1000 resultados para Enfermedad arterial periférica
Las enfermedades neuromuscualres son enfermedades neurológicas, de naturaleza progresiva, normalmente hereditarias cuya principal característica clínica es la debilidad muscular. Dentro de las enfermedades que causan problemas respiratorios, existen una gran variedad de enfermedades neuromusculares que comprometen la función respiratoria, las cuales pueden dividirse en enfermedades neuromusculares neuropaticas y miopáticas, además de poder clasificarlas según la evolución. Las ENM pueden comprometer el sistema respiratorio condicionando morbilidad respiratoria de intensidad y precocidad variable dependiendo del grado de afección de los músculos respiratorios y deglutorios, así como de otros factores como el estado nutricional o la capacidad de deambulación, todos ellos factores que pueden ser incluidos dentro de un programa de enfermería de atención a domicilio.
Acute pancreatitis can complicate non-selective transcatheter arterial embolization of hepatocellular carcinoma with an incidence ranging from 1,7% (acute clinical pancreatitis) to 40% (biological pancreatitis). This complication is thought to be related to embolization of extrahepatic arterial collaterals.We report herein a case of acute clinical pancreatitis developing within 24 hours after a second course of selective transcatheter arterial chemo-embolization into the proper hepatic artery. Neither anatomical arterial variation nor particular risk factor for acute pancreatitis could be identified. This complication is unusual after selective arterial embolization. Because it may clinically mimick a postembolization syndrome, dosage of serum pancreatic enzymes should be performed systematically in case of abdominal pain following chemoembolization.
OBJECTIVES: Determine if arm veins are good conduits for infrainguinal revascularisation and should be used when good quality saphenous vein is not available. DESIGN: Retrospective study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated a consecutive series of infrainguinal bypass (IB) using arm vein conduits from March 2001 to December 2006.We selected arm vein by preoperative ultrasound mapping to identify suitable veins. We measured vein diameter and assessed vein wall quality. We followed patients with systematic duplex imaging at 1 week, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, and annually thereafter. We treated significative stenoses found during the follow-up. RESULTS: We performed 56 infrainguinal revascularisation using arm vein conduits in 56 patients. Primary patency rates at 1, 2 and 3 years were 65%, 51% and 47%. Primary assisted patencies at 1, 2 and 3 years were 96%, 96% and 82%. Secondary patency rates at 1, 2 and 3 years were 92%, 88% and 88%. The three-year limb salvage rate was 88%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that infrainguinal bypass using arm vein for conduits gives good patency rates, if selected by a preoperative US mapping to use the best autogenous conduit available.
If regions of the anterior pituitary gland received systemic blood via a direct arterial blood supply these regions would escape hypothalamic regulation and thus be a sequela in endocrine disorders. Since, in the untreated rat, all of the blood supply to the anterior pituitary gland is via the hypophyseal portal vessels, we hypothesized that partial interruption of the portal vessels could provoke the establishment of a direct arterial blood supply (arteriogenesis). We utilized the injection of polystyrene microspheres (15 or 9 micron diameter) into the left ventricle of the heart to test this hypothesis. Microspheres are trapped in the first capillary plexus they reach since they are too large to traverse the capillaries. No microspheres reached the anterior pituitary gland of control rats, a finding consistent with the fact that the anterior pituitary gland receives all of its blood supply via the hypophyseal portal blood vessels. Microspheres were observed in the primary portal capillary plexus in the infundibulum (median eminence), infundibular stalk (pituitary stalk), and infundibular process (pars nervosa), the first capillary plexus which they reached. A lesion of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) which destroyed the long portal vessels did not result in arteriogenesis since few, if any, microspheres were observed in the anterior pituitary gland. We confirmed, using vascular casts, that these lesions resulted in the long-term destruction of the primary portal capillaries in the infundibulum and of the long portal vessels. In MBH-lesioned animals it appears that all of the blood supply of the anterior pituitary gland is via short portal vessels arising from the infundibular stem and process.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Local re-inversion coronary MR angiography: arterial spin-labeling without the need for subtraction.
