997 resultados para Fotomoltiplicatori al Silicio
Preparation of 238U on 2μm Al foils by molecular plating technique is described. In order to obtain optimum conditions for deposition, several parameters influencing the quality of layers such as current density, distance between the anode and cathode and the deposition time were investigated. The target thickness was determined by spectrophotometry. The uniformity and morphology of the target surface were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and Infrared spectra. The results show that uranium is deposited in its oxide or hydroxide form uniformly and adherently onto the foil.
用同一动能(150keV)而不同电荷态的40Arq+(8≤q≤16)离子入射金属Al表面,靶原子受激辐射产生特征光谱线.实验结果表明:高电荷态离子与金属表面相互作用过程中,经过与靶原子碰撞(Penning碰撞)交换动能和共振电子俘获(resonant capture)释放库仑势能,将携带的能量沉积于靶表面,使靶原子激发.这种激发不同于光激发,它不仅激发了原子复杂电子组态之间的跃迁,而且跃迁辐射的特征谱线强度增强的趋势与入射粒子的库仑势能随其电荷态增加的趋势一致.
测量了19F+27Al耗散反应产物B,C,N,O,F和Ne的激发函数,入射束流的能量从110.25MeV 到118.75MeV,能量步长为250keV.从产物的能量自关联函数中提取了反应中所形成的中间双核系统的转动惯量,与相粘模型计算的刚体转动惯量相比较,结果表明形成的双核系统有大的形变.