851 resultados para European social survey, fieldwork, response rate, sampling design


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Introduction: Use of paracetamol has been associated with an increased risk of asthma in several epidemiological studies. In contrast, it has been suggested that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) might be protective (Kanabar, Clin Ther 2007), but data relating to these drugs are scarce. Methods: Prevalence of asthma and intake of analgesics in the past 2 years were assessed by questionnaire in 2008 in young adults (≥;16 years) diagnosed with cancer between 1976 and 2003 (Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study). In a multivariate logistic regression we analysed the association between asthma and intake of paracetamol only, NSAIDs only or their combination, adjusting for age, sex, cancer diagnosis, cancer therapy and time since diagnosis. Results: Of the 1293 participants (response rate 68%), 83 (6%) reported asthma and 845 (65%) intake of analgesics in the past 2 years. Of these, 257 (29%) took paracetamol only, 224 (25%) NSAIDs only, 312 (35%) a combination of both and 52 (6%) other analgesics. Adjusted Odds ratios for asthma were 2.2 (95% CI 1.0-4.7; p = 0.04), 1.9 (0.9-4.3; p = 0.12) and 2.9 (1.4-6.1; p <0.01) in those using paracetamol only, NSAIDs only or their combination respectively. Conclusion: These cross-sectional data in a selected population do not support a protective effect of NSAIDs against asthma, neither taken alone nor in combination with paracetamol. All analgesics were positively associated with reported asthma episodes in the past two years. This can be explained by reverse causation, with intake of analgesics being a result rather than a cause of asthma events. Randomised controlled trials in unselected populations are needed to clarify the direction of causation.


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BACKGROUND: Dose intensive chemotherapy has not been tested prospectively for the treatment of gynecologic sarcomas. We investigated the antitumor activity and toxicity of high-dose ifosfamide and doxorubicin, in the context of a multidisciplinary strategy for the treatment of advanced and metastatic, not pretreated, gynecologic sarcomas. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients were enrolled onto a phase I-II multicenter trial of ifosfamide, 10 g/m2 as a continuous infusion over 5 days, plus doxorubicin intravenously, 25 mg/m2/day for 3 days with Mesna and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor every 21 days. Salvage therapy was allowed after chemotherapy. RESULTS: Among the 37 evaluable patients, the tumor was locally advanced (n = 11), with concomitant distant metastases (n = 5) or with distant metastases only (n = 21). After a median of three (range 1-7) chemotherapy cycles, six patients experienced a complete response and 12 a partial response for an overall response rate of 49% (95% CI 32% to 66%). The response rate was higher in poorly differentiated tumors (62%) compared with moderately well differentiated ones (18%), but was not different according to histology subtypes. Eleven patients had salvage therapy, either immediately following chemotherapy (n = 7) or at time of progression (n = 4). With a median follow-up time of 5 years, the median overall survival was 30.5 months. Hematological toxicity was as expected neutropenia, thrombopenia and anemia > or = grade 3 at 50%, 34% and 33% of cycles respectively. No toxic death occurred. CONCLUSIONS: High-dose ifosfamide plus doxorubicin is an active regimen for all subtypes of gynecological sarcomas. Its toxicity was manageable in a multicentric setting. The prolonged survival might be due to the multidisciplinary strategy that was possible in one-third of the patients.


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We study the two key social issues of immigration and housing in lightof each other and analyse which housing policies work best to distributediversity (racial, economic, cultural) equally across our cities and towns. Inparticular, we compare the impact of direct government expenditure andtax incentives on the housing conditions of immigrants in four Europeancountries: France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. The analysisshows that the different policies which have been adopted in these countrieshave not succeeded in preventing immigrants from being concentratedin certain neighbourhoods. The reason is that housing benefits andtax incentives are normally “spatially blind”. In our opinion, governmentsshould consider immigration indirectly in their housing policies and, forinstance, distribute social housing more evenly across different areas topromote sustainable levels of diversity.


