936 resultados para Environmental valuation. Contingent valuation method. Willingness to pay. Travel cost method. Urban parks. Dunes


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The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.

The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.

Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.

Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.

A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.

The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.

Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.


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This study proposes a wastewater electrolysis cell (WEC) for on-site treatment of human waste coupled with decentralized molecular H2 production. The core of the WEC includes mixed metal oxides anodes functionalized with bismuth doped TiO2 (BiOx/TiO2). The BiOx/TiO2 anode shows reliable electro-catalytic activity to oxidize Cl- to reactive chlorine species (RCS), which degrades environmental pollutants including chemical oxygen demand (COD), protein, NH4+, urea, and total coliforms. The WEC experiments for treatment of various kinds of synthetic and real wastewater demonstrate sufficient water quality of effluent for reuse for toilet flushing and environmental purposes. Cathodic reduction of water and proton on stainless steel cathodes produced molecular H2 with moderate levels of current and energy efficiency. This thesis presents a comprehensive environmental analysis together with kinetic models to provide an in-depth understanding of reaction pathways mediated by the RCS and the effects of key operating parameters. The latter part of this thesis is dedicated to bilayer hetero-junction anodes which show enhanced generation efficiency of RCS and long-term stability.

Chapter 2 describes the reaction pathway and kinetics of urea degradation mediated by electrochemically generated RCS. The urea oxidation involves chloramines and chlorinated urea as reaction intermediates, for which the mass/charge balance analysis reveals that N2 and CO2 are the primary products. Chapter 3 investigates direct-current and photovoltaic powered WEC for domestic wastewater treatment, while Chapter 4 demonstrates the feasibility of the WEC to treat model septic tank effluents. The results in Chapter 2 and 3 corroborate the active roles of chlorine radicals (Cl•/Cl2-•) based on iR-compensated anodic potential (thermodynamic basis) and enhanced pseudo-first-order rate constants (kinetic basis). The effects of operating parameters (anodic potential and [Cl-] in Chapter 3; influent dilution and anaerobic pretreatment in Chapter 4) on the rate and current/energy efficiency of pollutants degradation and H2 production are thoroughly discussed based on robust kinetic models. Chapter 5 reports the generation of RCS on Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy/BixTi1-xOz hetero-junction anodes with enhanced rate, current efficiency, and long-term stability compared to the Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy anode. The effects of surficial Bi concentration are interrogated, focusing on relative distributions between surface-bound hydroxyl radical and higher oxide.


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Understanding the roles of microorganisms in environmental settings by linking phylogenetic identity to metabolic function is a key challenge in delineating their broad-scale impact and functional diversity throughout the biosphere. This work addresses and extends such questions in the context of marine methane seeps, which represent globally relevant conduits for an important greenhouse gas. Through the application and development of a range of culture-independent tools, novel habitats for methanotrophic microbial communities were identified, established settings were characterized in new ways, and potential past conditions amenable to methane-based metabolism were proposed. Biomass abundance and metabolic activity measures – both catabolic and anabolic – demonstrated that authigenic carbonates associated with seep environments retain methanotrophic activity, not only within high-flow seep settings but also in adjacent locations exhibiting no visual evidence of chemosynthetic communities. Across this newly extended habitat, microbial diversity surveys revealed archaeal assemblages that were shaped primarily by seepage activity level and bacterial assemblages influenced more substantially by physical substrate type. In order to reliably measure methane consumption rates in these and other methanotrophic settings, a novel method was developed that traces deuterium atoms from the methane substrate into aqueous medium and uses empirically established scaling factors linked to radiotracer rate techniques to arrive at absolute methane consumption values. Stable isotope probing metaproteomic investigations exposed an array of functional diversity both within and beyond methane oxidation- and sulfate reduction-linked metabolisms, identifying components of each proposed enzyme in both pathways. A core set of commonly occurring unannotated protein products was identified as promising targets for future biochemical investigation. Physicochemical and energetic principles governing anaerobic methane oxidation were incorporated into a reaction transport model that was applied to putative settings on ancient Mars. Many conditions enabled exergonic model reactions, marking the metabolism and its attendant biomarkers as potentially promising targets for future astrobiological investigations. This set of inter-related investigations targeting methane metabolism extends the known and potential habitat of methanotrophic microbial communities and provides a more detailed understanding of their activity and functional diversity.


