999 resultados para Fuel regulating devices.


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A method to measure the optical response across the surface of a phase-only liquid crystal on silicon device using binary phase gratings is described together with a procedure to compensate its spatial optical phase variation. As a result, the residual power between zero and the minima of the first diffraction order for a binary grating can be reduced by more than 10 dB, from -15.98 dB to -26.29 dB. This phase compensation method is also shown to be useful in nonbinary cases. A reduction in the worst crosstalk by 5.32 dB can be achieved when quantized blazed gratings are used.


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The production of long-lived transuranic (TRU) waste is a major disadvantage of fission-based nuclear power. Previous work has indicated that TRU waste can be virtually eliminated in a pressurised water reactor (PWR) fuelled with a mixture of thorium and TRU waste, when all actinides are returned to the reactor after reprocessing. However, the optimal configuration for a fuel assembly operating this fuel cycle is likely to differ from the current configuration. In this paper, the differences in performance obtained in a reduced-moderation PWR operating this fuel cycle were investigated using WIMS. The chosen configuration allowed an increase of at least 20% in attainable burn-up for a given TRU enrichment. This will be especially important if the practical limit on TRU enrichment is low. The moderator reactivity coefficients limit the enrichment possible in the reactor, and this limit is particularly severe if a negative void coefficient is required for a fully voided core. Several strategies have been identified to mitigate this. Specifically, the control system should be designed to avoid a detrimental effect on moderator reactivity coefficients. The economic viability of this concept is likely to be dependent on the achievable thermal-hydraulic operating conditions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quest for materials capable of realizing the next generation of electronic and photonic devices continues to fuel research on the electronic, optical and vibrational properties of graphene. Few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes with less than ten layers each show a distinctive band structure. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the physics and applications of FLGs. Raman spectroscopy is one of the most useful and versatile tools to probe graphene samples. Here, we uncover the interlayer shear mode of FLGs, ranging from bilayer graphene (BLG) to bulk graphite, and suggest that the corresponding Raman peak measures the interlayer coupling. This peak scales from ∼43cm -1 in bulk graphite to ∼31cm -1 in BLG. Its low energy makes it sensitive to near-Dirac point quasiparticles. Similar shear modes are expected in all layered materials, providing a direct probe of interlayer interactions. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Innovation is a critical factor in ensuring commercial success within the area of medical technology. Biotechnology and Healthcare developments require huge financial and resource investment, in-depth research and clinical trials. Consequently, these developments involve a complex multidisciplinary structure, which is inherently full of risks and uncertainty. In this context, early technology assessment and 'proof of concept' is often sporadic and unstructured. Existing methodologies for managing the feasibility stage of medical device development are predominantly suited to the later phases of development and favour detail in optimisation, validation and regulatory approval. During these early phases, feasibility studies are normally conducted to establish whether technology is potentially viable. However, it is not clear how this technology viability is currently measured. This paper aims to redress this gap through the development of a technology confidence scale, as appropriate explicitly to the feasibility phase of medical device design. These guidelines were developed from analysis of three recent innovation studies within the medical device industry.


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The electrical and structural characteristics of tantalum-titanium bilayers on silicon reacted by electron beam heating have been investigated over a wide range of temperature and time conditions. The reacted layers exhibit low sheet resistance and stable electrical characteristics up to at least 1100℃. Titanium starts reacting from 750℃ onwards for 100 milliseconds reaction times whereas tantalum starts reacting only above 900℃ for such short reaction times. RBS results confirm that silicon is the major diffusing species and there is no evidence for the formation of ternary silicides. Reactions have also been explored on millisecond time scales by non-isothermal heating.


