993 resultados para Food -- Storage


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Im August 1997 wurde an Bord des FFS „Walther Herwig“ ein Eislagerversuch mit Kabeljau aus der Barebtssee durchgeführt. Die Fische wurden in täglichem Abstand auf ihre chemischen, physikalischen, sensorischen und mikrobiologischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Die analytischen Daten wurden jeweils mit den Tagen in Eis korreliert. Es erwies sich, daß die Werte vom Fischtester VI sowie RT Frischetester, von Dimethylamin- und Trimethylaminoxidstickstoff, die Qualitätseinstufung anhand des EUQualitätsbewertungsschemas, die sensorische Bewertung von gegarten Filetproben und die Gesamtkeimzahl auf der Haut am besten mit den im Eis verbrachten Tagen korrelierten. Die guteKorrelation zwischen sensorischen und instrumentell ermittelten Daten läßt in gewissem Umfang einen Ersatz von Sensorikdaten durch instrumentell ermittelten zu.


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A discussion is presented on the potential for fishery development in the Niger Delta region, considering engineering activities and food production potentials of the freshwater zone and immediate hinterland, the brackishwater mangrove swamps and the estuaries. An examination of current trends in the environment indicates that a possible solution to improved exploitation of the region lies in hydraulic engineering, the manipulation of environmental conditions through varying freshwater and seawater inputs so as to increase aquatic and wetland productivity


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Three groups of Sarotherodon niloticus fry were fed for 8 weeks on diets either treated with 17- & methyltestosterone (MT), alcohol (CA), or untreated (CO). Growth rate and food utilization in the different groups were compared. Results indicate that the best growth, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Mean Growth Rate (MGR) were obtained with the MT diet. There was no significant difference (P 0.05) in growth and food utilization of the CA and CO fry, nor in the mortality rate of the 3 treatments. The androgen, methyltestosterone promotes growth and protein anabolism without producing toxic effects in S. niloticus


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The growth responses and feed utilization of Sarotherodon niloticus held in metal cages in a pond and fed diets containing fish-meal, cow blood-meal or sorghum was studied. Results indicate that the best growth, feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio were obtained with the diet containing 60% fish-meal. The growth performance of fish on 40% fish-meal, and 40% and 60% blood meal were not significantly different, and were quite close to the performance with 60% fish-meal. The growth and food utilization of fish on 84% sorghum diet was significantly lower than the rest. The Caged fish without supplemental feeding had a light gain in weight. All fish with supplemental feeding appeared healthy. It is concluded that cow blood meal at 40% or 60% inclusion in diet can adequately replace fish-meal in S. niloticus supplemental diet in pond culture


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A review is made of some of the methods that can be used for mass cultivation of natural fish food and the types of organisms that are cultured, which include various algae and zooplankton. Some examples are given of successful case histories in the mass cultivation of natural fish food in order to stimulate the interest of Nigerian scientists on research activities of live fish food for use by fish farmers in the country


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The food and feeding habits of Tilapia zillii in the fish farm of Ondo State University, Akungba - Akoko, Nigeria, were studied by gut analysis. Examinations of 150 specimens showed that Nymphea formed the main bulk of food consumed. Spirogyra, Pithophora and Compsopogon occurred frequently while Pistia detritus and plant remains featured less frequently. Variation in the frequency of occurrence of the various food items was observed among the various sizes of samples. The samples within the middle - size group fed on both higher plant and filamentous algae while the young and higher fish consumed exclusively filamentous algae. On the basis of food items found in the gut, Tilapia zillii was classified as primary consumers


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Analyses of stomach contents of 330 Malapterurus electricus (standard length, 10.1-30.5 cm) in Mahin Lagoon (southwestern Nigeria) established it as a bottom feeder. There was a preponderance of insects accounting for >80% occurrence and >25% of total volume in stomachs of specimens, suggesting a stenophagous predatory habit. Qualitative and quantitative assays of digestive enzymes in the different regions of the gut (oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, rectum) were investigated. Carbohydrases (amylase, maltase), chitinase, proteases (pepsin, chymotrypsin, trypsin) and lipases were detected in different gut regions with different activity. The pattern of distribution and relative activity of the enzymes correlated with the predatory diet


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The carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food ingested and their absorption in the intestine of Sarotherodon melanotheron inhabiting Awba lake in Ibadan, Nigeria, were investigated. Total carbohydrates of the ingested food ranged from 39.33 to 55.38% (mean = 48.70% while total protein and total lipid ranged from 10.10 to 17.13% (mean = 12.91%) and 7.79 to 8.96% (mean = 8.28%) dry weight, respectively. Calculated total percentages absorbed were 54.86-62.01 (mean 58.07) carbohydrates 47.33-54.06 (mean = 50.43) protein and 43.27-52.23% (mean 46.56) lipid. Absorption of protein and carbohydrate occurred mostly in the fore-gut (the first one-third of the intestine), while lipid was mostly absorbed in the mid-gut (the second one-third of the intestine). Dietary carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents of the food as well as the absorptive capacity of the intestine for these components of the food varied with size of fish


