987 resultados para Expression Vector System
Chemosensory receptor gene families encode divergent proteins capable of detecting a huge diversity of environmental stimuli that are constantly changing over evolutionary time as organisms adapt to distinct ecological niches. While olfaction is dedicated to the detection of volatile compounds, taste is key to assess food quality for nutritional value and presence of toxic substances. The sense of taste also provides initial signals to mediate endocrine regulation of appetite and food metabolism and plays a role in kin recognition. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a very good model for studying smell and taste because these senses are very important in insects and because a broad variety of genetic tools are available in Drosophila. Recently, a family of 66 chemosensory receptors, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs) was described in fruit flies. IRs are distantly related to ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), but their evolutionary origin from these synaptic receptors is unclear. While 16 IRs are expressed in the olfactory system, nothing is known about the other members of this repertoire. In this thesis, I describe bioinformatic, expression and functional analyses of the IRs aimed at understanding how these receptors have evolved, and at characterising the role of the non-olfactory IRs. I show that these have emerged at the basis of the protostome lineage and probably have acquired their sensory function very early. Moreover, although several IRs are conserved across insects, there are rapid and dramatic changes in the size and divergence of IR repertoires across species. I then performed a comprehensive analysis of IR expression in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, which is a good model to study taste and feeding mechanisms as it spends most of its time eating or foraging. I found that most of the divergent members of the IR repertoire are expressed in both peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, suggesting that these are involved in taste perception. Finally, through the establishment of a new neurophysiological assay in larvae, I identified for the first time subsets of IR neurons that preferentially detect sugars and amino acids, indicating that IRs might be involved in sensing these compounds. Together, my results indicate that IRs are an evolutionarily dynamic and functionally versatile family of receptors. In contrast to the olfactory IRs that are well-conserved, gustatory IRs are rapidly evolving species-specific receptors that are likely to be involved in detecting a wide variety of tastants. - La plupart des animaux possèdent de grandes familles de récepteurs chimiosensoriels dont la fonction est de détecter l'immense diversité de composés chimiques présents dans l'environnement. Ces récepteurs évoluent en même temps que les organismes s'adaptent à leur écosystème. Il existe deux manières de percevoir ces signaux chimiques : l'olfaction et le goût. Alors que le système olfactif perçoit les composés volatiles, le sens du goût permet d'évaluer, par contact, la qualité de la nourriture, de détecter des substances toxiques et de réguler l'appétit et le métabolisme. L'un des organismes modèles les plus pertinents pour étudier le sens du goût est le stade larvaire de la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, la principale fonction du stade larvaire est de trouver de la nourriture et de manger. De plus, il est possible d'utiliser tous les outils génétiques développés chez la drosophile. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de 66 récepteurs chimiosensoriels appelés Récepteurs Ionotropiques (IRs) a été découverte chez la drosophile. Bien que leur orogine soit peu claire, ces récepteurs sont similaires aux récepteurs ionotropiques glutamatergiques impliqués dans la transmission synaptique. 16 IRs sont exprimés dans le système olfactif de la mouche adulte, mais pour l'instant on ne connaît rien des autres membres de cette famille. Durant ma thèse, j'ai effectué des recherches sur l'évolution de ces récepteurs ainsi que sur l'expression et la fonction des IRs non olfactifs. Je démontre que les IRs sont apparus chez l'ancêtre commun des protostomiens et ont probablement acquis leur fonction sensorielle très rapidement. De plus, bien qu'un certain nombre d'IRs olfactifs soient conservés chez les insectes, d'importantes variations dans la taille et la divergence des répertoires d'IRs entre les espèces ont été constatées. J'ai également découvert qu'un grand nombre d'IRs non olfactifs sont exprimés dans différents organes gustatifs, ce qui leur confère probablement une fonction dans la perception des goûts. Finalement, pour la première fois, des neurones exprimant des IRs ont été identifiés pour leur fonction dans la perception de sucres et d'acides aminés chez la larve. Mes résultats présentent les IRs comme une famille très dynamique, aux fonctions très variées, qui joue un rôle tant dans l'odorat que dans le goût, et dont la fonction est restée importante tout au long de l'évolution. De plus, l'identification de neurones spécialisés dans la perception de certains composés permettra l'étude des circuits neuronaux impliqués dans le traitement de ces informations.
