ce sujet est pauvre et la prévalence de cette complication n'est pas connue dans cette population. Les buts de cette étude étaient donc d'évaluer la prévalence des thromboses veineuses mésentériques chez les patients atteints de MICI et de corréler leur survenue avec l'évolution clinique des patients. Parmi les patients inclus dans la SIBDCS, suivis au CHUV, nous avons revu tous les scanners abdominaux réalisés en phase veineuse à la recherche de signes (aigus ou chroniques) de thrombose veineuse mésentérique. Nous avons ainsi créé deux groupes de patients : les patients avec ou sans thrombose veineuse mésentérique. Ces deux collectifs ont ensuite été corrélés à la présence de signes radiologiques d'activité de la maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin et à la survenue aux complications liées à la MICI. Ainsi, nous avons mis en évidence que les thromboses veineuses mésentériques sont fréquentes chez les patients atteints de MICI, soit près de 30% chez les patients atteints de maladie de Crohn et 20% chez les patients atteints de RCUH. D'autre part, dans le groupe de patients atteints de maladie de Crohn, nous avons trouvé une association entre la survenue de thrombose veineuse mésentérique et une évolution de la maladie de Crohn plus sévère (plus de signes d'activité radiologique) et plus compliquée (plus de sténose et de nécessité de recours à la chirurgie). Ces deux articles ont été publiés dans l'American Journal of Roentgenology au mois de juillet 2014 dans la rubrique Gastrointestinal imaging.


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Background:  While quality of life (QoL) is a well-recognised outcome measure of Crohn disease (CD) activity, its influence on other outcome measures, including exacerbation of CD is poorly understood. If QoL measures were to be associated with intestinal inflammatory activity, they might be useful for early detection of subclinical flares. Aims:  We hypothesised that low QoL might be associated with subsequent CD flares. Methods:  A cohort of 318 adult CD patients was observed for 1 year after assessment of baseline characteristics. Data were collected in Swiss university hospitals, regional hospitals and private practices. At inclusion, patients completed the Inflammatory Bowel Disease QoL Questionnaire (gastrointestinal QoL; range: 32 to 224 points) and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (general QoL; range: 35 to 145 points). During follow up, flares were recorded. Binary logistic regression was performed to estimate the relation between QoL and the odds of subsequent flares. Results:  A twofold decrease in the odds of flares (99% CI: 1.1; 4.0) per standard deviation of gastrointestinal QoL and a threefold decrease (99% CI: 1.5; 6.2) per standard deviation of general QoL were observed. Conclusions:  The close association between QoL and subsequent flares suggests that QoL measures might be useful in detecting upcoming flares before they become clinically apparent.


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To assess the therapeutic possibilities of injection sclerosis in schistosomotic portal hypertension, a 5-year prospective study was conducted in northeast Brazil, where this parasitosis is endemic. Fifty patients undergoing endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal hemorrage from rupture of esophageal varices from July through December 1981 were chosen for the study. The 32 consenting patients were submitted to injection sclerotherapy paravariceally, using ethanolamine oleate; the 18 refusing to participate were assigned to the control group. The incidence of rebleeding was 28.1% in the former and 44.5% in the latter, a difference wich was not statistically significant (Fisher's test, p = 0.017). Since sclerotherapymarkedly improved the long-term survival rate of the patients, this procedure is advocated for the treatment of esophageal varices in cases of portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis.