978 resultados para GENOTYPE-F


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:The mosquito Aedes aegypti has evolved resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. The present study evaluated Ae. aegypti from Goiânia for the resistant phenotype and for mutations associated with resistance.METHODS:Insecticide dose-response bioassays were conducted on mosquitoes descended from field-collected eggs, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to genotype 90 individuals at sites implicated in pyrethroid resistance.RESULTS:All mosquito populations displayed high levels of resistance to deltamethrin, as well as high frequencies of the 1016Ile kdr and 1534Cys kdrmutations.CONCLUSIONS:Aedes aegypti populations in the Goiânia area are highly resistant to deltamethrin, presumably due to high frequencies of kdr(knockdown-resistance) mutations.


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Abstract:INTRODUCTION:The frequency of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has increased in the community. This study evaluated the prevalence of MRSA and community-acquired (CA)-MRSA in 120 healthy elderly.METHODS:The MRSA were evaluated for the presence of the IS256, mecA, agr, icaA, icaD, fnbB , and pvl genes with PCR. Results: Frequency of S. aureus and MRSA colonization was 17.8% and 19%, respectively. CA-MRSA isolate showed SCC mec IV, fnbB+ , and icaD+ .CONCLUSIONS:CA-MRSA was detected, with genotype determined as SCC mec type IV/IS256/ fnbB+ / icaA / icaD+ / bbp-/agr2 / bap / pvl, characterizing this population as a possible reservoir of this organism in the community.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) isolates by DNA fingerprinting has contributed to tuberculosis (TB) control. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of MTB isolates from Tehran province in Iran. METHODS MTB isolates from 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan TB patients were fingerprinted by standard IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and spoligotyping. RESULTS The copy number of IS6110 ranged from 10-24 per isolate. The isolates were classified into 22 clusters showing ≥ 80% similarity by RFLP analysis. Fourteen multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates were grouped into 4 IS6110-RFLP clusters, with 10 isolates [71% (95% CI: 45-89%)] in 1 cluster, suggesting a possible epidemiological linkage. Eighteen Iranian isolates showed ≥ 80% similarity with Afghan isolates. There were no strains with identical fingerprints. Spoligotyping of 70 isolates produced 23 distinct patterns. Sixty (85.7%) isolates were grouped into 13 clusters, while the remaining 10 isolates (14.2%) were not clustered. Ural (formerly Haarlem4) (n = 22, 31.4%) was the most common family followed by Central Asian strain (CAS) (n = 18, 25.7%) and T (n = 9, 12.8%) families. Only 1strain was characterized as having the Beijing genotype. Among 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan MTB isolates, 25% (95% CI: 16-37) and 70% (95% CI: 39-89) were categorized as Ural lineage, respectively. CONCLUSIONS A higher prevalence of Ural family MTB isolates among Afghan patients than among Iranian patients suggests the possible transmission of this lineage following the immigration of Afghans to Iran.


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Even though the seroprevalence of H. pylori may be high in the normal population, a minority develops peptic ulcer. Colonization of the gastric mucosa by more pathogenic vacA strains of H. pylori seems to be associated with enhanced gastric inflammation and duodenal ulcer. H. pylori genotyping from positive CLOtests was developed to determine the vacA genotypes and cagA status in 40 duodenal ulcer patients and for routine use. The pathogenic s1b/ m1/ cagA genotype was the most frequently occurring strain (17/42.5%); only two (5%) patients presented the s2/ m2 genotype, the less virulent strain. Multiple strains were also detected in 17 (42.5%) patients. Multiple strains of H. pylori colonizing the human stomach have been underestimated, because genotyping has been performed from cultures of H. pylori. We concluded that genotyping of H. pylori from a positive CLOtest had the advantages of reducing the number of biopsies taken during endoscopy, eliminating the step of culturing H. pylori, and assuring the presence of H. pylori in the specimen being processed.


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INTRODUCTION: Friedreich's ataxia is a neurodegenerative disorder whose clinical diagnostic criteria for typical cases basically include: a) early age of onset (< 20 or 25 years), b) autosomal recessive inheritance, c) progressive ataxia of limbs and gait, and d) absence of lower limb tendon reflexes. METHODS: We studied the frequency and the size of expanded GAA and their influence on neurologic findings, age at onset, and disease progression in 25 Brazilian patients with clinical diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia - 19 typical and 6 atypical - using a long-range PCR test. RESULTS: Abnormalities in cerebellar signs, in electrocardiography, and pes cavus occurred more frequently in typical cases; however, plantar response and speech were more frequently normal in this group when the both typical and atypical cases were compared. Homozygous GAA expansion repeats were detected in 17 cases (68%) - all typical cases. In 8 patients (32%) (6 atypical and 2 typical), no expansion was observed, ruling out the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia. In cases with GAA expansions, foot deformity, cardiac abnormalities, and some neurologic findings occurred more frequently; however, abnormalities in cranial nerves and in tomographic findings were detected less frequently than in patients without GAA expansions. DISCUSSION: Molecular analysis was imperative for the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia, not only for typical cases but also for atypical ones. There was no genotype-phenotype correlation. Diagnosis based only on clinical findings is limited; however, it aids in better screening for suspected cases that should be tested. Evaluation for vitamin E deficiency is recommended, especially in cases without GAA expansion.


