916 resultados para Federal laws


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Public–private partnerships (PPPs) are new in Russia and represent project implementation in progress. The government is actively pursuing PPP deployment in sectors such as transportation and urban infrastructure, and at all levels including federal, regional and especially local. Despite the lack of pertinent laws and regulations, the PPP public policy quickly transforms into a policy paradigm that provides simplified concepts and solutions and intensifies partnership development. The article delineates an emerging model of Russia’s PPP policy paradigm, whose structure includes the shared understanding of the need for long-term collaboration between the public sector and business, a changing set of government responsibilities that imply an increasing private provision of public services, and new institutional capacities. This article critically appraises the principal dynamics that contribute to an emerging PPP policy paradigm, namely the broad government treatment of the meaning of a partnership and of a contractual PPP; a liberal PPP approval process that lacks clear guidelines and consistency across regions; excessive emphasis on positive PPP externalities and neglect of drawbacks; and unjustifiably extensive government financial support to PPPs. Whilst a paradigm appears to be useful specifically for the policy purpose of PPP expansion, it may also mask inefficiencies such as higher prices of public services and greater government risks.


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In light of various reforms in recent years, this article provides a (re)assessment of the broad package of family-friendly employment rights and relevant dispute resolution procedure now available to pregnant workers and working carers. It exposes how the realities of working life for many pregnant workers and carers and the long standing desire to promote gender equality in informal care-work remain at odds with the legal framework. An argument is presented in favour of an approach that, based upon the concept of care ethics, better engages with the impact of the provisions upon crucial interdependent care relationships.


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Conservation laws have provided an elegant and efficient tool to evaluate the open string field theory interaction vertex, they have been originally implemented in the case where the string field is expanded in the Virasoro basis. In this work we derive conservation laws in the case where the string field is expanded in the so-called sliver L(0)-basis. As an application of this new set of conservation laws, we compute the open string field action relevant to the tachyon condensation and in order to present not only an illustration but also an additional information, we evaluate the action without imposing a gauge choice.


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In this work an efficient third order non-linear finite difference scheme for solving adaptively hyperbolic systems of one-dimensional conservation laws is developed. The method is based oil applying to the solution of the differential equation an interpolating wavelet transform at each time step, generating a multilevel representation for the solution, which is thresholded and a sparse point representation is generated. The numerical fluxes obtained by a Lax-Friedrichs flux splitting are evaluated oil the sparse grid by an essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) approximation, which chooses the locally smoothest stencil among all the possibilities for each point of the sparse grid. The time evolution of the differential operator is done on this sparse representation by a total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta method. Four classical examples of initial value problems for the Euler equations of gas dynamics are accurately solved and their sparse solutions are analyzed with respect to the threshold parameters, confirming the efficiency of the wavelet transform as an adaptive grid generation technique. (C) 2008 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The current system of controlling oil spills involves a complex relationship of international, federal and state law, which has not proven to be very effective. The multiple layers of regulation often leave shipowners unsure of the laws facing them. Furthemore, nations have had difficulty enforcing these legal requirements. This thesis deals with the role marine insurance can play within the existing system of legislation to provide a strong preventative influence that is simple and cost-effective to enforce. In principle, insurance has two ways of enforcing higher safety standards and limiting the risk of an accident occurring. The first is through the use of insurance premiums that are based on the level of care taken by the insured. This means that a person engaging in riskier behavior faces a higher insurance premium, because their actions increase the probability of an accident occurring. The second method, available to the insurer, is collectively known as cancellation provisions or underwriting clauses. These are clauses written into an insurance contract that invalidates the agreement when certain conditions are not met by the insured The problem has been that obtaining information about the behavior of an insured party requires monitoring and that incurs a cost to the insurer. The application of these principles proves to be a more complicated matter. The modern marine insurance industry is a complicated system of multiple contracts, through different insurers, that covers the many facets of oil transportation. Their business practices have resulted in policy packages that cross the neat bounds of individual, specific insurance coverage. This paper shows that insurance can improve safety standards in three general areas -crew training, hull and equipment construction and maintenance, and routing schemes and exclusionary zones. With crew, hull and equipment, underwriting clauses can be used to ensure that minimum standards are met by the insured. Premiums can then be structured to reflect the additional care taken by the insured above and beyond these minimum standards. Routing schemes are traffic flow systems applied to congested waterways, such as the entrance to New York harbor. Using natural obstacles or manmade dividers, ships are separated into two lanes of opposing traffic, similar to a road. Exclusionary zones are marine areas designated off limits to tanker traffic either because of a sensitive ecosystem or because local knowledge is required of the region to ensure safe navigation. Underwriting clauses can be used to nullify an insurance contract when a tanker is not in compliance with established exclusionary zones or routing schemes.


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Canada releases over 150 billion litres of untreated and undertreated wastewater into the water environment every year1. To clean up urban wastewater, new Federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations (WSER) on establishing national baseline effluent quality standards that are achievable through secondary wastewater treatment were enacted on July 18, 2012. With respect to the wastewater from the combined sewer overflows (CSO), the Regulations require the municipalities to report the annual quantity and frequency of effluent discharges. The City of Toronto currently has about 300 CSO locations within an area of approximately 16,550 hectares. The total sewer length of the CSO area is about 3,450 km and the number of sewer manholes is about 51,100. A system-wide monitoring of all CSO locations has never been undertaken due to the cost and practicality. Instead, the City has relied on estimation methods and modelling approaches in the past to allow funds that would otherwise be used for monitoring to be applied to the reduction of the impacts of the CSOs. To fulfill the WSER requirements, the City is now undertaking a study in which GIS-based hydrologic and hydraulic modelling is the approach. Results show the usefulness of this for 1) determining the flows contributing to the combined sewer system in the local and trunk sewers for dry weather flow, wet weather flow, and snowmelt conditions; 2) assessing hydraulic grade line and surface water depth in all the local and trunk sewers under heavy rain events; 3) analysis of local and trunk sewer capacities for future growth; and 4) reporting of the annual quantity and frequency of CSOs as per the requirements in the new Regulations. This modelling approach has also allowed funds to be applied toward reducing and ultimately eliminating the adverse impacts of CSOs rather than expending resources on unnecessary and costly monitoring.


