871 resultados para Firms,


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One of the main concerns of today’s organizations is to cope with the rapid pace of change while maintaining their competitive advantage. This means that firms must be innovative, create new knowledge and have new ideas constantly. Similarly, one of the main concerns of lecturers is to help students to develop creativity. According to some authors, new ideas, new thoughts, innovation can arise in an appropriate environment and with the development and train of adequate competences and skills. This means that although some persons were born more creative than others, it is possible to help those less creative to improve their innovative capacities and competences. The question that remains now is “how”. How can we, as lecturers and educators help our students to become more creative? In this paper we describe a Portuguese case study that took place at ISCAP (School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto – Portugal), in the course of Business Communication, in the unit “Marketing Communication” (3rd year (1st Bologna cycle), 1st semester). We will describe and characterize the situation at the beginning of the semester (situation A), explain the tasks and activities proposed to students and the final result (situation A2). We will discuss differences between situation A and A2, formulate some hypotheses concerning differences and draw some recommendations.


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We investigate whether firms’ economic and financial situation influence the Quality of their Financial Reports (FRQ). FRQ is fundamental for investors and it affects the international capital movements [Bradshaw et al. (2004)] and Gelos and Wei (2005)]. Following Schipper and Vicent (2003) we use two issues to access earnings quality: abnormal accruals and earnings persistence. For seventeen European countries, we find evidence that the economic performance affects FRQ. Big firms and those with high current earnings exhibit better financial information. These results are robust since they don’t depend on FRQ proxy and we have the same evidence when we estimate regression with economical and financial factors separately or together. About financial situation, it seems not to affect FRQ. However, in high leveraged firms, the capital structure becomes determinant.


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We analyse whether the quality of firms’ Financial Reports (FRQ) produces any effect on their performance. Bradshaw et al. (2004) and Gelos and Wei (2005) call attention to the fact that the international capital movements is affected by FRQ. Following Schipper and Vicent (2003) we use the abnormal accruals to access earnings quality. For seventeen European countries, we found evidence that FRQ produces a positive impact on firm’s performance. This finding indicates that mangers are not opportunists and tends to make decisions to defend the firm’s best interests. This result is robust since it does not depend on the accounting firms’ performance proxy (ROA/ROE). In addition, it is also consistent when we use data in time series and in cross-sectional and when we estimate regression with lagged or the current year information about abnormal accruals.


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This poster, which is the result of an ongoing PhD thesis project, illustrates how and why the Intellectual Capital (IC) concept can be applied to a seaport. As far as the authors are aware, most of the research in IC has been focused on individual firms. Although some recent papers examine macro-level organizations, such as regions, none exist on seaports. Also, there is a lack of research related to the ways IC is created and maintained as a dynamic process. In addition, there is a paucity of management sciences’ research on to maritime transportation and seaports. Several research questions are thus pertinent, whose answers can have important strategic and managerial implications for the seaport and its stakeholders.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Value has been defined in different theoretical contexts as need, desire, interest, standard /criteria, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. The creation of value is key to any business, and any business activity is about exchanging some tangible and/or intangible good or service and having its value accepted and rewarded by customers or clients, either inside the enterprise or collaborative network or outside. “Perhaps surprising then is that firms often do not know how to define value, or how to measure it” (Anderson and Narus, 1998 cited by [1]). Woodruff echoed that we need “richer customer value theory” for providing an “important tool for locking onto the critical things that managers need to know”. In addition, he emphasized, “we need customer value theory that delves deeply into customer’s world of product use in their situations” [2]. In this sense, we proposed and validated a novel “Conceptual Model for Decomposing the Value for the Customer”. To this end, we were aware that time has a direct impact on customer perceived value, and the suppliers’ and customers’ perceptions change from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase phases, causing some uncertainty and doubts.We wanted to break down value into all its components, as well as every built and used assets (both endogenous and/or exogenous perspectives). This component analysis was then transposed into a mathematical formulation using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), so that the uncertainty and vagueness of value perceptions could be embedded in this model that relates used and built assets in the tangible and intangible deliverable exchange among the involved parties, with their actual value perceptions.


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O processo de globalização tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento da reestruturação das firmas, por vezes são necessárias alianças, o que implica alterações na cadeia de valor, sendo fundamentais novas formas de relacionamento interpessoal e de operação. Os Pólos Industriais representam a presença física de entidades em determinadas posições geográficas, responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento económico, tecnológico e social da região. Este trabalho de investigação tem como intuito geral verificar o contributo efetivo para o aumento de vantagem competitiva das firmas parceiras na logística e produção de componentes para o setor automóvel, tendo como estudo do caso Caetano Coatings Automotive. O estudo foi realizado no Pólo Industrial do Carregado, com base numa pesquisa empírica, cumulativamente com revisão da literatura inerente às parcerias em cluster no sector automóvel e várias visitas ao local. Para a realização deste objetivo foi utilizado o método do estudo do caso por permitir ao investigador através da observação direta e entrevista analisar fenómenos atuais. Tal recolha de dados demonstra que alterações de localização e o fator proximidade contribuem para aumento de competitividade do Pólo Industrial através da redução do espaço e tempo e consequentemente redução de custos e lead-time. Foram analisadas de forma comparativa o desenvolvimento das firmas que detinham e detêm parcerias no Pólo Industrial, tendo sido identificado de forma significativa as contribuições para o aumento da vantagem competitiva. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam fatores que contribuem para novos tipos de relacionamento e aumento de vantagem competitiva foi devida à deslocalização das firmas parceiras integradas no Pólo Industrial.


