952 resultados para Dominique Kone


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Q&A: Jean-Jacques Ndayisenga '13 on economics, giving back, and why there's more to Rwanda than the movie A Final Note: Machlin conducts farewell concert, ending a 38-year run "A Great Legacy as a Legendary Prof": Tribute gives Wadsworth Professor of Economics James Meehan a reason to learn how to use Facebook The Other Side of the Seine: Rosecrans Baldwin's new book recounts his love-hate relationship with the City of Light Collected from the Punjab, a thousand years of poetry A Trip to the West Indies--With Historical Baggage A Firsthand Account of the Life of the Maine Lobster Fisherman Fast Times: Walk-on Dom Kone sprints to two national championships Women's Lacrosse in NCAA's Managing @StateDept: Victoria Esser '94 has her finger on U.S. Government's digital diplomacy The Power of Privilege: Students become collaborators in study of affluence and education


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Este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo a análise de alguns aspectos do romance francófono belga contemporâneo Orlanda, publicado em 1996 pela autora Jacqueline Harpman. Na parte inicial, apresentamos a Bélgica, sua história e suas letras francófonas; os debates sobre a legitimidade de uma identidade nacional belga específica assim como os discursos que procuram afirmar ou negar a existência de um campo literário belga francófono autônomo são a linha de pensamento desta fase do presente estudo. A segunda parte trata de analisar a narrativa Orlanda. Descrevemos a composição geral do romance (o enredo, o narrador, o tempo e as personagens) e aprofundamos em seguida dois aspectos do romance: o jogo metadiscursivo e o mito do andrógino. A análise do romance evidencia uma narrativa que desvenda certos mecanismos do gênero romanesco; o mito do andrógino faz surgir níveis de significados como a tradição e a modernidade, a ficção e a realidade, o autor e sua atividade como escritor. Um itinerário biográfico sobre Jacqueline Harpman e uma descrição (muito breve) dos dezenove romances publicados pela autora até hoje são inseridos em anexo.


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Investiga a pertinência de considerar a configuração social contemporânea como sendo uma sociedade de Moda, na qual os sujeitos sociais são desencaixados de suas experiências diretas e reencaixados por imagens, que os significam. O maior significante dessas imagens encontra-se no novo, e a sua manipulação permeia a busca de ser um outro, para qualificar o mesmo. Analisa as transformações que Florianópolis passou entre os anos de 1950 a 1970, evidenciando a busca da modernidade como meio de assemelhar-se a outras cidades consideradas modernas, especialmente, o Rio de Janeiro. Apresenta tal historicidade como processo de emersão, tendo em vista que, os discursos propaladores da cidade moderna, foram considerados centrais na constituição da imagem de Florianópolis “realizada”. Analisa a constituição da poética moderna da aparência, ressaltando o papel da publicidade, lato sensu, na instituição dos padrões de elegância e beleza e seus vínculos com a estratificação social. Salienta a presença da cultura francesa na instituição desses padrões e relaciona-os a reconversão das elites contemporâneas. Investiga os processos de recepção da poética da aparência, no contexto florianopolitano, destacando a ação do cronismo social, que agencia a manipulação de fichas simbólicas de elegância, beleza, distinção e do moderno para configurar novas formas de ser elite. As fontes são tratadas a partir da estética da recepção de Jauss. As concepções de modernidade e de suas implicações são baseadas em Marshall Berman e Anthony Giddens, especialmente. As concepções de poder partem dos pressupostos de George Balandier, entre outros. Aplica-se a definição de capital-aparência de Pagès-Delon e de reconversão social de Robert Castel e Dominique de Saint-Martin. Conclui que a positivação da aparência, numa sociedade regida pela imagem do novo, promove subjetividades que encontram no parecer sua essência de ser, isto é, instituía seres de parecer ou sujeitos-moda que, logo, estabelecem suas estratégias de poder por meio da aparência.


