964 resultados para FOOD ANALYSIS


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Folates and its derivatives occur as polyglutamates in nature. The multiplicity of forms and the generally low levels in foods makes quantitative analysis of folate a difficult task. The assay of folates from foods generally involves three steps: liberation of folates from the cellular matrix; deconjugation from the polyglutamate to the mono and di-glutamate forms; and the detection of the biological activity or chemical concentration of the resulting folates. The detection methods used are the microbiological assay relying on the turbidimetric bacterial growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosus which is by far the most commonly used method; the HPLC and LC/MS techniques and bio-specific procedures. This review attempts to describe the methods along with the merits and demerits of using each of these methods.


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Vaccinium myrtillus or bilberry fruit is a commonly used herbal product. The usual method of determining the anthocyanin content is a single-wavelength spectrophotometric assay. Using this method, anthocyanin levels of two extracts were found to be 25% as claimed by the manufacturers. When high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used, however, one extract was found to contain 9% anthocyanins probably not derived from V. myrtillus but from an adulterant. This adulterant was subsequently identified, using HPLC, mass spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance, as amaranth, that is, 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid trisodium saltsa synthetic dark red sulfonic acid based naphthylazo dye. As described in this study, if deliberate adulteration occurs in an extract, a single-wavelength spectrophotometric assay is inadequate to accurately determine the levels of compounds such as anthocyanins. Detection of deliberate adulteration in commercial samples thus requires the use of alternative, more sophisticated, methods of analysis such as HPLC with photodiode array detection as a minimum.


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There is some evidence that dietary factors may modify the risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin, but the association between food intake and SCC has not been evaluated prospectively. We examined the association between food intake and SCC incidence among 1,056 randomly selected adults living in an Australian sub-tropical community. Measurement-error corrected estimates of intake in 15 food groups were defined from a validated food frequency questionnaire in 1992. Associations with SCC risk were assessed using Poisson and negative binomial regression to the persons affected and tumour counts, respectively, based on incident, histologically confirmed tumours occurring between 1992 and 2002. After multivariable adjustment, none of the food groups was significantly associated with SCC risk. Stratified analysis in participants with a past history of skin cancer showed a decreased risk of SCC tumours for high intakes of green leafy vegetables (RR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.22-0.91; p for trend = 0.02) and an increased risk for high intake of unmodified dairy products (RR = 2.53, 95% CI: 1.15-5.54; p for trend = 0.03). Food intake was not associated with SCC risk in persons who had no past history of skin cancer. These findings suggest that consumption of green leafy vegetables may help prevent development of subsequent SCCs of the skin among people with previous skin cancer and that consumption of unmodified dairy products, such as whole milk, cheese and yoghurt, may increase SCC risk in susceptible persons.


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Caffeine, total amino acids, water extract and moisture content are considered to be quality indicators for leaf teas and teabags. These analyses were examined in 20 leaf teas and 36 teabags sampled from Australian supermarkets. About 70% of the analysed samples showed a moisture content higher than Vie maximum accepted level, 6.5%, for tea storage and marketing by the tea industries and traders. Water appropriate extract of 15 samples out of 36 teabags was lower than that of the teas without teabags, which indicates that the quality of the paper used for teabags needs to be evaluated. Moreover, one of the black leaf tea samples was found to have a water extract below the lower limit of international standards. Four green and black teas of the same brand, claimed to contain less than 3% caffeine, were found to have 3-4%, the same as the other samples analysed in this study. The mean total contents of amino acids were 2.50% and 1.76% in black leaf teas and the teabags, respectively, whereas they were 3.44% and 2.28% in green leaf teas and the teabags, respectively. Furthermore, the weights of 28 teabags out of 36 samples were found to lie outside of the proposed +/- 2% variation accepted by the tea industries and traders, and 4 samples showed even larger variation, 10% being out of the proposed weights. This investigation also showed that the solubility of caffeine and water extract was affected by the permeability of teabags, whereas total amino acids were very variable. These results suggest that an efficient and practical quality control system for both imported and Australian-made teas in the Australian supermarkets should be developed, implemented and enforced. Chemical analysis should be a part of the system for establishing an objective assessment for the quality control. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article reports the use of simple beam and finite-element models to investigate the relationship between rostral shape and biomechanical performance in living crocodilians under a range of loading conditions. Load cases corresponded to simple biting, lateral head shaking, and twist feeding behaviors. The six specimens were chosen to reflect, as far as possible, the full range of rostral shape in living crocodilians: a juvenile Caiman crocodilus, subadult Alligator mississippiensis and Crocodylus johnstoni, and adult Caiman crocodilus, Melanosuchus niger, and Paleosuchus palpebrosus. The simple beam models were generated using morphometric landmarks from each specimen. Three of the finite-element models, the A. mississippiensis, juvenile Caiman crocodilus, and the Crocodylus johnstoni, were based on CT scan data from respective specimens, but these data were not available for the other models and so these-the adult Caiman crocodilus, M. niger, and P. palpebrosus-were generated by morphing the juvenile Caiman crocodilus mesh with reference to three-dimensional linear distance measured from specimens. Comparison of the mechanical performance of the six finite-element models essentially matched results of the simple beam models: relatively tall skulls performed best under vertical loading and tall and wide skulls performed best under torsional loading. The widely held assumption that the platyrostral (dorsoventrally flattened) crocodilian skull is optimized for torsional loading was not supported by either simple beam theory models or finite-element modeling. Rather than being purely optimized against loads encountered while subduing and processing food, the shape of the crocodilian rostrum may be significantly affected by the hydrodynamic constraints of catching agile aquatic prey. This observation has important implications for our understanding of biomechanics in crocodilians and other aquatic reptiles.


