965 resultados para Epsicopal see


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Els sistemes automatitzats que requereixen d’un control d’estabilitat o moviment es poden trobar cada cop en més àmbits. Aplicacions UAV o de posicionament global són les més comunes per aquest tipus de sistemes, degut a que necessiten d’un control de moviment molt precís. Per a dur a terme aquest procés s’utilitzen unitats de mesura inercial, que mitjançant acceleròmetres i giroscopis degudament posicionats, a més a més d’una correcció del possible error que puguin introduir aquests últims, proporcionen una acceleració i una velocitat angular de les quals es pot extreure el camí efectuat per aquestes unitats. La IMU, combinada amb un GPS i mitjançant un filtre de Kalman, proporcionen una major exactitud , a més d’un punt de partida (proporcionat per el GPS), un recorregut representable en un mapa y, en el cas de perdre la senyal GPS, poder seguir adquirint dades de la IMU. Aquestes dades poden ser recollides i processades per una FPGA, que a la vegada podem sincronitzar amb una PDA per a que l’usuari pugui veure representat el moviment del sistema. Aquest treball es centra en el funcionament de la IMU i l’adquisició de dades amb la FPGA. També introdueix el filtre de Kalman per a la correcció de l’error dels sensors.


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Motivation. The study of human brain development in itsearly stage is today possible thanks to in vivo fetalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Aquantitative analysis of fetal cortical surfacerepresents a new approach which can be used as a markerof the cerebral maturation (as gyration) and also forstudying central nervous system pathologies [1]. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge forseveral reasons. First, movement of the fetus inside theamniotic cavity requires very fast MRI sequences tominimize motion artifacts, resulting in a poor spatialresolution and/or lower SNR. Second, due to the ongoingmyelination and cortical maturation, the appearance ofthe developing brain differs very much from thehomogenous tissue types found in adults. Third, due tolow resolution, fetal MR images considerably suffer ofpartial volume (PV) effect, sometimes in large areas.Today extensive efforts are made to deal with thereconstruction of high resolution 3D fetal volumes[2,3,4] to cope with intra-volume motion and low SNR.However, few studies exist related to the automatedsegmentation of MR fetal imaging. [5] and [6] work on thesegmentation of specific areas of the fetal brain such asposterior fossa, brainstem or germinal matrix. Firstattempt for automated brain tissue segmentation has beenpresented in [7] and in our previous work [8]. Bothmethods apply the Expectation-Maximization Markov RandomField (EM-MRF) framework but contrary to [7] we do notneed from any anatomical atlas prior. Data set &Methods. Prenatal MR imaging was performed with a 1-Tsystem (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee) using single shotfast spin echo (ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms,FOV 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatialresolution 1.09mm). Each fetus has 6 axial volumes(around 15 slices per volume), each of them acquired inabout 1 min. Each volume is shifted by 1 mm with respectto the previous one. Gestational age (GA) ranges from 29to 32 weeks. Mother is under sedation. Each volume ismanually segmented to extract fetal brain fromsurrounding maternal tissues. Then, in-homogeneityintensity correction is performed using [9] and linearintensity normalization is performed to have intensityvalues that range from 0 to 255. Note that due tointra-tissue variability of developing brain someintensity variability still remains. For each fetus, ahigh spatial resolution image of isotropic voxel size of1.09 mm is created applying [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [10] (see Fig. 1). Then,basal ganglia (BS) segmentation is performed on thissuper reconstructed volume. Active contour framework witha Level Set (LS) implementation is used. Our LS follows aslightly different formulation from well-known Chan-Vese[11] formulation. In our case, the LS evolves forcing themean of the inside of the curve to be the mean intensityof basal ganglia. Moreover, we add local spatial priorthrough a probabilistic map created by fitting anellipsoid onto the basal ganglia region. Some userinteraction is needed to set the mean intensity of BG(green dots in Fig. 2) and the initial fitting points forthe probabilistic prior map (blue points in Fig. 2). Oncebasal ganglia are removed from the image, brain tissuesegmentation is performed as described in [8]. Results.The case study presented here has 29 weeks of GA. Thehigh resolution reconstructed volume is presented in Fig.1. The steps of BG segmentation are shown in Fig. 2.Overlap in comparison with manual segmentation isquantified by the Dice similarity index (DSI) equal to0.829 (values above 0.7 are considered a very goodagreement). Such BG segmentation has been applied on 3other subjects ranging for 29 to 32 GA and the DSI hasbeen of 0.856, 0.794 and 0.785. Our segmentation of theinner (red and blue contours) and outer cortical surface(green contour) is presented in Fig. 3. Finally, torefine the results we include our WM segmentation in theFreesurfer software [12] and some manual corrections toobtain Fig.4. Discussion. Precise cortical surfaceextraction of fetal brain is needed for quantitativestudies of early human brain development. Our workcombines the well known statistical classificationframework with the active contour segmentation forcentral gray mater extraction. A main advantage of thepresented procedure for fetal brain surface extraction isthat we do not include any spatial prior coming fromanatomical atlases. The results presented here arepreliminary but promising. Our efforts are now in testingsuch approach on a wider range of gestational ages thatwe will include in the final version of this work andstudying as well its generalization to different scannersand different type of MRI sequences. References. [1]Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis 29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau,Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006, [3] Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4]Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5] Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio.Eng. 51(4) (2004). [6] Habas, MICCAI (Pt. 1) 2008. [7]Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009 [8] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI 2009.[9] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [10] Lee, IEEE Trans.Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997, [11] Chan, IEEETrans. Img. Proc, 10(2), 2001 [12] Freesurfer,http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.