Purpose: We previously demonstrated efficient retinal rescue of RPE65 mouse models (Rpe65-/- (Bemelmans et al, 2006) and Rpe65R91W/R91W mice) using a HIV1-derived lentiviral vector encoding for the mouse RPE65 cDNA. In order to optimize a lentiviral vector as an alternative tool for RPE65-derived Leber Congenital Amaurosis clinical trials, we evaluated the efficiency of an integration-deficient lentiviral vector (IDLV) encoding the human RPE65 cDNA to restore retinal function in the Rpe65R91W/R91W mice. Methods: An HIV-1-derived lentiviral vector expressing either the hrGFPII or the human Rpe65 cDNA under the control of a 0.8 kb fragment of the human Rpe65 promoter (R0.8) was produced by transient transfection of 293T cells. A LQ-integrase mutant was used to generate the IDLV vectors. IDLV-R0.8-hRPE65 or hrGFPII were injected subretinally into 1 month-old Rpe65R91W/R91W mice. Functional rescue was assessed by ERG (1 and 3 months post-injection) and cone survival by immunohistology. Results: An increased light sensitivity was detected by scotopic ERG in animals injected with IDLV-R0.8-hRPE65 compared to hrGFPII-treated animals or untreated mice. However the improvement was delayed compared to integration-proficient LV and observed at 3 months but not 1 month post-injection. Immunolabelling of cone markers showed an increased number of cones in the transduced area compared to control groups. Conclusions: The IDLV-R0.8-hRPE65 vectors allow retinal improvement in the Rpe65R91W/R91W mice. Both rod function and cone survival were demonstrated even if there is a delay in the rescue as assessed by scotopic ERG. Integration-deficient vectors minimize insertional mutagenesis and thus are safer candidates for human application. Further experiments using large animals are now needed to validate correct gene transfer and expression of the RPE65 gene as well as tolerance of the vector after subretinal injection before envisaging a clinical trial application.
The objective of this work was to validate, by quantitative PCR in real time (RT-qPCR), genes to be used as reference in studies of gene expression in soybean in drought-stressed trials. Four genes commonly used in soybean were evaluated: Gmβ-actin, GmGAPDH, GmLectin and GmRNAr18S. Total RNA was extracted from six samples: three from roots in a hydroponic system with different drought intensities (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 minutes of water stress), and three from leaves of plants grown in sand with different soil moistures (15, 5 and 2.5% gravimetric humidity). The raw cycle threshold (Ct) data were analyzed, and the efficiency of each primer was calculated for an overall analysis of the Ct range among the different samples. The GeNorm application was used to evaluate the best reference gene, according to its stability. The GmGAPDH was the least stable gene, with the highest mean values of expression stability (M), and the most stable genes, with the lowest M values, were the Gmβ-actin and GmRNAr18S, when both root and leaves samples were tested. These genes can be used in RT-qPCR as reference gene for expression analysis.
Azole resistance in Candida albicans can be mediated by the upregulation of the ATP binding cassette transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2. Both genes are regulated by a cis-acting element called the drug-responsive element (DRE), with the consensus sequence 5'-CGGAWATCGGATATTTTTTT-3', and the transcription factor Tac1p. In order to analyze in detail the DRE sequence necessary for the regulation of CDR1 and CDR2 and properties of TAC1 alleles, a one-hybrid system was designed. This system is based on a P((CDR2))-HIS3 reporter system in which complementation of histidine auxotrophy can be monitored by activation of the reporter system by CDR2-inducing drugs such as estradiol. Our results show that most of the modifications within the DRE, but especially at the level of CGG triplets, strongly reduce CDR2 expression. The CDR2 DRE was replaced by putative DREs deduced from promoters of coregulated genes (CDR1, RTA3, and IFU5). Surprisingly, even if Tac1p was able to bind these putative DREs, as shown by chromatin immunoprecipitation, those from RTA3 and IFU5 did not functionally replace the CDR2 DRE. The one-hybrid system was also used for the identification of gain-of-function (GOF) mutations either in TAC1 alleles from clinical C. albicans isolates or inserted in TAC1 wild-type alleles by random mutagenesis. In all, 17 different GOF mutations were identified at 13 distinct positions. Five of them (G980E, N972D, A736V, T225A, and N977D) have already been described in clinical isolates, and four others (G980W, A736T, N972S, and N972I) occurred at already-described positions, thus suggesting that GOF mutations can occur in a limited number of positions in Tac1p. In conclusion, the one-hybrid system developed here is rapid and powerful and can be used for characterization of cis- and trans-acting elements in C. albicans.