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Although the current level of organic production in industrialised countries amounts to little more than 1-2 percent, it is recognised that one of the major issues shaping agricultural output over the next several decades will be the demand for organic produce (Dixon et al. 2001). In Australia, the issues of healthy food and environmental concern contribute to increasing demand and market volumes for organic produce. However, in Indonesia, using more economical inputs for organic production is a supply-side factor driving organic production. For individual growers and processors, conversion from conventional to organic agriculture is often a challenging step, entailing a thorough revision of established practices and heightened market insecurity. This paper examines the potential for a systems approach to the analysis of the conversion process, to yield insights for household and community decisions. A framework for applying farming systems research to investigate the benefits of organic production in both Australia and Indonesia is discussed. The framework incorporates scope for farmer participation, crucial to the understanding of farming systems; analysis of production; and relationships to resources, technologies, markets, services, policies and institutions in their local cultural context. A systems approach offers the potential to internalise the external effects that may be constraining decisions to convert to organic production, and for the design of decision-making tools to assist households and the community. Systems models can guide policy design and serve as a mechanism for predicting the impact of changes to the policy and market environments. The increasing emphasis of farming systems research on community and environment in recent years is in keeping with the proposed application to organic production, processing and marketing issues. The approach will also facilitate the analysis of critical aspects of the Australian production, marketing and policy environment, and the investigation of these same features in an Indonesian context.


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No mundo moderno, comodidade e conveniência têm sido fatores ligados diretamente às necessidades cotidianas das pessoas, onde o tempo é cada vez mais escasso e a busca por facilidades se torna uma constante. Tendo em vista esse cenário, na mesma medida crescente do número de frequentadores em praça de alimentação, há uma concorrência intensa travada pelas empresas de fast food estabelecidas nesses centros de compras. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho identifica e analisa fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food, sob a ótica dos consumidores. O setor de fast food foi dividido em três categorias: temáticos, por quilo e lanchonetes, visando identificar possíveis diferenças nesses segmentos. O universo da pesquisa concentra-se nos consumidores dos restaurantes fast food situados no principal shopping center da cidade de Mauá. A pesquisa é de caráter descritivo e exploratório, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, baseado no instrumento de análise SERVQUAL, aplicado junto a uma amostra não probabilística de 390 usuários da praça de alimentação. Foi realizada análise fatorial por meio do software estatístico SPSS v19, extraindo cinco fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food. Dentre os fatores extraidos, ressaltam-se os que estão ligados à Excelência e à Personalização dos serviços. Os segmentos analisados apresentaram convergências em seus resultados, como a elevada expectativa por parte dos consumidores, além do déficit na qualidade percebida de serviços dos restaurantes fast food, assim como apresentaram divergências em suas análises individuais, evidenciando peculiaridades a cada um desses.