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Este trabalho resgata a experiência da Biblioteca Setarial de Educação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul quanto à divulgação e uso da Base SABi/UFRGS (Sistema de Automação de Bibliotecas). Para consecução do trabalho, foram levantados e analisados os usos da informação através da Base. Propusemo-nos a avaliar o Sistema de Automação de Bibliotecas, que foi implantado nos últimos cinco anos, dando oportunidade à divulgação da produção científica/trabalhos científicos registrados na Base. Para dar sustentação teórica ao trabalho, foi levantado em capítulo específico, um perfil da informação, comunicação, informação e comunicação científica, literatura científica, transferência da informação e uso da informação. E, em outro capítulo específico, é apresentada formalmente a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, a Faculdade de Educação, a Biblioteca Setorial de Educação e o Sistema de Automação de Biblíatecas, seu principal objeto de estudo.


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A educação profissional no Brasil sempre esteve voltada para o desenvolvimento de aptidões para a vida produtiva. A rapidez das transformações tecnológicas, entretanto, passou a exigir dos profissionais de nível técnico uma qualificação atualizada, que atenda às dinâmicas exigências do mundo do trabalho. Além disso, a recente reforma na legislação básica do ensino profissional concedeu relativa autonomia às instituições de ensino, tanto para a organização e o planejamento de seus cursos quanto para a sua adequação às demandas dos setores produtivos. Daí a necessidade de se implantarem mecanismos permanentes de consulta a fim de avaliar os atributos valorizados pelo mercado de trabalho, a exemplo do que propõe o estudo de caso desta dissertação. Para definir o perfil do egresso demandado pelo mercado de trabalho, foram pesquisadas as empresas potencialmente interessadas em contratar egressos da Escola Técnica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, instituição que tradicionalmente forma recursos humanos com vistas ao mercado de trabalho. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o levantamento, foram elaboradas sugestões no sentido de adequar o perfil das habilitações oferecidas às demandas de mercado, considerando as diferentes áreas profissionais desenvolvidas na Escola Técnica.


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Esta dissertação aborda os processos de inovação curricular dos Cursos de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal do Centro de Ciências Rurais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, enquanto um movimento que ainda está acontecendo, com o objetivo de compreender o que significam mudanças curriculares inovadoras e contribuir com reflexões sobre a formação dos profissionais da Área das Ciências Agrárias. Esta área apresenta problemas que se agravaram nas últimas décadas. Para atender a necessidade de maior produtividade, mecanizou-se, passando a utilizar os recursos naturais como se fossem inesgotáveis, acarretando enormes problemas ambientais. Com isso, exige-se rever a formação desses profissionais, buscando maior comprometimento com o modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável, englobando os aspectos econômico, social e ambiental. A opção metodológica para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi a qualitativa, na perspectiva da pesquisa participante, pois houve uma atuação prolongada e comprometida da minha parte como pesquisadora, assim como dos demais participantes da pesquisa. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram aqueles diretamente envolvidos com o processo de mudança, professores dos Colegiados de Curso, uma representação de alunos dos diversos semestres, egressos e agricultores da Região do COREDE/Centro1. No primeiro capítulo discuto a importância das determinações das políticas públicas e institucionais na definição dos currículos. No segundo, o referencial teórico que diferencia as concepções de currículo, reforma e inovação no ensino superior, emanadas da Nova Sociologia da Educação e da Teoria Crítica do Currículo, em autores que vêem o currículo como uma construção cultural, imbricado no contexto sócio-cultural onde é gerado e desenvolvido. Examino também as racionalidades que orientam ou podem orientar o profissional em relação às questões ambientais No terceiro, faço a descrição da dinâmica do processo de mudança curricular, detalhando como foi desencadeado com a finalidade de apontar caminhos para outras experiências de reformulação curricular, inclusive na própria Universidade. No quarto, analiso como os sujeitos-participantes interpretam as legislações e vêem os problemas e perspectivas para os currículos, quais sejam: a concepção de currículo e de ensino; a função social atribuída aos cursos, a falta de integração entre as disciplinas e a desatualização dos currículos. Incluo ainda, a visão externa da atuação profissional dos egressos formados pelos currículos vigentes. No quinto, analiso a importância da inserção ambiental nos currículos. E, finalmente no sexto, faço as considerações finais a que cheguei nesta pesquisa. No processo de mudança curricular dos cursos estudados, observam-se sinais de inovação curricular, devido ao modo como está acontecendo esse processo, valorizando a participação de todos os segmentos nas discussões e tomada de decisões, mas também pelo currículo que está sendo construído, não se restringindo a formação de caráter técnico, incluindo as dimensões social, política, cultural e ambiental. Ressalte-se ainda que sua reelaboração deverá inserir seus currículos em forma de Projetos Político-Pedagógicos de Curso, como forma consistente de organização de um curso.