1000 resultados para Ernesto Quesada
Immunocytochemistry of the mucilage cells of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae)
The use of monoclonal antibodies for specific pectic epitopes is an important tool in the study of the cell wall. Throughout the development of mucilage cells of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, a gradient of distribution was observed in relation to the pectic de-esterification, as well as to the increase of galactan and arabinan epitope distribution, and to the reduction of arabinogalactans proteins (AGPs) epitope at maturity. AGP and methyl-esterified homogalacturonan (HGA) were present in the mucilage. Galactans and arabinans were also observed in the mucilage, though with weak labelling. Degradation of AGP in the maturity of mucilage cells, in cell wall, as well as in the secretion, could be involved in the programmed cell death (PCD). Different labellings found among parenchyma and mucilage cells suggested differences in the cell wall properties of the mucilage cells.
A viabilidade polínica do mamoeiro cultivar 'Sunrise Solo' (Carica papaya L.) foi estudada utilizando germinação in vitro e testes colorimétricos, assim como a validade dos testes colorimétricos como estimativa de viabilidade comparada àquela do teste germinativo. Os dois meios de cultura, descritos na literatura como meios eficientes para germinação da espécie, diferem basicamente pela presença de nutrientes essenciais e concentração de ágar. O meio de cultura sem elementos essenciais e com maior concentração de ágar forneceu o melhor índice de germinação polínica (65%). Os cinco corantes testados foram: 2,3,5-cloreto de trifeniltetrazólio (TTC), Alexander, carmim acético, lugol e Sudan IV. O teste de coloração com TTC forneceu estimativa de viabilidade (67,5%) equivalente ao teste de germinação in vitro e, portanto, confiável de viabilidade polínica. Os demais corantes testados superestimaram a viabilidade polínica (> 90%), porém são eficientes na determinação de constituintes celulares e da integridade do grão de pólen.
No presente artigo, o autor se propõe a estudar em grandes traços a lógica de construção das identidades coletivas que se desenvolvem dentro dos grupos evangélicos neo- pentecostais. Para isso analisa a síntese entre religião, psicanálise e auto-ajuda que expressa o discurso de "sanidade interior", desenvolvido no marco de uma igreja evangélica, localizada em um setor de altos ingressos na Cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A teoria da hegemonia de Ernesto Laclau lhe permite analisar o lugar que os significantes flutuantes ocupam no trabalho religioso de construir uma identidade ampla que se nutre de diferentes universos simbólicos no momento de interpelar os sujeitos a partir da teologia da sanidade.
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a superfamily of enzymes involved in the metabolism of endogenous compounds and xenobiotics. CYP2A6 catalyzes the oxidation of nicotine and the activation of carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1 and nitrosamines. CYP2E1 metabolizes ethanol and other low-molecular weight compounds and can also activate nitrosamines. The CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 genes are polymorphic, altering their catalytic activities and susceptibility to cancer and other diseases. A number of polymorphisms described are ethnic-dependent. In the present study, we determined the genotype and allele frequencies of the main CYP2A6 and CYP2E1 polymorphisms in a group of 289 volunteers recruited at the Central Laboratory of Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. They had been residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro for at least 6 months and were divided into two groups according to skin color (white and non-white). The alleles were determined by allele specific PCR (CYP2A6) or by PCR-RFLP (CYP2E1). The frequencies of the CYP2A6*1B and CYP2A6*2 alleles were 0.29 and 0.02 for white individuals and 0.24 and 0.01 for non-white individuals, respectively. The CYP2A6*5 allele was not found in the population studied. Regarding the CYP2E1*5B allele, we found a frequency of 0.07 in white individuals, which was statistically different (P < 0.05) from that present in non-white individuals (0.03). CYP2E1*6 allele frequency was the same (0.08) in both groups. The frequencies of CYP2A6*1B, CYP2A6*2 and CYP2E1*6 alleles in Brazilians are similar to those found in Caucasians and African-Americans, but the frequency of the CYP2E1*5B allele is higher in Brazilians.
