916 resultados para Exploration and mining
A concept has been developed where characteristic load cycles of longwall shields can describe most of the interaction between a longwall support and the roof. A characteristic load cycle is the change in support pressure with time from setting the support against the roof to the next release and movement of the support. The concept has been validated through the back-analysis of more than 500 000 individual load cycles in five longwall panels at four mines and seven geotechnical domains. The validation process depended upon the development of new software capable of both handling the large quantity of data emanating from a modern longwall and accurately delineating load cycles. Existing software was found not to be capable of delineating load cycles to a sufficient accuracy. Load-cycle analysis can now be used quantitatively to assess the adequacy of support capacity and the appropriateness of set pressure for the conditions under which a longwall is being operated. When linked to a description of geotechnical conditions, this has allowed the development of a database for support selection for greenfield sites. For existing sites, the load-cycle characteristic concept allows for a diagnosis of strata-support problem areas, enabling changes to be made to set pressure and mining strategies to manage better, or avoid, strata control problems. With further development of the software, there is the prospect of developing a system that is able to respond to changes in strata-support interaction in real time.
The Firenzuola turbidite system formed during a paroxysmal phase of thrust propagation, involving the upper Serravallian deposits of the Marnoso-arenacea Formation (MAF). During this phase the coeval growth of two major tectonic structures, the M. Castellaccio thrust and the Verghereto high, played a key role, causing a closure of the inner basin and a coeval shift of the depocentre to the outer basin. This work focuses on this phase of fragmentation of the MAF basin; it is based on a new detailed high-resolution stratigraphic framework, which was used to determine the timing of growth of the involved structures and their direct influence on sediment dispersal and on the lateral and vertical turbidite facies distribution. The Firenzuola turbidite system stratigraphy is characterized by the occurrence of mass-transport complexes (MTCs) and thick sandstone accumulation in the depocentral area, which passes to finer drape over the structural highs; the differentiation between these two zones increases over time and ends with the deposition of marly units over the structural highs and the emplacement of the Visignano MTC. According to the stratigraphic pattern and turbidite facies characteristics, the Firenzuola System has been split into two phases, namely Firenzuola I and Firenzuola II: the former is quite similar to the underlying deposits, while the latter shows the main fragmentation phase, testifying the progressive isolation of the inner basin and a coeval shift of the depocentre to the outer basin. The final stratigraphic and sedimentological dataset has been used to create a quantitative high-resolution 3D facies distribution using the Petrel software platform. This model allows a detailed analysis of lateral and vertical facies variations that can be exported to several reservoirs settings in hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation areas, since facies distributions and geometries of the reservoir bodies of many sub-surface turbidite basins show a significant relationship to the syndepositional structural activity, but are beyond seismic resolution.
O trabalho que tem por título: O Direito é torcido à Porta porque a Justiça se encontra deitada por terra é um exercício exegético que tem por objeto a perícope Am 5,10-13. Na análise semântica dos seus principais vocábulos evidenciou-se uma realidade social, política e econômica paradoxal em Israel, sob o comando de Jeroboão II (787-747 a.C.), como resultado de uma expansão territorial e comercial, de vitórias militares e da organização de um Estado tributarista. Esse modelo de sociedade gerou um antagonismo social entre uma elite abastada que esbanjava luxo e ostentação, à custa do suor e da fome de uma população empobrecida, especialmente a classe camponesa, que trabalhava para sustentar as benesses do mundo urbano. É de dentro dessa realidade que ecoa o grito de Amós como denúncia a esse estado de coisas, como palavra de desgraça e condenação a toda sorte de desmandos praticados em Israel. Entre esses a falência do sistema judiciário, pela prática da exploração e corrupção por parte dos magistrados, de ricos comerciantes e latifundiários, desviando o pobre do seu direito de recorrer em sua defesa perante o tribunal. Em razão disso, Amós anuncia a ruína de Israel, com o Dia de Javé, que será um anti-Êxodo, e aponta uma exigência ético-religiosa como forma de reverter esse não futuro para Israel, que se traduz no compromisso de estabelecer à Porta o Direito e a Justiça.