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Large chromosomal rearrangements are common in natural populations and thought to be involved in speciation events. In this project, we used experimental evolution to determine how the speed of evolution and the type of accumulated mutations depend on the ancestral chromosomal structure and genotype. We utilized two Wild Type strains and a set of genetically engineered Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains, different solely in the presence of a certain type of chromosomal variant (inversions or translocations), along with respective controls. Previous research has shown that these chromosomal variants have different fitness levels in several environments, probably due to changes in the gene expression along the genome. These strains were propagated in the laboratory at very low population sizes, in which we expect natural selection to be less efficient at purging deleterious mutations. We then measured these strains’ changes in fitness throughout this accumulation of deleterious mutations, comparing the evolutionary trajectories in the different rearrangements to understand if the chromosomal structure affected the speed of evolution. We also tested these mutations for possible epistatic effects and estimated their parameters: the number of arising deleterious mutations per generation (Ud) and each one’s mean effect (sd).


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Conventional molecular techniques for detection and characterization of relevant nucleic acid (i.e. DNA) sequences are, nowadays, cumbersome, expensive and with reduced portability. The main objective of this dissertation consisted in the optimization and validation of a fast and low-cost colorimetric nanodiagnostic methodology for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This was done considering SNPs associated to obesity of commercial interest for STAB VIDA, and subsequent evaluation of other clinically relevant targets. Also, integration of this methodology into a microfluidic platform envisaging portability and application on points-of-care (POC) was achieved. To warrant success in pursuing these objectives, the experimental work was divided in four sections: i) genetic association of SNPs to obesity in the Portuguese population; ii) optimization and validation of the non-cross-linking approach for complete genotype characterization of these SNPs; iii) incorporation into a microfluidic platform; and iv) translation to other relevant commercial targets. FTO dbSNP rs#:9939609 carriers had higher body mass index (BMI), total body fat mass, waist perimeter and 2.5 times higher risk to obesity. AuNPs functionalized with thiolated oligonucleotides (Au-nanoprobes) were used via the non-cross-linking to validate a diagnostics approach against the gold standard technique - Sanger Sequencing - with high levels of sensitivity (87.50%) and specificity (91.67%). A proof-of-concept POC microfluidic device was assembled towards incorporation of the molecular detection strategy. In conclusion a successful framework was developed and validated for the detection of SNPs with commercial interest for STAB VIDA, towards future translation into a POC device.


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The complement system is an important humoral defense mechanism that plays a relevant role against microbial agents, inflammatory response control, and immunocomplex clearance. Classical complement pathway activation is antibody-dependent. The C4 component participates in the initial step of activation, and C4 expression is determined by 2 pairs of allotypes: C4A and C4B. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with several diseases. The aim of the present review is evaluate the reported data in the literature regarding specific C4A and C4B deficiencies and characterize their clinical relevance. We searched the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Papers referring to total C4 deficiency without allotype evaluation and case reports of primary C4 deficiency were not included. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with Mycobacterium leprae infection, erythema nodosum, systemic sclerosis with anti-topoisomerase I antibodies, intermediate congenital adrenal hyperplasia with DR5 genotype, diabetes mellitus type 1 with DR3,4 genotype, and diabetes mellitus with antibodies against islet cells. C4 allotype deficiency is also related to C4B deficiency and autoimmune-associated diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or diseases with an autoimmune component, such as autism. Some reports associate C4A with thyroiditis after delivery as well as limited and systemic sclerosis without anti-topoisomerase I antibodies. However, the studies with C4A and C4B have been concentrated in isolated populations, and some of the studies could not be reproduced by other authors.


