954 resultados para Elastic sphere
We model the cytoskeleton as a fractal network by identifying each segment with a simple Kelvin-Voigt element with a well defined equilibrium length. The final structure retains the elastic characteristics of a solid or a gel, which may support stress, without relaxing. By considering a very simple regular self-similar structure of segments in series and in parallel, in one, two, or three dimensions, we are able to express the viscoelasticity of the network as an effective generalized Kelvin-Voigt model with a power law spectrum of retardation times L similar to tau(alpha). We relate the parameter alpha with the fractal dimension of the gel. In some regimes ( 0 < alpha < 1), we recover the weak power law behaviors of the elastic and viscous moduli with the angular frequencies G' similar to G" similar to w(alpha) that occur in a variety of soft materials, including living cells. In other regimes, we find different power laws for G' and G".
The optimal design of cold-formed steel columns is addressed in this paper, with two objectives: maximize the local-global buckling strength and maximize the distortional buckling strength. The design variables of the problem are the angles of orientation of cross-section wall elements the thickness and width of the steel sheet that forms the cross-section are fixed. The elastic local, distortional and global buckling loads are determined using Finite Strip Method (CUFSM) and the strength of cold-formed steel columns (with given length) is calculated using the Direct Strength Method (DSM). The bi-objective optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) method, which does not use any derivatives of the objective functions. Trade-off Pareto optimal fronts are obtained separately for symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-section shapes. The results are analyzed and further discussed, and some interesting conclusions about the individual strengths (local-global and distortional) are found.
A multiobjective approach for optimization of passive damping for vibration reduction in sandwich structures is presented in this paper. Constrained optimization is conducted for maximization of modal loss factors and minimization of weight of sandwich beams and plates with elastic laminated constraining layers and a viscoelastic core, with layer thickness and material and laminate layer ply orientation angles as design variables. The problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) solver for derivative-free multiobjective optimization and solutions are compared with alternative ones obtained using genetic algorithms.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo entre o ISEL e o LNEC
The formulation of a bending vibration problem of an elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beam carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along its length is presented. In this study, the authors exploit the application of the differential evolution optimization technique to identify the torsional stiffness properties of the elastic supports of a Bernoulli-Euler beam. This hybrid strategy allows the determination of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams, taking into account the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, followed by a reconciliation step between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones. The proposed optimal identification of the elastic support parameters is computationally demanding if the exact eigenproblem solving is considered. Hence, the use of a Gaussian process regression as a meta-model is addressed. An experimental application is used in order to assess the accuracy of the estimated parameters throughout the comparison of the experimentally obtained natural frequency, from impact tests, and the correspondent computed eigenfrequency.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC
A correlation and predictive scheme for the viscosity and self-diffusivity of liquid dialkyl adipates is presented. The scheme is based on the kinetic theory for dense hard-sphere fluids, applied to the van der Waals model of a liquid to predict the transport properties. A "universal" curve for a dimensionless viscosity of dialkyl adipates was obtained using recently published experimental viscosity and density data of compressed liquid dimethyl (DMA), dipropyl (DPA), and dibutyl (DBA) adipates. The experimental data are described by the correlation scheme with a root-mean-square deviation of +/- 0.34 %. The parameters describing the temperature dependence of the characteristic volume, V-0, and the roughness parameter, R-eta, for each adipate are well correlated with one single molecular parameter. Recently published experimental self-diffusion coefficients of the same set of liquid dialkyl adipates at atmospheric pressure were correlated using the characteristic volumes obtained from the viscosity data. The roughness factors, R-D, are well correlated with the same single molecular parameter found for viscosity. The root-mean-square deviation of the data from the correlation is less than 1.07 %. Tests are presented in order to assess the capability of the correlation scheme to estimate the viscosity of compressed liquid diethyl adipate (DEA) in a range of temperatures and pressures by comparison with literature data and of its self-diffusivity at atmospheric pressure in a range of temperatures. It is noteworthy that no data for DEA were used to build the correlation scheme. The deviations encountered between predicted and experimental data for the viscosity and self-diffusivity do not exceed 2.0 % and 2.2 %, respectively, which are commensurate with the estimated experimental measurement uncertainty, in both cases.