984 resultados para Exponential Sorting


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The growth of Skeletonema costatum in two artificial nutrient media was studied using various culture vessels. Skeletonema costatum was collected from the Cox's Bazar coast around the Bay of Bengal. Different growths stages i.e. lag phase, exponential phase, prestationary phase, stationary and death phase were observed during the culture period. The number of cells increased during the active division period and decreased after the beginning of the prestationary phase. The average densities of S. costatum in primary and secondary cultures were 0.55 x 10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ and 0.93x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹, respectively. In mass culture of S. costatum two, types of media were used. Highest cells densities of S. costatum cement tank culture were recorded 1.23x10 super(6) cell mlˉ¹ and 0.78x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ in their respective f/4 medium and commercial fertilizer medium. In the cement tanks culture fertilizer medium was found to be the best medium for mass culture of S. costatum in respect of production efficiency and culture stability.


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This study was conducted to determine biological characteristics and population dynamics parameters of threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) in Persian Gulf (Bushehr Province), during November 2006 and October 2007. The minimum and maximum specimens were 75-273 mm FL and their weight was 7.6 - 351.9 g. Based on the exponential relationship between fork length and weight, slope (b) for individuals, males and females was 2.987321, 2.992546 and 3.007314, respectively. The emptiness value (V) was 45.6% and it shows that N. japonicus is a moderate feeder. The results of Fp indicates that crustacean with 78.2% are main foods, mollusca (27.7%), fishes (20.7%), polychaeta (19.2%) and Foraminifera (11.7%) were identified as minor foods and phytoplanktons (9.9%), nematoda(8.0%), echinodermata (2.3%) and sea weeds (0.3%) were random foods. The reproduction studies showed the spawning season extended within 2 peaks, from April- May and September and main spawning occurs in spring season.The mean absolute and relative fecundities were 472388±42633 and 3817±293 (X±SE), respectively. The maximum, minimum and mean of oocyte diameter were 0.448, 0.022 and 0.221mm (SE=0.071), respectively.The fork length at 50% maturity estimated to be 20.25 cm for females. The growth coefficient (K) , length infinity (L∞ ) and ɸ' was estimated 0.42/yr , 34.17 cm and 2.69, respectively. The coefficient of total mortality, fishing mortality, natural mortality and E was 1.37, 0.43, 0.94 and 0.31, respectively.


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In order to come up with the responsible fishing pattern of common carp, there was a need to identify some of the biological characteristics and stock assessment of carp in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea .The fork length ,weight ,age ,growth parameters of von bertalanffy and mortality rates of common carp were estimated from oct 2006 to sept 2007.Based on the exponential relationship between length and weight in the size range 6.3-65.6 cm ,b was calculated 2.895, 2.843 and 2.925 respectively for combined sexes ,males and females. The mean condition factor was 1.9 which is close to the ideal condition.The results from measuring 3170 specimens ,were showed the first fork length of maturity was 30 cm for males and 32 cm for females. The results indicated that females were predominate and sex ratio was 0.66:1 (M:F) and chi-squares analysis showeda significant difference between males and females.(p<0.05).Length infinity and growth coefficient were calculated by three different methods as below: Length frequency analysis : k=0.17 L∞ =68.04 Age-Length Key k=0.15 L∞ =74.25 Back calculation : k=0.14 L∞ =68.4 The mortality parameters and exploitation rate were estimated as below : Z=0.73 per year M=0.31 per year F=0.42 per year E=0.56 Refer to amount of common carp catch in 2007 -08 ,biomass was calculated 9640.2 tones by jone's cohort analysis and MSY 2374.5 tones.According to analysis ,the number of common carp in the distribution area (Iranian part of the Caspian Sea ) was estimated 24 millions in the 2006-07.


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The chromosomes 1, Y-1, Y-2 of Muntjac munticus vaginalis were isolated by fluorescence activated chromosome sorting and amplified by degenerate oligonucleotide primed-polymerase chain reaction ( DOP-PCR). A primer pair within human Sry HMG box was design


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This study includes determination and discussion of the texture and heavy mineral compositions of some modem Nile Delta coastal sands (river, coastal dune, beach-face, and nearshore marine) in order to delineate the process and factors that regulate the size distribution of heavy mineral grains comprising these coastal sands. Textural analysis of unseparated bulk samples indicate that the examined four types of sands differ in their mean grain sizes and degree of sorting. However, analysis of size distribution curves of 10 heavy mineral species or group of species in the four environments having the same general shape and nearly similar in that general order of arrangement. However, these curves vary both in median sizes and sorting. The size distribution of a heavy mineral in the Nile Delta coastal sands appear to depend on: (1) range of grain size fractions in each sample, (2) relative availability of heavy mineral in each size grade of the sample, (3) specific gravity of minerals comprising these sands, and (4) some other unknown factor or factors. Results of size measurement of heavy minerals indicated that increasing specific gravity is accompanied by increasing fineness of the heavy minerals. This study may be useful in search for marine placers and understanding the processes of grain-sorting on the sea beaches.


