999 resultados para Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA)


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Rapid and robust methods are required to quantify the effect of hydrodynamic shear on protein conformation change. We evaluated such strategies in this work and found that the binding of the fluorescent probe 4,4'-dianilino-1, 1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) to hydrophobic pockets in the blood protein von Willebrand factor (VWF) is enhanced upon the application of fluid shear to the isolated protein. Significant structural changes were observed when the protein was sheared at shear rates >= 6000/s for similar to 3.5 min. The binding of bis-ANS to multimeric VWF, but not dimeric VWF or control protein bovine serum albumin, was enhanced upon fluid shear application. Thus, high-molecular-weight VWF is more susceptible to conformation change upon tensile loading. Although bis-ANS itself did not alter the conformation of VWF, it stabilized protein conformation once it bound the sheared molecule. Bis-ANS binding to VWF was reduced when the sheared protein was allowed to relax before dye addition. Taken together with functional data in the literature, our results suggest that shear-induced conformation changes in VWF reported by bis-ANS correlate well with the normal function of the protein under physiological/pathological fluid flow conditions. Further, this study introduces the fluorescent dye bis-ANS as a tool that may be useful in studies of shear-induced protein conformation change.


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The design, development and evaluation of an optical fibre pH sensor for monitoring pH in the alkaline region are discussed in detail in this paper. The design of this specific pH sensor is based on the pH induced change in fluorescence intensity of a coumarin imidazole dye which is covalently attached to a polymer network and then fixed to the distal end of an optical fibre. The sensor provides a response over a pH range of 10.0–13.2 with an acceptable response rate of around 50 min, having shown a very good stability over a period of longer than 20 months thus far. The sensor has also demonstrated little cross-sensitivity to ionic strength (IS) and also excellent photostability through a series of laboratory tests. These features make this type of sensor potentially well suited for in situ long term monitoring of pH in concrete structures, to enhance structural monitoring in the civil engineering sector


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An electronically tunable reflection polarizer which exploits the dielectric anisotropy of nematic liquid crystals (LC) has been designed, fabricated and measured in a frequency band centered at 130 GHz. The phase agile polarizing mirror converts an incident slant 45° signal upon reflection to right hand circular (RHCP), orthogonal linear (-45 °) or left hand circular (LHCP) polarization depending on the value of the voltage biasing the LC mixture. In the experimental set-up this is achieved by applying a low frequency bias voltage of 0 V, 40 V and 89 V respectively, across the cavity containing the LC material.


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A frequency selective surface (FSS) which can be utilized as a diplexer for circular polarization (CP) applications is proposed. The structure consists of two dipole-based FSS placed parallel to each other. The dipoles in one array are rotated by 90° with respect to those in the other. For an angle of incidence of 45° at one frequency band the structure allows a CP signal to be transmitted while at a further band it converts a linearly polarized (LP) signal to CP upon reflection. Full-wave simulation results validated the concept.


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We address the propagation of a single photon pulse with two polarization components, i.e., a polarization qubit, in an inhomogeneously broadened "phaseonium" \Lambda-type three-level medium. We combine some of the non-trivial propagation effects characteristic for this kind of coherently prepared systems and the controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening technique to propose several quantum information processing applications, such as a protocol for polarization qubit filtering and sieving as well as a tunable polarization beam splitter. Moreover, we show that, by imposing a spatial variation of the atomic coherence phase, an effcient quantum memory for the incident polarization qubit can be also implemented in \Lambda-type three-level systems.


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We investigate an optical quantum memory scheme with V-type three-level atoms based on the controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB) technique. We theoretically show the possibility to store and retrieve a weak light pulse interacting with the two optical transitions of the system. This scheme implements a quantum memory for a polarization qubit - a single photon in an arbitrary polarization state - without the need of two spatially separated two-level media, thus offering the advantage of experimental compactness overcoming the limitations due to mismatching and unequal efficiencies that can arise in spatially separated memories. The effects of a relative phase change between the atomic levels, as well as of phase noise due to, for example, the presence of spurious electric and magnetic fields are analyzed.


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Animals can call on a multitude of sensory information to orient and navigate. In some cases they may calibrate these cues against each other to establish the most accurate information available. One such cue is the pattern of polarized light in the sky, which may be used as a geographical reference to calibrate other cues in the compass mechanism. Mammals, however, have not been shown to use this cue, even though they do calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset. In this paper we demonstrate that bats use polarization cues at sunset to calibrate a magnetic compass, subsequently used for orientation during a homing experiment. It is thus the only mammal known so far to make use of the polarization pattern in the sky. This is an intriguing finding as currently there is no clear understanding of how this cue is perceived in this taxon and has general implications for the sensory biology of mammalian vision.