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A existência de estações de tratamentos de águas residuais (ETAR) é, nos dias de hoje, fundamental na medida em que permite, reduzir a poluição ambiental associada às águas e, também, a reutilização da água tratada para diversos fins. A constante necessidade de cumprir os limites de descargas nos meios recetores conduziu a um melhoramento nas técnicas e processos de tratamento de efluentes, nomeadamente, nos processos biológicos. O processo por lamas ativadas é um processo amplamente utilizado para a remoção de poluentes orgânicos presentes nas águas residuais, pelo que um estudo mais intensivo sobre estes tratamentos resultou na publicação de uma série de conceitos e pressupostos, através de modelos numéricos. A modelação numérica de processos de tratamento de águas residuais e a utilização de ferramentas de simulação numérica têm sido largamente utilizadas, a nível mundial, por exemplo em investigação, desenvolvimento de processos, atividade de consultoria e igualmente por entidades reguladoras, na medida em que os auxiliam no planeamento, dimensionamento e análise do comportamento de infraestruturas de tratamento. No presente trabalho, recorreu-se ao software de simulação GPS-X (versão 6.0) para implementar o esquema de tratamento da ETAR de Beirolas. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a aplicabilidade de modelos numéricos na simulação de unidades de tratamento de efluentes e avaliar a resposta dos diferentes modelos, assim como a influência na alteração de características das águas afluentes no comportamento dos modelos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que os modelos numéricos podem ser utilizados para prever a resposta dos sistemas biológicos e as suas perturbações. Conclui-se ainda que o comportamento, dos modelos estudados (ASM1, ASM2d, ASM3 e mantis), é semelhante, contudo deve-se referir que devido à complexidade do modelo e a falta de informação experimental sobre as características do efluente, não permitiram efetuar uma completa caracterização e calibração do caso de estudo, e toda a informação disponível sobre as características físico-químicas da água foram baseadas em estimativas de concentrações de carências de oxigénio e sólidos suspensos.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 13 de Dezembro de 2012, Universidade dos Açores.


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Copyright 2013 Springer Netherlands.


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Purpose- Economics and business have evolved as sciences in order to accommodate more of ‘real world’ solutions for the problems approached. In many cases, both business and economics have been supported by other disciplines in order to obtain a more complete framework for the study of complex issues. The aim of this paper is to explore the contribution of three heterodox economics disciplines to the knowledge of business co-operation. Design/methodology/approach- This approach is theoretical and it shows that many relevant aspects of business co-operation have been proposed by economic geography, institutional economics, and economic sociology. Findings- This paper highlights the business mechanisms of co-operation, reflecting on the role of places, institution and the social context where businesses operate. Research Implications- It contributes with a theoretical framework for the explanation of business co-operations and networks that goes beyond the traditional economics theories. Originality/value- This paper contributes with a framework for the study of business co-operation both from an economics and management perspective. This framework embodies a number of non-quantitative issues that are critical for understanding the complex networks in which firms operate.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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In the present paper we will consider strategies of innovation, risk and proactivity as entre/ intrapreneurship strategies. This study was done in a Portuguese and in a Polish region. In Portugal the region was Vale do Sousa, located in the northern Portugal. The Polish region was Lublin Voivodeship and it is situated in the south-eastern part of the country. The study focused on Industrial and Construction sectors. In order to get a valid sample, a group of 251 firms were analysed in Portugal, and 215 in Poland. However, the minimum sample size in Poland should be 323. Since this is a work in progress, we are aiming for this number of questionnaires. Each strategy was analysed individually for both regions and the results pointed to a lack of culture of entrepreneurship in firms’ management. Only Proactivity presented a positive result in firms’ management. Polish firms tend to be more innovative and more risk takers, while in proactivity Portuguese ones present a slightly higher result. Combining the strategy results, it was possible to identify that 61.2% of Portuguese firms present a low level of entrepreneurship, while 60% of Polish firms present a moderate level. Considering intrapreneurship good levels, while Portugal account for 5.2% this figure is 19.1% in Poland.


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Small firms are a major player in development. Thus, entrepreneurship is frequently attached to these rms and it must be present in daily management of factors such as planning and cooperation. We intend to analyze these factors, comparing familiar and non-familiar businesses. This study was conducted in a Portuguese region in the north of Portugal - Vale do Sousa . The results allow us to conclude that even with some managerial di erences it was not possible to identify distinct patterns between them. The main goal of this paper is to open research lines on important issues to distinguish familiar from non-familiar businesses.