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ABSTRACT: Objectives: This study aimed to confirm whether 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of selected genes are also associated with susceptibility for Juvenile idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) in thePortuguese population. Methods: Our study was conducted on Reuma.pt, the Rheumatic Diseases Portuguese Register, which includes patients with JIA receiving biological therapies and synthetic Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) since June 2001. Fifteen SNPs were investigated using Taqman® SNP genotyping assays in 291 Portuguese patients with JIA and 300 ethnically matched healthy controls. Results: Prior to Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, significant genotype association between one SNP and overall group of JIA was observed (PTPN22 rs2476601). In subgroup analysis, associations between six SNPs and the subgroup of patients with rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive Polyarticular (PTPN2 rs7234029), Extended oligoarticular (PTPN22 rs2476601), Systemic (PTPRC rs10919563, ANGPT1 rs7151781 and TNF rs361525) and Psoriatic JIA (IL2RA/CD25 rs2104286) were found. After Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, 3 genotype associations remained significant in the subgroup of patients with RF-positive polyarticular JIA (PTPN2 rs7234029 [corrected P 0.026]), extended oligoarticular (PTPN22 rs2476601 [corrected P 0.026]) and systemic JIA (ANGPT1 rs7151781 [corrected P 0.039]). Conclusion: Our results provide additional evidence for an association between polymorphisms in genes PTPN2, PTPN22 and ANGPT1 and the risk of RF-positive polyarticular, extended oligoarticular and systemic JIA, respectively, in a Portuguese population.


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A presente investigação debruça-se sobre o estudo dos grandes conjuntos urbanos, tendo como referência a área de Lisboa no período entre 1945 e 1974. O seu objetivo principal é compreender o padrão espacial e respetivas variantes destas formas urbanas relativamente recentes bem como avaliar o seu impato na estrutura global da cidade e da sociedade. Tomando como ponto de partida a história de arte como história da cidade, a tese toma como objeto o grande conjunto urbano e aponta a hipótese do estudo da relação forma-fundo como meio de obter informações relevantes que relacionem o uso e função com respeito ao desenho do espaço aberto. Como diferentes arranjos entre espaços abertos e fechados implicam tipos espaciais distintos (Medeiros 2013), o estudo da relação entre a forma (cheio) e o fundo (vazio) dos grandes conjuntos urbanos e respetivas variações, pode fornecer-nos informação espacial relevante, que nos permitem compreender melhor estas formas urbanas recentes. Usando a abordagem própria da teoria da sintaxe espacial (Hillier e Hanson 1984), do tipo configuracional, determinam-se as relações entre os vários elementos constituintes dos sistemas espaciais formados nestas urbanizações. Essas relações são depois analisadas através de medidas e variáveis topológicas que nos permitem identificar qualidades e valores espaciais para a sociedade. Os resultados obtidos a partir dessas variáveis e medidas permitem-nos, depois, avaliar os graus de ‘formalidade’ e ‘urbanidade’ em cada sistema (Holanda 2002). Consequentemente, a avaliação qualitativa das características espaciais que se pretendem obter nesta investigação, tem como base a avaliação quantitativa, permitindo assim comparar mais facilmente os diversos casos de estudo. De entre o conjunto de casos analisados, o estudo revela uma série de características comuns, que nos permitem identificar um padrão específico de urbanismo modernista que reflete claramente um conjunto de ideologias associadas a uma visão reformista da sociedade através do espaço. Mas por outro lado, existem também um conjunto de características particulares de cada caso, que reportam para a estrutura morfológica da cidade tradicional. No que reporta à hipótese de estudo levantada nesta investigação sobre a relação forma-fundo, verifica-se através da amostra que esta relação aparece invertida. Esta diferenciação deve-se ao abandono dos tradicionais sistemas de rua e de quarteirão, ainda presentes nas urbanizações de Alvalade e do Areeiro e a sua substituição pelo bloco livre em espaço aberto como nos casos de Alfragide, Portela e Olivais. Tal facto, como prova a teoria da Sintaxe Espacial ou Lógica Social do Espaço, traduziu-se necessariamente em diferentes modos de vida pública e privada e consequentemente de vida espacial e social. Assim concluímos, através da análise dos casos de estudo apresentados, que embora fazendo parte duma mesma ideologia urbana com características comuns (genótipo modernista), os mesmos apresentam resultados espaciais totalmente diferenciados o que justifica a dificuldade da sua análise comparativa.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism Ile349Val of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1C gene among individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. METHODS: A total of 120 subjects residing in Rio de Janeiro city participated in this study. Subjects were divided into two groups: a group consisting of 54 individuals from the ADS group and 66 individuals that declared not having any alcohol dependence (control group). DNA was extracted from mouth epithelial cells by phenol-chloroform method and further submitted to amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Our results did not show differences between the genotypes of control individuals and ADS subjects. Nevertheless, we found increased rates of alcoholism in families of ADS subjects as compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results did not show any genotype difference on the ADH1C gene when control and AA genotypes are compared.