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Lunacloud is a cloud service provider with offices in Portugal, Spain, France and UK that focus on delivering reliable, elastic and low cost cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions. The company currently relies on a proprietary IaaS platform - the Parallels Automation for Cloud Infrastructure (PACI) - and wishes to expand and integrate other IaaS solutions seamlessly, namely open source solutions. This is the challenge addressed in this thesis. This proposal, which was fostered by Eurocloud Portugal Association, contributes to the promotion of interoperability and standardisation in Cloud Computing. The goal is to investigate, propose and develop an interoperable open source solution with standard interfaces for the integrated management of IaaS Cloud Computing resources based on new as well as existing abstraction libraries or frameworks. The solution should provide bothWeb and application programming interfaces. The research conducted consisted of two surveys covering existing open source IaaS platforms and PACI (features and API) and open source IaaS abstraction solutions. The first study was focussed on the characteristics of most popular open source IaaS platforms, namely OpenNebula, OpenStack, CloudStack and Eucalyptus, as well as PACI and included a thorough inventory of the provided Application Programming Interfaces (API), i.e., offered operations, followed by a comparison of these platforms in order to establish their similarities and dissimilarities. The second study on existing open source interoperability solutions included the analysis of existing abstraction libraries and frameworks and their comparison. The approach proposed and adopted, which was supported on the conclusions of the carried surveys, reuses an existing open source abstraction solution – the Apache Deltacloud framework. Deltacloud relies on the development of software driver modules to interface with different IaaS platforms, officially provides and supports drivers to sixteen IaaS platform, including OpenNebula and OpenStack, and allows the development of new provider drivers. The latter functionality was used to develop a new Deltacloud driver for PACI. Furthermore, Deltacloud provides a Web dashboard and REpresentational State Transfer (REST) API interfaces. To evaluate the adopted solution, a test bed integrating OpenNebula, Open- Stack and PACI nodes was assembled and deployed. The tests conducted involved time elapsed and data payload measurements via the Deltacloud framework as well as via the pre-existing IaaS platform API. The Deltacloud framework behaved as expected, i.e., introduced additional delays, but no substantial overheads. Both the Web and the REST interfaces were tested and showed identical measurements. The developed interoperable solution for the seamless integration and provision of IaaS resources from PACI, OpenNebula and OpenStack IaaS platforms fulfils the specified requirements, i.e., provides Lunacloud with the ability to expand the range of adopted IaaS platforms and offers a Web dashboard and REST API for the integrated management. The contributions of this work include the surveys and comparisons made, the selection of the abstraction framework and, last, but not the least, the PACI driver developed.
Com o atual estado da construção em Portugal, a reabilitação urbana é uma realidade. Com muitos dos edifícios a necessitarem de reforço, procurou-se abordar o comportamento real das estruturas, indo além da típica análise linear elástica. Desta forma, pretendeu-se aumentar o conhecimento acerca da modelação numérica não-linear de estruturas de betão armado, expondo modelos de cálculo relativamente simples e de fácil compreensão, com o objetivo de servir de base a uma avaliação da capacidade de carga de um elemento estrutural. O modelo de cálculo foi validado com recurso ao trabalho experimental de Bresler e Scordelis (1963). Analisou-se o comportamento até à rotura de três vigas ensaiadas à flexão. Posteriormente, foi realizado um estudo paramétrico de algumas propriedades do betão com vista à discussão do melhor de ajuste. Em seguida, já no campo do reforço estrutural, simulou-se numericamente vigas reforçadas com CFRP, com recurso à técnica EBR e NSM. Comparam-se os resultados numéricos com os ensaios experimentais de Cruz et al. (2011a). Avaliou-se ainda o desempenho de soluções alternativas com variações na área e comprimento dos laminados. Para finalizar, foi desenvolvida uma campanha experimental com diferentes áreas de reforço. Conceberam-se e executaram-se três vigas de betão armado sobre as quais se instalaram laminados de CFRP. Os resultados experimentais são apresentados e discutidos à luz dos resultados do respetivo modelo numérico. No cômputo geral, o presente trabalho permitiu aferir a validade de modelos não-lineares na previsão do comportamento efetivo das estruturas até à rotura. Assinala-se a concordância em vários resultados experimentais analisados. Ficaram também patentes os principais fenómenos ligados ao reforço de vigas com CFRP, focados nos respetivos modelos de cálculo e nos resultados experimentais apresentados.