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O tema do presente estudo é o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos em ambientes hospitalares. Os resíduos químicos são gerados nas atividades auxiliares dos estabelecimentos prestadores de serviços de saúde, tais como hospitais, laboratórios, serviços de diagnóstico e tratamento, centros de saúde, clínicas, institutos de medicina legal e outros. Dentre todos, os hospitais, por suas características de atendimento, são, sem dúvida, os maiores geradores deste tipo de resíduo. Controlar e diminuir os riscos inerentes a este tipo de resíduos, além de ser uma exigência legal, passa a ser uma necessidade ambiental e um desafio a ser enfrentado pelos administradores de estabelecimentos assistenciais à saúde. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa passa então por avaliar o gerenciamento dos resíduos químicos gerados nos hospitais públicos da região metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, abordando às necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas por estes geradores que incluí aspectos políticos, administrativos, econômicos e em alguns casos físico-estruturais. Para atingir tal objetivo o método empregado foi dividido em duas etapas: I) Pesquisa Aplicada, onde foram visitados alguns hospitais públicos do Estado e utilizou-se um questionário para avaliar as questões relacionadas com o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos e II) Estudo de Caso, onde se considerou, através de observações e entrevistas, o gerenciamento de resíduos químicos de um hospital universitário de grande porte de maneira efetiva. Foram utilizadas como fontes secundárias informações obtidas em seminários relacionados ao tema, reportagens de jornais e entrevistas publicadas em fontes especializadas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as dificuldades enfrentadas no gerenciamento de RSS, inclusos neste grupo os resíduos químicos, é uma realidade para a maioria dos hospitais da rede pública. Conclusão: o maior problema a ser enfrentado por estas instituições está diretamente ligado à conscientização, ou melhor, a falta de conscientização, de funcionários, médicos e gerência dos hospitais, quanto à importância da correta segregação, armazenagem e manuseio destes resíduos. Além disso, a falta de recursos financeiros e, em alguns casos, até de espaço físico também dificulta o efetivo gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduos. Problemas secundários relacionam-se com a falta de fiscalização dos órgãos sanitário-ambientais competentes e o descaso da própria população que não atenta para os problemas ambientais e de saúde e segurança, decorrentes de um incorreto gerenciamento não só dos resíduos químicos, mas de todos os resíduos de serviço de saúde. Como recomendação, pode-se dizer que se faz necessária uma maior mobilização por parte dos estabelecimentos hospitalares para a discussão e atendimento das legislações aplicáveis e também, o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura gerencial com responsabilidades definidas e ações planejadas, compatíveis com a realidade do serviço público, e que possam levar a alcançar os objetivos e metas de um gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviço de saúde.


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Background: The impact of nano-scaled materials on photosynthetic organisms needs to be evaluated. Plants represent the largest interface between the environment and biosphere, so understanding how nanoparticles affect them is especially relevant for environmental assessments. Nanotoxicology studies in plants allude to quantum size effects and other properties specific of the nano-stage to explain increased toxicity respect to bulk compounds. However, gene expression profiles after exposure to nanoparticles and other sources of environmental stress have not been compared and the impact on plant defence has not been analysed. Results: Arabidopsis plants were exposed to TiO2-nanoparticles, Ag-nanoparticles, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as well as different sources of biotic (microbial pathogens) or abiotic (saline, drought, or wounding) stresses. Changes in gene expression profiles and plant phenotypic responses were evaluated. Transcriptome analysis shows similarity of expression patterns for all plants exposed to nanoparticles and a low impact on gene expression compared to other stress inducers. Nanoparticle exposure repressed transcriptional responses to microbial pathogens, resulting in increased bacterial colonization during an experimental infection. Inhibition of root hair development and transcriptional patterns characteristic of phosphate starvation response were also observed. The exogenous addition of salicylic acid prevented some nano-specific transcriptional and phenotypic effects, including the reduction in root hair formation and the colonization of distal leaves by bacteria. Conclusions: This study integrates the effect of nanoparticles on gene expression with plant responses to major sources of environmental stress and paves the way to remediate the impact of these potentially damaging compounds through hormonal priming.


