926 resultados para Enfermería neonatal
Death of an infant is acutely stressful for parents and professionals. Little is known about junior nurses' experiences providing end-of-life care in Neonatal units (NNU). This study aimed to better understand junior nurses' experiences providing end-of-life care in NNU. Neonatal nurses (n = 12) with less than 3 years experience participated in a focus group. Nominal Group Technique (NGT) was used to build consensus around the challenges faced, alongside suggested developments in improving future care provision. Primary analysis involved successive rounds of ranking and decision-making whilst secondary analysis involved thematic analysis. All issues, whether environmental, professional or social appeared driven by an awareness on the part of nurses, that there was no ‘second chance’ which created a huge pressure to ‘get if right’ for the infants and families. Regarding future care 2 areas of improvement identified were ‘Education and Training’ and Support. This paper unpacks these findings making recommendations for practice.
Accurate information and support from healthcare professionals as well as respect for parental choice are all factors which contribute to effective breastfeeding in the neonatal unit; with this in mind, Colm Darby and Sharon Nurse discuss the potential problems in expressing breast milk and the interventions which might be effective in avoiding them. Advocacy is an inherent part of neonatal nurses' role whilst caring for sick, vulnerable babies. Colm Darby is a male neonatal nurse working in a predominantly female environment and passionately believes in supporting and advocating for mothers who want to provide breast milk for their babies. In this article, CoIm uses Borton's model of reflection to discuss how he acted as an effective advocate for such a mother.
This textbook is the perfect reference book for students new to midwifery and those studying for exams. The diagrams and explanations are simple and esay to follow
An infant’s death is acutely stressful for parents and professionals. Little is known about junior nurses’ experiences providing end-of-life care in Neonatal Units (NNU).
To better understand junior nurses’ experiences providing end-of-life care in NNU, the study explored the challenges and opportunities inherent in their practice relating to providing such care to babies and their families.
Neonatal nurses (n=12) with less than 3 years’ experience who were undergoing a neonatal education programme participated. Two focus groups were convened each with 6 nurses. The Ethics Committee at the relevant University approved the study. Nominal Group Technique (NGT) was used in the focus groups to build consensus around the challenges faced by junior nurses, alongside suggested developments in improving future care provision. Primary analysis involved successive rounds of ranking and decision making whilst secondary analysis involved thematic analysis.
The study identified the pressures these nurses felt in having only one chance to ‘get it right’ for the infants and their families. They perceived the need for further ‘education and training’ highlighting that improved education provision would include both additional courses and internal training sessions. Greater ‘support’ from mentors themselves more experienced in this aspect of care within the NNU was identified as important in addressing issues around confidence building and skill development.
The results highlight junior nurses’ need for specific education and mentorship around end-of-life care for babies. This presentation will outline the implications for practice, education and further research.
v. 18, n.1, jan./mar. 2016.
BACKGROUND: Research shows evidence for the importance of physical and emotional closeness for the infant, the parent and the infant-parent dyad. Less is known about how, when and why parents experience emotional closeness to their infants in a neonatal unit (NU), which was the aim of this study. METHODS: A qualitative study using a salutogenic approach to focus on positive health and wellbeing was undertaken in three NUs: one in Sweden, England and Finland. An 'emotional closeness' form was devised, which asked parents to describe moments/situations when, how and why they had felt emotionally close to their infant. Data for 23 parents of preterm infants were analyzed using thematic networks analysis. RESULTS: A global theme of 'pathways for emotional closeness' emerged from the data set. This concept related to how emotional, physical, cognitive and social influences led to feelings of emotional closeness between parents and their infants. The five underpinning organising themes relate to the: Embodied recognition through the power of physical closeness; Reassurance of, and contributing to, infant wellness; Understanding the present and the past; Feeling engaged in the day to day and Spending time and bonding as a family. CONCLUSION: These findings generate important insights into why, how and when parents feel emotionally close. This knowledge contributes to an increased awareness of how to support parents of premature infants to form positive and loving relationships with their infants. Health care staff should create a climate where parents' emotions and their emotional journey are individually supported.