A exploração e a manipulação do desejo são algumas das principais marcas da cultura de consumo. Nas sociedades em que predomina essa cultura, o consumo aparece como critério de humanização, e o sentido da vida o núcleo ético-mítico em torno do qual a sociedade se organiza é a busca de acumulação de riqueza para se consumir cada vez mais. Alguns estudos têm demonstrado os aspectos sagrados dessa cultura, que se tornou uma verdadeira religião da vida cotidiana, com suas devoções, espiritualidades, mitos e ritos. Da mesma forma, alguns estudos vêm demonstrando como essa cultura determina os projetos pedagógicos. Esses estudos não são acidentais, pois religião e educação são elementos fundamentais na origem e na manutenção de qualquer cultura e sociedade humanas. Todavia, podem ser também elementos de transformação. Paulo Freire acena com o interesse pela criação de uma Pedagogia do Desejo, compreendendo que este tema é de fundamental importância na luta pela superação da exclusão social, o que infelizmente não teve tempo de formulá-la. A obra de René Girard reforça a tese de que a religião é um processo fundamental para as sociedades humanas, considerando sua real função na origem da cultura. Segundo Girard, a religião é a educadora da humanidade no processo de humanização e socialização. E sua característica mais notável é justamente a de educar o desejo, pois, devido a sua natureza mimética, constantemente é gerador de violência. Nas pesquisas sobre as relações entre Religião/Teologia e Educação, recentemente tem sido realizado o estudo dos pressupostos teológicos e espirituais das propostas educacionais. Há muitos pontos de convergência entre Paulo Freire e René Girard, alguns até complementares. O diálogo entre esses dois autores se mostra muito profícuo na discussão do tema do desejo em relação com a espiritualidade e a educação. Este trabalho é uma tentativa de buscar elementos que favoreçam a elaboração de uma Pedagogia do Desejo a partir das contribuições das Ciências da Religião.(AU)
Esta pesquisa tem como foco central o estudo sobre a situação do aspecto corporal e do movimento humano no sistema educacional brasileiro. Para desenvolver esta temática foram utilizados três grandes pilares de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, mas articuladas entre si; elas são: Filosofia, Educação Física e Educação. Partindo de uma concepção filosófica, foram analisados diversos temas em relação ao corpo e à situação deste em relação às estruturas educacionais existentes, utilizando especialmente a condição atual da Educação Física escolar como suporte para realizar esta análise. Tendo como hipótese inicial que o dualismo e o racionalismo representam a base estruturante do âmbito educacional e que, a partir disto, ocorre uma crescente diminuição na importância do corpo e do seu movimento nas estruturas educacionais, foram tecidas reflexões e discussões subseqüentes durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Delineada por levantamento bibliográfico e documental, contendo descrição, exploração e análises dos documentos oficiais da Educação brasileira e respaldada por autores de referência das áreas citadas, a pesquisa apresenta um desenvolvimento de idéias que convergem tanto para a superação da visão dualista humana (que divide em pólos opostos e intransponíveis corpo e alma, corpo e mente), como para um sistema que preconiza o pleno desenvolvimento humano.(AU)
Although much has been written about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the part played by Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) has been almost entirely neglected. This is odd as, apart from some ghost stories, Dr Darwin is the one influence mentioned in both the 1816 and 1831 prefaces to the book. The present contribution aims to redress that omission. It aims to show that Darwin's ideas about spontaneous generation, his anti-establishment ideas, and his literary genius played a significant role in forming the 'dark and shapeless substance' surging in Mary Shelley's mind during the summer of 1816 and from which her tale of Gothic horror emerged. It is, however, ultimately ironic that Frankenstein, which warns against a too enthusiastic use of scientific knowledge, should have been partly inspired by one of the most optimistically forward-looking of all late eighteenth-century thinkers. © 2007 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
This paper investigates the determinants of technological diversification among UK’s small serial innovators (SSIs). Using a longitudinal study of 339 UK-based small businesses accounting for almost 7000 patents between 1990 and 2006, this study constitutes the first empirical examination of technological diversification among SMEs in the literature. Results demonstrate that technological diversification is not solely a large firm activity, challenging the dominant view that innovative SMEs are extremely focused and specialised players with little technological diversification. Our findings suggest a nonlinear (i.e. inverse-U-shaped) relationship between the level of technological opportunities in the environment and the SSIs’ degree of technological diversification. This points to a trade-off between processes of exploration and exploitation across increasingly volatile technology regimes. The paper also demonstrates that small firms with impactful innovations focus their innovative activity around similar technological capabilities while firms that have introduced platform technologies in the past are more likely to engage in technological diversification.
This study has been conceived with the primary objective of identifying and evaluating the financial aspects of the transformation in country/company relations of the international oil industry from the traditional concessionary system to the system of governmental participation in the ownership and operation of oil concessions. The emphasis of the inquiry was placed on assembling a case study of the oil exploitation arrangements of Libya. Through a comprehensive review of the literature, the sociopolitical factors surrounding the international oil business were identified and examined in an attempt to see their influence on contractual arrangements and particularly to gauge the impact of any induced contractual changes on the revenue benefit accruing to the host country from its oil operations. Some comparative analyses were made in the study to examine the viability of the Libyan participation deals both as an investment proposal and as a system of conducting oil activities in the country. The analysis was carried out in the light of specific hypotheses to assess the relative impact of the participation scheme in comparison with the alternative concessionary model on the net revenue resulting to the government from oil operations and the relative effect on the level of research and development within the industry. A discounted cash flow analysis was conducted to measure inputs and outputs of the comparative models and judge their revenue benefits. Then an empirical analysis was carried out to detect any significant behavioural changes in the exploration and development effort associated with the different oil exploitation systems. Results of the investigation of revenues support the argument that the mere introduction of the participation system has not resulted in a significant revenue benefit to the host government. Though there has been a significant increase in government revenue, associated with the period following the emergence of the participation agreements, this increase was mainly due to socio-economic factors other than the participation scheme. At the same time the empirical results have shown an association of the participation scheme with a decline of the oil industry's research and development efforts.
