992 resultados para Frequency stability


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The objective of this work was to characterize the chemical properties of white oat (Avena sativa) caryopsis and to determine the adaptability and stability of cultivars recommended for cultivation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The trials were carried out in the 2007, 2008 and 2009 crop seasons, in three municipalities: Augusto Pestana, Capão do Leão, and Passo Fundo. Fifteen cultivars were evaluated in a randomized block design, with four replicates. The contents of protein, lipid, and nitrogen-free extract were evaluated in the caryopsis. Cultivar performances for the measured characters varied according to location and year of cultivation. The cultivar URS Guapa showed high content of nitrogen-free extract and low contents of protein and lipid in the caryopsis. 'FAPA Louise' showed high content of lipid, whereas 'Albasul', 'UPF 15', and 'UPF 18' showed high content of protein and low content of nitrogen-free extract. There is no evidence of an ideal biotype for the evaluated characters, which could simultaneously show high average performance, adaptability to favorable and unfavorable environments, and stability.


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RESUME : La ghrelin est un peptide sécrété par l'estomac jouant un rôle important dans le maintien de l'homéostasie énergétique. Ses taux plasmatiques sont augmentés durant des périodes prolongées de déficit nutritionnel. Une carence énergétique étant souvent associée à une inhibition de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-ovarien, nous avons postulé que l'augmentation des taux circulant de ghrelin pourrait diminuer l'activité du générateur hypothalamique de pulsations de GnRH. Le protocole expérimental impliquait des singes rhésus adultes ovariectomisés (n=6) qui dans un premier temps recevaient durant 3 heures une perfusion de solution saline physiologique afin de mesurer la sécrétion pulsatile de LH à l'état basai. L'expérience se poursuivait alors durant 5 heures par une perfusion intraveineuse de ghrelin humaine (un bolus de 100-150µg suivi par 100-150µg/h) ou le maintien de la perfusion de solution saline physiologique. Des échantillons de sang étaient prélevés toutes les 15 minutes. La perfusion de ghrelin a augmenté ses taux plasmatiques de 2.9 fois par rapport aux valeurs de base. L'administration de ghrelin a significativement diminué la fréquence des pulsations de LH (de 0.89±0.07/h à l'état basai à 0.57±0.10/h durant la perfusion de ghrelin; p<0.05, moyenne±SEM), alors que la fréquence des pulsations de LH est restée inchangée durant la perfusion de solution physiologique. L'amplitude des pulsations de LH n'a pas été modifiée. La ghrelin a également stimulé de manière significative la sécrétion de cortisol et d'hormone de croissance, mais n'a toutefois pas eu d'effet sur la sécrétion de leptin. En conclusion, la ghrelin peut inhiber l'activité du générateur de pulsations de GnRH et pourrait ainsi contribuer à l'inhibition de l'axe de la reproduction observée durant des périodes de carence nutritionnelle, comme notamment chez les patientes souffrant d'anorexie mentale. La ghrelin peut également activer l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien. Le lien dans cette situation entre l'activation de l'axe surrénalien et l'inhibition de l'axe de la reproduction reste à démontrer. ABSTRACT: Ghrelin, a nutrition-related peptide secreted by the stomach, is elevated during prolonged food deprivation. Because undernutrition is often associated with a suppressed reproductive axis, we have postulated that increasing peripheral ghrelin levels will decrease the activity of the GnRH pulse generator. Adult ovariectomized rhesus monkeys (n = 6) were subjected to a 5-h iv human ghrelin (100- to 150µg bolus followed by 100-150 µg/h) or saline infusion, preceded by a 3-h saline infusion to establish baseline pulsatile LH release. Blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals throughout the experiment. Ghrelin infusion increased plasma ghrelin levels 2.9-fold of baseline. Ghrelin significantly decreased LH pulse frequency (from 0.89 ± 0.07/h in baseline to 0.57 ± 0.10/h during ghrelin infusion; P<0.05, mean ± SEM), whereas LH pulse frequency remained unchanged during saline treatment. LH pulse amplitude was not affected. Ghrelin also significantly stimulated both Cortisol and GH release, but had no effect on leptin. We conclude that ghrelin can inhibit GnRH pulse activity and may thereby mediate the suppression of the reproductive system observed in conditions of undernutrition, such as in anorexia nervosa. Ghrelin also activates the adrenal axis, but the relevance of this to the inhibition of GnRH pulse frequency remains to be established.


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This paper proposes a novel high capacity robust audio watermarking algorithm by using the high frequency band of the wavelet decomposition at which the human auditory system (HAS) is not very sensitive to alteration. The main idea is to divide the high frequency band into frames and, for embedding, to change the wavelet samples depending on the average of relevant frame¿s samples. The experimental results show that the method has a very high capacity (about 11,000 bps), without significant perceptual distortion (ODG in [¿1 ,0] and SNR about 30dB), and provides robustness against common audio signal processing such as additive noise, filtering, echo and MPEG compression (MP3).