The 24-h heart rate variability and QT-interval adaptation was investigated in perinatally HIV-infected preschool children classified according to immunological status in order to assess autonomic function at early stages of infection. Thirty-five perinatally HIV-infected and clinically stable children (4.8 ± 0.3 years) were enrolled after approval of the study by the University Hospital Pedro Ernesto Ethics Committee and written informed parental consent was obtained. The children were classified according to peripheral CD4+ count (cells/µL) as follows: group 1, N = 11 (≥1000); group 2, N = 7 (≥500 and <1000); group 3, N = 17 (<500). Left ventricular ejection fraction (>55%), 24-h RR interval variability (RRV) indexes (NN, SDANN, SDNN index, r-MSSD) and 24-h QT and Bazett-corrected QT (QTc) were determined, and groups were matched for age, body surface area, and left ventricular ejection fraction, reducing biases in RRV. The peak differences (∆) between the highest and lowest RRV and QT indexes were extracted from nocturnal (1 am-6 am) and daytime (1 pm-6 pm) hourly assessed segments, respectively. Pearsons correlation (r) and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA were used to compare groups. CD4+ count correlated positively with ∆NN (r = 0.45; P = 0.003). There were no significant differences in daytime NN among groups. Nighttime SDNN index (P = 0.01), nighttime r-MSSD (P = 0.003), ∆NN (P = 0.01), ∆SDNN index (P = 0.03) and ∆r-MSSD (P = 0.004) were significantly lower in group 3 than in the other groups. Expected nighttime QTc-interval lengthening was not observed in all groups. In perinatally HIV-infected preschool children with preserved left ventricular systolic function, parasympathetic-mediated autonomic dysfunction parallels immune status, impairing both RRV and circadian QTc interval adaptation.
A cultura do milho é de grande importância na agricultura brasileira, com ampla distribuição do norte ao sul do país. O milho pode ser uma fonte significativa de fibra, dependendo da forma como é utilizado na alimentação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de fibra alimentar insolúvel (FAI), solúvel (FAS) e total (FAT) de produtos derivados do milho. Determinou-se também os teores de umidade, resíduo mineral fixo, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta das amostras analisadas. Trabalhou-se com amostras de canjica, pipoca, farinha fina, farinha média e farinha pré-cozida. O método utilizado na determinação de fibra foi o de Prosky et al. Entre os produtos analisados observou-se que a pipoca apresentou o maior teor de FAT (média de 12,15% ) e a canjica o menor (média de 2,39 %). Em relação às farinhas, a fina e a média apresentaram teores de fibra semelhantes, enquanto as amostras de farinha pré-cozida apresentaram um teor um pouco mais baixo. Em todos os produtos analisados, a FAI correspondeu a mais de 90% da fibra total. Quanto aos demais constituintes avaliados, encontrou-se, neste trabalho, valores de acordo com os já disponíveis na literatura.
In this work, the effects of thermoplastic extrusion process parameters (raw material moisture content and temperature) and the addition of functional ingredients (lycopene and soy protein) on quality characteristics of a base-formulation for extruded corn snacks were studied, with the objective of developing an easy-to-eat functional product. A single-screw Labor PQ 30 model Inbramaq extruder was used for extrusion and a central composite rotational design (CCRD) was followed. The independent variables were: i) percentage of soy protein isolate (0-30%); ii) percentage of lycopene preparation (0-0.1%); iii) raw material moisture content (20-30%); and iv) 5th zone temperature (100-150 °C). The expansion index reached maximum values with the lowest raw material moisture content (20%) and intermediate temperatures (approximately 125 °C). Instrumental hardness was higher with high moisture and low temperature; however, increasing the percentage of soy protein was beneficial for the texture of the product, reducing hardness. The red color intensity increased with the increase in lycopene content and moisture, and with the reduction of temperature. Sensory acceptance tests were carried out for two products, with maximum percentages of the functional ingredients, 20% moisture and temperatures of 125 and 137 °C, with greater acceptance for the product extruded at 125 °C.
A blend of 50% Potato Starch (PS), 35% Quality Protein Maize (QPM), and 15% Soybean Meal (SM) were used in the preparation of expanded pellets utilizing a laboratory extruder with a 1.5 × 20.0 × 100.0 mm die-nozzle. The independent variables analyzed were Barrel Temperature (BT) (75-140 °C) and Feed Moisture (FM) (16-30%). The effect of extrusion variables was investigated in terms of Expansion Index (EI), apparent density (ApD), Penetration Force (PF) and Specific Mechanical Energy (SME), viscosity profiles, DSC, crystallinity by X-ray diffraction, and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The PF decreased from 30 to 4 kgf with the increase of both independent variables (BT and FM). SME was affected only by FM, and decreased with the increase in this variable. The optimal region showed that the maximum EI was found for BT in the range of 123-140 °C and 27-31% for FM, respectively. The extruded pellets obtained from the optimal processing region were probably not completely degraded, as shown in the structural characterization. Acceptable expanded pellets could be produced using a blend of PS, QPM, and SM by extrusion cooking.
