965 resultados para Excellence in Research for Australia


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Australian football and netball are the predominant sports played in rural Victoria, Australia. This exploratory study is the first to report the sport safety policies and practices adopted by junior Australian football and netball clubs in small rural communities. Eleven informants from four clubs completed a semi-structured interview and survey. Whilst the clubs performed a range of injury prevention activiities, they did not have formal sports safety policies. Generally, netball informants reported fewer safety practices than football informants. Crucial factors influencing safety policies and practices were the reliance on volunteers and a lack of senior players. Barriers towards the adoption of safety policies and practices appeared to be related to rural population declines, a lack of qualified people and attitudes to injury in rural areas. Future research needs to identify how widespread this lack of sport safety policies and practices is across rural Australia and to identify strategies to overcome barriers to implementing them.


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In recent years, predictive habitat distribution models, derived by combining multivariate statistical analyses with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, have been recognised for their utility in conservation planning. The size and spatial arrangement of suitable habitat can influence the long-term persistence of some faunal species. In southwestern Victoria, Australia, populations of the rare swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) are threatened by further fragmentation of suitable habitat. In the current study, a spatially explicit habitat suitability model was developed for A. minimus that incorporated a measure of vegetation structure. Models were generated using logistic regression with species presence or absence as the dependent variable and landscape variables, extracted from both GIS data layers and multi-spectral digital imagery, as the predictors. The most parsimonious model, based on the Akaike Information Criterion, was spatially extrapolated in the GIS. Probability of species presence was used as an index of habitat suitability. A negative association between A. minimus presence and both elevation and habitat complexity was evidenced, suggesting a preference for relatively low altitudes and a vegetation structure of low vertical complexity. The predictive performance of the selected model was shown to be high (91%), indicating a good fit of the model to the data. The proportion of the study area predicted as suitable habitat for A. minimus (Probability of occurrence greater-or-equal, slanted0.5) was 11.7%. Habitat suitability maps not only provide baseline information about the spatial arrangement of potentially suitable habitat for a species, but they also help to refine the search for other populations, making them an important conservation tool.


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The Australian market research industry relies on telephone interviewing as one of its major data collection methods. Through Its LIST initiative, the industry has committed to best practice In research methods in order to address various concerns, especially the decline in response rates for telephone interviews. Response rates are determined by the co-operation of eligible respondents and their degree of contactabllity. The reported study is concerned with the way the industry attempts to manage contactabiIity. A study of fieldwork managers responSible for over 75% of all phone interviews in Australia revealed a limited use of contact enhancing strategies such as longer fieldwork periods and more callbacks. Commercial imperatives for timely surveys and a lack of end-user concern for response rate issues, along with cost issues, were believed to be responsible.


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This paper explores whether Chinese relationship building, Guanxi, is effective in crosscultural sub-national relationships. Derived from research into Sino-Australian Sister City Type Relationships and using material gathered through interviews in China and Australia, a modified Institutional Guanxi conceptual model has been developed. Some propositions are developed to link the components of the Guanxi conceptual model. Different methodologies are explored to determine the most effective way to test the hypotheses in a cross-cultural environment, and future research is outlined.


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It is found that geographic diversity, respect for differing beliefs, encouraging feedback, active participation and interaction with the students, and techniques such as active listening, contribute an architecture and atmosphere to student learning, teacher effectiveness and program excellence in virtual education. One functioning teaching team in University of Maryland University College’s online MBA program provides the action research foundation underpinning the findings. A widely dispersed team of academics and assistants have documented the ways they enhance educational information for students in the program. Assessment activities, supplementary communications and biographical information contribute to student perception of the quality of management education in the program. Mechanisms for effectively tapping a global faculty team are discussed and are informative for administrators and academics alike.


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A variety of developments in nursing education in Australia including some innovative and exciting models, educational enterprises between education and industry, and evidence of developing strengths in research and professional alliances on a national level have been discussed recently. This paper presents Simulation to Practice as an example of an educational program that can maximise skill mastery for nurses in mental health fields as practised by Deakin University in Victoria, Australia. The program is multimodal and is under-pinned by a problem-solving approach and has an online presentation. The extension of nursing skills through this approach encourages nurses to take theoretical skills to practice during these scenarios which help student nurses to gain experience through simulated real life characters. These sessions, while challenging at the time, were highly valued by students and seen as a beneficial part of their learning as a beginning nurse and often instrumental in moving comprehensively trained students into mental health careers.


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Objective: To highlight the importance of sampling and data collection  processes in qualitative interview studies, and to discuss the contribution of  these processes to determining the strength of the evidence generated and  thereby to decisions for public health practice and policy.

