926 resultados para Drug-delivery


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The controlled release of drugs can be efficient if a suitable encapsulation procedure is developed, which requires biocompatible materials to hold and release the drug. In this study, a natural rubber latex (NRL) membrane is used to deliver metronidazole (MET), a powerful antiprotozoal agent. MET was found to be adsorbed on the NRL membrane, with little or no incorporation into the membrane bulk, according to energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy data indicated that MET retained its structural and spectroscopic properties upon encapsulation in the NRL membrane, with no molecular-level interaction that could alter the antibacterial activity of MET. More importantly, the release time of MET in a NRL membrane in vitro was increased from the typical 6-8 h for oral tablets or injections to ca. 100 h. The kinetics of the drug release could be fitted with a double exponential function, with two characteristic times of 3.6 and 29.9 h. This is a demonstration that the induced angiogenesis known to be provided by NRL membranes can be combined with a controlled release of drugs, whose kinetics can be tailored by modifying experimental conditions of membrane fabrication for specific applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liposomes have been applied to many fields as nanocarriers, especially in drug delivery as active molecules may be entrapped either in their aqueous interior or onto the hydrophobic surface. In this paper we describe the fabrication of layer-by-layer (LbL) films made with liposomes incorporating the anti-inflammatory ibuprofen. The liposomes were made with dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) and palmitoyl oleoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (POPG). LbL films were assembled via alternate adsorption of the polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM), generation 4, and liposomes containing ibuprofen. According to dynamic light scattering measurements, the incorporation of ibuprofen caused DPPC and DPPG liposonnes to become more stable, with a decrease in diameter from 140 to 74 nm and 132 to 63 nm, respectively. In contrast, liposomes from POPG became less stable, with an increase in size from 110 to 160 nm after ibuprofen incorporation. These results were confirmed by atomic force microscopy images of LbL films, which showed a large tendency to rupture for POPG liposomes. Film growth was monitored using nanogravimetry and UV-Vis spectroscopy, indicating that growth stops after 10 bilayers. The release of ibuprofen obtained with fluorescence measurements was slower for the liposomes, with decay times of 9.2 and 8.5 h for DPPG and POPG liposomes, respectively, than for the free drug with a decay time of 5.2 h. Ibuprofen could also be released from the LbL films made with DPPG and POPG liposomes, which is promising for further uses in patches.


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The electrostatic layer-by-layer technique has been exploited as an useful strategy for fabrication of nanostructured thin films, in which specific properties can be controlled at the molecular level. Ferrofluids consist of a colloidal suspension of magnetic grains (with only a few nanometers of diameter) with present interesting physical properties and applications, ranging from telecommunication to drug delivery systems. In this article, we developed a new strategy to manipulate ferrofluids upon their immobilization in nanostructured layered films in conjunction with conventional polyelectrolytes using the layer-by-layer technique. We investigated the morphological, optical, and magnetic properties of the immobilized ferrofluid as a function of number of bilayers presented in the films. Ferrofluid/polyelectrolyte multilayers homogeneously covered the substrates surface, and the magnetic and optical properties of films exhibited a linear dependence on the number of bilayers adsorbed.


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Lectins have been classified into a structurally diverse group of proteins that bind carbohydrates and glycoconjugates with high specificity. They are extremely useful molecules in the characterization of saccharides, as drug delivery mediators, and even as cellular surface makers. In this study, we present camptosemin, a new lectin from Camptosema ellipticum. It was characterized as an N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-binding homo-tetrameric lectin, with a molecular weight around 26 kDa/monomers. The monomers were stable over a wide range of pH values and exhibited pH-dependent oligomerization. Camptosemin promoted adhesion of breast cancer cells and hemagglutination, and both activities were inhibited by its binding of sugar. The stability and unfolding/folding behavior of this lectin was characterized using fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopies. The results indicate that chemical unfolding of camptosemin proceeds as a two-state monomer-tetramer process. In addition, small-angle X-ray scattering shows that camptosemin behaves as a soluble and stable homo-tetramer molecule in solution.