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PURPOSE: Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) represents less than 1% of all malignant lymphomas. In this study, we assessed the disease profile, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients with Stages I and II PBL.¦PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen Rare Cancer Network (RCN) institutions enrolled 116 consecutive patients with PBL treated between 1987 and 2008 in this study. Eighty-seven patients underwent chemoradiotherapy (CXRT) without (78) or with (9) surgery, 15 radiotherapy (RT) without (13) or with (2) surgery, and 14 chemotherapy (CXT) without (9) or with (5) surgery. Median RT dose was 40 Gy (range, 4-60). The median number of CXT cycles was six (range, 2-8). Median follow-up was 41 months (range, 6-242).¦RESULTS: The overall response rate at the end of treatment was 91% (complete response [CR] 74%, partial response [PR] 17%). Local recurrence or progression was observed in 12 (10%) patients and systemic recurrence in 17 (15%). The 5-year overall survival (OS), lymphoma-specific survival (LSS), and local control (LC) were 76%, 78%, and 92%, respectively. In univariate analyses (log-rank test), favorable prognostic factors for OS and LSS were International Prognostic Index (IPI) score ≤1 (p = 0.009), high-grade histology (p = 0.04), CXRT (p = 0.05), CXT (p = 0.0004), CR (p < 0.0001), and RT dose >40 Gy (p = 0.005). For LC, only CR and Stage I were favorable factors. In multivariate analysis, IPI score, RT dose, CR, and CXT were independently influencing the outcome (OS and LSS). CR was the only predicting factor for LC.¦CONCLUSION: This large multicenter retrospective study confirms the good prognosis of early-stage PBL treated with combined CXRT. An adequate dose of RT and complete CXT regime were associated with better outcome.