AIM: Studies have provided insights into factors that may facilitate or inhibit parent-infant closeness in neonatal units, but none have specifically focused on the perspectives of senior neonatal staff. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions and experiences of consultant neonatologists and senior nurses in five European countries with regard to these issues. METHODS: Six small group discussions and three one-to-one interviews were conducted with 16 consultant neonatologists and senior nurses representing nine neonatal units from Estonia, Finland, Norway, Spain and Sweden. The interviews explored facilitators and barriers to parent-infant closeness and implications for policy and practice and thematic analysis was undertaken. RESULTS: Participants highlighted how a humanising care agenda that enabled parent-infant closeness was an aspiration, but pointed out that neonatal units were at different stages in achieving this. The facilitators and barriers to physical closeness included socio-economic factors, cultural norms, the designs of neonatal units, resource issues, leadership, staff attitudes and practices and relationships between staff and parents. CONCLUSION: Various factors affected parent-infant closeness in neonatal units in European countries. There needs to be the political motivation, appropriate policy planning, legislation and resource allocation to increase measures that support closeness agendas in neonatal units. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Objective: Phenobarbital increases electroclinical uncoupling and our preliminary observations suggest it may also affect electrographic seizure morphology. This may alter the performance of a novel seizure detection algorithm (SDA) developed by our group. The objectives of this study were to compare the morphology of seizures before and after phenobarbital administration in neonates and to determine the effect of any changes on automated seizure detection rates. Methods: The EEGs of 18 term neonates with seizures both pre- and post-phenobarbital (524 seizures) administration were studied. Ten features of seizures were manually quantified and summary measures for each neonate were statistically compared between pre- and post-phenobarbital seizures. SDA seizure detection rates were also compared. Results: Post-phenobarbital seizures showed significantly lower amplitude (p < 0.001) and involved fewer EEG channels at the peak of seizure (p < 0.05). No other features or SDA detection rates showed a statistical difference. Conclusion: These findings show that phenobarbital reduces both the amplitude and propagation of seizures which may help to explain electroclinical uncoupling of seizures. The seizure detection rate of the algorithm was unaffected by these changes. Significance: The results suggest that users should not need to adjust the SDA sensitivity threshold after phenobarbital administration.
, las Naciones Unidas nos dicen que la salud es un bien que debe alcanzarse por el valor que representa en sí mismo, no obstante, la Agenda nos recuerda que la salud es también un medio para alcanzar los otros objetivos y un indicador fiable de los progresos logrados a escala mundial en favor del desarrollo sostenible. Por esta razón, podemos decir que las 169 METAS de los 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible están conectadas y son de carácter integrado e indivisible - El objetivo relativo a la salud incluye nuevas metas para cuestiones importantes en las que se lograron grandes avances en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo do Milenio. Se han reducido las epidemias mundiales de tuberculosis y paludismo y la causada por el VIH. A nivel mundial, la mortalidad infantil y la mortalidad materna han disminuido drásticamente desde 1990, con descensos del 53% y el 40%, respectivamente. Pero aún queda mucho camino por recorrer. A menudo, los informes sobre los progresos realizados a nivel mundial no reflejan las distintas velocidades con que avanzan los países y las regiones dentro de un mismo país. En la actualidad se reconoce la necesidad no solo de que las personas logren sobrevivir, sino también de que prosperen en la vida.Las enfermeras son vistos como profesionales de confianza que tienen la capacidad de influir en los elementos de la reforma de salud . Por esso, los ODS representan un desafío y una oportunidad para fortalecer la contribución de la enfermería para alcanzarlos.