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No contexto dos estudos psicogenéticos de J. Piaget, as investigações sobre o conhecimento físico abrangem .diferentes ternas, oriundos predominantemente da mecânica clássica. Há, no entanto, um terna específico que, ainda no contexto dos estudos psicogenéticos, é abordado de forma circunscrita: a causalidade, ou explicação causal, que é entendida por Piaget corno sinônimo do conhecimento físico. Este ensaio parte, em uma primeira etapa, dos três textos por ele escritos sobre este terna: "La causalité physique chez l'enfant" (1927); "Le développement de la causalité sensori-motrice", analisado em "La construction du ,réel chez l'enfant" (1937); e "Les explications ccausales"(197l). Desta apresentação se depreende a origem e evolução de alguns conceitos básicos de seu modelo teórico, bem corno os limites de uma pSicologia cognitiva que se volta para o estudo do sujeito epistêmico. Acrescentam-se observações e comentários críticos, originados de pesquisas atuais que, desenvolvidas no contexto do ensino e aprendizagem de física, focalizam as concepções espontâneas ou alternativas em mecânica. Finalmente, aborda-se o terna da formação do conhecimento físico, a partir da perspectiva de uma psicologia cognitiva, baseada em uma análise crítica dos estudos de J. Piaget.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto final a análise do romance belga francófono contemporâneo Une paix royale, publicado em 1995 por Pierre Mertens. No que diz respeito a um espaço nacional sem conformidade com o modelo canônico do Estadonação, quer-se evidenciar o estatuto de uma poética romanesca no seu processo de invenção do mito da nação e as peculiaridades da representação nacional que essa poética contribui a gerar. Tal abordagem do texto literário tem como pressuposto um estudo teórico sobre o conceito de nação, do qual são apresentadas uma história e uma definição. Também é levada em consideração a natureza das relações que a ficção romanesca estabelece com o mito da nação: a invenção do mesmo – que pode incluir sua desconstrução - utiliza uma linguagem específica da qual o romance e o campo literário em geral são enunciadores privilegiados. Essas considerações teóricas abrem caminho para um método interpretativo de textos francófonos que são os portadores contemporâneos do mito da nação belga, ou seja, manifestos publicados por intelectuais e por escritores entre 1976 e 2003, e o romance Une paix royale. A tese manifesta o papel criativo das Letras belgas francófonas na renovação da nação, que conserva uma atualidade


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The thesis analyses the European Unions’ effort to create an integrated pan-European electricity market based on “market coupling” as the proposed allocation mechanism for interconnector transfer capacity. Thus, the thesis’ main focus is if market coupling leads to a price convergence in interlinked markets and how it affects the behavior of electricity price data. The applied research methods are a qualitative, structured literature review and a quantitative analysis of electricity price data. The quantitative analysis relies on descriptive statistics of absolute price differentials and on a Cointegration analysis according to Engle & Granger (1987)’s two step approach. Main findings are that implicit auction mechanisms such as market coupling are more efficient than explicit auctions. Especially the method of price coupling leads to a price convergence in involved markets, to social welfare gains and reduces market power of producers, as shown on the example of the TLC market coupling. The market coupling initiative between Germany and Denmark, on the other hand, is evaluated as less successful and illustrates the complexity and difficulties of implementing market coupling initiatives. The cointegration analysis shows that the time series were already before the coupling date cointegrated, but the statistical significance increased. The thesis suggests that market coupling leads to a price convergence of involved markets and thus functions as method to create a single, integrated European electricity market.