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Artificial vesicles or liposomes composed of lipid bilayers have been widely exploited as building blocks for artificial membranes, in attempts to mimic membrane interaction with drugs and proteins and to investigate drug delivery processes. In this study we report on the immobilization of liposomes of 1,2-dipalmitoyi-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (Sodium Salt) (DPPG) in layer-by-layer (LbL) films, alternated with poly (amidoamine) G4 (PAMAM) dendrimer layers. The average size of the liposomes in solution was 120 nm as determined by dynamic light scattering, with their spherical shape being inferred from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in cast films. LbL films containing up to 20 PAMAM/DPPG bilayers were assembled onto glass and/or silicon wafer substrates. The growth of the multilayers was achieved by alternately immersing the substrates into the PAMAM and DPPG solutions for 5 and 10 min, respectively. The formation of PAMAM/DPPG liposome multilayers and its ability to interact with BSA were confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The structural features and film thickness were obtained using X-ray diffraction and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Traditional venom immunotherapy uses injections of whole bee venom in buffer or adsorbed in Al (OH)(3) in an expensive, time-consuming way. New strategies to improve the safety and efficacy of this treatment with a reduction of injections would, therefore, be of general interest. It would improve patient compliance and provide socio-economic benefits. Liposomes have a long tradition in drug delivery because they increase the therapeutic index and avoid drug degradation and secondary effects. However, bee venom melittin (Mel) and phospholipase (PLA(2)) destroy the phospholipid membranes. Our central idea was to inhibit the PLA(2) and Mel activities through histidine alkylation and or tryptophan oxidation (with pbb, para-bromo-phenacyl bromide, and/or NBSN-bromosuccinimide, respectively) to make their encapsulations possible within stabilized liposomes. We strongly believe that this formulation will be nontoxic but immunogenic. In this paper, we present the whole bee venom conformation characterization during and after chemical modification and after interaction with liposome by ultraviolet, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopies. The PLA(2) and Mel activities were, measured indirectly by changes in turbidity at 400(nm), rhodamine leak-out, and hemolysis. The native whole bee venom (BV) presented 78.06% of alpha-helical content. The alkylation (A-BV) and succynilation (S-BV) of BV increased 0.44 and 0.20% of its alpha-helical content. The double-modified venom (S-A-BV) had a 0.74% increase of alpha-helical content. The BV chemical modification induced another change on protein conformations observed by Trp that became buried with respect to the native whole BV. It was demonstrated that the liposomal membranes must contain pbb (SPC:Cho:pbb, 26:7:1) as a component to protect them from aggregation and/or fusion. The membranes containing pbb maintained the same turbidity (100%) after incubation with modified venom, in contrast with pbb-free membranes that showed a 15% size decrease. This size decrease was interpreted as membrane degradation and was corroborated by a 50% rhodamine leak-out. Another fact that confirmed our interpretation was the observed 100% inhibition of the hemolytic activity after venom modification with pbb and NBS (S-A-BV). When S-A-BV interacted with liposomes, other protein conformational changes were observed and characterized by the increase of 1.93% on S-A-BV alpha-helical content and the presence of tryptophan residues in a more hydrophobic environment. In other words, the S-A-BV interacted with liposomal membranes, but this interaction was not effective to cause aggregation, leak-out, or fusion. A stable formulation composed by S-A-BV encapsulated within liposomes composed by SPC:Cho:pbb, at a ratio of 26:7:1, was devised. Large unilamellar vesicles of 202.5 nm with a negative surface charge (-24.29 mV) encapsulated 95% of S-A-BV. This formulation can, now, be assayed on VIT.