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In this study I try to explain the systemic problem of the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy for the production of electricity by carrying out a biophysical analysis of its production process. Given the fact that neither econometric approaches nor onedimensional methods of energy analyses are effective, I introduce the concept of biophysical explanation as a quantitative analysis capable of handling the inherent ambiguity associated with the concept of energy. In particular, the quantities of energy, considered as relevant for the assessment, can only be measured and aggregated after having agreed on a pre-analytical definition of a grammar characterizing a given set of finite transformations. Using this grammar it becomes possible to provide a biophysical explanation for the low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity. When comparing the various unit operations of the process of production of electricity with nuclear energy to the analogous unit operations of the process of production of fossil energy, we see that the various phases of the process are the same. The only difference is related to characteristics of the process associated with the generation of heat which are completely different in the two systems. Since the cost of production of fossil energy provides the base line of economic competitiveness of electricity, the (lack of) economic competitiveness of the production of electricity from nuclear energy can be studied, by comparing the biophysical costs associated with the different unit operations taking place in nuclear and fossil power plants when generating process heat or net electricity. In particular, the analysis focuses on fossil-fuel requirements and labor requirements for those phases that both nuclear plants and fossil energy plants have in common: (i) mining; (ii) refining/enriching; (iii) generating heat/electricity; (iv) handling the pollution/radioactive wastes. By adopting this approach, it becomes possible to explain the systemic low economic competitiveness of nuclear energy in the production of electricity, because of: (i) its dependence on oil, limiting its possible role as a carbon-free alternative; (ii) the choices made in relation to its fuel cycle, especially whether it includes reprocessing operations or not; (iii) the unavoidable uncertainty in the definition of the characteristics of its process; (iv) its large inertia (lack of flexibility) due to issues of time scale; and (v) its low power level.


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This research paper seeks to bring into view the present-day situation of Native-American narrative in English. It is divided into four chapters. The first deals with the emergence of what we might call a Native-American narrative style and its evolution from 1900 up until its particularly forceful expression in 1968 with the appearance of N. Scott Momaday’s novel House Made of Dawn. To trace this evolution, we follow the chronology set forth by Paula Gunn Allen in her anthology Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. In the second chapter we hear various voices from contemporary Native-American literary production as we follow Simon J. Ortiz’s anthology Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Noteworthy among these are Leslie Marmon Silko and Gloria Bird, alongside new voices such as those of Esther G. Belin and Daniel David Moses, and closing with Guatemalan-Mayan Victor D. Montejo, exiled in the United States. These writers’ contributions gravitate around two fundamental notions: the interdependence between human beings and the surrounding landscape, and the struggle for survival, which of necessity involves the deconstruction of the (post-)colonial subject. The third chapter deals with an anthology of short stories and poems by present-day Native-American women writers, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird and entitled Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America. It too exemplifies personal and cultural reaffirmation on a landscape rich in ancestral elements, but also where one’s own voice takes shape in the language which, historically, is that of the enemy. In the final chapter we see how translation studies provide a critical perspective and fruitful reflection on the literary production of Native-American translative cultures, where a wide range of writers struggle to bring about the affirmative deconstruction of the colonialised subject. Thus there comes a turnaround in the function of the “enemy’s language,” giving rise also to the question of cultural incommensurability.