The genus Silene, studied by Darwin, Mendel and other early scientists, is re-emerging as a system for studying interrelated questions in ecology, evolution and developmental biology. These questions include sex chromosome evolution, epigenetic control of sex expression, genomic conflict and speciation. Its well-studied interactions with the pathogen Microbotryum has made Silene a model for the evolution and dynamics of disease in natural systems, and its interactions with herbivores have increased our understanding of multi-trophic ecological processes and the evolution of invasiveness. Molecular tools are now providing new approaches to many of these classical yet unresolved problems, and new progress is being made through combining phylogenetic, genomic and molecular evolutionary studies with ecological and phenotypic data.
Previous studies demonstrated that both Schwann cell differentiation and de-differentiation (in the situation of a nerve injury or demyelinating disease) are regulated by cell-intrinsic regulators including several transcription factors. In particular, the de-differentiation of mature Schwann cells is driven by the activation of multiple negative regulators of myelination including c-Jun, Notch, Sox-2 and Pax-3, all usually expressed in the immature Schwann cells and suppressed at the onset of myelination. In order to identify new negative regulators of myelination involved in the development of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) we analyzed the data from a previously performed transcriptional analysis of myelinating Schwann cells. Based on its transcriptional expression profile during myelination, Sox4, a member of the Sox gene family, was identified as a potential candidate. Previous studies demonstrated that prolonged Sox4 expression in oligodendrocytes maintains these cells in a premyelinating state, further suggesting its role as a negative regulator of myelination. Concomitantly, we observed upregulation of Sox4 mRNA and protein expression levels in the PNS of three different models of demyelinating neuropathies (Pmp22, Lpin1, and Scap KOs). To better characterize the molecular function of Sox4, we used a viral vector allowing Sox4 overexpression in cultured Schwann cells and in neuron-Schwann cell co-cultures. In parallel, we generated two transgenic lines of mice in which the overexpression of Sox4 is driven specifically in Schwann cells by the Myelin Protein Zero gene promoter. The preliminary data from these in vitro and in vivo experiments show that overexpression of Sox4 in PNS causes a delay in progression of myelination thus indicating that Sox4 acts as a negative regulator of Schwann cell myelination.
In the gastro-intestinal tract,Peyers patches have been describedas a major inductive site for mucosalsecretory IgA (SIgA) responses directedagainst pathogens. The classicalview is that SIgAserves as the firstline of defense against microorganismsby agglutining potential invadersand faciliting their clearance byperistaltic and mucociliary movements,a mechanism called immuneexclusion. Our laboratory has shownthat SIgA is not only able to be"retrotransported" into Peyers patchesvia the associated M cells, but also todeliver sizeable cargos in the form ofSIgA-based immune complexes, resultingin the onset of non-inflammatorytype of responses. Such a novelfunction raises the question of thepossible role of mucosal SIgA in theinterplay with commensal bacteriaand the contribution of the antibody inbacterial homeostasis. To address thisquestion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus(LPR) was administered into a mouseligated loop comprising a Peyerspatch, in association or not with SIgA.The fate of fluorescently labelled bacteriawas followed by laser scanningconfocal microscopy at different incubationtimes. After 2 hours of incubationin the loop, LPR bacteria arefound more abundantly in thesubepithelial dome (SED) regionwhen they are coated with SIgA thanLPR administered alone despite theyare absent from neighboring villi.Herein, it is shown that this mechanismof entry involves M cells inPeyers pathes. After their sampling byM cells, bacteria are engulfed by thedendritic cells of the subjacent SEDregion. Interestingly, LPR bacteriaare found coated by the endogenousnatural SIgA present in mice intestinalsecretions, confirming the requirementof SIgA for this type of entry.The subsequent effect on the maturationof dendritic cells after interactionwith LPR was investigated in vitroin presence or not of SIgA by measuringthe expression of CD40, CD80and CD86 surface markers with flowcytometry analyses. Results show thatDCs respond in the same way in presenceof SIgA than with LPR bacteriaalone, indicating that SIgA does notmodulate the interaction betweenDCs and bacteria in this context. Thiswork gives new evidences about theinvolvement of SIgA in the mechanismby which the intestinal immunesystem permanently checks the contentof the intestine.