Xylose-to-xylitol bioconversion using 2.5 or 10% (v/v) rice bran extract was performed to verify the influence of this source of nutrients on Candida guilliermondii metabolism. Semisynthetic medium (SM) and sugarcane bagasse hemicellulosic hydrolysate detoxified with ion-exchange resins (HIE) or with alteration in pH combined with adsorption onto activated charcoal (HAC) were fermented in 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks at 30 ºC and 200 rpm for 72 hours. Activated charcoal supplemented with 2.5% (v/v) rice bran extract was fermented by C. guilliermondii in a MULTIGEN stirred tank reactor using pH 5.0 and 22.9/hour oxygen transfer volumetric coefficient. Higher values of xylitol productivity (0.70, 0.71, and 0.62 g.Lh-1) and xylose-to-xylitol conversion yield (0.71, 0.69, and 0.63 g.g-1) were obtained with 2.5% (v/v) rice bran in semisynthetic medium, ion-exchange resins, and activated charcoal, respectively. Moreover, during batch fermentation, the xylitol volumetric productivity and fermentation efficiency values obtained were 0.53 g.Lh-1 and 61.1%, respectively.
Prunus mume is widely studied due to its health benefits regarding increase of blood fluidity and consequent improvement of the cardiovascular system and the prevention or even the fight against different types of cancer. However, in Brazil this culture is found only among oriental descendants. The present study aimed to characterize mume fruit collected from three different locations in the State of São Paulo regarding general aspects such as pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TTS), pectin content and yield of pulp and chemical characteristics: total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity. Mume fruit were collected unripe and analyzed until maturation about 88 days after flowering. Fruit collected in Botucatu came from a commercial mume fruit producer and had average weight of 16.9 g, while in fruit from other locations weight varied from 5.7-6.9 g. TSS ranged from 9.5 to 10.0 Brix, total solids was 10.2-12.2% and pH showed values between 2.5 and 2.7 for all locations. TTA expressed in citric acid decreased from 4.0-5.7 g (100g- 1) at unripe stage to 2.0-3.8 g (100g- 1) in mature-stage fruit. Pectin content decreased from 11.2 to 10.8% during fruit maturation, TPC content was 147-226 mg catechin (g- 1) on a dry matter basis and the antioxidant capacity was 96-169 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a dry matter basis or 21-34 µMol Trolox (g- 1) on a wet matter basis.
Mortadella-type sausage manufactured using mechanically deboned chicken meat were reformulated replacing MDCM with increasing amounts of MDCM protein hydrolysates (10%, 20%, and 30%), and their physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characteristics were evaluated for 60 days of storage at 4 °C. The higher substitutions resulted in sausages more susceptible to lipid oxidation with higher TBARS values during storage; however, these values were lower than the organoleptic perception threshold. The sausages were darker and less red, with lower lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values than those of the control treatment. They had soft texture, which was evidenced by both the instrumental and sensory analysis. Therefore, the formulation containing 10% of MDCM protein hydrolysates proved to be the most suitable for mortadella-type sausage elaboration.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical quality and sensory acceptance of gluten-free breads with different percentages of chia flour (Salvia Hispanica L .). The chia flour was used to substitute rice flour and soy flour in order to replace the gum required in this type of bread. Four formulations were developed; a standard made with gum, and three formulations with 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5% of chia flour. Analyses of specific volume, cooking losses and the rise in dough of the breads were performed. Sensory analysis included tests for affective acceptability and purchase intent. The results showed that the bread with 2.5% chia flour had specific volume and cooking losses similar to the standard. In terms of the rise in dough, the standard showed the highest values, followed by the bread made with 5.0% chia flour. The substitution of soy and rice flour with 2.5% of chia flour produced bread with sensory characteristics similar to the standard in all of the analyzed attributes; it also received higher purchase intent. Using chia flour at a concentration of 2.5%, compared to rice flour and soy flour, proved that it was possible to replace gum in the bread formulation.
Abstract The aim of this study was to obtain hydroethanolic extract of propolis by extraction, assisted by focused microwave, and to apply it in Tuscan-style sausage. The extract was used at concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% (w/v) in the manufacture of the sausage, which was then analyzed in cold storage at 4 °C for 56 days. The following analyses were performed: mesophilic and psychotrophic organisms; coliforms at 35 and 45 °C; positive and negative-coagulase Staphylococcus, sulfite-reducing Clostridium, and Salmonella spp. The results were below the limits established by the Brazilian legislation, with some changes at the end of the study. Consequently, propolis extract prolonged the shelf life of the Tuscan-style sausage for 56 days and it is therefore an ingredient that can be potentially used in the preparation of this product.
Trade between South America and China has been an important source of the high growth shown by those economies in the 2000s. During the globalization of the 1990s, trade between the region and China had not developed so much. A rather sharp growth in China's presence in world trade since the beginning of the 2000s changed the world trade trends for MERCOSUR countries, or, at least, for many of them. The impact of the increasing trade of agrifood has been very relevant, and different per country. Strategy is another important issue, referring to bilateral relations with China. This country should be seen as a partner in the global trade, and not as a new foreign investor for the region, but this may be different in the context of different national strategies of South American countries.