980 resultados para E. Coli O157


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I lantibiotici sono molecole peptidiche prodotte da un gran numero di batteri Gram-positivi, posseggono attività antibatterica contro un ampio spettro di germi, e rappresentano una potenziale soluzione alla crescente problematica dei patogeni multi-resistenti. La loro attività consiste nel legame alla membrana del bersaglio, che viene quindi destabilizzata mediante l’induzione di pori che determinano la morte del patogeno. Tipicamente i lantibiotici sono formati da un “leader-peptide e da un “core-peptide. Il primo è necessario per il riconoscimento della molecola da parte di enzimi che effettuano modifiche post-traduzionali del secondo - che sarà la regione con attività battericida una volta scissa dal “leader-peptide. Le modifiche post-traduzionali anticipate determinano il contenuto di amminoacidi lantionina (Lan) e metil-lantionina (MeLan), caratterizzati dalla presenza di ponti-tioetere che conferiscono maggior resistenza contro le proteasi, e permettono di aggirare la principale limitazione all’uso dei peptidi in ambito terapeutico. La nisina è il lantibiotico più studiato e caratterizzato, prodotto dal batterio L. lactis che è stato utilizzato per oltre venti anni nell’industria alimentare. La nisina è un peptide lungo 34 amminoacidi, che contiene anelli di lantionina e metil-lantionina, introdotti dall’azione degli enzimi nisB e nisC, mentre il taglio del “leader-peptide è svolto dall’enzima nisP. Questo elaborato affronta l’ingegnerizzazione della sintesi e della modifica di lantibiotici nel batterio E.coli. In particolare si affronta l’implementazione dell’espressione eterologa in E.coli del lantibiotico cinnamicina, prodotto in natura dal batterio Streptomyces cinnamoneus. Questo particolare lantibiotico, lungo diciannove amminoacidi dopo il taglio del leader, subisce modifiche da parte dell’enzima CinM, responsabile dell’introduzione degli aminoacidi Lan e MeLan, dell’enzima CinX responsabile dell’idrossilazione dell’acido aspartico (Asp), e infine dell’enzima cinorf7 deputato all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina (Lal). Una volta confermata l’attività della cinnamicina e di conseguenza quella dell’enzima CinM, si è deciso di tentare la modifica della nisina da parte di CinM. A tal proposito è stato necessario progettare un gene sintetico che codifica nisina con un leader chimerico, formato cioè dalla fusione del leader della cinnamicina e del leader della nisina. Il prodotto finale, dopo il taglio del leader da parte di nisP, è una nisina completamente modificata. Questo risultato ne permette però la modifica utilizzando un solo enzima invece di due, riducendo il carico metabolico sul batterio che la produce, e inoltre apre la strada all’utilizzo di CinM per la modifica di altri lantibiotici seguendo lo stesso approccio, nonché all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina, in quanto l’enzima cinorf7 necessita della presenza di CinM per svolgere la sua funzione.


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In questa tesi viene presentato un bioreattore in grado di mantenere nel tempo condizioni biologiche tali che consentano di massimizzare i cicli di evoluzione molecolare di vettori di clonazione fagici: litico (T7) o lisogeno (M13). Verranno quindi introdtti concetti legati alla Teoria della Quasispecie e alla relazione tra errori di autoreplicazione e pressioni selettive naturali o artificiali su popolazioni di virus: il modello naturale del sistema evolutivo. Tuttavia, mantenere delle popolazioni di virus significa formire loro un substrato dove replicare. Per fare ciò, altri gruppi di ricerca hanno giá sviluppato complessi e costosi prototipi di macchinari per la crescita continua di popolazioni batteriche: i compartimenti dei sistemi evolutivi. Il bioreattore, oggetto di questo lavoro, fa parte del progetto europeo Evoprog: general purpose programmable machine evolution on a chip (Jaramillo’s Lab, University of Warwick) che, utilizzando tecnologie fagiche e regolazioni sintetiche esistenti, sará in grado di produrre funzionalità biocomputazionali di due ordini di grandezza più veloci rispetto alle tecniche convenzionali, riducendo allo stesso tempo i costi complessivi. Il primo prototipo consiste in uno o piú fermentatori, dove viene fatta crescere la cultura batterica in condizioni ottimizzate di coltivazione continua, e in un cellstat, un volume separato, dove avviene solo la replicazione dei virus. Entrambi i volumi sono di pochi millilitri e appropriatamente interconnessi per consentire una sorta di screening continuo delle biomolecole prodotte all’uscita. Nella parte finale verranno presentati i risultati degli esperimenti preliminari, a dimostrazione dell’affidabilità del prototipo costruito e dei protocolli seguiti per la sterilizzazione e l’assemblaggio del bioreattore. Gli esperimenti effettuati dimostrano il successo di due coltivazioni virali continue e una ricombinazione in vivo di batteriofagi litici o lisogeni ingegnerizzati. La tesi si conclude valutando i futuri sviluppi e i limiti del sistema, tenendo in considerazione, in particolare, alcune applicazioni rivolte agli studi di una terapia batteriofagica.