PURPOSE: To implement a double-inversion bright-blood coronary MR angiography sequence using a cylindrical re-inversion prepulse for selective visualization of the coronary arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local re-inversion bright-blood magnetization preparation was implemented using a nonselective inversion followed by a cylindrical aortic re-inversion prepulse. After an inversion delay that allows for in-flow of the labeled blood-pool into the coronary arteries, three-dimensional radial steady-state free-precession (SSFP) imaging (repetition/echo time, 7.2/3.6 ms; flip angle, 120 degrees, 16 profiles per RR interval; field of view, 360 mm; matrix, 512, twelve 3-mm slices) is performed. Coronary MR angiography was performed in three healthy volunteers and in one patient on a commercial 1.5 Tesla whole-body MR System. RESULTS: In all subjects, coronary arteries were selectively visualized with positive contrast. In addition, a middle-grade stenosis of the proximal right coronary artery was seen in one patient. CONCLUSION: A novel T1 contrast-enhancement strategy is presented for selective visualization of the coronary arteries without extrinsic contrast medium application. In comparison to former arterial spin-labeling schemes, the proposed magnetization preparation obviates the need for a second data set and subtraction.
A single coronary artery can complicate the surgical technique of arterial switch operations, impairing early and late outcomes. We propose a new surgical approach, successfully applied in a 2.1 kg neonate, aimed at reducing the risk of early and late compression and/or distortion of the newly constructed coronary artery system.
PURPOSE: To assess the technical feasibility of multi-detector row computed tomographic (CT) angiography in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and to evaluate its accuracy and reliability in the detection of graft-related complications, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four-channel multi-detector row CT angiography was performed in 65 consecutive patients with 85 peripheral arterial bypass grafts. Each bypass graft was divided into three segments (proximal anastomosis, course of the graft body, and distal anastomosis), resulting in 255 segments. Two readers evaluated all CT angiograms with regard to image quality and the presence of bypass graft-related abnormalities, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. The results were compared with McNemar test with Bonferroni correction. CT attenuation values were recorded at five different locations from the inflow artery to the outflow artery of the bypass graft. These findings were compared with the findings at duplex ultrasonography (US) in 65 patients and the findings at conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 27. RESULTS: Image quality was rated as good or excellent in 250 (98%) and in 252 (99%) of 255 bypass segments, respectively. There was excellent agreement both between readers and between CT angiography and duplex US in the detection of graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas (kappa = 0.86-0.99). CT angiography and duplex US were compared with conventional DSA, and there was no statistically significant difference (P >.25) in sensitivity or specificity between CT angiography and duplex US for both readers for detection of hemodynamically significant bypass stenosis or occlusion, aneurysmal changes, or arteriovenous fistulas. Mean CT attenuation values ranged from 232 HU in the inflow artery to 281 HU in the outflow artery of the bypass graft. CONCLUSION: Multi-detector row CT angiography may be an accurate and reliable technique after duplex US in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and detection of graft-related complications, including stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas.
The discovery in 1988 of endothelin, the most potent human endogenous vasoconstrictor, has opened the race to the discovery of a new weapon against arterial hypertension. The development of the endothelin receptors antagonists (ERAs) and the demonstration of their efficacy in preclinical models initially raised a wave of enthusiasm, which was however tempered due to their unfavorable side effect profile. In this article we will review the phases of the development ERAs, and their current and future place as therapeutic tool against arterial hypertension.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate helical CT angiography in the assessment of occlusive arterial disease of abdominal aorta and the lower extremities. Sixteen patients underwent both transcatheter angiography and helical CT. Helical CT was inconclusive in 6.2% of segments whereas angiography was inconclusive in 5%. The overall sensitivity of helical CT was 91% and specificity 93%. Segmental analysis found a sensitivity of 43% in infrapopliteal arteries, and a specificity of 86%.