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The Yellowfin tuna was caught more than all other species in the southern waters of Iran (24000 tons in 1998). In order to come up with the responsible fishing pattern, there was a need to identify some of the biological characteristics and population dynamic parameters. This thesis was the first which covered the whole Yellowfin tuna distribution in the Oman Sea, included the fishing grounds of Berris, Ramin, Chabahar, Pozm and Jask. The data during 1998-99 from different fishing grounds were polled. Based on the exponential relationship between length and weight in the size range 38-173 Cm, the relationship (W=aL^ b) was calculated as W=0.000012L ^ 3.0831). The mean fork length,head length,girth and weight were calculated respectively 84.15 Cm, 23 Cm, 53 Cm, and 11828 g. Length infinity was estimated 189 Cm with growth parameters of 0.42 per year. Growth performance index was 4.18 which was in agreement with the findngs of the other studies in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The mortality parameters and exploitation rate were estimated as below: Z = 1.75-1.85 M=0.6 F=1.25 E=0.68 Occurence of empty stomach was high (60%) in the speciemens obtained from the Oman Sea. Purpleback flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) was the most dominant prey species observed in the study (57% in females and 60% in males), occurrence of teleost fishes were found to be the second (38% in males and 42% in females). Crabs also were identified in the specimens(1-2%). The study on sex ratio indicated that males were predominant at all sizes above 120 Cm fork length. 50.82% of specimens were males and 49.18% females. The monthly gonadosomatic index was deriven higher values during January to June which could be indicated as spawning period.


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This survay has been done from Januray 2000 till May 2002 in Khouzestan costal waters. Four species of grouper were identified from which orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was the dominant species. For studing environmental parameters and reproductive biology, age, growth parameters and mortality rate samples were collected by fishing ship. Samples were taken montly in 4 days by fishing traps and trawls. In addition, some samples were obtained from Khozestan fish landing centres. Environmental factors such as PH, 02, salinity, water temperature and depth of traping areas, were measured. To identify species, morphometric characteries of 452 individal fishes were measured. Stomach contents of 394 fish were has survaid, from which stomach of 226 fish, and 168 fish had empty stomachs. Percentage of empty stomachs (cv) in males was more than females. Food items found in 73 percent of stomach were crab (11%), shrimps (8.8%) , squids (3.9%), gastropods (17%) and bivalves (0.4%). Feeding intensity in year classes did not obay logic trends The importance relatively indicator (I.R.I) were 81, 9.9, 4, 1.5 and 0.3 percent for fish, crab, shrimp, squid, gastropod and bivalve respectively. For age determination, sagita otoliths of 450 fish were taken and countable sections were obtained from 425 specimens. Relative frequency distribution of opaque and transparent rings showed that each opaque growth ring generates once a year from November to September. It seemed that generation of opaque rings is affected by temperature and photoperiod changes. Correlation between length and age was calculated using Von Bertalanffy's least square method. Following equasion was obtaind: L(t) : 122.27 (1 e 0.146 (t+0.482)) Growth parameters were determined through by Ford Walford equasion and Response Surface and Shepherd subcommands in Elefan program and L00 and K amounts were have determined. Correlation between length and age of 635 fish was determined by gender . Length and age correlation was calculated by exponential model and between total length and standard length by straghit line model. Correlation between age and weight of sagita was calculated by total length and age. The most Correlation was between sagita weight and fish age (r=0.876). Total mortality rate (z) was estimated by Length Converthed Method , Jones and Vanzaling and Powel Wetherall. Total mortality rate was z=0.39. Natural mortality rate, using Pauly method was calculated M=0.32. Fishing mortality (F) was 0.08. Gonads of 425 fishes were surveid within 18 month, from which 363 were female, 46 were male and 16 were sex reversing individuals .Total length of females varied from 26 to 95.5 centimeters while males length varied from 56.5 to 107 centimeters. Sex reversing individuals had a length of 47.5 centimeters, when two years old and 62.5 centimeters at age of 3 years. From the mentioned 425 fish, 401 individuals were matured, containing 339 females and 62 males, 5.47 females against each male. Montly changes of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) by total body weight and standard length and total body length showed that this index increases from march to May and maximum increase was in May . This experiment was adapted in spawning season. Potential, relative, and absoulate fecundity was estimated by counting eggs in three samples. Total amount of traped fish using special traps was 16182.18 kg from which Epinephelus coioides provided catching 15353.43 kg of it (91.27 %) and By catch was 141.18 kg (8.24 %). Total average CPUE for whole catch was 123.33 kg/day/vessel. Total amount of catch was estimated 232.04 tons, considering CPUE of total catch and total Khuzestan trap ships effort.