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The diagnostic yield of prosthetic joint-associated infection is hampered by the phenotypic change of bacteria into a sessile and resistant form, also called biofilm. With sonication, adherent bacteria can be dislodged from the prosthesis. Species identification may be difficult because of their variations in phenotypic appearance and biochemical reaction. We have studied the phenotypic, genotypic, and biochemical properties of Escherichia coli variants isolated from a periprosthetic joint infection. The strains were collected from synovial fluid, periprosthetic tissue, and fluid from the explanted and sonicated prosthesis. Isolates from synovial fluid revealed a normal phenotype, whereas a few variants from periprosthetic tissue and all isolates from sonication fluid showed different morphological features (including small-colony variants). All isolates from sonication fluid were beta-galactosidase negative and nonmotile; most were indole negative. Because of further variations in biochemical properties, species identification was false or not possible in 50% of the isolates included in this study. In contrast to normal phenotypes, variants were resistant to aminoglycosides. Typing of the isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis yielded nonidentical banding patterns, but all strains were assigned to the same clonal origin when compared with 207 unrelated E. coli isolates. The bacteria were repeatedly passaged on culture media and reanalyzed. Thereafter, most variants reverted to normal phenotype and regained their motility and certain biochemical properties. In addition, some variants displayed aminoglycoside susceptibility after reversion. Sonication of an explanted prosthesis allows insight into the lifestyle of bacteria in biofilms. Since sonication fluid also reveals dislodged sessile forms, species identification of such variants may be misleading.


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To obtain crystals of the Escherichia coli catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) complexed with its DNA-binding site, we have searched for crystallization conditions with 26 different DNA segments ≥28 base-pairs in length that explore a variety of nucleotide sequences, lengths, and extended 5′ or 3′ termini. In addition to utilizing uninterrupted asymmetric lac site sequences, we devised a novel approach of synthesizing half-sites that allowed us to efficiently generate symmetric DNA segments with a wide variety of extended termini and lengths in the large size range (≥28 bp) required by this protein. We report three crystal forms that are suitable for X-ray analysis, one of which (crystal form III) gives measurable diffraction amplitudes to 3 Å resolution. Additives such as calcium, n-octyl-β-d-glucopyranoside and spermine produce modest improvements in the quality of diffraction from crystal form III. Adequate stabilization of crystal form III is unexpectedly complex, requiring a greater than tenfold reduction in the salt concentration followed by addition of 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol and then an increase in the concentration of polyethylene glycol.