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The operating range of an axial compressor is often restricted by a safety imposed stall margin. One possible way of regaining operating range is with the application of casing treatment. Of particular interest here is the type of casing treatment which extracts air from a high pressure location in the compressor and re-injects it through discrete loops into the rotor tip region. Existing re-circulation systems have the disadvantage of reducing compressor efficiency at design conditions because worked flow is unnecessarily re-circulated at these operating conditions. Re-circulation is really only needed near stall. This paper proposes a self-regulating casing treatment in which the re-circulated flow is minimized at compressor design conditions and maximized near stall. The self-regulating capability is achieved by taking advantage of changes which occur in the tip clearance velocity and pressure fields as the compressor is throttled toward stall. In the proof-of-concept work reported here, flow is extracted from the high pressure region over the rotor tips and re-injected just upstream of the same blade row. Parametric studies are reported in which the flow extraction and re-injection ports are optimized for location, shape and orientation. The optimized design is shown to compare favorably with a circumferential groove tested in the same compressor. The relationship between stall inception type and casing treatment effectiveness is also investigated. The self-regulating aspect of the new design works well: stall margin improvements from 2.2 to 6.0% are achieved for just 0.25% total air re-circulated near stall and half that near design conditions. The self-regulating capability is achieved by the selective location and orientation of the extraction hole; a simple model is discussed which predicts the optimum axial location. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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A modified gel-casting technique was used to fabricate a 1-3 piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite substrate formed by irregular-shaped pillar arrays of small dimensions and kerfs. This technique involves the polymerization of aqueous piezoelectric (PZT) suspensions with added water-soluble epoxy resin and polyamine-based hardener that lead to high strength, high density and resilient ceramic bodies. Soft micromoulding was used to shape the ceramic segments, and micropillars with lateral features down to 4 m and height-to-width aspect ratios of ∼10 were achieved. The composite exhibited a clear thickness resonance mode at approximately 70 MHz and a k eff ∼ 0.51, demonstrating that the ceramic micropillars possess good electrical properties. Furthermore, gel-casting allows the fabrication of ceramic structures with non-conventional shapes; hence, device design is not limited by the standard fabrication methods. This is of particular benefit for high-frequency transducers where the critical design dimensions are reduced. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Acoustic wave devices were fabricated incorporating ZnO films deposited using both a standard rf magnetronand a novel High Target Utilisation (HiTUS) Sputtering System. Our results demonstrated the feasibility of using a single SAW-based actuation mechanism for both microfluidics and sensing. To further improve the sensitivity of our bio-sensors we have also investigated the use of Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators.


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The generation of ultrashort optical pulses by semiconductor lasers has been extensively studied for many years. A number of methods, including gain-/Q-switching and different types of mode locking, have been exploited for the generation of picosecond and sub-picosecond pulses [1]. However, the shortest pulses produced by diode lasers are still much longer and weaker than those that are generated by advanced mode-locked solid-state laser systems [2]. On the other hand, an interesting class of devices based on superradiant emission from multiple contact diode laser structures has also been recently reported [3]. Superradiance (SR) is a transient quantum optics phenomenon based on the cooperative radiative recombination of a large number of oscillators, including atoms, molecules, e-h pairs, etc. SR in semiconductors can be used for the study of fundamental properties of e-h ensembles such as photon-mediated pairing, non-equilibrium e-h condensation, BSC-like coherent states and related phenomena. Due to the intrinsic parameters of semiconductor media, SR emission typically results in the generation of a high-power optical pulse or pulse train, where the pulse duration can be much less than 1 ps, under optimised bias conditions. Advantages of this technique over mode locking in semiconductor laser structures include potentially shorter pulsewidths and much larger peak powers. Moreover, the pulse repetition rate of mode-locked pulses is fixed by the cavity round trip time, whereas the repetition rate of SR pulses is controlled by the current bias and can be varied over a wide range. © 2012 IEEE.


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Users’ initial perceptions of their competence are key motivational factors for further use. However, initial tasks on a mobile operating system (OS) require setup procedures, which are currently largely inconsistent, do not provide users with clear, visible and immediate feedback on their actions, and require significant adjustment time for first-time users. This paper reports on a study with ten users, carried out to better understand how both prior experience and initial interaction with two touchscreen mobile interfaces (Apple iOS and Google Android) affected setup task performance and motivation. The results show that the reactions to setup on mobile interfaces appear to be partially dependent on which device was experienced first. Initial experience with lower-complexity devices improves performance on higher-complexity devices, but not vice versa. Based on these results, the paper proposes six guidelines for designers to design more intuitive and motivating user interfaces (UI) for setup procedures. The preliminary results indicate that these guidelines can contribute to the design of more inclusive mobile platforms and further work to validate these findings is proposed.