RESUME : Les aquaporines (AQPs) sont des protéines membranaires perméables à l'eau (aquaporines strictes) et, pour certaines d'entre elles, également au glycérol (aquaglycéroporines). Ces protéines sont présentes dans les bactéries, les plantes et les différents organes des mammifères. Dans le cerveau, la moindre augmentation de volume hydrique peut avoir de graves conséquences sur son fonctionnement, d'où l'importance de la régulation de l'homéostasie de l'eau grâce aux AQPs. L'AQP4, une aquaporine stricte, est présente dans les astrocytes et est impliquée dans la formation et la résorption des oedèmes cérébraux. En revanche, l'AQP9 est une aquaglycéroporine, qui est localisée non seulement dans les astrocytes mais également dans les neurones catécholaminergiques. Bien que la distribution de l'AQP4 dans le cerveau soit clairement établie, la présence de l'AQP9 est toujours une donnée controversée et son rôle fonctionnel dans le système nerveux central n'est pas connu. Par ailleurs, aucune donnée n'existe sur l'expression des AQP4 et 9 lors de la différenciation de cellules souches neurales foetales (CSNf) en astrocytes ou en neurones catécholaminergiques. Dans la première partie de ce travail, un protocole a été mis au point permettant de différencier des CSNf de souris en astrocytes et neurones, dont des neurones catécholaminergiques. La caractérisation des cultures de CSNf et des cultures mixtes par immunofluorescence a permis de montrer que l'immunomarquage AQP9 est présent dans les CSNf et est conservé lors de leur différenciation en astrocytes ou en neurones catécholaminergiques. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence une très bonne corrélation entre l'expression de la TH (tyrosine hydroxylase: enzyme limitante de la synthèse des catécholamines) et celle de l'AQP9 lors de la différenciation des CSNf en neurones catécholaminergiques. Par contre, l'immunomarquage AQP4 n'est pas présent dans les CSNf alors qu'il est observé dans les astrocytes. De plus, aucun immunomarquage AQP4 ou AQP9 n'a été observé dans les neurones NIAP2-positifs. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, l'expression des AQP4 et 9 a été quantifiée dans les CSNf ainsi que dans trois populations d'astrocytes présentant des propriétés métaboliques différentes. Ces trois populations astrocytaires sont issues de la différenciation des CSNf par le CNTF, le LIF ou le sérum de veau foetal. Les analyses par RTPCR quantitative et western blot ont montré une augmentation de l'expression de l'AQP9 et de l'AQP4 corrélée à l'acquisition de propriétés métaboliques spécifiques des astrocytes matures. Dans la dernière partie, la technique d'ARN interférents a permis d'étudier le rôle fonctionnel de l'AQP9 dans le modèle de culture pure d'astrocytes différenciés par le sérum. L'inhibition de l'expression d'AQP9 entraîne une diminution de la perméabilité au glycérol et une augmentation de l'utilisation de glucose, corrélée à une stimulation du métabolisme oxydatif astrocytaire. En revanche, 1a baisse d'expression d'AQP9 n'a aucun effet sur la glycolyse anaérobie ni sur la libération du lactate. En conclusion, dans ce modèle in vitro, seule l'AQP9 est exprimée dans les CSNf et les neurones catécholaminergiques alors que dans Ies astrocytes, à la fois l'AQP9 et l'AQP4 sont exprimées. Cette distribution est identique à celle observée in vivo et confirme la localisation spécifique de l'AQP9 dans les neurones catécholaminergiques. De plus, ces résultats montrent, pour la première fois, l'implication de l'AQP9 dans la perméabilité des astrocytes au glycérol et son implication dans le métabolisme énergétique astrocytaire. ABSTACT : Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane proteins permeable to water (orthodoxes aquaporins) and some of them are also permeable to glycerol (aquaglyceroporins). These proteins are widely expressed in bacteria, plants and mammals. AQP water homeostasis regulation in brain is of primary importance as the brain volume cannot increase. AQP4, an orthodoxe aquaporin, is present in astrocytes and seems to be involved in edema formation and resorption. On the other hand, AQP9 is an aquaglyceroporin which is localised not only in astrocytes but also in catecholaminergic neurons. Although AQP4 distribution in brain is clearly established, the presence of AQP9 is still a discussed data and its functional role in the central nervous system is unknown. In addition, no data exists on AQP4 or AQP9 expression during fetal neural stem cells (fNSC) differentiation into astrocytes or catecholaminergic neurons. In the first part of this work, a protocol was developed to differentiate mouse fNSC into astrocytes and neurons, with the aim to obtain catecholaminergic neurons. By immunefluorescence, we have shown that AQP9 is expressed in fNSC cultures and also in astrocytes and catecholaminergic neurons in mixt cultures. The results obtained highlighted a very good correlation between TH expression (tyrosin hydroxylase being a limiting enzyme of catecholamines synthesis) and AQP9 in fNSC and all along their differentiation into catecholaminergic neurons. On the other hand, AQP4 immunolabelling is not observed in fNSC whereas it is in astrocytes. Moreover, neitheir AQP4, nor AQP9 immunoreactivity was observed in MAP2-positive neurons. In the second part of this work, AQP4 and AQP9 expression was quantified in fNSC and in three populations of astrocytes presenting different metabolic properties. These three astrocyte populations result from fNSC differentiation by addition of CNTF, LIF or fetal calf serum. Quantitative RT-PCR and western blot analyses have shown an increase in both AQP4 and AQP9 expression, correlated with the acquisition of specific metabolic properties of mature astrocytes. In the last part, siRNA were used to study the functional role of AQP9 in the pure astrocyte culture model differentiated by addition of fetal calf serum. Inhibition of AQP9 expression leads to a decrease of glycerol uptake and to an increase of glucose uptake, correlated with a stimulation of the astrocyte oxydative metabolism. On the other hand, inhibition of AQP9 expression does not have any effect on anaerobic glycolysis nor on lactate release. In conclusion, in this in vitro model, only AQP9 is expressed in fNSC and in catecholaminergic neurons whereas in astrocytes, both AQP9 and AQP4 are expressed. This distribution is identical to that observed in vivo and confirms the specific AQP9 localization in catecholaminergic neurons. IVloreover, these results show, for the first time, that AQP9 is implicated in glycerol uptake and in astrocyte energetic metabolism. Résumé large public : Les aquaporines, des protéines localisées dans les membranes cellulaires sont, comme leur nom l'indique, des canaux à eau. Pendant longtemps, il a été considéré que l'eau diffusait librement dans et à travers les cellules; la caractérisation des AQPs a révolutionné la vision des scientifiques concernant les mouvements d'eau entre les différents compartiments infra et extracellulaires, et a d'ailleurs valu le Prix Nobel à Peter Agre en 1992. Certaines AQPs, dites "strictes", laissent passer uniquement l'eau et participent au contrôle du volume hydrique. Ce contrôle est particulièrement important pour le bon fonctionnement du cerveau en raison de la présence de la boîte crânienne qui limite les variations de volume. D'autres AQPs, les aquaglycéroporines, sont perméables non seulement à l'eau mais également à d'autres molécules comme le glycérol. Elles facilitent, par exemple, la sortie du glycérol des cellules graisseuses et sa capture par les cellules du foie afin de produire du glucose en période de jeûne. Le cerveau est principalement composé de deux types de cellules: les neurones et les cellules gliales, majoritairement des astrocytes. L'AQP4, une AQP stricte, est présente dans les astrocytes et joue un rôle dans la formation et la résorption des oedèmes cérébraux. L'AQP9, une aquaglycéroporine, est également présente dans les astrocytes et dans une population spécifique de neurones, les neurones catécholaminergiques, touchés dans la maladie de Parkinson. A ce jour, la présence de l'AQP9 dans le cerveau est une donnée controversée et son rôle fonctionnel est inconnu. Ce travail de thèse a permis de montrer que l'AQP9 est bien présente d'une part dans les cellules souches neurales foetales et d'autre ,part dans les astrocytes et neurones catécholaminergiques issus de leur différenciation. De plus, ces expériences ont mis en évidence un rôle de l'AQP9 dans l'entrée du glycérol dans les astrocytes, ce qui pourrait être bénéfique dans des conditions d'ischémie. Enfin, les .résultats de cette étude suggèrent également un rôle de l'AQP9 dans le métabolisme énergétique des astrocytes. L'ensemble de ces travaux démontre le rôle important de l'AQP9 dans le cerveau et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant aux rôles des AQPs dans des situations pathologiques telles que l'ischémie cérébrale ou encore la maladie de Parkinson.