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En la actualidad, la Armada española cuenta con un total de 103 buques (LOBA, 2009). Cada uno de ellos tiene una misión específica de acuerdo a sus características. Dicha misión condicionará la vida útil del navío. Cuando un buque es dado de baja, surgen las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué hacer con ellos? ¿Tienen alguna utilidad? ¿Generan un impacto ambiental? En este proyecto, se presentan diferentes propuestas que tienen como finalidad obtener el mayor beneficio del recurso. Cada una de ellas buscará el máximo rédito en aspectos como la cohesión en el tejido social y la socio-economía de una zona determinada y la protección del medio marino junto al futuro de la pesca de arrastre en nuestro país. A lo largo del trabajo, se verá la dificultad de desguazar buques con gran eslora en nuestros astilleros, así como también los problemas administrativos y políticos a los que se enfrentan asociaciones y ayuntamientos que quieren adquirir un buque, para convertirlo en un museo o en un pecio, respectivamente. El objetivo principal es dar a conocer cuál es la situación, pero sin entrar a determinar qué opción sería mejor para cada tipo de navío.


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In a seminal paper [10], Weitz gave a deterministic fully polynomial approximation scheme for counting exponentially weighted independent sets (which is the same as approximating the partition function of the hard-core model from statistical physics) in graphs of degree at most d, up to the critical activity for the uniqueness of the Gibbs measure on the innite d-regular tree. ore recently Sly [8] (see also [1]) showed that this is optimal in the sense that if here is an FPRAS for the hard-core partition function on graphs of maximum egree d for activities larger than the critical activity on the innite d-regular ree then NP = RP. In this paper we extend Weitz's approach to derive a deterministic fully polynomial approximation scheme for the partition function of general two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin systems on graphs of maximum degree d, up to the corresponding critical point on the d-regular tree. The main ingredient of our result is a proof that for two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin systems on the d-regular tree, weak spatial mixing implies strong spatial mixing. his in turn uses a message-decay argument which extends a similar approach proposed recently for the hard-core model by Restrepo et al [7] to the case of general two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin systems.


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BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic adversity in early life has been hypothesized to "program" a vulnerable phenotype with exaggerated inflammatory responses, so increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood. The aim of this study is to test this hypothesis by assessing the extent to which the association between lifecourse socioeconomic status and type 2 diabetes incidence is explained by chronic inflammation. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We use data from the British Whitehall II study, a prospective occupational cohort of adults established in 1985. The inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 were measured repeatedly and type 2 diabetes incidence (new cases) was monitored over an 18-year follow-up (from 1991-1993 until 2007-2009). Our analytical sample consisted of 6,387 non-diabetic participants (1,818 women), of whom 731 (207 women) developed type 2 diabetes over the follow-up. Cumulative exposure to low socioeconomic status from childhood to middle age was associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.96, 95% confidence interval: 1.48-2.58 for low cumulative lifecourse socioeconomic score and HR = 1.55, 95% confidence interval: 1.26-1.91 for low-low socioeconomic trajectory). 25% of the excess risk associated with cumulative socioeconomic adversity across the lifecourse and 32% of the excess risk associated with low-low socioeconomic trajectory was attributable to chronically elevated inflammation (95% confidence intervals 16%-58%). CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, chronic inflammation explained a substantial part of the association between lifecourse socioeconomic disadvantage and type 2 diabetes. Further studies should be performed to confirm these findings in population-based samples, as the Whitehall II cohort is not representative of the general population, and to examine the extent to which social inequalities attributable to chronic inflammation are reversible. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.


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PURPOSE: This randomized phase II trial evaluated two docetaxel-based regimens to see which would be most promising according to overall response rate (ORR) for comparison in a phase III trial with epirubicin-cisplatin-fluorouracil (ECF) as first-line advanced gastric cancer therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Chemotherapy-naïve patients with measurable unresectable and/or metastatic gastric carcinoma, a performance status <or= 1, and adequate hematologic, hepatic, and renal function randomly received <or= eight 3-weekly cycles of ECF (epirubicin 50 mg/m(2) on day 1, cisplatin 60 mg/m(2) on day 1, and fluorouracil [FU] 200 mg/m(2)/d on days 1 to 21), TC (docetaxel initially 85 mg/m(2) on day 1 [later reduced to 75 mg/m(2) as a result of toxicity] and cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) on day 1), or TCF (TC plus FU 300 mg/m(2)/d on days 1 to 14). Study objectives included response (primary), survival, toxicity, and quality of life (QOL). RESULTS: ORR was 25.0% (95% CI, 13% to 41%) for ECF, 18.5% (95% CI, 9% to 34%) for TC, and 36.6% (95% CI, 23% to 53%) for TCF (n = 119). Median overall survival times were 8.3, 11.0, and 10.4 months for ECF, TC, and TCF, respectively. Toxicity was acceptable, with one toxic death (TC arm). Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia occurred in more treatment cycles with docetaxel (TC, 49%; TCF, 57%; ECF, 34%). Global health status/QOL substantially improved with ECF and remained similar to baseline with both docetaxel regimens. CONCLUSION: Time to response and ORR favor TCF over TC for further evaluation, particularly in the neoadjuvant setting. A trend towards increased myelosuppression and infectious complications with TCF versus TC or ECF was observed.


