929 resultados para Ethical political project professional


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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This study is the result of a bibliographical research on the performance of the Third Sector in the current society. From references the study tried to locate the sprouting of the Third Sector in the international scene, whit the bankruptcy of welfare state, until its insertion in the Brazilian scene. Following this historical context, the paper of Communitarian Communication, Social Marketing and Communitarian Public Relations is discussed the importance of the communication of this Sector. Moreover, it has the effort of making one brief conceptualization and definition of the present terms. Working whit the concepts of Communitarian Communication and Communitarian Public Relations the study tried to focus the importance of creating a bond whit the development of a new educational model. Finally, the relation and the paper of the Communication in the construction of a new conception of citizenship was discussed. The hypothesis that crossed this study with respect to the potentialities of the Third Sector are considered an answer to the current social economic and political questions. Confiding, thus, a dynamic and stimulating field for the professional of Public Relations that, opposing what some studies had tries to show, are not necessarily the service of the market or private interests, but can collaborate whit its expertise to help to rescues the ethical values capable to change the life into a more solidary society


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The Psychology of Morality is an area that has to be strengthened in the academic environment for social, political and scientific. The research of Jean Piaget (1932) on the development of moral judgments are the main sources for this area of knowledge, followed by studies of Lawrence Kohlberg (1981), Jose Maria Puig (1998) and others. This project intends to investigate and analyze the conception of the ethical training of graduate students of Pedagogy, Unesp, Campus Bauru, in order to see how these conceive their ethical, what importance they give to the subject and how to relate such training to the work that will develop with their students. Some research has shown a total lack of respect for the theories and concepts related to the issue by presenting a framework of moral indifference since graduation, space in which there is discussion about major educational theories. Through the proposed research is to analyze whether such a deficiency exists and educate future educators of the fundamental importance of its role in moral education and ethics of their students


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Respect for differences is one of the most important subjects in debate in the Brazilian and World society today. It’s consensus that diversity education is very important to make humanity fairer and more equal. In this context, it’s necessary to separate real pedagogic actions from political demagogy. So, our objective in this paper is to enrich this discussion with the results of our project “Perspectives of teachers about the inclusion of special students in Programa UNESP de Educação de Jovens e Adultos”. These results will demonstrate a good example of inclusive education and will prove the inadequacy of training in special education offered to Brazilian university students. In our opinion, it’s impossible to believe in diversity education without appropriate training in inclusive education because this work requires accommodation of social, political, physical, religious, cognitive and cultural differences and this demands a skilled professional in all teaching methods.


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The Brazilian Journalism graduation was created in 1947, when Casper Líbero Foundation has teamed up with Philosophy's Faculty of the São Paulo's Catholic University and built the first Communication course in the country. Since then, the journalism curriculum has undergone several renovations, which influenced the profession in the country: five Currículos mínimos were created in 20 years, with the purpose of regulate journalism in the country, according to differents interests. These Curriculum left marks in Journalism that we feel today, like the perception that Journalism is a Communication's license, forcing students to be a versatile professional. Moreover, Journalism has serious teaching deficit, which separates theory from practice (functionalist perception). For the reasons above, experts in Communication, with the purpose of change the negative influence of these Currículos Mínimos, released a report in 2009, approved in 2013, with the Journalism's National Guidelines for the Journalism's graduation. The document intend to guide the discussion of the reformulation for the Journalism's curriculum in Brazil. Specifically, this paper seeks to contribute to the discussion of curriculum, of Political Pedagogic Project and national guidelines in the São Paulo State University - Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP. In this regard, the paper's applicant makes a study of the guidelines contained in the previous and current curriculum proposals, dissects the Journalism's National Curriculum Guidelines and offers help to speed up the discussion of the new Political Pedagogic Project for the journalism course


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Supporting children's curiosity was considered important at my family child care home. How could we best achieve this? As my assistant caregiver Deb and 1 attended professional development workshops, we began to wonder if the project approach (Helm & Katz 2001) would be an effective means of supporting inquiry and collaborative learning. Before we would commit ourselves, we wanted to learn more. We had many questions. Just what is the project approach? What does it look like? How will it support children's learning? What do we need to be successful with it? The literature suggested many examples of successful projects at child care centers and preschools (Breig-Allen et al. 1998; Harkem: 1999; Beneke 2000; Glassman & Whaley 2000). Our challenge was how to adapt the project approach to our home child care situations.


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Urban populations that live in the outskirts of major Latin American cities usually face conditions of vulnerability attached to complex environmental issues, such as the lack of sewerage, floods, pollution and soil and water contamination. This article reports an intervention research programme in Sao Paulo, Brazil that combines a moral education approach with sustainability awareness in vulnerable communities. The main conceptual foundations of the project, designed to empower the community and promote ethical and environmental awareness are: strengthening the ties between the school and the surrounding community in order to construct 'moral atmosphere'; adoption of Problem- and Project-based Learning and the Design Thinking approach to reach the proposed goals.


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Examina-se a relação entre políticas públicas e práticas dos profissionais, relativamente às necessidades de saúde. Em abordagem teórico-conceitual, as práticas são definidas como desempenhos permeados por determinantes técnico-cien­tíficos e sócio-históricos para a produção social de um trabalho, analisando-se suas possibilidades de mudanças culturais, éticas e políticas, para um agir crítico das desigualdades de gênero. Tomando-se a atenção integral à saúde dos homens, examina-se a relevância da distinção entre necessidades masculinas e femininas, enquanto realidades parciais não necessariamente convergentes na (re)produção daquelas desigualdades. Igualmente se examinam as práticas profissionais, como realidade parcial e distinta das políticas, estabelecendo relações não imediatas. Desenvolve-se que são obstáculos simbólicos e práticos para mudanças: a normalização biomédica redutora das necessidades, a cultura do trabalho autônomo e da abordagem individualizante das necessidades, a cultura tradicional de gênero conservando práticas desiguais para homens e mulheres e a ausência de inscrição dos direitos como parte do agir profissio­nal. Isto exige propostas específicas às práticas de saúde e às necessidades masculinas para maior convergência com as reformas das políticas.


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This article describes the creation process of the first direct-entry Midwifery Course in Brazil, at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It presents the course's political-educational project and the theoretical references that support it; the movements or resistances that are opposed to the training and registration of midwives; the challenges that need to be overcome. Finally, the paper presents the foreseen perspectives of contribution of these professionals towards the improvement of healthcare quality, the decrease in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality rates, as well as of unnecessary cesarean sections in the country.


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(The ethical dimension f analyst's interventions facing institutional demands of CAPS) Considering the complexities involved in setting up clinical work in the psychosocial field, analyst must question their own contributions toward improvements in this area. This issue is presented here as a considerable challenge, due to the limitations of psychoanalytic practice and, especially, the differences between conventional clinical practice and that carried out in institutional and political settings. From this perspective, we call attention to the notion of ethics as a differentiating and guiding concept for psychoanalytic practice in its contribution toward the treatment provided at CAPS.