As excelentes propriedades mecânicas, associadas ao seu baixo peso, fazem com que os materiais compósitos sejam atualmente dos mais interessantes da nossa sociedade tecnológica. A crescente utilização destes materiais e a excelência dos resultados daí provenientes faz com que estes materiais sejam utilizados em estruturas complexas de responsabilidade, pelo que a sua maquinagem se torna necessária de forma a possibilitar a ligação entre peças. O processo de furação é o mais frequente. O processo de maquinagem de compósitos terá como base os métodos convencionais utilizados nos materiais metálicos. O processo deverá, no entanto, ser convenientemente adaptado, quer a nível de parâmetros, quer a nível de ferramentas a utilizar. As características dos materiais compósitos são bastante particulares pelo que, quando são sujeitos a maquinagem poderão apresentar defeitos tais como delaminação, fissuras intralaminares, arrancamento de fibras ou dano por sobreaquecimento. Para a detecção destes danos, por vezes a inspeção visual não é suficiente, sendo necessário recorrer a processos específicos de análise de danos. Existem já, alguns estudos, cujo âmbito foi a obtenção de furos de qualidade em compósitos, com minimização do dano, não se podendo comparar ainda com a informação existente, no que se refere à maquinagem de materiais metálicos ou ligas metálicas. Desta forma, existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, de forma a que o grau de confiança na utilização destes materiais se aproxime aos materiais metálicos. Este trabalho experimental desenvolvido nesta tese assentou essencialmente na furação de placas laminadas e posterior análise dos danos provocados por esta operação. Foi dada especial atenção à medição da delaminação causada pela furação e à resistência mecânica do material após ser maquinado. Os materiais utilizados, para desenvolver este trabalho experimental, foram placas compósitas de carbono/epóxido com duas orientações de fibras diferentes: unidireccionais e em “cross-ply”. Não se conseguiu muita informação, junto do fornecedor, das suas características pelo que se levaram a cabo ensaios que permitiram determinar o seu módulo de elasticidade. Relativamente á sua resistência â tração, como já foi referido, a grande resistência oferecida pelo material, associada às limitações da máquina de ensaios não permitiu chegar a valores conclusivos. Foram usadas três geometrias de ferramenta diferentes: helicoidal, Brad e Step. Os materiais utilizados nas ferramentas, foram o aço rápido (HSS) e o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas helicoidais de 118º de ângulo de ponta e apenas o carboneto de tungsténio para as brocas Brad e Step. As ferramentas em diamante não foram consideradas neste trabalho, pois, embora sejam reconhecidas as suas boas características para a maquinagem de compósitos, o seu elevado custo não justifica a sua escolha, pelo menos num trabalho académico, como é o caso. As vantagens e desvantagens de cada geometria ou material utilizado foram avaliadas, tanto no que diz respeito à delaminação como á resistência mecânica dos provetes ensaiados. Para a determinação dos valores de delaminação, foi usada a técnica de Raio X. Algum conhecimento já existente relativamente a este processo permitiu definir alguns parâmetros (por exemplo: tempo de exposição das placas ao liquido contrastante), que tornaram acessível o procedimento de obtenção de imagens das placas furadas. Importando estas imagens para um software de desenho (no caso – AutoCad), foi possível medir as áreas delaminadas e chegar a valores para o fator de delaminação de cada furo efetuado. Terminado este processo, todas as placas foram sujeitas a ensaios de esmagamento, de forma a avaliar a forma como os parâmetros de maquinagem afectaram a resistência mecânica do material. De forma resumida, são objetivos deste trabalho: - Caracterizar as condições de corte em materiais compósitos, mais especificamente em fibras de carbono reforçado com matriz epóxida (PRFC); - Caracterização dos danos típicos provocados pela furação destes materiais; - Desenvolvimento de análise não destrutiva (RX) para avaliação dos danos provocados pela furação; - Conhecer modelos existentes com base na mecânica da fratura linear elástica (LEFM); - Definição de conjunto de parâmetros ideais de maquinagem com o fim de minimizar os danos resultantes da mesma, tendo em conta os resultados provenientes dos ensaios de força, da análise não destrutiva e da comparação com modelos de danos existentes e conhecidos.