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Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Two polymorphisms in the TGF-ß1 gene (-509C/T and 869T/C) were described to influence susceptibility to gastric and breast cancers. The 869T/C polymorphism was also associated with overall survival in breast cancer patients. In the present study, we investigated the relevance of these TGF-ß1 polymorphism in glioma risk and prognosis. A case-control study that included 114 glioma patients and 138 cancer-free controls was performed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI). The influence of TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms on glioma patient survival was evaluated by a Cox regression model adjusted for patients' age and sex and represented in Kaplan-Meier curves. Our results demonstrated that TGF-ß1 gene polymorphisms -509C/T and 869T/C are not significantly associated with glioma risk. Survival analyses showed that the homozygous -509TT genotype associates with longer overall survival of glioblastoma (GBM) patients when compared with patients carrying CC + CT genotypes (OR, 2.41; 95 % CI, 1.06-5.50; p = 0.036). In addition, the homozygous 869CC genotype is associated with increased overall survival of GBM patients when compared with 869TT + TC genotypes (OR, 2.62; 95 % CI, 1.11-6.17; p = 0.027). In conclusion, this study suggests that TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms are not significantly associated with risk for developing gliomas but may be relevant prognostic biomarkers in GBM patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To establish the allelic and genotypic frequencies related to apolipoprotein E (ApoE) polymorphism and association of the genotypes with risk factors and cardiovascular morbidity in an elderly population with longevity. METHODS: We analyzed 70 elderly patients aged 80 years or more who were part of the Projeto Veranópolis. We used the gene amplification technique through the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and cleavage with the restriction enzyme Hha I to identify the ApoE genotypes. The most frequent genotypes were compared considering biological variables and cardiovascular risks and morbidity. RESULTS: The frequencies of the E2, E3, and E4 alleles were 0.05, 0.84, and 0.11, respectively, and of the genotypes were as follows: E3E3 (0.70), E3E4 (0.22), E2E3 (0.06), and E2E2 (0.02). Individuals with the E3E4 had a mean age greater than those with the E3E3. No association was observed between the genotypes and the variables analyzed, except for obesity, which was associated with the E3E3 genotype. Individuals with the E3E4 genotype had high levels of LDL-cholesterol and fibrinogen as compared with those with the E3E3 genotype. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the E4E4 genotype may be associated with early mortality. A balance between the protective or neutral factors and the cardiovascular risk factors may occur among the individuals with different genotypes, attenuating the negative effects of the E4 allele.


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Background: Hereditary haemochromatosis is a heritable disorder caused by an inborn error in the metabolism of iron. It results in over absorption of iron by the body, which can manifest clinically as fatigue, arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. The highest prevalence for the genetic mutations that cause hereditary haemochromatosis can be found in the Irish population. Individuals with diabetes may also have haemochromatosis (and vice versa), due to the bi-directional relationship between iron metabolism and glucose metabolism. Objectives: To determine the incidence of the three haemochromatosis mutations C282Y, H63D & S65C, in a population from the North West of Ireland and to investigate whether there is an increased frequency of these three mutations in a diabetic population from the same region. Method: DNA was extracted from 500 whole blood samples (250 diabetic samples and 250 ‘control’ samples) using a Wizard™ kit. PCR was conducted utilising specific primers for each mutation and in accordance with a set protocol. Following amplification, PCR product was subjected to restriction endonuclease digestion, where different restriction enzymes (Rsa I, Nde II & Hinf I) were employed to determine the HFE genotype status of samples. Results: The incidence of C282Y homozygosity (1/83) and C282Y heterozygosity (1/6) in the ‘control’ group was similar to those reported for the general Irish population (1/83 and 1/5, respectively). Incidences of H63D homozygotes and H63D heterozygotes or ‘carriers’ in the diabetic population were greater than that of the ‘control’ population. A significant finding of this study was that of an incidence of 1/32 S65C carriers in the control population. This is, to our knowledge, the highest incidence of the genotype reported to date in the general Irish population. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant differences between the HFE genotype frequencies in the Diabetic and Control Populations. Conclusion: Results of the study concord with published literature in terms of C282Y homozygosity and C282Y heterozygosity in the general Irish population. An increased frequency of the H63D mutation in diabetic individuals was also found but was not statistically significant. The biochemical effect of the H63D mutation is still unknown. The significance of such a high incidence of S65C carriers in the ‘control’ population warrants further investigation.


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Systemidentification, evolutionary automatic, data-driven model, fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno grammar, genotype interpretability, toxicity-prediction