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Camoens, the great Portuguese epic, was a Lucan’s reader, although it seems forgotten by some critics. Among the ancient writers who have influenced Camoens’ text, the Latin poet Lucan (AD 65) receives a smaller, but not irrelevant attention. This paper presents some allusions to Lucan in Os Lusíadas of Camoens, specially exploiting a long imitation of Pharsalia, II, 585-595.


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This essay will describe the italian women who dedicated their novels and tales in the nineth Century to the people and the brazilian culture. I intend to remark the female point of view of these writers, very different of the others writers which novels and tales described only the exotic and pitoresc. Keywords Italian writers; Brazilian characters; female point of view; Italian novels of the 20th century.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Álvaro Lins (1912-1970), was an important literary critic of brazilian modernism that marked the twentieth century by the great influence of his writings. In 1963, he published Os Mortos de Sobrecasaca: obras, autores e problemas de literatura brasileira. Ensaios e estudos 1940-1960, that brings in the subtitle his concerns in building a balance on the modernist legacy to literature and culture in Brazil. This work makes possible a schematic view of the evolutionary process of literary production, because it indicates an exam about the twenty years of ripening of modernist proposals from a reflection that is organized as a history of Brazilian literature based on leading writers of the national literary canon.


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the representations of intellectual in the epistolary production of Jorge de Sena (1919‐1978), more specifically in correspondence with Virgil Ferreira (1916‐1997), which occurred between the years 1950 to 1975. Some topics, such as the condition of intellectual dictatorship, the position of the writer and his relations with the aesthetics of Neo‐Realism and the condition of exile, are important topics that make up most of the concerns of both writers.


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This article seeks to historically contextualize Kracauer’s aesthetic-political position regarding this successful literary genre among German writers in the early 1930s: the novel report. It is inevitable the reference to the Berlin journal, Die Linkskurve, and to Lukács’s critiques developed in the period – when he resumes aesthetic questions on the novel as a literary genre in a Marxist interpretation and outlines his thesis on “critical realism”. Kracauer wrote a critique about the film Kuhle Wampe, directed by S. Dudow with a script by B. Brecht and E. Ottwald and music by H. Eisler, which engendered a discussion full of misunderstandings, but extremely interesting, between E. Bloch and Kracauer and between Kracauer and Brecht. Finally, I comment the journal project Krise und Kritik, which failed with the rise of Hitler.


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This work aims at understanding the intergenerational relationships between grandparents and grandchildren in contemporary society. To this end, we analyze two works of Children's Literature as a form of manifestation of the importance of symbolic exchanges between generations. Selected Menina Nina: duas razões para não chorar, Ziraldo (2002) and A menina, o cofrinho e a vovó by Cora Coralina (2009). We adopt a psychoanalytic reading as a reference for analysis, since it excels in psychic construction of the individual, his unconscious design and its interaction with the socio-cultural environment , which allows to explore and reflect on the links between generations , thus serving as a research method and interpretation of relationships within the family . We confirm our hypothesis with writers - grandparents, here represented by Ziraldo and Cora Coralina, which produced works that highlight the experience with their grandchildren. Thus, grandparents, grandchildren and readers are active in recovery and symbolic transmission characters.


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Victor Hugo was one of the most important writers of the French litterature. He publishied novels and plays, but he dedicated himself especially to the poetry. This article aims to describe the poetic journey of Victor Hugo and analyses how the History of France, the life of the writer and the discussions about Romantism combined and formed a work that traverses the century.


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We can notice in Brazilian literature —both past and contemporary— the presence of the historical novel in its several modalities which include traditional models but also contemporary formulations that break old models with irreverence. Among them are the historiographical metafictions (Hutcheon, 1991), which propose the rereading not only of history but also of literature itself. Therefore, in the large number of historical characters which are fictionalized by contemporary Brazilian historical novel in the last decades, this essay intends to discuss how Ana Miranda engages in reading the history of Brazilian literature through fiction in three of her novels. The first is Boca do inferno (1989), whose protagonists are two of the main representatives of Brazilian colonial barroque, Father Antônio Vieira and poet Gregório de Matos. Following the chronological order of protagonist writers, the next novel to be discussed is Dias & dias (2002), whose action is centered in Gonçalves Dias, a well known poet of national Romanticism. The third is A última quimera (1995), which makes an outline of Brazilian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, dealing with Augusto dos Anjos and Olavo Bilac. By inverting some traditional viewpoints, Ana Miranda proposes, as in a palimpsest, the rereading and discussion of the national literary cânon and its construction.


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O objetivo desse artigo é refletir sobre a experiência visual da revista mexicana Frente a Frente (1934-1937) publicação da Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionários – LEAR (1933-1938). Após apresentar a trajetória da revista procuramos investigar o projeto visual da publicação e a complexidade de uma revista engajada e a tensão entre propostas de cultura proletária, realismo socialista e vanguarda. Procuramos averiguar a circulação da vanguarda fotográfica entre Europa e México no período entre guerras. Interessa-nos em particular a experiência da utilização de fotografias e fotomontagens.


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Sectores tradicionales de la historiografía brasileña, siguiendo la idea de la cordialidad de ese pueblo, defendida por importantes intelectuales, suelen presentar la independencia del país como un proceso pacífico. El siete de septiembre de 1822, el hijo del rey de Portugal, que entonces vivía en Brasil, proclama la independencia del nuevo país e instaura un régimen monárquico que perdura hasta 1889 y mantiene unido en esa corona la inmensa extensión territorial que constituye actualmente el país. En realidad el proceso de construcción del estado brasileño no fue tan pacífico como cuentan los manuales de historia ni tampoco dejó de cosechar conflictos a lo largo de casi un siglo. En las últimas décadas historiadores y novelistas se han encargado de apuntar fisuras y disensiones en dicho proceso. La historia aparece así reescrita en varias novelas, desde paradigmas escriturales diversos. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo muestra como tres escritores trataron de aspectos de las guerras de independencia en el país en novelas históricas. La lectura de Viva o povo brasileiro (1984), de João Ubaldo Ribeiro; Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e Anita (1999), de Flávio Aguiar, muestra como la literatura puede leer de modo privilegiado los signos de la historia.