Critical Velocity obtained using Simplified Models of the Railway Track: Viability and Applicability
Increased demands on the capacity of the railway network gave rise to new issues related to the dynamic response of railway tracks subjected to moving vehicles. Thus, it becomes important to evaluate the applicability of traditionally used simplified models which have a closed form solution. Regarding simplified models, transversal vibrations of a beam on a visco-elastic foundation subjected to a moving load are considered. Governing equations are obtained by Hamilton’s principle. Shear distortion, rotary inertia and effect of axial force are accounted for. The load is introduced as a time varying force moving at a constant velocity. Transversal vibrations induced by the load are solved by the normal-mode analysis. Reflected waves at the extremities of the full beam are avoided by introduction of semi-infinite elements. Firstly, the critical velocity obtained from this model is compared with results of an undamped Euler- Bernoulli formulation with zero axial force. Secondly, a finite element model in ABAQUS is examined. The new contribution lies in the introduction of semi- infinite elements and in the first step to a systematic comparison, which have not been published so fa
The aim of this contribution is to extend the techniques of composite materials design to non-linear material behaviour and apply it for design of new materials for passive vibration control. As a first step a computational tool allowing determination of macroscopic optimized one-dimensional isolator behaviour was developed. Voigt, Maxwell, standard and more complex material models can be implemented. Objective function considers minimization of the initial reaction and/or displacement peak as well as minimization of the steady-state amplitude of reaction and/or displacement. The complex stiffness approach is used to formulate the governing equations in an efficient way. Material stiffness parameters are assumed as non-linear functions of the displacement. The numerical solution is performed in the complex space. The steady-state solution in the complex space is obtained by an iterative process based on the shooting method which imposes the conditions of periodicity with respect to the known value of the period. Extension of the shooting method to the complex space is presented and verified. Non-linear behaviour of material parameters is then optimized by generic probabilistic meta-algorithm, simulated annealing. Dependence of the global optimum on several combinations of leading parameters of the simulated annealing procedure, like neighbourhood definition and annealing schedule, is also studied and analyzed. Procedure is programmed in MATLAB environment.
Local Tourist Systems (LTS) can be analyzed according to an investigation structure that derives from industrial economics on industrial districts, local productive systems or learning regions. LTS concept is a useful analytical tool that can seize the resorts diversity and organization. Resorts can be conceived both as clusters or industrial districts, either with a perfect agreement between productive sphere and local community or a mere industrial juxtaposition without any economic or social connection. On the other hand tourist clusters analysis has cross referred almost exclusively to socio-economic criteria. Environmental issues were almost disregarded. Approaches swing from the “greening” of products and practices to initiatives focused on an integrated approach, linking environment and tourist development. This paper tries to discuss how to favor – inside a tourist destination - the creation of clusters grounded on sustainable tourism. The case studies (the 5 Alentejo Natural Reserves: Estuário do Sado; Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha; Vale do Guadiana; Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina; Serra de S. Mamede) are analyzed under the light of how microstructures groups can allow a territorial sustainable tourist development. The issues of “resources and competences” and “governance” ar
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física