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Most of the fish marketed throughout Nigeria are in either smoked or dried form. The technological requirement for other forms of preservation like chilling and freezing cannot be afforded by the small scale fisher folk. Considerable quantities of fish processed for distant consumer markets are lost at handling, processing, storage and marketing stages. Significant losses occur through infestation by mites, insects, fungal infestation and fragmentation during transportation. This paper attempts to describe the effect of these losses on fish quality and suggests methods of protecting fish from agents of deterioration


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Production of mince from Tilapia using a combination of physical and chemical methods was found to improve the storage life of the mince in the deep freezer. Though the chemical composition of the mince was slightly affected, the mince was microbiologically stable throughout the five weeks frozen storage. Fish cakes prepared traditionally from tilapia minces were more acceptable than oven dried cakes. Production of fish cakes form tilapia will improve utilization of this species in areas where small size tilapia are regarded as fish of low economic value


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Fingerlings of Clarias anguillaris obtained from a homogenous source through induce breeding and each with a mean weight of 2.8g were stocked in ten hapas each measuring 1.0x1.0m in outdoor concrete tank and were fed for eight (8) weeks. Results shows that the best growth rate was recorded among fingerlings fed fish meal as the only protein source (TD5) while DT2 containing soya bean, groundnut cake (40%), blood meal as the protein sources came next. The growth rate of fingerlings fed DT2 (40 % groundnut cake, 10% soyabean meal and 10% blood meal) was higher than those fed DT4 containing 10% fish meal but lower than those fed DT5 which has fish meal as its sole source of protein (53.0%). Analysis of various growth parameters like SGR, FCR and PER. shows that DT5 was the overall best diet but there was no significant statistical difference in weight gained by fish fed the five diets (P <0.05)


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The study was carried out to asses the nutritional qualities of smoked O. niloticus and to discover the best methods of storage to minimize spoilage and infestation of smoked fish. Result showed that the protein contents in A and D decreased while the protein contents of b and C increased. The lipid content increased only in A while it decreased in B-C and D. The moisture content generally increased over the period of storage and there was an increase in ash content only in C while it decreased in A, B and D. The samples packed in polythene bag suffered about 35% mould infection and a few were attached by rodents with some fouling. Samples packed in jute bag were in good condition but were slightly attached by insect. All samples packed in carton and basket were still in good state but there were insect attack in those packed in carton


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The findings are presented of a nutrition survey carried out in the framework of the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in March/April 1995. The major aim of the study was to obtain closer information on the food habits and food consumption patterns of the fishing population, especially the quantification of fish and small fish in particular, consumed at the household level. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect relevant information on demographic, education and occupational profiles; the information was collected in 39 villages in the southern sector of Kainji Lake. (PDF contains 75 pages)


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Investigation were carried out on the effect of some locally available species in the enhancement of the organoleptic quality and the storage periods of smoked Heterotis niloticus using Pprosopis africana as common smoke sources. Samples of fresh H. niloticus were bought, cut into chunks while extract juice from pepper, ginger rhizomes, garlic, onion bulb were used as sources of spices. Samples of fish were divided randomly into five (5) batches dipped into spice extract juices for 10 minutes drained and smoked with common firewood. Treatment without spice extract juice served as control. Each batch of fish was smoked for 7 hours on a drum-made smoking kiln products were individually packaged in polythene bag stored at room temperature and used for sensory evaluation and microbial analysis. Results of the sensory evaluation indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.005) for taste, appearance, colour and overall acceptance for the treatments. Ginger juice extract had the best overall acceptance. Similarly there was significant difference (P>0.05) in the microbial analysis. The garlic juice extract had the longest storage period with minimum total plate and mould count after 8 weeks


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The World Food Summit in its meeting in Rome in 1999 estimated that 790 million people in the developing world do not have enough food to eat. This is more than the total populations of North America and Europe combined. Nigeria is one of the developing countries affected by hunger, deprivation and abject poverty by its citizenry inspite of its enormous natural and human resources. To reduce poverty and increase food supplies to the masses the Federal Government of Nigeria embarked on a programmed-tagged National Special Programme for Food Security (NSPFS) in the year 2002. The programme's broad objectives are to attain food security in the broadest sense and alleviate rural poverty in Nigeria. One of the areas of the programme's intervention is in the aquaculture and inland fisheries development because Nigeria imported 681mt of fish in 2003 with a total cost of about N50 million. The paper assesses the socio-economic conditions of one of the selected water bodies (Yamama Lake) with a view to introducing community-based fisheries management plan for the rational exploitation and management of the fishery and other aquatic resources of the water body thereby increasing fish supply and improving the living standard of the fisherfolk in the area. Data were collected using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and questionnaire administration