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The relationship between retention loss in single crystal PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films and leakage currents is demonstrated by piezoresponse and conductive atomic force microscopy measurements. It was found that the polarization reversal in the absence of an electric field followed a stretched exponential behavior 1-exp[-(t/k)(d)] with exponent d>1, which is distinct from a dispersive random walk process with d <. The latter has been observed in polycrystalline films for which retention loss was associated with grain boundaries. The leakage current indicates power law scaling at short length scales, which strongly depends on the applied electric field. Additional information of the microstructure, which contributes to an explanation of the presence of leakage currents, is presented with high resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis.


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Skin fluorescence (SF) is a non-invasive marker of AGEs and is associated with the long-term complications of diabetes. SF increases with age and is also greater among individuals with diabetes. A familial correlation of SF suggests that genetics may play a role. We therefore performed parallel genome-wide association studies of SF in two cohorts.


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The polarization dependence of laser-driven coherent synchrotron emission transmitted through thin foils is investigated experimentally. The harmonic generation process is seen to be almost completely suppressed for circular polarization opening up the possibility of producing isolated attosecond pulses via polarization gating. Particle-in-cell simulations suggest that current laser pulses are capable of generating isolated attosecond pulses with high pulse energies.


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In this paper, we probed surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF) from probe molecule Rhodamine 6G (R6G) on self-standing Au nanorod array substrates made using a combination of anodization and potentiostatic electrodeposition. The initial substrates were embedded within a porous alumina template (AAO). By controlling the thickness of the AAO matrix, SEF and SERS were observed exhibiting an inverse relationship. SERS and SEF showed a non-linear response to the removal of AAO matrix due to an inhomogeneous plasmon activity across the nanorod which was supported by FDTD calculations. We showed that by optimizing the level of AAO thickness, we could obtain either maximized SERS, SEF or simultaneously observe both SERS and SEF together.


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The well known advantages of using surface plasmons, in particular the high sensitivity to surface adsorbates, are nearly always compromised in practice by the use of monochromatic excitation and the consequent lack of proper spectroscopic information. This limitation arises from the angle/wavelength selective nature of the surface plasmon resonance. The work described here uses an elegant broadband excitation/decay scheme in a substrate(silica)-grating profiled photoresist-Ag film geometry. Laser radiation of wavelength 488 nm, incident through the silica substrate, excites by near-field coupling a broad band of surface plasmons at the photoresist-Ag interface within the spectral range of the photoresist fluorescence. With a judicious choice of grating period this mode can cross-couple to the mode supported at the Ag-air interface. This latter mode can, in turn, couple out to light by virtue of the same grating profile. The spectral distribution of the light emitted due to this three-step process has been studied as a function of the angle of emission and depth of the grating profiled surface for each polarization. It is found that the optimum emission efficiency occurs with a groove depth in the region of 65 nm. This is considerably greater than the optimum depth of 40 nm required for surface plasmon-photon coupling at a Ag-air interface or, in other words, for the last step of the process in isolation.


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This paper presents a simple polarization encoding strategy that operates using only single element dual port transmit and receive antennas in such a way that selective spatial scrambling of QPSK data can be effected. The key transmitter and receiver relationships needed for this operation to occur are derived. The system is validated using a cross dipole antenna arrangement. Unlike all previously reported physical layer wireless solutions the approach developed in this paper transfers the security property to the receive side resulting in very simple transmit and receive side architectures thus avoiding the need for near field modulated array technology. In addition the scheme permits, for the first time, multiple spatially separated secured receive sites to operate in parallel.


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Following an unprecedented boom, since 2008 Ireland has experienced a severe economic crisis. Considerable debate persists as to where the heaviest burden of the recession has fallen. Conventional measures of income poverty and inequality have a limited capacity to answer this question. Our analysis, which focuses on economic stress and the mediating role of material deprivation, provides no evidence for individualization or class polarization. Instead we find that while economic stress level are highly stratified in income class and social class terms in both boom and bust periods, the changing impact of class is contingent on life course stage. The affluent income class remained largely insulated from the experience of economic stress. However, it saw its relative advantage overthe income poor class decline at the earlier stage of the life-course. At the other end of the hierarchy, the income poor experienced a relative improvement in their situation in the early life course phases. The precarious income class experienced some improvement in its situation at the earlier life course stages while the outcomes for the middle classes remain unchanged. In the mid-life course stages the precarious and lower middle classes experienced disproportionate increase in their stress levels while at the later life-cycle stage it is the combined middle classes that lost out. Additional effects over time relating to social class are restricted to the deteriorating situation of the petit bourgeoisie at the middle stage of the life-course. The pattern is clearly a good deal more complex that suggested by conventional notions of ‘middle class squeeze’ and points to the distinctive challenges relating to welfare and taxation policy faced by governments in the Great Recession.