Introducción: El paciente con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) tiene necesidades concretas de cuidado que conllevan al profesional de enfermería nefrológica a generar una atención integral e individualizada con el fin de detectar y disminuir riesgos a través de la consulta predialítica y educar a los profesionales del área de la salud acerca de su labor en dicha actividad. Objetivo: Identificar y evaluar la efectividad de la consulta predialítica realizada por el profesional de enfermería en pacientes diagnosticados con enfermedad renal crónica, a través de la revisión sistemática de la literatura. Metodología: Búsqueda electrónica en base de datos PUBMED, Meta buscadores como google académico, Epistemonikos, Scielo, Bireme, y CUIDEN. Se consideraron 47 artículos de los cuales 22 son cuantitativos y 25 cualitativos, en pacientes adultos de 18 a 80 años, entre los años 2005-2015. Resultado: La consulta predialítica permitirá realizar intervenciones de diagnóstico temprano, educación y evaluación durante las primeras etapas de la ERC, reduciendo la morbi-mortalidad, retrasando la progresión de la enfermedad, por lo cual es necesario rediseñar los programas de gestión en enfermedades crónicas, enfatizando la colaboración de una red sanitaria liderada por el profesional de enfermería especialista que gestione los recursos existentes para el manejo de esta patología. Conclusión: La consulta predialitica ofrece beneficios tangibles al enfermo renal en las áreas de prevención de la ERC, adherencia a las recomendaciones del profesional de salud y la elección de la terapia.
Metodología: el diseño metodológico utilizado fue de casos y controles con pareamiento doble (edad y sexo) e incluyó a niños/as menores de seis meses que fueron atendidos en consulta externa de la Fundación Pablo Jaramillo de Cuenca entre julio y octubre de 2007. El universo fue infinito y homogéneo, con muestra probabilística (74 casos y 148 controles). El desarrollo psicomotor se valoró con el test de Brunet-Lézine. El análisis estadístico se basó en Odds ratios crudos y Odds ratios ajustados. Resultados: los factores con asociación significativa al retraso del desarrollo psicomotor fueron, en el análisis bivariado, la prematuridad (OR 2.5, IC 951.2-5.1, p 0.009), peso al nacimiento menor a 2500 g (OR 10.6, IC 954.3-26.0, p 0.000), desnutrición posnatal (OR 12.1, IC 954.4-33.6, p 0.000), perímetro cefálico pequeño para la edad posnatal (OR 3.2, IC 951.4-7.7, p 0.006), talla baja para la edad posnatal (OR 4.2, IC 951.9-9.2, p 0.000) y condición neurológica anormal (OR 11.3, IC 955.8-21.8, p 0.000). En la regresión logística, la prematuridad (OR 2.6, IC 951.2-5.8, p 0.015) ajustada por los factores perinatales, la desnutrición posnatal (OR 35.4, IC951.2-1024.1, p 0.038) y la anormalidad en la condición neurológica (OR 8.5, 4.0-18.2, p 0.000) ajustadas por los factores perinatales y posnatales. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo significativos asociados al retraso del desarrollo psicomotor fueron la prematuridad ajustada por factores perinatales, la desnutrición posnatal y la anormalidad en la condición neurológica ajustadas por los factores perinatales y posnatales
Investigación de tipo cualitativa, abordaje estudio de caso, cuyo objetivo fue identificar, analizar y discutir las experiencias de los profesionales de enfermería en el cuidado de la cadena de frio en establecimientos de salud rurales de Huambos, 2015. Se sustentó en los conceptos de: cuidado, según King (1981), cadena de frio, según Norma Técnica de Salud para el Manejo de la Cadena de Frio en las inmunizaciones (2007) y Norma Técnica de salud que establece el esquema nacional de vacunación (2013). Los sujetos fueron 8 profesionales de enfermería; la muestra se determinó con la técnica de saturación y redundancia; los datos se recolectaron mediante la observación no participante y entrevista estructurada; se analizó a través del análisis de contenido, obteniendo como resultados: 1.Experiencias en el almacenamiento y conservación de la cadena de frio; 2.Experiencias en el transporte y distribución de la cadena de frio; 3.Experiencias en el manejo de la cadena de frio y la 4.Experiencias en la ruptura de la cadena de frio, se tuvo en cuenta los criterios de rigor científico según Morse y Tello y los de rigor ético según Sgreccia; arribando a la consideración final : que la experiencias de los profesionales de enfermería están en su mayoría enmarcadas en la aplicación de la normatividad vigente, existiendo sin embargo algunas experiencias que ponen en riesgo la cadena de frío por factores externos e internos, como problemas con el suministro eléctrico y a su vez a la deficiente capacitación, supervisión y monitoreo de la misma.