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Résumé La diminution de la biodiversité, à toutes les échelles spatiales et sur l'ensemble de la planète, compte parmi les problèmes les plus préoccupants de notre époque. En terme de conservation, il est aujourd'hui primordial de mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui créent et maintiennent la biodiversité dans les écosystèmes naturels ou anthropiques. La présente étude a pour principal objectif d'améliorer notre compréhension des patrons de biodiversité végétale et des mécanismes sous jacents, dans un écosystème complexe, riche en espèces et à forte valeur patrimoniale, les pâturages boisés jurassiens. Structure et échelle spatiales sont progressivement reconnues comme des dimensions incontournables dans l'étude des patrons de biodiversité. De plus, ces deux éléments jouent un rôle central dans plusieurs théories écologiques. Toutefois, peu d'hypothèses issues de simulations ou d'études théoriques concernant le lien entre structure spatiale du paysage et biodiversité ont été testées de façon empirique. De même, l'influence des différentes composantes de l'échelle spatiale sur les patrons de biodiversité est méconnue. Cette étude vise donc à tester quelques-unes de ces hypothèses et à explorer les patrons spatiaux de biodiversité dans un contexte multi-échelle, pour différentes mesures de biodiversité (richesse et composition en espèces) à l'aide de données de terrain. Ces données ont été collectées selon un plan d'échantillonnage hiérarchique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé l'hypothèse élémentaire selon laquelle la richesse spécifique (le nombre d'espèces sur une surface donnée) est liée à l'hétérogénéité environnementale quelque soit l'échelle. Nous avons décomposé l'hétérogénéité environnementale en deux parties, la variabilité des conditions environnementales et sa configuration spatiale. Nous avons montré que, en général, la richesse spécifique augmentait avec l'hétérogénéité de l'environnement : elle augmentait avec le nombre de types d'habitats et diminuait avec l'agrégation spatiale de ces habitats. Ces effets ont été observés à toutes les échelles mais leur nature variait en fonction de l'échelle, suggérant une modification des mécanismes. Dans un deuxième temps, la structure spatiale de la composition en espèces a été décomposée en relation avec 20 variables environnementales et 11 traits d'espèces. Nous avons utilisé la technique de partition de la variation et un descripteur spatial, récemment développé, donnant accès à une large gamme d'échelles spatiales. Nos résultats ont montré que la structure spatiale de la composition en espèces végétales était principalement liée à la topographie, aux échelles les plus grossières, et à la disponibilité en lumière, aux échelles les plus fines. La fraction non-environnementale de la variation spatiale de la composition spécifique avait une relation complexe avec plusieurs traits d'espèces suggérant un lien avec des processus biologiques tels que la dispersion, dépendant de l'échelle spatiale. Dans un dernier temps, nous avons testé, à plusieurs échelles spatiales, les relations entre trois composantes de la biodiversité : la richesse spécifique totale d'un échantillon (diversité gamma), la richesse spécifique moyenne (diversité alpha), mesurée sur des sous-échantillons, et les différences de composition spécifique entre les sous-échantillons (diversité beta). Les relations deux à deux entre les diversités alpha, beta et gamma ne suivaient pas les relations attendues, tout du moins à certaines échelles spatiales. Plusieurs de ces relations étaient fortement dépendantes de l'échelle. Nos résultats ont mis en évidence l'importance du rapport d'échelle (rapport entre la taille de l'échantillon et du sous-échantillon) lors de l'étude des patrons spatiaux de biodiversité. Ainsi, cette étude offre un nouvel aperçu des patrons spatiaux de biodiversité végétale et des mécanismes potentiels permettant la coexistence des espèces. Nos résultats suggèrent que les patrons de biodiversité ne peuvent être expliqués par une seule théorie, mais plutôt par une combinaison de théories. Ils ont également mis en évidence le rôle essentiel joué par la structure spatiale dans la détermination de la biodiversité, quelque soit le composant de la biodiversité considéré. Enfin, cette étude souligne l'importance de prendre en compte plusieurs échelles spatiales et différents constituants de l'échelle spatiale pour toute étude relative à la diversité spécifique. Abstract The world-wide loss of biodiversity at all scales has become a matter of urgent concern, and improving our understanding of local drivers of biodiversity in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems is now crucial for conservation. The main objective of this study was to further our comprehension of the