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the inclusion of sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate in the diet of lactating Jersey cows, and its effects on the metabolic attributes, productivity and stability of milk. We evaluated urinary pH, levels of glucose and urea in blood, body weight, body condition score, milk yield, milk stability (ethanol test), and milk physicochemical properties of 17 cows fed diets containing sodium citrate (100 g per cow per day), sodium bicarbonate (40 g per cow per day) or no additives. Assessments were made at the 28th and 44th days. Supply of sodium citrate or bicarbonate has no influence on the metabolic attributes, productivity, body weight, and body condition score of the cows, neither on the composition and stability of milk.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the ideal feeding rate and frequency for juvenile pompano (Trachinotus marginatus). Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design, with three replicates each. In experiment I, 25 fish (4.8±0.6 g and 6.48±0.01 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (50 L) during 21 days and fed 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20% body weight per day. In experiment II, 20 fish (4.1±0.1 g and 6.6±0.1 cm) were stocked in 15 tanks (40 L) during 28 days and fed 2, 6, 8, and 10 times a day. The tested feeding rates and frequencies did not influence survival. Final weight and length in experiment I were significantly lower in fish fed 4% body weight per day, whereas in experiment II only weight was significantly lower in fish fed 2 and 6 times a day. At the end of both experiments, apparent feed conversion showed significant difference, with the worst value observed for fish fed 20% body weight per day in experiment I and 2 times a day in experiment II. Juvenile pompano show better growth performance when fed 8% body weight per day and 8 times a day.


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The objective of this work was to estimate the repeatability of adaptability and stability parameters of common bean between years, within each biennium from 2003 to 2012, in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Grain yield data from trials of value for cultivation and use common bean were analyzed. Grain yield, ecovalence, regression coefficient, and coefficient of determination were estimated considering location and sowing season per year, within each biennium. Subsequently, a analysis of variance these estimates was carried out, and repeatability was estimated in the biennia. Repeatability estimate for grain yield in most of the biennia was relatively high, but for ecovalence and regression coefficient it was null or of small magnitude, which indicates that confidence on identification of common bean lines for recommendation is greater when using means of yield, instead of stability parameters.


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The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters and to evaluate simultaneous selection for root yield and for adaptability and stability of cassava genotypes. The effects of genotypes were assumed as fixed and random, and the mixed model methodology (REML/Blup) was used to estimate genetic parameters and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (HMRPGV), for simultaneous selection purposes. Ten genotypes were analyzed in a complete randomized block design, with four replicates. The experiment was carried out in the municipalities of Altamira, Santarém, and Santa Luzia do Pará in the state of Pará, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010, 2010/2011, and 2011/2012. Roots were harvested 12 months after planting, in all tested locations. Root yield had low coefficients of genotypic variation (4.25%) and broad-sense heritability of individual plots (0.0424), which resulted in low genetic gain. Due to the low genotypic correlation (0.15), genotype classification as to root yield varied according to the environment. Genotypes CPATU 060, CPATU 229, and CPATU 404 stood out as to their yield, adaptability, and stability.


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A novel technique to obtain optimum blind spatialprocessing for frequency diversity spread spectrum (FDSS) communicationsystems is introduced. The sufficient statistics for alinear combiner, which prove ineffective due to the interferers frequencycharacteristics, are modified to yield improved detectionunder partial jamming in the spectral domain. Robustness to partialtime jamming is achieved by extending the notion of replicasover the frequency axis to a repetition over the time variable. Analysisand simulations are provided, showing the advantages of usingFDSS with spatial diversity to combat the interference when it isconfined to a narrow frequency band or short time interval relativeto the desired signal extent in either domain.


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This correspondence studies the formulation of members ofthe Cohen-Posch class of positive time-frequency energy distributions.Minimization of cross-entropy measures with respect to different priorsand the case of no prior or maximum entropy were considered. It isconcluded that, in general, the information provided by the classicalmarginal constraints is very limited, and thus, the final distributionheavily depends on the prior distribution. To overcome this limitation,joint time and frequency marginals are derived based on a "directioninvariance" criterion on the time-frequency plane that are directly relatedto the fractional Fourier transform.