An emerging therapeutic approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the transplantation of autologous myogenic progenitor cells genetically modified to express dystrophin. The use of this approach is challenged by the difficulty in maintaining these cells ex vivo while keeping their myogenic potential, and ensuring sufficient transgene expression following their transplantation and myogenic differentiation in vivo. We investigated the use of the piggyBac transposon system to achieve stable gene expression when transferred to cultured mesoangioblasts and into murine muscles. Without selection, up to 8% of the mesoangioblasts expressed the transgene from 1 to 2 genomic copies of the piggyBac vector. Integration occurred mostly in intergenic genomic DNA and transgene expression was stable in vitro. Intramuscular transplantation of mouse Tibialis anterior muscles with mesoangioblasts containing the transposon led to sustained myofiber GFP expression in vivo. In contrast, the direct electroporation of the transposon-donor plasmids in the mouse Tibialis muscles in vivo did not lead to sustained transgene expression despite molecular evidence of piggyBac transposition in vivo. Together these findings provide a proof-of-principle that piggyBac transposon may be considered for mesoangioblast cell-based therapies of muscular dystrophies.
Phosphate homeostasis in multicellular eukaryotes depends on both phosphate influx and efflux. The mammalian Xenotropic Polytropic Virus Receptor 1 (XPR1) shares homology to the Arabidopsis PHO1, a phosphate exporter expressed in roots. However, phosphate export activity of XPR1 has not yet been demonstrated in a heterologous system. Here, wedemonstrate that transient expression in tobacco leaves of XPR1-GFP leads to specific phosphate export. Like PHO1-GFP, XPR1-GFP is localized predominantly to the endomembrane system in tobacco cells. These results show that tobacco leaves are a good heterologous system to study the transport activity of members of the PHO1/XPR1 family.
The decision-making process regarding drug dose, regularly used in everyday medical practice, is critical to patients' health and recovery. It is a challenging process, especially for a drug with narrow therapeutic ranges, in which a medical doctor decides the quantity (dose amount) and frequency (dose interval) on the basis of a set of available patient features and doctor's clinical experience (a priori adaptation). Computer support in drug dose administration makes the prescription procedure faster, more accurate, objective, and less expensive, with a tendency to reduce the number of invasive procedures. This paper presents an advanced integrated Drug Administration Decision Support System (DADSS) to help clinicians/patients with the dose computing. Based on a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, enhanced with the random sample consensus technique, this system is able to predict the drug concentration values and computes the ideal dose amount and dose interval for a new patient. With an extension to combine the SVM method and the explicit analytical model, the advanced integrated DADSS system is able to compute drug concentration-to-time curves for a patient under different conditions. A feedback loop is enabled to update the curve with a new measured concentration value to make it more personalized (a posteriori adaptation).
Due to the power of genetics, the mouse has become a widely used animal model in vision research. However, its eyeball has an axial length of only about 2 mm. The present protocol describes how to easily dissect the small rodent eye post mortem. This allows collecting different tissues of the eye, i.e., cornea, lens, iris, retina, optic nerve, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and sclera. We further describe in detail how to process these eye samples in order to obtain high‐quality RNA for RNA expression profiling studies. Depending on the eye tissue to be analyzed, we present appropriate lysis buffers to prepare total protein lysates for immunoblot and immuno‐precipitation analyses. Fixation, inclusion, embedding, and cryosectioning of the globe for routine histological analyses (HE staining, DAPI staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) is further presented. These basic protocols should allow novice investigators to obtain eye tissue samples rapidly for their experiments.