driving forces controlling biodiversity patterns in a complex and diverse ecosystem of high conservation value, wooded pastures. Spatial pattern and scale are central to several ecological theories, and it is increasingly recognized that they must be taken -into consideration when studying biodiversity patterns. However, few hypotheses developed from simulations or theoretical studies have been tested using field data, and the evolution of biodiversity patterns with different scale components remains largely unknown. We test several such hypotheses and explore spatial patterns of biodiversity in a multi-scale context and using different measures of biodiversity (species richness and composition), with field data. Data were collected using a hierarchical sampling design. We first tested the simple hypothesis that species richness, the number of species in a given area, is related to environmental heterogeneity at all scales. We decomposed environmental heterogeneity into two parts: the variability of environmental conditions and its spatial configuration. We showed that species richness generally increased with environmental heterogeneity: species richness increased with increasing number of habitat types and with decreasing spatial aggregation of those habitats. Effects occurred at all scales but the nature of the effect changed with scale, suggesting a change in underlying mechanisms. We then decomposed the spatial structure of species composition in relation to environmental variables and species traits using variation partitioning and a recently developed spatial descriptor, allowing us to capture a wide range of spatial scales. We showed that the spatial structure of plant species composition was related to topography at the coarsest scales and insolation at finer scales. The non-environmental fraction of the spatial variation in species composition had a complex relationship with several species traits, suggesting a scale-dependent link to biological processes, particularly dispersal. Finally, we tested, at different spatial scales, the relationships between different components of biodiversity: total sample species richness (gamma diversity), mean species .richness (alpha diversity), measured in nested subsamples, and differences in species composition between subsamples (beta diversity). The pairwise relationships between alpha, beta and gamma diversity did not follow the expected patterns, at least at certain scales. Our result indicated a strong scale-dependency of several relationships, and highlighted the importance of the scale ratio when studying biodiversity patterns. Thus, our results bring new insights on the spatial patterns of biodiversity and the possible mechanisms allowing species coexistence. They suggest that biodiversity patterns cannot be explained by any single theory proposed in the literature, but a combination of theories is sufficient. Spatial structure plays a crucial role for all components of biodiversity. Results emphasize the importance of considering multiple spatial scales and multiple scale components when studying species diversity.


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Background a nd A ims: There is a n ongoing d ebate which i sthe most appropriate w ay t o measure inflammatory boweldisease (IBD) activity (be it b y clinical i ndices, e ndoscopy, orbiomarkers). Accumulating evidence associates m ucosalhealing with a reduction in I BD-related s urgery andhospitalizations. We a imed to i nvestigate which outcomeparameters are used in daily practice for IBD monitoring.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent in J uly 2010 t o all boardcertified gastroenterologists in S witzerland to evaluate t heassessment strategy of IBD activity, t he items on whichtherapeutic decisions w ere based upon, and the kind ofbiomarkers used for monitoring IBD activity.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 5 0±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. S eventy-eight percent usedclinical activity i ndices as g old standard for IBD activityassessment, followed by 15% choosing endoscopic activity, and7% favouring biomarkers. Gastroenterologists based theirtherapeutic decisions in 70% on clinical activity indices, 24% onendoscopic activity, a nd 6% o n biomarkers. Most frequentlyused biomarkers were C-reactive protein (94%), complete bloodcount (78%) and fecal calprotectin (74%).Conclusions: I n daily p ractice, most IBD patients a remonitored based u pon t heir clinical a ctivity. B iomarkers a reperceived as l ess important compared to clinical andendoscopic activity. S imilar to activity a ssessment, alsotherapeutic decisions a re mostly made on the basis of clinicalactivity indices. The upcoming scientific evidence on the impactof mucosal h ealing does n ot yet seem to influence the dailypractice of gastroenterologists.


