847 resultados para Ensino superior - Avaliação institucional - Projetos pedagógicos


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The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romão (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics “fear of test” and “test content” were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a “non-verbal agreement” between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Este texto discorre sobre diferentes concepções de avaliação, que, uma vez materializadas nos instrumentos, devem possibilitar reflexões sobre o estado do objeto avaliado e sobre as práticas educativas que promovem mudanças ou se perpetuam pela reprodução. Destaca a questão do uso de indicadores de forma crítica e busca, nos argumentos que fundamentam essa criticidade, o respaldo para reorientar a gestão educativa. Nesse sentido, discute a intencionalidade da avaliação institucional e dos programas de avaliação de resultados dos sistemas de ensino. Oferece ainda algumas pistas para que, na perspectiva da gestão, as ações avaliativas, pelo seu potencial regulador, tenham participação efetiva na qualificação dos processos educativos. A avaliação, enquanto instrumento de regulação do processo de gestão, o reconstrói.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this paper is to present the relationship between higher education with other levels of education. In Brazil, some challenges were launched to fulfill improvement in teaching / learning covering a scientific development with the involvement of several bodies, among them the science and society. Therefore, according to the National Postgraduate-PNPG, the close relationship between science and society requires a scientific-cultural training that should start in higher education, teacher training, and that this knowledge can follow the company, traversing all levels of education prior to higher education. Thus, we analyze the formation of teachers as one of the pillars of our discussion, trying to understand that at different times, men have paid attention to the re/organization of society, to masters/teachers have the knowledge that enabled individuals to convey an apprenticeship favoring the theoretical reflection on practice. So, we have considered some classics, as Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, that dealt on the training of teachers (as) in different periods, expressing concern about the quality of teaching and documents dealing with the situation of education in Brazil