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Pile reuse has become an increasingly popular option in foundation design, mainly due to its potential cost and environmental benefits and the problem of underground congestion in urban areas. However, key geotechnical concerns remain regarding the behavior of reused piles and the modeling of foundation systems involving old and new piles to support building loads of the new structure. In this paper, a design and analysis tool for pile reuse projects will be introduced. The tool allows coupling of superstructure stiffness with the foundation model, and includes an optimization algorithm to obtain the best configuration of new piles to work alongside reused piles. Under the concept of Pareto Optimality, multi-objective optimization analyses can also reveal the relationship between material usage and the corresponding foundation performance, providing a series of reuse options at various foundation costs. The components of this analysis tool will be discussed and illustrated through a case history in London, where 110 existing piles are reused at a site to support the proposed new development. The case history reveals the difficulties faced by foundation reuse in urban areas and demonstrates the application of the design tool to tackle these challenges. © ASCE 2011.


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A business model for integrating global-production efficiencies with sustainability is discussed. Two trends that emulate some of the aspects of the wealthy are the increasing willingness of many to pay extra for customization such as clothes, of kitchens and the increasing acceptance of purchasing a service as a product substitute. Two final trends that are also based in the attitudes of people is an increased awareness of the value of local culture and an increased concern with issues of sustainability. The results show that the goal congruence between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations puts emphasis on value and belief of the organization.


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Our society is addicted to steel. Global demand for steel has risen to 1.4 billion tonnes a year and is set to at least double by 2050, while the steel industry generates nearly a 10th of the world's energy related CO₂ emissions. Meeting our 2050 climate change targets would require a 75% reduction in CO₂ emissions for every tonne of steel produced and finding credible solutions is proving a challenge. The starting point for understanding the environmental impacts of steel production is to accurately map the global steel supply chain and identify the biggest steel flows where actions can be directed to deliver the largest impact. In this paper we present a map of global steel, which for the first time traces steel flows from steelmaking, through casting, forming, and rolling, to the fabrication of final goods. The diagram reveals the relative scale of steel flows and shows where efforts to improve energy and material efficiency should be focused.


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Marginal utility theory prescribes the relationship between the objective property of the magnitude of rewards and their subjective value. Despite its pervasive influence, however, there is remarkably little direct empirical evidence for such a theory of value, let alone of its neurobiological basis. We show that human preferences in an intertemporal choice task are best described by a model that integrates marginally diminishing utility with temporal discounting. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that activity in the dorsal striatum encodes both the marginal utility of rewards, over and above that which can be described by their magnitude alone, and the discounting associated with increasing time. In addition, our data show that dorsal striatum may be involved in integrating subjective valuation systems inherent to time and magnitude, thereby providing an overall metric of value used to guide choice behavior. Furthermore, during choice, we show that anterior cingulate activity correlates with the degree of difficulty associated with dissonance between value and time. Our data support an integrative architecture for decision making, revealing the neural representation of distinct subcomponents of value that may contribute to impulsivity and decisiveness.


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Microcystin analysis in sediments and soils is considered very difficult due to low recovery for extraction. This is the primary limiting factor for understanding the fate of toxins in the interface between water and sediment in both the aquatic ecosystem as well as in soils. In the present study, a wide range of extraction solvents were evaluated over a wide range of pH, extraction approaches and equilibration time to optimize an effective extraction procedure for the analysis of microcystins in soils and lake sediments. The number of extractions required and acids in extraction solutions were also studied. In this procedure, EDTA-sodium pyrophosphate solution was selected as an extraction solvent based on the adsorption mechanism study. The optimized procedure proved to be highly efficient and achieved over 90% recovery. Finally, the developed procedure was applied to field soil and sediment sample collected from Chinese lakes during bloom seasons and microcystins were determined in six of ten samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A surface diffusion method was proposed and applied to prepare blue phosphor BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+. The results show that, compared with the direct synthesis method by common high temperature solid state, the concentration of Eu2+ in the phosphor BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ prepared by the surface diffusion method can be greatly reduced owing to the activator Eu2+ ions distributed mainly over the surface of the phosphor. It is possible to reduce the cost of this kind of the luminescent materials with the aid of the surface diffusion method.