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Les larves aquatiques d'éphémères (Ephemeroptera) colonisent toutes les eaux douces du monde et sont couramment utilisées comme bio-indicateurs de la qualité de l'eau. Le genre Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) est le deuxième plus diversifié chez les éphémères, et plusieurs espèces européennes ont une distribution restreinte dans des environnements alpins sensibles. Les espèces de Rhithrogena ont été classées en "groupes d'espèces" faciles à identifier. Cependant, malgré leur importance écologique et en terme de conservation, beaucoup d'espèces présentent des différences morphologiques ambiguës, suggérant que lataxonomie actuelle ne refléterait pas correctement leur diversité évolutive. De plus, aucune information sur leurs relations, leur origine, le taux de spéciation ou les mécanismes ayant provoqué leur remarquable diversification dans les Alpes n'est disponible. Nous avons d'abord examiné le statut spécifique d'environ 50% des espèces européennes de Rhithrogena en utilisant un large échantillonnage de populations alpines incluant 22 localités typiques, ainsi qu'une analyse basée sur le modèle général mixte de Yule et de coalescence (GMYC) appliqué à un gène mitochondrial standard (coxl) et à un gène nucléaire développé spécifiquement pour cette étude. Nous avons observé un regroupement significatif des séquences coxl en 31 espèces potentielles, et nos résultats ont fortement suggéré la présence d'espèces cryptiques et de fractionnements taxonomiques excessifs chez les Rhithrogena. Nos analyses phylogénétiques ont démontré la monophylie de quatre des six groupes d'espèces reconnus présents dans notre échantillonnage. La taxonomie ADN développée dans cette étude pose les bases d'une future révision de ce genre important mais cryptique en Europe. Puis nous avons mené une étude phylogénétique multi-gènes entre les espèces européennes de Rhithrogena. Les données provenant de trois gènes nucléaires et de deux gènes mitochondriaux ont été largement concordantes, et les relations entre les espèces bien résolues au sein de la plupart des groupes d'espèces dans une analyse combinant tous les gènes. En l'absence de points de calibration extérieurs tels que des fossiles, nous avons appliqué à nos données mitochondriales une horloge moléculaire standard pour les insectes, suggérant une origine des Rhithrogena alpins à la limite Oligocène / Miocène. Nos résultats ont montré le rôle prépondérant qu'ont joué les glaciations du quaternaire dans leur diversification, favorisant la spéciation d'au moins la moitié des espèces actuelle dans les Alpes. La biodiversité et le taux d'endémisme à Madagascar, notamment au niveau de la faune des eaux douces, sont parmi les plus extraordinaires et les plus menacés au monde. On pense que beaucoup d'espèces d'éphémères sont restreintes à un seul bassin versant (microendémisme) dans les zones forestières, ce qui les rendrait particulièrement sensibles à la réduction et à la dégradation de leur habitat. Mis à part deux espèces décrites, Afronurus matitensis et Compsoneuria josettae, les Heptageniidae sont pratiquement inconnus à Madagascar. Les deux genres ont une distribution discontinue en Afrique, à Madagascar et en Asie du Sud-Est, et leur taxonomie complexe est régulièrement révisée. L'approche standard pour comprendre leur diversité, leur endémisme et leur origine requerrait un échantillonnage étendu sur plusieurs continents et des années de travaux taxonomiques. Pour accélérer le processus, nous avons utilisé des collections de musées ainsi que des individus fraîchement collectés, et appliqué une approche combinant taxonomie ADN et phylogénie. L'analyses GMYC du gène coxl a délimité 14 espèces potentielles à Madagascar, dont 70% vraisemblablement microendémiques. Une analyse phylogénique incluant des espèces africaines et asiatiques portant sur deux gènes mitochondriaux et quatre gènes nucléaires a montré que les Heptageniidae malgaches sont monophylétiques et groupe frère des Compsoneuria africains. L'existence de cette lignée unique, ainsi qu'un taux élevé de microendémisme, mettent en évidence leur importance en terme de conservation. Nos résultats soulignent également le rôle important que peuvent jouer les collections de musées dans les études moléculaires et en conservation. - Aquatic nymphs of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) colonize all types of freshwaters throughout the world and are extensively used as bio-indicators of water quality. Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) is the second most species-rich genus of mayflies, and several European species have restricted distributions in sensitive Alpine environments and therefore are of conservation interest. The European Rhithrogena species are arranged into "species groups" that are easily identifiable. However, despite their ecological and conservation importance, ambiguous morphological differences among many species suggest that the current taxonomy may not accurately reflect their evolutionary diversity. Moreover, no information about their relationships, origin, timing of speciation and mechanisms promoting their successful diversification in the Alps is available. We first examined the species status of ca. 50% of European Rhithrogena diversity using a widespread sampling scheme of Alpine species that included 22 type localities, general mixed Yule- coalescent (GMYC) model analysis of one standard mitochondrial (coxl) and one newly developed nuclear marker. We observed significant clustering of coxl into 31 GMYC species, and our results strongly suggest the presence of both cryptic diversity and taxonomic oversplitting in Rhithrogena. Phylogenetic analyses recovered four of the six recognized species groups in our samples as monophyletic. The DNA taxonomy developed here lays the groundwork for a future revision of this important but cryptic genus in Europe. Then we conducted a species-level, multiple-gene phylogenetic study of European Rhithrogena. Data from three nuclear and two mitochondrial loci were broadly congruent, and species-level relationships were well resolved within most species groups in a combined analysis. In the absence of external calibration points like fossils, we applied a standard insect molecular clock hypothesis to our mitochondrial data, suggesting an origin of Alpine Rhithrogena in the Oligocene / Miocene boundary. Our results highlighted the preponderant role that quaternary glaciations played in their diversification, promoting speciation of at least half of the current diversity in the Alps. Madagascar's biodiversity and endemism are among the most extraordinary and endangered in the world. This includes the island's freshwater biodiversity, although detailed knowledge of the diversity, endemism, and biogeographic origin of freshwater invertebrates is lacking. Many mayfly species are thought to be restricted to single river basins (microendemic species) in forested areas, making them particularly sensitive to habitat reduction and degradation. The Heptageniidae are practically unknown in Madagascar except for two described species, Afronurus matitensis and Compsoneuria josettae. Both genera have a disjunct distribution in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia, and a complex taxonomic status still in flux. The standard approach to understanding their diversity, endemism, and origin would require extensive field sampling on several continents and years of taxonomic work. Here we circumvent this using museum collections and freshly collected individuals in a combined approach of DNA taxonomy and phylogeny. The cox/-based GMYC analysis revealed 14 putative species on Madagascar, 70% of which potentially microendemics. A phylogenetic analysis that included African and Asian species and data from two mitochondrial and four nuclear loci indicated the Malagasy Heptageniidae are monophyletic and sister to African Compsoneuria. The observed monophyly and high microendemism highlight their conservation importance. Our results also underline the important role that museum collections can play in molecular studies, especially in critically endangered biodiversity hotspots like Madagascar.