This discussion is informed by a hierarchy-of-evidence-for-practice  model. The paper provides succinct guidelines for key sampling and data  collection considerations in qualitative research involving interview studies. The  importance of allowing time for immersion in a given community to become  familiar with the context and population is discussed, as well as the practical  constraints that sometimes operate against this stage. The role of theory in  guiding sample selection is discussed both in terms of identifying likely sources  of rich data and in understanding the issues emerging from the data. It is noted  that sampling further assists in confirming the developing evidence and also  illuminates data that does not seem to fit. The importance of reporting sampling  and data collection processes is highlighted clearly to enable others to assess  both the strength of the evidence and the broader applications of the findings.

Sampling and data collection processes are critical to determining  the quality of a study and the generalisability of the findings. We argue that  these processes should operate within the parameters of the research goal, be  guided by emerging theoretical considerations, cover a range of relevant   participant perspectives, and be clearly outlined in research reports with an  explanation of any research limitations.


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to identify experienced rural nurses' perceptions of key issues related to the provision of effective psychosocial care for people with cancer in rural settings.

Background. A cancer diagnosis has a major impact on psychological and emotional wellbeing, and psychosocial support provided by nurses is an integral part of ensuring that people with cancer have positive outcomes. Although, ideally, people with cancer should be managed in specialist settings, significant numbers are cared for in rural areas.

Methods. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, three focus groups were conducted in 2005 with 19 nurses in three hospitals in rural Victoria, Australia.

Participants indicated that a key issue in providing psychosocial care to patients with cancer in the rural setting was their own 'emotional toil'. This Global Theme encapsulated three Organizing Themes– task vs. care, dual relationships and supportive networks – reflective of the unique nature of the rural environment. Nurses in rural Australia are multi-skilled generalists and they provide care to patients with cancer without necessarily having specialist knowledge or skill. The fatigue and emotional exhaustion that the nurses described often has a major impact on their own well-being.

Conclusion. In the rural context, it is proposed that clinical supervision may be an important strategy to support clinicians who face emotional exhaustion as part of their cancer nursing role.


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Serious questions have been raised by arts educators and community members about the effectiveness of multiculturalism that is usually enacted in Australian school settings by multi-arts festivals and related classroom activities. By exploring resources available to teachers, snapshots can be created of school practices that purport to be multicultural. Often these are only thematically integrated interdisciplinary exercises that do not reflect the complexity and diversity of true multiculturalism. Australia has for some time positioned itself as part of the global community. How this has been enacted in schools' multi-arts practices demonstrates our changing understanding of multiculturalism. The recent Australian National Review of School Music Education (2005) exhorts us to recognise cultural diversity, encourage participation and engagement and form partnerships, connections and networks. To achieve this we need to demonstrate authentic practice. Tucker (1992) has created an authenticity checklist that argues that materials should be prepared with the involvement of someone within the culture and include cultural context. Without this, we risk stripping the arts of much of its meaning. The authors contend that it should be possible in 21st century Australia to create authentic, meaningful arts education practices in schools given the rich cultural mosaic that forms our contemporary society.


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Objective: To estimate variation between small areas in adult body mass index (BMI), and assess the importance of area level socioeconomic disadvantage in predicting BMI.

Methods: We identified all census collector districts (CCDs) in the 20 innermost Local Government Areas in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, and ranked them by the percentage of low income households (<$400/week). In all, 50 CCDs were randomly selected from the least, middle and most disadvantaged septiles of the ranked list and 4913 residents (61.4% participation rate) completed one of two surveys. Multilevel linear regression was used to estimate area level variance in BMI and the importance of area level socioeconomic disadvantage in predicting BMI.

Results: There were significant variations in BMI between CCDs for women, even after adjustment for individual and area SES (P=0.012); significant area variation was not found for men. Living in the most versus least disadvantaged areas was associated with an average difference in BMI of 1.08 kg/m2 (95% CI: 0.48–1.68 kg/m2) for women, and of 0.93 kg/m2 (95% CI: 0.32–1.55 kg/m2) for men. Living in the mid versus least disadvantaged areas were associated with an average difference in BMI of 0.67 kg/m2 (95% CI: 0.09–1.26 kg/m2) for women, and 0.43 kg/m2 for men (95% CI: -0.16–1.01).

These findings suggest that area disadvantage is an important predictor of adult BMI, and support the need to focus on improving local environments to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in overweight and obesity.


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Student assessment is a critical component of social work education. In the last ten years, the nature of assessment in social work education has changed considerably. Alongside innovations to more traditional forms of assessment such as essays and examinations, there has been increased emphasis on student participation in assessment in various forms of self- and peer-assessment. However, there is a dearth of published information on assessment strategies and methods employed in mainstream social work education programmes. The inception of the new qualifying courses across the UK has catalysed interest in the development of innovative assessment strategies and tools. In Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education (SIESWE) has commissioned research into innovative assessment strategies. This paper reports on the findings of a practice audit of current assessment practices in social work education in Scotland.