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The aim of this work was to select an appropriate digital filter for a servo application and to filter the noise from the measurement devices. Low pass filter attenuates the high frequency noise beyond the specified cut-off frequency. Digital lowpass filters in both IIR and FIR responses were designed and experimentally compared to understand their characteristics from the corresponding step responses of the system. Kaiser Windowing and Equiripple methods were selected for FIR response, whereas Butterworth, Chebyshev, InverseChebyshev and Elliptic methods were designed for IIR case. Limitations in digital filter design for a servo system were analysed. Especially the dynamic influences of each designed filter on the control stabilityof the electrical servo drive were observed. The criterion for the selection ofparameters in designing digital filters for servo systems was studied. Control system dynamics was given significant importance and the use of FIR and IIR responses in different situations were compared to justify the selection of suitableresponse in each case. The software used in the filter design was MatLab/Simulink® and dSPACE's DSP application. A speed controlled Permanent Magnet Linear synchronous Motor was used in the experimental work.


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In Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 and other fluorescent pseudomonads, the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway controls secondary metabolism and suppression of fungal root pathogens via the expression of regulatory small RNAs (sRNAs). Because of its high cost, this pathway needs to be protected from overexpression and to be turned off in response to environmental stress such as the lack of nutrients. However, little is known about its underlying molecular mechanisms. In this study, we demonstrated that Lon protease, a member of the ATP-dependent protease family, negatively regulated the Gac/Rsm cascade. In a lon mutant, the steady-state levels and the stability of the GacA protein were significantly elevated at the end of exponential growth. As a consequence, the expression of the sRNAs RsmY and RsmZ and that of dependent physiological functions such as antibiotic production were significantly enhanced. Biocontrol of Pythium ultimum on cucumber roots required fewer lon mutant cells than wild-type cells. In starved cells, the loss of Lon function prolonged the half-life of the GacA protein. Thus, Lon protease is an important negative regulator of the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway in P. protegens.


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Työssä analysoidaanprosessin vaikutusta paperikoneen stabiiliuteen. Kaksi modernia sanomalehtipaperikonetta analysoitiin ja sen perusteella molemmista prosesseista rakennettiin fysiikan lakeihin perustuvat simulointimallit APROS Paper simulointiohjelmistolla. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kyseisten koneiden prosessit eroavat toisistaan ja arvioida, miten havaitut erot vaikuttavat prosessien stabiiliuteen. Työssä tarkastellaan periodisten häiriöiden vaimenemista prosessissa. Simuloinnissa herätteenä käytettiin puhdasta valkoista kohinaa, jonka avulla eri taajuistenperiodisten häiriöiden vaimenemista analysoitiin. Prosessien häiriövasteet esitetään taajuuskoordinaatistossa. Suurimmat erot prosessien välillä löytyivät viirakaivosta ja sen sekoitusdynamiikasta. Perinteisen viirakaivon todettiin muistuttavan käyttäytymiseltään sarjaan kytkettyjä ideaalisekoittimia, kun taas pienempitilavuuksisen fluumin todettiin käyttäytyvän lähes kuin putkiviive. Vaikka erotprosessitilavuudessa sekä viirakaivon sekoitusdynamiikassa olivat hyvin selkeät, havaittiin vain marginaalinen ero prosessin välillä periodisten häiriöiden vaimenemisessa, koska erot viiraretentiotasoissa vaikuttivat eniten simulointituloksia. Matalammalla viiraretentiolla operoivan paperikoneen todettiin vaimentavan tehokkaammin prosessihäiriöitä. Samalla retentiotasolla pienempitilavuuksisen prosessin todettiin vaimentavan hitaita prosessihäiriöitä marginaalisesti paremmin. Tutkituista paperikoneista toisella simuloitiin viiraosan vedenpoistomuutoksenvaikutusta viiraretentioon ja paperin koostumukseen. Lisäksi arvioitiin viiraretention säädön toimivuutta. Viiraosan listakengän vedenpoiston todettiin aiheuttavan merkittäviä sakeus- ja retentiohäiriöitä, mikäli sen avulla poistettavan kiintoaineen virtaus tuplaantuisi. Viiraretention säädön todettiin estävän häiriöiden kierron prosessissa, mutta siirtävän ne suoraan rainaan. Retention säädön eikuitenkaan todettu olevan suoranainen häiriön lähde.


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Monoubiquitination of the Fanconi anaemia protein FANCD2 is a key event leading to repair of interstrand cross-links. It was reported earlier that FANCD2 co-localizes with NBS1. However, the functional connection between FANCD2 and MRE11 is poorly understood. In this study, we show that inhibition of MRE11, NBS1 or RAD50 leads to a destabilization of FANCD2. FANCD2 accumulated from mid-S to G2 phase within sites containing single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates, or at sites of DNA damage, such as those created by restriction endonucleases and laser irradiation. Purified FANCD2, a ring-like particle by electron microscopy, preferentially bound ssDNA over various DNA substrates. Inhibition of MRE11 nuclease activity by Mirin decreased the number of FANCD2 foci formed in vivo. We propose that FANCD2 binds to ssDNA arising from MRE11-processed DNA double-strand breaks. Our data establish MRN as a crucial regulator of FANCD2 stability and function in the DNA damage response.