OBJECTIVE: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a secretory hormone displaying diuretic, natriuretic, and vasorelaxant activities. Recently, its lipolytic activity has been reported. Since the expression of ANP in adipose tissue has not been documented, we used real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to investigate the expression of ANP in human adipose tissue and preadipocytes. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: RNA was extracted from the human adipose tissue of severely obese premenopausal women as well as from human preadipocytes. For human preadipocytes, two cell systems were investigated: the human preadipose immortalized (Chub-S7) cells, a well-characterized human preadipose cell line, and primary preadipocytes derived from the stromal vascular fraction of the human adipose tissue. We measured the mRNA of ANP, of corin (a transmembrane serine protease involved in the conversion of pro-ANP to ANP) and of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2; a control gene known to be ubiquitously expressed). The expression of ANP was also investigated using immunofluorescence and radioimmunoassay in Chub-S7 cells and human primary preadipocytes in culture. RESULTS: Our results indicate that ANP and corin are expressed at the mRNA level in human adipose tissue and preadipocytes. Immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated that pro-ANP was expressed in Chub-S7 cells. In addition, ANP secretion could be measured in Chub-S7 cells and human primary preadipocytes in culture. Rosiglitazone, a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor type gamma (PPAR-gamma) agonist promoting adipocyte differentiation, was found to modulate both ANP expression and secretion in preadipocytes. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest the existence of an autocrine/paracrine system for ANP in the human adipose tissue whose implications in lipolysis and cardiovascular function need to be further explored.
Although the pathology of Morbillivirus in the central nervous system (CNS) is well described, the molecular basis of neurodegenerative events still remains poorly understood. As a model to explore Morbillivirus-mediated CNS dysfunctions, we used canine distemper virus (CDV) that we inoculated into two different cell systems: a monkey cell line (Vero) and rat primary hippocampal neurons. Importantly, the recombinant CDV used in these studies not only efficiently infects both cell types but recapitulates the uncommon, non-cytolytic cell-to-cell spread mediated by virulent CDVs in brain of dogs. Here, we demonstrated that both CDV surface glycoproteins (F and H) markedly accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This accumulation triggered an ER stress, characterized by increased expression of the ER resident chaperon calnexin and the proapoptotic transcription factor CHOP/GADD 153. The expression of calreticulin (CRT), another ER resident chaperon critically involved in the response to misfolded proteins and in Ca(2+) homeostasis, was also upregulated. Transient expression of recombinant CDV F and H surface glycoproteins in Vero cells and primary hippocampal neurons further confirmed a correlation between their accumulation in the ER, CRT upregulation, ER stress and disruption of ER Ca(2+) homeostasis. Furthermore, CDV infection induced CRT fragmentation with re-localisation of a CRT amino-terminal fragment, also known as vasostatin, on the surface of infected and neighbouring non-infected cells. Altogether, these results suggest that ER stress, CRT fragmentation and re-localization on the cell surface may contribute to cytotoxic effects and ensuing cell dysfunctions triggered by Morbillivirus, a mechanism that might potentially be relevant for other neurotropic viruses.
Emotion communication research strongly focuses on the face and voice as expressive modalities, leaving the rest of the body relatively understudied. Contrary to the early assumption that body movement only indicates emotional intensity, recent studies show that body movement and posture also convey emotion specific information. However, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms is hampered by a lack of production studies informed by a theoretical framework. In this research we adopted the Body Action and Posture (BAP) coding system to examine the types and patterns of body movement that are employed by 10 professional actors to portray a set of 12 emotions. We investigated to what extent these expression patterns support explicit or implicit predictions from basic emotion theory, bi-dimensional theory, and componential appraisal theory. The overall results showed partial support for the different theoretical approaches. They revealed that several patterns of body movement systematically occur in portrayals of specific emotions, allowing emotion differentiation. While a few emotions were prototypically encoded by one particular pattern, most emotions were variably expressed by multiple patterns, many of which can be explained as reflecting functional components of emotion such as modes of appraisal and action readiness. It is concluded that further work in this largely underdeveloped area should be guided by an appropriate theoretical framework to allow a more systematic design of experiments and clear hypothesis testing.