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On 17 November 2011, the First Minister and deputy First Minister published the draft Programme for Government 2011-2015 for consultation. IPH recognise that health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, biological, environmental and cultural factors such as housing, the environment, income, employment and access to education and health services . Improvements to health can be achieved through a well-designed PfG which addresses the economy, creates safer communities and delivers efficient public services.  IPH welcome this opportunity to submit our views to the Northern Ireland Executive on the Draft Programme for Government 2011-15. Key points from the IPH response include: • Northern Ireland has a poor population health status in key areas when compared to other regions in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. IPH support and particularly welcome allocation of an increased proportion of the Northern Ireland budget to public health. • IPH endorses the perspective in the PfG that good population health makes a central contribution to economic and social development.   However we would welcome greater acknowledgement of the links between social deprivation and health outcomes.  • IPH welcomes the adoption of a social determinants of health approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities which is in line with current health policy and recent policy developments across the United Kingdom and internationally (See report of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (CSDH))


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The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a new Community Development Strategy for public consultation.  The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live. The HSCB and PHA seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy including; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources. Key points from the IPH summary include IPH welcome the Community Development Strategy as an approach to enhance health and wellbeing and tackle health inequalities in Northern Ireland.   IPH recommend the current three strategy documents (Full and summary versions and the Performance Management Framework) are merged into one document for greater clarity. Reference to the Performance Management Framework is required in the main body of the text is to ensure good practice is implemented. IPH welcome the focus on tackling health inequalities using community development approaches however the contribution of community development approaches needs to be highlighted. HIA is a tool to support community engagement and provides a mechanism for HSCB and PHA to support the implementation of this strategy.


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As pyrethroids are presently the favored group of insecticides to control triatomines, we performed a series of bioassays to determine the intrinsic activity of some of the main compounds used in the control campaigns, against five of the main species of triatomines to be controlled. Comparing the insecticides it can be seen that lambdacyhalothrin is more effective than the other three pyrethroids, both considering the LD50 and 99 for all the three species with comparable results. On Triatoma infestans the LD50 of lambdacyhalothrin was followed by that of alfacypermethrin, cyfluthrin and deltamethrin. On Rhodnius prolixus the sequence, in decreasing order of activity, was lambdacyhalothrin, alfacypermethrin, deltamethrin and cyfluthrin. Some modifications can be seen when we compare the LD99, that has more to see to what happens in the field. T. brasiliensis showed to be as sensible to lambdacyhalothrin as T. infestans, the most susceptible for this product. By the other side T. sordida is the least susceptible considering the LD99 of this insecticide.


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IPH contributed to the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England being carried out by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Chair of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health.  IPH acknowledges the immense work done by the Review team and welcomes the opportunity to inform its work. We see the review as a vital opportunity to provide a “catalyst for concerted action” not only in England but in its near neighbours in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Health inequalities are rife across the UK and Ireland despite a range of developments in policy and practice designed to create more equal opportunities for health. We commend the approach taken in the Review, which applies scientific rigour and the combined expertise of a number of defined task groups to seek solutions to the vexing challenge of health inequality.


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Number of hospital discharges and age-standardised discharge rates for emergency hospital admissions for injury by sex and type of injury for the following regions and year:Republic of Ireland 2006Northern Ireland 2006England 2006/07Scotland 2006/07Wales 2006 Numbers and rates are based on official hospital statistics from each region. All regions use International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 for hospital discharges in these years. Only emergency inpatient hospital spells with an ICD 10 code in the range S000-T739, T750-T759, T780-T789 (in any diagnostic position) and an ICD10 external cause code in the range V01-Y36 (in any diagnostic position) were included. A hospital spell is an unbroken period of time that a person spends as an inpatient in a hospital. The person may change consultant and/or specialty during a spell but is counted only once. See http://www.injuryobservatory.net/analysis-of-inpatient-admissions-data-f... for more details.


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Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.  


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Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.