Tumors in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients are often proximal to the major blood vessels in the abdomen or neck. In external-beam radiotherapy, these tumors present a challenge because imaging resolution prevents the beam from being targeted to the tumor lesion without also irradiating the artery wall. This problem has led to potentially life-threatening delayed toxicity. Because radioimmunotherapy has resulted in long-term survival of NHL patients, we investigated whether the absorbed dose (AD) to the artery wall in radioimmunotherapy of NHL is of potential concern for delayed toxicity. SPECT resolution is not sufficient to enable dosimetric analysis of anatomic features of the thickness of the aortic wall. Therefore, we present a model of aortic wall toxicity based on data from 4 patients treated with (131)I-tositumomab. METHODS: Four NHL patients with periaortic tumors were administered pretherapeutic (131)I-tositumomab. Abdominal SPECT and whole-body planar images were obtained at 48, 72, and 144 h after tracer administration. Blood-pool activity concentrations were obtained from regions of interest drawn on the heart on the planar images. Tumor and blood activity concentrations, scaled to therapeutic administered activities-both standard and myeloablative-were input into a geometry and tracking model (GEANT, version 4) of the aorta. The simulated energy deposited in the arterial walls was collected and fitted, and the AD and biologic effective dose values to the aortic wall and tumors were obtained for standard therapeutic and hypothetical myeloablative administered activities. RESULTS: Arterial wall ADs from standard therapy were lower (0.6-3.7 Gy) than those typical from external-beam therapy, as were the tumor ADs (1.4-10.5 Gy). The ratios of tumor AD to arterial wall AD were greater for radioimmunotherapy by a factor of 1.9-4.0. For myeloablative therapy, artery wall ADs were in general less than those typical for external-beam therapy (9.4-11.4 Gy for 3 of 4 patients) but comparable for 1 patient (32.6 Gy). CONCLUSION: Blood vessel radiation dose can be estimated using the software package 3D-RD combined with GEANT modeling. The dosimetry analysis suggested that arterial wall toxicity is highly unlikely in standard dose radioimmunotherapy but should be considered a potential concern and limiting factor in myeloablative therapy.
BACKGROUND: The limitations of the medical management of symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis encourage the development of new therapeutic strategies such as intracranial stenting. OBJECTIVE: To report and analyze the results of a series of 42 patients treated with 3 different endovascular techniques: isolated angioplasty, balloon-expandable coronary stents, and the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent system. METHODS: Forty-two patients presenting with symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis were treated with one of these techniques. Computed tomography angiography was performed 6 months after the procedure, and the clinical neurological statuses were categorized using the modified Rankin Scale and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. RESULTS: A total of 42 lesions were treated: 9 with isolated angioplasty, 14 with balloon-expandable coronary stents, and 19 with Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stents. The mean patient age was 62.9 years, and the mean arterial diameter stenosis was 73.9%. Technical success was achieved in 97.6% of the patients. The overall incidence of procedural complications was 21.4%, and the postoperative permanent morbidity/mortality rate was 7.1%. There were 3 cases of in-stent thrombosis (1 fatal) and 5 cases of asymptomatic restenosis (11.9%), 3 in the isolated angioplasty group and 2 in the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent group (mean follow-up 20.4 months). The rate of restenosis was higher in the angioplasty group (33%) than in the coronary (0%) and Wingspan stent (10.5%) groups. CONCLUSION: Endovascular treatment of symptomatic intracranial stenosis has significant overall morbidity and mortality rates. Nevertheless, the very critical natural history of severe refractory lesions and the relatively favorable postoperative evolution suggest that it should be considered the first alternative strategy in cases in which medical therapy has failed.
Rehabilitation programs represent an important and valuable tool for patients suffering various diseases. Supervised exercise programs for patients with peripheral arterial diseases have been shown to be efficacious in ameliorating walking performances and quality of life of such patients. With this regards the angiology service of the CHUV in Lausanne has established a multidisciplinary supervised program of vascular rehabilitation. This article describes organisation and characteristics of such a program.
Today two largely new approaches are available for the treatment of clinical hypertension. First, captopril, an orally active angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, makes possible chronic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system. This compound, given alone or in combination with a diuretic, normalizes the blood pressure of most hypertensive patients. Unfortunately, because captopril may induce serious adverse effects the use of this inhibitor must be restricted to patients with high blood pressure refractory to conventional antihypertensive drugs. Second, compounds such as verapamil and nifedipine are capable of producing a marked vasodilating effect by inhibiting the entry of calcium into the vascular smooth muscle cells. However, the role of calcium channel blockers in the treatment of hypertensive disease awaits more precise definition.