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L'obiettivo principale della politica di sicurezza alimentare è quello di garantire la salute dei consumatori attraverso regole e protocolli di sicurezza specifici. Al fine di rispondere ai requisiti di sicurezza alimentare e standardizzazione della qualità, nel 2002 il Parlamento Europeo e il Consiglio dell'UE (Regolamento (CE) 178/2002 (CE, 2002)), hanno cercato di uniformare concetti, principi e procedure in modo da fornire una base comune in materia di disciplina degli alimenti e mangimi provenienti da Stati membri a livello comunitario. La formalizzazione di regole e protocolli di standardizzazione dovrebbe però passare attraverso una più dettagliata e accurata comprensione ed armonizzazione delle proprietà globali (macroscopiche), pseudo-locali (mesoscopiche), ed eventualmente, locali (microscopiche) dei prodotti alimentari. L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è di illustrare come le tecniche computazionali possano rappresentare un valido supporto per l'analisi e ciò tramite (i) l’applicazione di protocolli e (ii) miglioramento delle tecniche ampiamente applicate. Una dimostrazione diretta delle potenzialità già offerte dagli approcci computazionali viene offerta nel primo lavoro in cui un virtual screening basato su docking è stato applicato al fine di valutare la preliminare xeno-androgenicità di alcuni contaminanti alimentari. Il secondo e terzo lavoro riguardano lo sviluppo e la convalida di nuovi descrittori chimico-fisici in un contesto 3D-QSAR. Denominata HyPhar (Hydrophobic Pharmacophore), la nuova metodologia così messa a punto è stata usata per esplorare il tema della selettività tra bersagli molecolari strutturalmente correlati e ha così dimostrato di possedere i necessari requisiti di applicabilità e adattabilità in un contesto alimentare. Nel complesso, i risultati ci permettono di essere fiduciosi nel potenziale impatto che le tecniche in silico potranno avere nella identificazione e chiarificazione di eventi molecolari implicati negli aspetti tossicologici e nutrizionali degli alimenti.


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The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and an analysis of recent developments and changes in the implementation of sustainability practices by food retailers. It also aims to explore whether the sustainability measurement criteria and indicators identified in the literature can be applied in practice. A literature review identified the current trends, developments and the proposed sustainability objectives, criteria and indicators. Via case study research, we collected empirical data from four retailers. This involved both qualitative and quantitative data drawn from questionnaires and in-depth interviews with logistics directors from four retailers' distribution centres. The empirical data collected from the interviews indicate similarities in some of the characteristics of distribution centres, as well as differences. However, it was difficult to make cross-company comparisons due to the absence of benchmarks or assessments of the relative importance of each sustainability criterion and indicator. This research focused only on two sustainability objectives. Further research on other sustainability objectives is therefore required. Lessons learnt from the four case studies can be taken into consideration when developing future sustainability performance rating scales. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of sustainability in the food chain, with emphasis on food retailing. Its value lies in presenting an attempt to test in practice how a number of sustainability objectives, criteria and indicators are applied in logistics-related processes, identifying the gaps and reporting the potential difficulties.


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In the center of today's continued and rapid technological change and ever competitive environment of the next millennium, manufacturers must realize that unless they are ready to consider and evaluate new technologies brought onto them, they may fail to adequately respond to the challenges that lie ahead of them. This research was designed to determine the consistency of the perceptions of technical and non-technical administrators, in manufacturing environment, towards technological change and group technology as an advanced manufacturing system. This research has included a review of literature with references to technological change, justification and implementation processes, and various manufacturing systems including group technology and its benefits. This research has used the research method of empirical analysis (quantitative) and case studies (qualitative) to research perceptions of technical and non-technical administrators towards technological change and group technology. Sixty-four (64) technical and fifty-one (51) nontechnical administrators from fifty (50) manufacturing organizations in the United States of America responded to the mail survey questionnaire used in this research. Responses were analyzed using the Repeated Measures ANOVA procedure to compare mean responses of each group. Two correlation analyses, Cronback Coefficient Alpha and Pearson Correlation Coefficient, were also performed to determine the reliability of the questionnaire as well as the degree of correlation of perceptions between these two groups. This research, through the empirical analysis, has found that perceptions of the technical and non-technical administrators towards group technology were not consistent. In other words, they did not perceive the benefits of group technology in the same manner to the overall organizational performance. This finding was significant since it provided the first clear and comprehensive view of the technical and non-technical administrators' perception towards group technology and technological change, in Food Equipment Manufacturer Industry, in United States of America. In addition, a number of cases were analyzed and the results have supported those of the quantitative analysis. Therefore, this research not only has provided basic data, which was unavailable prior to this investigation, but it also provided a basis for future studies.