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The pathway of copper entry into Escherichia coli is still unknown. In an attempt to shed light on this process, a lux-based biosensor was utilized to monitor intracellular copper levels in situ. From a transposon-mutagenized library, strains were selected in which copper entry into cells was reduced, apparent as clones with reduced luminescence when grown in the presence of copper (low-glowers). One low-glower had a transposon insertion in the comR gene, which encodes a TetR-like transcriptional regulator. The mutant strain could be complemented by the comR gene on a plasmid, restoring luminescence to wild-type levels. ComR did not regulate its own expression, but was required for copper-induction of the neighboring, divergently transcribed comC gene, as shown by real-time quantitative PCR and with a promoter-lux fusion. The purified ComR regulator bound to the promoter region of the comC gene in vitro and was released by copper. By membrane fractionation, ComC was shown to be localized in the outer membrane. When grown in the presence of copper, ∆comC cells had higher periplasmic and cytoplasmic copper levels, compared to the wild-type, as assessed by the activation of the periplasmic CusRS sensor and the cytoplasmic CueR sensor, respectively. Thus, ComC is an outer membrane protein which lowers the permeability of the outer membrane to copper. The expression of ComC is controlled by ComR, a novel, TetR-like copper-responsive repressor.


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The glucose transporter IICB of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system (PTS) consists of a polytopic membrane domain (IIC) responsible for substrate transport and a hydrophilic C-terminal domain (IIB) responsible for substrate phosphorylation. We have overexpressed and purified a triple mutant of IIC (mut-IIC), which had recently been shown to be suitable for crystallization purposes. Mut-IIC was homodimeric as determined by blue native-PAGE and gel-filtration, and had an eyeglasses-like structure as shown by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis. Glucose binding and transport by mut-IIC, mut-IICB and wildtype-IICB were compared with scintillation proximity and in vivo transport assays. Binding was reduced and transport was impaired by the triple mutation. The scintillation proximity assay allowed determination of substrate binding, affinity and specificity of wildtype-IICB by a direct method. 2D crystallization of mut-IIC yielded highly-ordered tubular crystals and made possible the calculation of a projection structure at 12Å resolution by negative-stain TEM. Immunogold labeling TEM revealed the sidedness of the tubular crystals, and high-resolution atomic force microscopy the surface structure of mut-IIC. This work presents the structure of a glucose PTS transporter at the highest resolution achieved so far and sets the basis for future structural studies.


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Ileal lesions in Crohn's disease (CD) patients are colonized by pathogenic adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) able to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), and to survive within macrophages. The interaction of AIEC with IEC depends on bacterial factors mainly type 1 pili, flagella, and outer membrane proteins. In humans, proteases can act as host defence mechanisms to counteract bacterial colonization. The protease meprin, composed of multimeric complexes of the two subunits alpha and beta, is abundantly expressed in IECs. Decreased levels of this protease correlate with the severity of the inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of the present study was to analyze the ability of meprin to modulate the interaction of AIEC with IECs. In patients with ileal CD we observed decreased levels of meprins, in particular that of meprin β. Dose-dependent inhibition of the abilities of AIEC strain LF82 to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial T84 cells was observed when bacteria were pre-treated with both exogenous meprin α and meprin β. Dose-dependent proteolytic degradation of type 1 pili was observed in the presence of active meprins, but not with heat-inactivated meprins, and pretreatment of AIEC bacteria with meprins impaired their ability to bind mannosylated host receptors and led to decreased secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-8 by infected T84 cells. Thus, decreased levels of protective meprins as observed in CD patients may contribute to increased AIEC colonization.


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BACKGROUND: During the past ten years many quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting mastitis incidence and mastitis related traits like somatic cell score (SCS) were identified in cattle. However, little is known about the molecular architecture of QTL affecting mastitis susceptibility and the underlying physiological mechanisms and genes causing mastitis susceptibility. Here, a genome-wide expression analysis was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility that are affected by a specific QTL for SCS on Bos taurus autosome 18 (BTA18). Thereby, some first insights were sought into the genetically determined mechanisms of mammary gland epithelial cells influencing the course of infection. METHODS: Primary bovine mammary gland epithelial cells (pbMEC) were sampled from the udder parenchyma of cows selected for high and low mastitis susceptibility by applying a marker-assisted selection strategy considering QTL and molecular marker information of a confirmed QTL for SCS in the telomeric region of BTA18. The cells were cultured and subsequently inoculated with heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. After 1, 6 and 24 h, the cells were harvested and analyzed using the microarray expression chip technology to identify differences in mRNA expression profiles attributed to genetic predisposition, inoculation and cell culture. RESULTS: Comparative analysis of co-expression profiles clearly showed a faster and stronger response after pathogen challenge in pbMEC from less susceptible animals that inherited the favorable QTL allele 'Q' than in pbMEC from more susceptible animals that inherited the unfavorable QTL allele 'q'. Furthermore, the results highlighted RELB as a functional and positional candidate gene and related non-canonical Nf-kappaB signaling as a functional mechanism affected by the QTL. However, in both groups, inoculation resulted in up-regulation of genes associated with the Ingenuity pathways 'dendritic cell maturation' and 'acute phase response signaling', whereas cell culture affected biological processes involved in 'cellular development'. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the complex expression profiling of pathogen challenged pbMEC sampled from cows inheriting alternative QTL alleles is suitable to study genetically determined molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility in mammary epithelial cells in vitro and to highlight the most likely functional pathways and candidate genes underlying the QTL effect.