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Lake Victoria, besides being the second largest in the world after Lake Superior, is the largest tropical lake. Its waters are shared by Kenya (6% of the surface area), Uganda (43%), and Tanzania (51%). Before dramatic structural and functional changes manifested in the lake's ecosystem especially in the 1980s, fish life flourished in the lake's entire water column at all times of the year. Currently, the situation is much more different from what it was in the past. The exponential increase in the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stocks, siltation, wetland degradation and eutrophication have characterised the lake ecosystem. The two exotic species and the small native cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea) form the basis of the commercial fishery that was once dominated by two native tilapiines (Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis) and five other large-bodied endemic fishes. Severe deoxygenation observed at shallow depths (Ochumba 1990; Hecky et al., 1994) indicates that a large volume of the lake is unable to sustain fish life. The Lake Victoria catchment is one of the most densely populated areas in East Africa, encompassing a population of about 30 million people. Widespread poverty resulting from high inflation rates, lack of opportunities and general unemployment have characterised the lakeside communities over much of the last two decades. The biophysical environment in which Lake Victoria exists makes the lake particularly susceptible to changes that occur as a result of human modification to the watershed or the lake itself, thus rendering benefits from the lake unsustainable.


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The exponential increase of industrial demand in the past two decades has led scientists to the development of alternative technologies for the fast manufacturing of engineering components, aside from standard and time consuming techniques such as casting or forging.Cold Spray (CS) is a newly developed manufacturing technique, based upon the deposition of metal powder on a substrate due to high energy particle impacts. In this process, the powder is accelerated up to considerable speed in a converging-diverging nozzle, typically using air, nitrogen or helium as a carrier gas. Recent developments have demonstrated significant process capabilities, from the building of mold-free 3D shapes made of various metals, to low porosity and corrosion resistant titanium coatings.In CS, the particle stream characteristics during the acceleration process are important in relation to the final geometry of the coating. Experimental studies have shown the tendency of particles to spread over the nozzle acceleration channel, resulting in a wide exit stream and in the difficulty of producing narrow tracks.This paper presents an investigation on the powder stream characteristics in CS supersonic nozzles. The powder insertion location was varied within the carrier gas flow, along with the geometry of the powder injector, in order to identify their relation with particle trajectories. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results by Fluent v6.3.26 are presented, along with experimental observations. Different configurations were tested and modeled, giving deposited track geometries of copper and tin ranging from 1. mm to 8. mm in width on metal and polymer substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Interest is growing around the application of lean techniques to new product introduction (NPI). Although a relatively emergent topic compared with the application of 'lean' within the factory, since 2000 there has been an exponential rise in the literature on this subject. However, much of this work focuses on describing and extolling the virtues of the 'Toyota approach' to design. Therefore, by way of a stock take for the UK, the present authors' research has set out to understand how well lean product design practices have been adopted by leading manufacturers. This has been achieved by carrying out in-depth case studies with three carefully selected manufacturers of complex engineered products. This paper describes these studies, the detailed results and subsequent findings, and concludes that both the awareness and adoption of practices is generally embryonic and far removed from the theory advocated in the literature. © IMechE 2007.