This thesis illustrates the development of tailor-made, partially hydrated skin adhesive hydrogels as a vehicle for the topical delivery of moisturising agents. Maintaining an optimum hydration level of the stratum corneum ensures that the barrier properties of the skin are preserved. An unsaturated ionic monomer 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, glycerol, water, a photoinitiator Irgacure 184 and crosslinker Ebacryl II facilitated the production of monophasic sheet skin adhesives using photopolymerisation. The exploration and modification of the hydrogel components coupled with their influence on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour led to the development of novel monophasic and biphasic hydrogels. Biphasic pregels comprising of a hydrophobic monomer (epoxidised soybean oil acrylate, lauryl acrylate or stearyl acrylate) micellised with a non ionic surfactant Tween 60 allowed a homogeneous distribution throughout a predominantly hydrophilic phase (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, 4-acryloylmorpholine, glycerol and water). Further development of biphasic hydrogel technology led to the incorporation of preformed commercial O/W emulsions (Acronal, Flexbond 150, DM137 or Texicryl 13056WB) allowing the hydrophobic component to be added without prior stabilisation. The topical release of moisturising agents 2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, lactobionic acid and d-calcium pantothenate results in the deposition onto the skin by an initial burst mechanism. The hydration level of the stratum corneum was measured using a Comeometer CM 825, Skin Reader MY810 or FT-ATR. The use of hydrophilic actives in conjunction with lipophilic agents for example Vitamin E or Jojoba oil provided an occlusive barrier, which reduced the rate of transepidermal water loss. The partition coefficients of the release agents provided invaluable information which enabled the appropriate gel technology to be selected. In summary the synthetic studies led to the understanding and generation of transferable technology. This enabled the synthesis of novel vehicles allowing an array of actives with a range of solubilities to be incorporated.
In this poster we presented our preliminary work on the study of spammer detection and analysis with 50 active honeypot profiles implemented on Weibo.com and QQ.com microblogging networks. We picked out spammers from legitimate users by manually checking every captured user's microblogs content. We built a spammer dataset for each social network community using these spammer accounts and a legitimate user dataset as well. We analyzed several features of the two user classes and made a comparison on these features, which were found to be useful to distinguish spammers from legitimate users. The followings are several initial observations from our analysis on the features of spammers captured on Weibo.com and QQ.com. ¦The following/follower ratio of spammers is usually higher than legitimate users. They tend to follow a large amount of users in order to gain popularity but always have relatively few followers. ¦There exists a big gap between the average numbers of microblogs posted per day from these two classes. On Weibo.com, spammers post quite a lot microblogs every day, which is much more than legitimate users do; while on QQ.com spammers post far less microblogs than legitimate users. This is mainly due to the different strategies taken by spammers on these two platforms. ¦More spammers choose a cautious spam posting pattern. They mix spam microblogs with ordinary ones so that they can avoid the anti-spam mechanisms taken by the service providers. ¦Aggressive spammers are more likely to be detected so they tend to have a shorter life while cautious spammers can live much longer and have a deeper influence on the network. The latter kind of spammers may become the trend of social network spammer. © 2012 IEEE.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been actively researched through various approaches, including computational techniques. A review on basic elements of TCM is provided to illuminate various challenges and progresses in its study using computational methods. Information on various TCM formulations, in particular resources on databases of TCM formulations and their integration to Western medicine, are analyzed in several facets, such as TCM classifications, types of databases, and mining tools. Aspects of computational TCM diagnosis, namely inspection, auscultation, pulse analysis as well as TCM expert systems are reviewed in term of their benefits and drawbacks. Various approaches on exploring relationships among TCM components and finding genes/proteins relating to TCM symptom complex are also studied. This survey provides a summary on the advance of computational approaches for TCM and will be useful for future knowledge discovery in this area. © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract Structural ceramics were manufactured from industrial byproducts and lime by a compression moulding/vacuum dewatering technique. Treatment of these ceramics with supercritical carbon dioxide was found to both significantly increase their flexural strength and activate cementation in the industrial byproducts at least as efficiently as heat curing. Flexural strengths of up to 10 MPa were achieved. Strength improvements were associated with decreased porosity and conversion of calcium hydroxide to calcium carbonate. Life cycle assessment of proposed products made from such materials indicated that the total reduction in embodied carbon dioxide achieved, as a result of combining use of byproducts with recombination of carbon dioxide, was up to 70%. © 2010 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Long-term survival and growth depends on the firm’s ability to exploit its current competencies while exploring fundamentally new ones. Finding the balance between exploration and exploitation is called ambidexterity in the literature. This paper is a comprehensive review of organizational ambidexterity theory. Creating and maintaining the capacity to simultaneously pursue these contradictory activities is an extremely difficult managerial challenge. Although, several aspects are well-researched, especially structural and leadership solutions in large, multinational enterprises, but little is known about: (1) how ambidexterity forms in earlier growth stages? (2) What are the key drivers and elements of organizational context that makes organizations able to become ambidextrous? (3) What is the role of different managerial levels in this formation process? Reviewing the literature, in this article the author would like to introduce the paradox of exploration and exploitation, the tensions and different aspects of ambidexterity, the fields current stage and some important research gaps.