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A recent phase 1 trial has demonstrated that the generation of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes by transfer of specific T-cell receptor (TCR) genes into autologous lymphocytes is feasible. However, compared with results obtained by infusion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, the response rate observed in this first TCR gene therapy trial is low. One strategy that is likely to enhance the success rate of TCR gene therapy is the use of tumor-reactive TCRs with a higher capacity for tumor cell recognition. We therefore sought to develop standardized procedures for the selection of well-expressed, high-affinity, and safe human TCRs. Here we show that TCR surface expression can be improved by modification of TCR alpha and beta sequences and that such improvement has a marked effect on the in vivo function of TCR gene-modified T cells. From a panel of human, melanoma-reactive TCRs we subsequently selected the TCR with the highest affinity. Furthermore, a generally applicable assay was used to assess the lack of alloreactivity of this TCR against a large series of common human leukocyte antigen alleles. The procedures described in this study should be of general value for the selection of well- and stably expressed, high-affinity, and safe human TCRs for subsequent clinical testing.


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Recombinant human TNF (rhTNF) has a selective effect on endothelial cells in tumour angiogenic vessels. Its clinical use has been limited because of its property to induce vascular collapsus. TNF administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs was shown to be safe and efficient. When combined to the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. ILP with TNF and melphalan provided the proof of concept that a vasculotoxic strategy combined to chemotherapy may produce a strong anti-tumour effect. The registered indication of TNF-based ILP is a regional therapy for regionally spread tumours. In soft tissue sarcomas, it is a limb sparing neoadjuvant treatment and, in melanoma in-transit metastases, a curative treatment. Despite its demonstrated regional efficiency TNF-based ILP is unlikely to have any impact on survival. High TNF dosages induce endothelial cells apoptosis, leading to vascular destruction. However, lower TNF dosage produces a very strong effect that is to increase the drug penetration into the tumour, presumably by decreasing the intratumoural hypertension resulting in better tumour uptake. TNF-ILP allowed the identification of the role of alphaVbeta3 integrin deactivation as an important mechanism of antiangiogenesis. Several recent studies have shown that TNF targeting is possible, paving the way to a new opportunity to administer TNF systemically for improving cancer drug penetration. TNF was the first agent registered for the treatment of cancer that improves drug penetration in tumours and selectively destroys angiogenic vessels.


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Using Swiss data from the 2003 International Social Survey Programme (N = 902), this multilevel study combined individual and municipality levels of analysis in the explanation of nationalism, patriotism and exclusionary immigration attitudes. On the individual level, the results show that in line with previous research nationalism (uncritical and blind attachment to the nation) increased exclusionary immigration attitudes, while patriotism (pride in national democratic institutions) was related to greater tolerance towards immigration. On the municipality level, urbanization, socioeconomic status and immigrant proportion (and their interaction effects) were found to affect nationalism, patriotism and immigration attitudes. Nationalist and patriotic forms of national attachment were stronger in German-speaking municipalities than in the French-speaking municipalities. Path analyses further revealed that living in a Swiss-German municipality indirectly led to more negative immigration attitudes through an increase in nationalism. The research is discussed in light of social psychological and political science literature on political attitudes.


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Background: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a rare subtype (3-9%) of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) with a relatively poor prognosis (5-year survival < 40%). Although consolidation of first remission with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is regarded as "golden standard", less than half of the patients may be subjected to this intensive treatment due to advanced age and co-morbidities. Standard-dose non-myeloablative radioimmunotherapy (RIT) seems to be a very efficient approach for treatment of certain NHL. However, there are almost no data available on the efficacy and safety of RIT in MCL. Methods and Patients: In the RIT-Network, a web-based international registry collecting real observational data from RIT-treated patients, 115 MCL patients treated with ibritumomab tiuxetan were recorded. Most of the patients were elderly males with advanced stage of the disease: median age - 63 (range 31-78); males - 70.4%, stage III/IV - 92%. RIT (i.e. application of ibritumomab tiuxetan) was a part of the first line therapy in 48 pts. (43%). Further 38 pts. (33%) received ibritumomab tiuxetan after two previous chemotherapy regimens, and 33 pts. (24%) after completing 3-8 lines. In 75 cases RIT was applied as a consolidation of chemotherapy induced response; the rest of the patients received ibritumomab tiuxetan because of relapse/refractory disease. At the moment follow up data are available for 74 MCL patients. Results: After RIT the patients achieved high response rate: CR 60.8%, PR 25.7%, and SD 2.7%. Only 10.8% of the patients progressed. For survival analysis many data had to be censored since the documentation had not been completed yet. The projected 3-year overall survival (OAS, fig.1 - image 001.gif) after radioimmunotherapy was 72% for pts. subjected to RIT consolidation versus 29% for those treated in relapse/refractory disease (p=0.03). RIT was feasible for almost all patients; only 3 procedure-related deaths were reported in the whole group. The main adverse event was hematological toxicity (grade III/IV cytopenias) showing a median time of recovery of Hb, WBC and Plt of 45, 40 and 38 days respectively. Conclusion: Standard-dose non-myeloablative RIT is a feasible and safe treatment modality, even for elderly MCL pts. Consolidation radioimmunotherapy with ibritumomab tiuxetan may prolong survival of patients who achieved clinical response after chemotherapy. Therefore, this consolidation approach should be considered as a treatment strategy for those, who are not eligible for ASCT. RIT also has a potential role as a palliation therapy in relapsing/resistant cases.