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Instability triggering and transient growth of thermoacoustic oscillations were experimentally investigated in combination with linear/nonlinear flame transfer function (FTF) methodology in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor operated with CH 4 and air at atmospheric pressure. A fully premixed flame with 10kW thermal power and an equivalence ratio of 0.60 was chosen for detailed characterization of the nonlinear transient behaviors. Flame transfer functions were experimentally determined by simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity fluctuations and heat release rate oscillations using a constant temperature anemometer and OH */CH * chemiluminescence emissions, respectively. The phase-resolved variation of the local flame structure at a limit cycle was measured by planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity, OH */CH * emission, and acoustic pressure were performed to investigate the temporal evolution of the system from a stable to a limit cycle operation. This measurement allows us to describe an unsteady instability triggering event in terms of several distinct stages: (i) initiation of a small perturbation, (ii) exponential amplification, (iii) saturation, (iv) nonlinear evolution of the perturbations towards a new unstable periodic state, (v) quasi-steady low-amplitude periodic oscillation, and (vi) fully-developed high-amplitude limit cycle oscillation. Phase-plane portraits of instantaneous inlet velocity and heat release rate clearly show the presence of two different attractors. Depending on its initial position in phase space at infinitesimally small amplitude, the system evolves towards either a high-amplitude oscillatory state or a low-amplitude oscillatory state. This transient phenomenon was analyzed using frequency- and amplitude-dependent damping mechanisms, and compared to subcritical and supercritical bifurcation theories. The results presented in this paper experimentally demonstrate the hypothesis proposed by Preetham et al. based on analytical and computational solutions of the nonlinear G-equation [J. Propul. Power 24 (2008) 1390-1402]. Good quantitative agreement was obtained between measurements and predictions in terms of the conditions for the onset of triggering and the amplitude of triggered combustion instabilities. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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Noise and vibration from underground railways is a major source of disturbance to inhabitants near subways. To help designers meet noise and vibration limits, numerical models are used to understand vibration propagation from these underground railways. However, the models commonly assume the ground is homogeneous and neglect to include local variability in the soil properties. Such simplifying assumptions add a level of uncertainty to the predictions which is not well understood. The goal of the current paper is to quantify the effect of soil inhomogeneity on surface vibration. The thin-layer method (TLM) is suggested as an efficient and accurate means of simulating vibration from underground railways in arbitrarily layered half-spaces. Stochastic variability of the soils elastic modulus is introduced using a KL expansion; the modulus is assumed to have a log-normal distribution and a modified exponential covariance kernel. The effect of horizontal soil variability is investigated by comparing the stochastic results for soils varied only in the vertical direction to soils with 2D variability. Results suggest that local soil inhomogeneity can significantly affect surface velocity predictions; 90 percent confidence intervals showing 8 dB averages and peak values up to 12 dB are computed. This is a significant source of uncertainty and should be considered when using predictions from models assuming homogeneous soil properties. Furthermore, the effect of horizontal variability of the elastic modulus on the confidence interval appears to be negligible. This suggests that only vertical variation needs to be taken into account when modelling ground vibration from underground railways. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The vibro-acoustic response of built-up structures, consisting of stiff components with low modal density and flexible components with high modal density, is sensitive to small imperfections in the flexible components. In this paper, the uncertainty of the response is considered by modeling the low modal density master system as deterministic and the high modal density subsystems in a nonparametric stochastic way, i.e., carrying a diffuse wave field, and by subsequently computing the response probability density function. The master system's mean squared response amplitude follows a singular noncentral complex Wishart distribution conditional on the subsystem energies. For a single degree of freedom, this is equivalent to a chi-square or an exponential distribution, depending on the loading conditions. The subsystem energies follow approximately a chi-square distribution when their relative variance is smaller than unity. The results are validated by application to plate structures, and good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations is found. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.


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We consider the general problem of constructing nonparametric Bayesian models on infinite-dimensional random objects, such as functions, infinite graphs or infinite permutations. The problem has generated much interest in machine learning, where it is treated heuristically, but has not been studied in full generality in non-parametric Bayesian statistics, which tends to focus on models over probability distributions. Our approach applies a standard tool of stochastic process theory, the construction of stochastic processes from their finite-dimensional marginal distributions. The main contribution of the paper is a generalization of the classic Kolmogorov extension theorem to conditional probabilities. This extension allows a rigorous construction of nonparametric Bayesian models from systems of finite-dimensional, parametric Bayes equations. Using this approach, we show (i) how existence of a conjugate posterior for the nonparametric model can be guaranteed by choosing conjugate finite-dimensional models in the construction, (ii) how the mapping to the posterior parameters of the nonparametric model can be explicitly determined, and (iii) that the construction of conjugate models in essence requires the finite-dimensional models to be in the exponential family. As an application of our constructive framework, we derive a model on infinite permutations, the nonparametric Bayesian analogue of a model recently proposed for the analysis of rank data.


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We introduce a Gaussian process model of functions which are additive. An additive function is one which decomposes into a sum of low-dimensional functions, each depending on only a subset of the input variables. Additive GPs generalize both Generalized Additive Models, and the standard GP models which use squared-exponential kernels. Hyperparameter learning in this model can be seen as Bayesian Hierarchical Kernel Learning (HKL). We introduce an expressive but tractable parameterization of the kernel function, which allows efficient evaluation of all input interaction terms, whose number is exponential in the input dimension. The additional structure discoverable by this model results in increased interpretability, as well as state-of-the-art predictive power in regression tasks.