966 resultados para Energy density


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da densidade de energia metabolizável (EM) e lisina digestível (LIS) sobre o desempenho e a composição corporal de leitões após o desmame. Utilizaram-se 114 animais desmamados aos 7,4 ± 0,80 kg; desses animais, 108 foram alojados na unidade de creche e 6 foram abatidos no dia do desmame para determinação dos dados comparativos da composição química corporal. Seis densidades de nutrientes foram estipuladas a partir de estudo anterior, com base na maior retenção de nitrogênio, mantendo-se as seguintes relações EM:LIS nas dietas experimentais: 3.390:1,291; 3.450:1,409; 3.650:1,411; 3.780:1,461; 3.940:1,507; e 4.109 kcal/kg EM:1,564% LIS. As dietas experimentais foram oferecidas durante 13 dias, quando os leitões atingiram o peso de 12,986 ± 1,449 kg. Avaliaram-se os prováveis efeitos residuais da densidade nutricional no desempenho subseqüente dos leitões. Ao término da fase inicial-1, seis leitões de cada densidade foram abatidos para determinação da composição química nas frações corporais e no corpo vazio. Não houve influência significativa dos níveis nutricionais no desempenho dos leitões ao término da avaliação. Os resultados de conversão alimentar e composição corporal ratificam o nível indicado em estudo anterior, de 4 g LIS/Mcal. O aumento da densidade de energia e lisina confirma a necessidade da correta relação entre ambos para assegurar o melhor desempenho dos leitões na fase inicial de crescimento.


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Objectives:This study evaluated the influence of ovariectomy 8 weeks after implant placement on bone integrated to titanium implants.Materials and methods:Thirty-eight female rats were submitted to a titanium implant at the tibiae proximal methaphysis. After a healing period of 8 weeks the animals were randomly divided into three groups: control (CTL-10 animals), sham-operated (SHAM-14 animals) and ovariectomy (OVX-14 animals). The CTL group was then sacrificed in order to confirm integration of the implant. The SHAM group was submitted to fictitious surgery and the OVX group was submitted to bilateral ovariectomy. After 12 weeks post-implant placement, the SHAM and OVX groups were sacrificed. In order to confirm the systemic osteopenia in rats, a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was performed. For the evaluation of bone density, digital radiographs were taken. The grey level of the bone adjacent to implant was measured using image software and the bone density was calculated at six points on both sides of the implant.Results:Densitometry measurements of the femur confirmed systemic bone mass loss in the OVX group. Individualized bone analyses of different regions surrounding the implant showed a significantly lower radiographic bone density (P < 0.05) in the cancellous region of the OVX group (77.48 +/- 23.39 grey levels) when compared with the CTL and SHAM groups (91.61 +/- 32.10 and 102.57 +/- 32.50 grey levels, respectively).Conclusions:The present study showed a decrease of the radiographic bone density in the cancellous region of bone around titanium implants placed 8 weeks before ovariectomy in rats.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Models where the dark matter component of the Universe interacts with the dark energy field have been proposed as a solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, since in the attractor regime both dark energy and dark matter scale in the same way. In these models the mass of the cold dark matter particles is a function of the dark energy field responsible for the present acceleration of the Universe, and different scenarios can be parametrized by how the mass of the cold dark matter particles evolves with time. In this article we study the impact of a constant coupling delta between dark energy and dark matter on the determination of a redshift dependent dark energy equation of state w(DE)(z) and on the dark matter density today from SNIa data. We derive an analytical expression for the luminosity distance in this case. In particular, we show that the presence of such a coupling increases the tension between the cosmic microwave background data from the analysis of the shift parameter in models with constant w(DE) and SNIa data for realistic values of the present dark matter density fraction. Thus, an independent measurement of the present dark matter density can place constraints on models with interacting dark energy.


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We study non-linear structure formation in the presence of dark energy. The influence of dark energy on the growth of large-scale cosmological structures is exerted both through its background effect on the expansion rate, and through its perturbations. In order to compute the rate of formation of massive objects we employ the spherical collapse formalism, which we generalize to include fluids with pressure. We show that the resulting non-linear evolution equations are identical to the ones obtained in the pseudo-Newtonian approach to cosmological perturbations, in the regime where an equation of state serves to describe both the background pressure relative to density, and the pressure perturbations relative to the density perturbations. We then consider a wide range of constant and time-dependent equations of state (including phantom models) parametrized in a standard way, and study their impact on the non-linear growth of structure. The main effect is the formation of dark energy structure associated with the dark matter halo: non-phantom equations of state induce the formation of a dark energy halo, damping the growth of structures; phantom models, on the other hand, generate dark energy voids, enhancing structure growth. Finally, we employ the Press-Schechter formalism to compute how dark energy affects the number of massive objects as a function of redshift (number counts).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The abundance and distribution of collapsed objects such as galaxy clusters will become an important tool to investigate the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Number counts of very massive objects are sensitive not only to the equation of state of dark energy, which parametrizes the smooth component of its pressure, but also to the sound speed of dark energy, which determines the amount of pressure in inhomogeneous and collapsed structures. Since the evolution of these structures must be followed well into the nonlinear regime, and a fully relativistic framework for this regime does not exist yet, we compare two approximate schemes: the widely used spherical collapse model and the pseudo-Newtonian approach. We show that both approximation schemes convey identical equations for the density contrast, when the pressure perturbation of dark energy is parametrized in terms of an effective sound speed. We also make a comparison of these approximate approaches to general relativity in the linearized regime, which lends some support to the approximations.


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In the present paper we consider the vortex lattice properties of a square superconductor such as the vortex patterns, the Gibbs free energy, the magnetization, and the depairing critical current density. We show that this last quantity shows a matching effect, that is, it shows a discontinuous behavior as a function of the applied magnetic field.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare). Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, com três níveis de proteína bruta (26, 30 e 34%), dois de energia digestível (3.100 e 3.300 kcal/kg de ração) e três repetições. Juvenis com peso médio de 2,33 ± 0,26 g foram distribuídos em aquários contendo 25 litros de água, temperatura controlada (26 ± 1ºC) e filtro biológico, na densidade de estocagem de seis animais por aquário. Os peixes foram alimentados à vontade às 9, 14 e 16h30. Na análise do desempenho produtivo, foram avaliados o peso final, o comprimento final, o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de crescimento específico, a taxa de eficiência protéica e o fator de condição. As dietas contendo 26% PB proporcionaram maiores valores para taxa de eficiência protéica apenas em relação às dietas contendo 34% PB. As exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira podem ser atendidas com dietas contendo 26% PB e 3.100 kcal ED/kg.


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Energy fluctuations of a solute molecule embedded in a polar solvent are investigated to depict the energy landscape for solvation dynamics. The system is modeled by a charged molecule surrounded by two layers of solvent dipolar molecules with simple rotational dynamics. Individual solvent molecules are treated as simple dipoles that can point toward or away from the central charge (Ising spins). Single-spin-flip Monte Carlo kinetics simulations are carried out in a two-dimensional lattice for different central charges, radii of outer shell, and temperatures. By analyzing the density of states as a function of energy and temperatures, we have determined the existence of multiple freezing transitions. Each of them can be associated with the freezing of a different layer of the solvent. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.