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OBJECTIVES: The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia causes the intestinal disease giardiasis, which may lead to acute and chronic diarrhoea in humans and various animal species. For treatment of this disease, several drugs such as the benzimidazole albendazole, the nitroimidazole metronidazole and the nitrothiazolide nitazoxanide are currently in use. Previously, a G. lamblia nitroreductase 1 (GlNR1) was identified as a nitazoxanide-binding protein. The aim of the present project was to elucidate the role of this enzyme in the mode of action of the nitro drugs nitazoxanide and metronidazole. METHODS: Recombinant GlNR1 was overexpressed in both G. lamblia and Escherichia coli (strain BL21). The susceptibility of the transfected bacterial and giardial cell lines to nitazoxanide and metronidazole was analysed. RESULTS: G. lamblia trophozoites overexpressing GlNR1 had a higher susceptibility to both nitro drugs. E. coli were fully resistant to nitazoxanide under both aerobic and semi-aerobic growth conditions. When grown semi-aerobically, bacteria overexpressing GlNR1 became susceptible to nitazoxanide. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that GlNR1 activates nitro drugs via reduction yielding a cytotoxic product.


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The aim of this study was to determine the potential association between housing type and multiple drug resistance (MDR) in Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from 283 laying-hen flocks. In each flock, a cloacal swab from four hens was collected and produced 1102 E. coli and 792 E. faecalis isolates. Broth microdilution was used to test susceptibility to antimicrobials. Country and housing type interacted differently with the MDR levels of both species. In the E. coli model, housing in a raised-floor system was associated with an increased risk of MDR compared to the conventional battery system [ odds ratio (OR) 2.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.13-3.97)]. In the E. faecalis model the MDR levels were lower in free-range systems than in conventional battery cages (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.27-0.94). In Belgium, ceftiofur-resistant E. coli isolates were more numerous than in the other countries.


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We tested the use of multiplex real-time PCR for detection and quantification of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli on broiler carcass neck skin samples collected during 2008 from slaughterhouses in Switzerland. Results from an established TaqMan assay based on two different targets (hipO and ceuE for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively) were corroborated with data from a newly developed assay based on a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the fusA gene, which allows differentiation between C. jejuni and C. coli. Both multiplex real-time PCRs were applied simultaneously for direct detection, differentiation, and quantification of Campylobacter from 351 neck skin samples and compared with culture methods. There was good correlation in detection and enumeration between real-time PCR results and quantitative culture, with real-time PCR being more sensitive. Overall, 251 (71.5%) of the samples were PCR positive for Campylobacter, with 211 (60.1%) in the hipO-ceuE assays, 244 (69.5%) in the fusA assay, and 204 (58.1%) of them being positive in both PCR assays. Thus, the fusA assay was similarly sensitive to the enrichment culture (72.4% positive); however, it is faster and allows for quantification. In addition, real-time PCR allowed for species differentiation; roughly 60% of positive samples contained C. jejuni, less than 10% C. coli, and more than 30% contained both species. Real-time PCR proved to be a suitable method for direct detection, quantification, and differentiation of Campylobacter from carcasses, and could permit time-efficient surveillance of these zoonotic agents.


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Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.