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The interaction between cationic bilayer fragments and a model oligonucleotide was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, turbidimetry, determination of excimer to monomer ratio of 2-(10-(1-pyrene)-decanoyl)-phosphatidyl-choline in bilayer fragment dispersions and dynamic light scattering for sizing and zeta-potential analysis. Salt (Na(2)HPO(4)), mononucleotide (2`-deoxyadenosine-5`-monophosphate) or poly (dA) oligonucleotide (3`-AAA AAA AAA A-5`) affected structure and stability of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide bilayer fragments. Oligonucleotide and salt increased bilayer packing due to bilayer fragment fusion. Mononucleotide did not reduce colloid stability or did not cause bilayer fragment fusion. Charge neutralization of bilayer fragments by poly (dA) at 1:10 poly (dA):dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide molar ratio caused extensive aggregation, maximal size and zero of zeta-potential for the assemblies. Above charge neutralization, assemblies recovered colloid stability due to charge overcompensation. For bilayer fragments/poly (dA), the nonmonotonic behavior of colloid stability as a function of poly (dA) concentration was unique for the oligonucleotide and was not observed for Na(2)HPO(4) or 2`-deoxyadenosine-5`-monophosphate. For the first time, such interactions between cationic bilayer fragments and mono- or oligonucleotide were described in the literature. Bilayer fragments/oligonucleotide assemblies may find interesting applications in drug delivery. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the synthesis and structural characterization of a series of polyacrylamide hydrogels with different degrees of reticulation are reported. Although the Equilibrium Swelling Theory was recognized as a simple and reliable tool for the determination of structural hydrogels network parameters like equilibrium degree of swelling, cross-link ratio and mesh size, this is the first application of this methodology for polyacrylamide hydrogels. By changing the total monomer content in the synthesis solution (%T) from 5 to 30%, at a fixed value of cross-linker content in the total monomer amount (%C) of 5%, the final parameter obtained, the mesh size, can be tuned from 2 to 0.3 nm. It was also possible to change the mesh size (0.19-0.35) by varying %C from 5 to 12% (at %T = 20%). Scanning Electron Microscopy images for the most different formulations are shown and corroborate data obtained from the theory. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermal analysis has been widely used for obtaining information about drug-polymer interactions and for pre-formulation studies of pharmaceutical dosage forms. In this work, biodegradable microparticles Of Poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) containing triamcinolone (TR) in various drug:polymer ratios were produced by spray drying. The main purpose of this study was to study the effect of the spray-drying process not only on the drug-polymer interactions but also on the stability of microparticles using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), X-ray analysis (XRD), and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The evaluation of drug-polymer interactions and the pre-formulation studies were assessed using the DSC, TG and DTG, and IR. The quantitative analysis of drugs entrapped in PLGA microparticles was performed by the HPLC method. The results showed high levels of drug-loading efficiency for all used drug: polymer ratio, and the polymorph used for preparing the microparticles was the form B. The DSC and TG/DTG profiles for drug-loaded microparticles were very similar to those for the physical mixtures of the components. Therefore, a correlation between drug content and the structural and thermal properties of drug-loaded PLGA microparticles was established. These data indicate that the spray-drying technique does not affect the physico-chemical stability of the microparticle components. These results are in agreement with the IR analysis demonstrating that no significant chemical interaction occurs between TR and PLGA in both physical mixtures and microparticles. The results of the X-ray analysis are in agreement with the thermal analysis data showing that the amorphous form of TR prevails over a small fraction of crystalline phase of the drug also present in the TR-loaded microparticles. From the pre-formulation studies, we have found that the spray-drying methodology is an efficient process for obtaining TR-loaded PLGA microparticles. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymeric electroactive blends formed by electropolymerized aniline inside a non-conductive polyacrylamide porous matrix were already shown as suitable materials for the electrocontrolled release of model compounds like safranin. In this paper the intermolecular interactions between the two components of the blend are put in evidence by Raman spectroscopy measurements. Also, in situ optical microscopy was used to follow changes occurring in the polyaniline/polyacrylamide blend during pyrocathecol violet release tests. These two sets of experiments show the possibility of controlling electrochemically the release of both, safranin (a cation) and pyrocathecol violet (an anion) and allow to infer a release mechanism based on the electromechanical properties of the blends explaining the dependence of the release kinetics on the applied potential. Tetracycline release curves for different potentials and pHs are shown and the obtained profiles are in agreement with those expected for a device acting as an electrochemically driven pump due to the artificial muscle properties of the conducting phase of the blends. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chitosan/starchblends represent an interesting alternative for the preparation of biocompatible drug delivery systems, packing materials and edible films. This paper reports on the effects of starch gelatinization and oxidation on the rheological behavior of chitosan/starch blends. The results show that the modifications in the starch structure cause changes in G` (storage modulus) and G `` (lossmodulus) as a function of frequency. For chitosan/starch, G `` is higher than G`, showing a viscous behavior. However, for chitosan/gelatinized starch and chitosan/oxidized starch, an increase in the angular frequency promotes a modulus crossover at omega = 0.02 and 0.04 rad s(-1), respectively. The viscosity curves as a function of shear rate show that both modifications cause an increase in viscosity, and all blends show a non-Newtonian behavior. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Tenascin-C is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein, whose expression is highly restricted in normal adult tissues, but markedly up-regulated in a range of tumors, and therefore serves as a potential receptor for targeted anticancer drug or gene delivery. We describe here a liposomal carrier system in which the targeting ligand is sulfatide. Experiments with tenascin-C-expressing glioma cells demonstrated that binding of liposomes to the extracellular matrix relied essentially on the sulfatide-tenascin-C interaction. Following binding to the extracellular matrix, the sulfatide-containing liposomes were internalized via both caveolae/lipid raft- and clathrin-dependent pathways, which would ensure direct cytoplasmic release of the cargoes carried in the liposomes. Such natural lipid-guided intracellular delivery targeting at the extracellular matrix glycoproteins of tumor cells thus opens a new direction for development of more effective anticancer chemotherapeutics in future.