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We collected fish abundance data in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and adjacent waters in November 1998, May 1999, November 2000, and May 2001. Using the data, we evaluated the characteristics of the fish assemblages at each site and investigated the effect of several environmental factors. We used a multivariate analysis, including community ordination methods such as detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). We analyzed the biological community structure and environmental factors to determine their spatial distributions, temporal dynamics, and seasonal variations. Among the fish species, five exceeded 5% of the total abundance: Harpodon nehereus (42.82%), Benthosema pterotum (13.85%), Setipinna taty (11.64%), Thryssa kammalensis (9.17%) and Apogonichthys lineatus (6.49%). These were separated into four ecological assemblages: hypsithermal-saline, hypsithermal-brackish, hypothermal-brackish, and hypothermal-saline. We evaluated the degree of influence of environmental factors on the fish community. Our analyses suggested that environmental factors including water depth, salinity, turbidity, transparency, nutrient, and suspended matter formed a synthetic spatial gradient between the coastal and pelagic areas. Ecological and environmental factors changed temporally from 1998 to 2001, and drove the fish community succession. The environmental factors driving the fish community structure included bottom temperature, water depth, bottom and surface pH, surface total phosphorous, and bottom dissolved oxygen. This investigation was completed before completion of the Three Gorges Dam; therefore the results of this study provide an important foundation for evaluating the influence of the human activities.


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Listening to children in the field of education: experience in Wales, (2007) 19 Child and Family Law Quarterly 161-182 pp.161-182 RAE2008


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One can say that our times are dominated by visual communication. Usually all day long we have been faced by various pictures, visual forms and symbols. According to the subject of the book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies' I found it interesting to pay attention to the problem of visual representation, or better say visual symbols in nowadays communication and culture, their meaning and importance. From this point of view I would like to show the role of archaeologists who discover, interpret or even create some of them. The subject is not new of course, but the most often it is taken into consideration by the scholars who practice in social anthropology or philosophy and quite rarely it appear in studies of archaeologies, especially in Polish tradition. In my opinion the subject concerning visual symbols communication and archaeology arise several important questions that are also valid for the theme of book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies'. The first is socio-cultural role of our discipline, next the danger of political and propaganda misuse of the results of archaeological research and then also commercialisation of the archaeological activities. The problem of visualisation and visual-communication can be the matter of various studies. In my paper from the beginning I would like to present the general view concerning visual symbols and figural motifs and the main ideas and approaches to study them from different humanistic perspectives. Then in my presentation I am going to discuss the question why in our culture the visual symbols and representations became so popular – compare to other ways of human expression, for example verbal symbol communication. I would like to see the problem in historical perspective as well. There are a lot of evidences, which support the statement about the power of visual symbols in history. In ancient times for example Horace in 'Ars Poetica' suggested that human mind usually is much more impressed by eyes than by ears. In my opinion that is quite often in human culture that visual impression is before mental one. Visual representations and symbols are very powerful, they can show and communicate various phenomena, they act immediately and quite often in easily way they can associate. So for archaeological research it could be very important to make some studies concerning the ancient symbols and general iconography and also it would be grateful to make some attempts for the study what kind of potential meaning could have visual symbols. In my paper I can only make some general statement about it. But the most important for the topic is reflection on prehistoric and ancient visual symbols and representation and their presence in contemporary culture. So after some general statements concerning the visual symbols examined from various perspectives finally I would like to point out with support of some examples how ancient and prehistoric visual symbols and images are still used and captured by contemporary culture and what is or should be the role of archaeologists activity concerning this matter.