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The widespread land use changes that are expected to occur across the Corangamite region in southwest Victoria, Australia, have the potential to significantly alter the water balance of catchments. Adoption of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a long-term water balance model, as a tool for predicting land use change impacts on catchment water balance for the Corangamite region is currently being considered. This paper describes the initial application of SWAT to the Woady Yaloak River catchment, located within the Corangamite region, to carry out an evaluation of its abilities for simulating the long-term water balance dynamics of the catchment. The performance of the model for predicting runoff at annual and monthly time scales was found to be very good. The excessive recharge of the shallow aquifer that occurred during winter, despite the subsoil being relatively impermeable, ultimately contributed to overestimation of baseflow and underestimation of interflow. The actual evapotranspiration from hydrologic response units (HRU s) containing eucalyptus trees was significantly less than that from HRUs containing pasture, a problem attributed to the incorrect simulation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and biomass by the model for mature stands of eucalyptus trees and also to assigning inadequate values for two parameters that directly influence evapotranspiration. SWAT has very good potential for being used as tool to study land use change impacts across the Corangamite region provided that several modifications are made to the model to overcome some of the shortcomings and deficiencies that were identified in this initial application.


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The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is Australia's largest owl. Considering their large size they are a very cryptic species, with limited sexual dimorphism, silent fight and a highly camouflaged presence amongst secluded canopy vegetation. These features enable Powerful Owl presence to often go unnoticed and even for the trained eye, extremely difficult to study. Our research has focused on monitoring the behaviour of individual Powerful Owls in urban Melbourne, Australia.
The leg banding of Powerful Owls is a somewhat contentious issue in Australia and here we report on the suitability of different types of legs bands placed on the tarsus of juvenile Powerful Owls. There has been some debate over the band size that should be used and the consequent effects bands may pose for the owls as they mature. We also investigate the usefulness of bands as a technique to identify Powerful Owls once they have dispersed from the natal territory.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls was also undertaken during this study, primarily to determine individual behaviour from post fledging until dispersal. This is the first study in Australia to attempt radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls and the results from this research highlight behavioural characteristics, mortality rates post fledging and dispersal movements for the twelve months post fledging.
Overall we found that aluminium legs bands are a useful tool for individual identification of juvenile Powerful Owls post fledgling, however, their presence is somewhat difficult to determine on mature adults as the tarsus feathers tend to cover the band and make vision from the ground difficult. Aluminium leg bands are also useful as an identification tool for deceased birds. Leather leg bands are more suitable than aluminium bands when attaching radio-transmitters as these provide more flexibility and can be removed by the owl if they become irritating.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls provided invaluable information relating to juvenile behaviour and movements, showing that juveniles actually remain in territories adjacent to their natal territory for the twelve months post fledging. This information is vital for the successful conservation of this species, particularly in relation to habitat conservation and home-range modelling.


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Mass and length growth models were determined for male (n = 69) and female (n = 163) Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) collected at a breeding colony on Seal Rocks (38˚31′S, 145˚06′E), Bass Strait, in south-east Australia, between February and November during 1970–72. Growth was best described by the logistic model in males and the von Bertalanffy model in females. Asymptotic mass and length were 229 kg and 221 cm for males, and 85 kg and 163 cm for females. In all, 95% of asymptotic mass and length were attained by 11 years and 11 years, respectively, in males compared with 9 years and 5 years, respectively, in females. Males grew in length faster than females and experienced a growth spurt in mass coinciding with the onset of puberty (4–5 years). The onset of puberty in females occurs when approximately 86% of asymptotic length is attained. The rate of growth and sexual development in Australian fur seals is similar to (if not faster than) that in the conspecific Cape fur seal (A. p. pusillus), which inhabits the nutrient-rich Benguela current. This suggests that the low marine productivity of Bass Strait may not be cause of the slow rate of recovery of the Australian fur seal population following the severe over-exploitation of the commercial sealing era. Sternal blubber depth was positively correlated in adult animals with a body condition index derived from the residuals of the mass–length relationship (males: r2 = 0.38, n = 19, P < 0.001; females: r2 = 0.22, n = 92, P < 0.001), confirming the validity of using such indices on otariids. Sternal blubber depth varied significantly with season in adult animals. In males it was lowest in winter and increased during spring prior to the breeding season (r2 = 0.39, n = 19, P < 0.03) whereas in females it was greatest during winter (r2 = 0.05, n = 122, P< 0.05).