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The problem of drug delivery has been of continuous research interest to the biomedical scientific community. The basic problem of drug delivery is to facilitate the transport of medication via the bloodstream to the target organs. This process can be significantly hampered by the hydrophobic nature of most medications. Pharmaceutical compounds and in particular chemotherapeutics (which are a specific area of research at the Cornell Medical Center and the Sloan-Kettering Institute) tend to be extremely hydrophobic. Blood is a hydrophilic environment, so the hydrophobic drugs simply cannot dissolve in the bloodstream. As a result they cannot be transported successfully to the target tissues. For example, Sloan-Kettering possesses compounds that kill cancer cells 100ln vitro, yet those same compounds are virtually inactive in vivo because of their insolubility in the blood. It was our purpose, therefore, to develop an appropriate and successful drug delivery system.


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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and morbidity in industrialized nations and are becoming an urgent health problem for all nations due to the unstoppable trend of an ageing and obese population. Due to the rapid development of micro total analysis systems (μTAS) and nanotechnology in recent years, they will play an important role in the diagnosis, management, and therapy of cardiovascular diseases. It is envisaged that the micro and nanotechnologies developed for treating other diseases shall be explored for cardiovascular applications to reduce the research effort required for commercializing the devices and drugs to meet the increasing demand of the cardiovascular patients.


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Receptor-mediated tumor targeting has received major attention in the field of cancer drug delivery in the past few years. Receptors, as molecular target has opened new opportunities for cellular or intracellular targeting of drug loaded delivery systems conjugated with targeting moieties i.e. ligand. This receptor mediated targeting of cancer drug through nano carrier sys¬tems to cancerous tissue offer protection and improves the pharmacokinetics of various drugs and help to overcome the systemic toxicity and adverse effects that result from the non-selective nature of most current cancer therapeutic agents. The article reviews the scope of receptor mediated targeting of anticancer drug loaded in various nanocarriers and also summarize recent perspective and challenges in the field of nanocarrier-aided drug delivery and drug targeting for cancer therapy.