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A dissertação analisa o esforço dos sindicatos europeus para criar um mercado pan- europeu de electricidade integrada baseada em "mercados combinados", como o mecanismo de alocação de capacidade de transferência de energia entre diferentes sistemas. Assim, o foco principal do estudo é se a integração do mercado leva a uma convergência de preços nos mercados interligados, e como isso afeta o comportamento dos preços de energia elétrica. Os métodos de investigação são uma revisão bibliográfica estruturada qualitativa e uma análise quantitativa de dados de preços de energia elétrica. A análise quantitativa se baseia em estatísticas descritivas das diferenças de preços absolutos e em uma análise de cointegração de acordo com a abordagem de Engle e Granger (1987). As principais conclusões são que os mecanismos de leilões implícitos, tais como a integração de mercado são mais eficientes que os leilões explícitos. Especialmente, o método de acoplamento de preços leva a uma convergência de preços nos mercados envolvidos, a ganhos de bem-estar social e reduz a o poder dos produtores no mercado, como mostra o exemplo da integração mercado TLC. A iniciativa mercados combinados entre a Alemanha ea Dinamarca, por outro lado, é avaliada como de menor sucesso e ilustra a complexidade e as dificuldades de implementação de iniciativas de integração de mercado. A análise de cointegração mostra que as séries temporais já estavam cointegradas antes da data de integração, mas a significância estatística aumentou. A tese sugere que a integração do mercado leva a uma convergência dos preços dos mercados envolvidos e, portanto, funciona como método para criar um mercado de eletricidade único e integrado na Europa.


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Alasdair Gray is now an established figure in the Scottish literary scene and has numerous claims to be considered an important voice writing in English. First Lanark: A Life in Four Books (1981) and then 1982 Janine (1984) contributed to the recognition of Gray as one of the founding fathers of the new Scottish writing and as a figure of importance in international contemporary fiction due to his innovative, experimental and postmodernist novels. As the title of this dissertation - “Alasdair Gray’s 1982 Janine (1984): A Postmodernist Scottish Novel” - suggests, it aims at analysing the author’s second novel, 1982 Janine (1984), in a thematic and formal perspective, in order to justify the choice of the terms - Postmodernist and Scottish - to classify this novel. 1982 Janine projects a world through Jock McLeish’s mind and is a powerful stream-of-consciousness narrative. Jock is an alcoholic who lives a personal crisis and, therefore, tries to escape from his depressing reality through sexual fantasies and political diatribes. During a single night in a Scottish hotel room, he drinks and dreams, and spends the whole night alone with his fantasies and fears, his memories and hopes. In Chapter 11, the most daring experimental section of the novel, Jock attempts to commit suicide by taking an overdose of tablets with alcohol but fails. Following this, he decides to review his life and make for a new beginning; the novel thus closing with an optimistic note. Also, the narrative is based on a constant interweaving of sex fantasy with political satire, that is, it is through his protagonist that Gray manages to convey the state of Scotland as well as the concerns and aspirations of the Scottish people and then, proceed to a political and social critique. This dissertation appears structured in three chapters. In Chapter I - “Alasdair Gray: A Postmodernist Scottish Writer” - I present Gray as a powerful postmodernist writer who also sees himself as a Scottish author, and more particularly as a Glaswegian, who concentrates on Scottish subject matter in his literary work. In a first section, I offer a brief survey of the Scottish literary scene from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, in order to understand Gray’s choice of setting and themes and to check his influence or indebtedness to previous Scottish authors. As 1982 Janine is also a good example of selfconscious experimental writing, in a second section, I present various seminal fictional works that introduced and developed experimentalism in British fiction, in order to evaluate the influence of modernist developments in form and technique on recent experimental writing. The third section consists of an introduction to Gray’s work for he is not only a novelist, but also an artist, a playwright, a poet, an activist and a scholar. Chapter II - “Postmodernist Features in 1982 Janine” - aims at listing and examining the postmodernist devices that the novel includes, in what content and form are concerned. On the one hand, the use of a developed type of the modernist stream of consciousness, the presence of a protagonist who feels entrapped in a specific system, the quest for freedom, the incoherence and fragmentation of time, the nonchronological order of the narrative, the blending of fantasy and “reality”, as well as the importance of the Scottish material are definitely current aspects within postmodernist literature that can be found in Gray’s novel. On the other hand, the handling of literary self-conscious devices, such as typographical experimentation, presence of metafiction and intertextuality, and inclusion of an Epilogue, are likewise among recurrent postmodernist features. As the title - “A Narratological Analysis of 1982 Janine” - evidences, Chapter III offers a description of the mechanics of the narrative and its functioning in order to better understand the narrative technique of postmodernist fiction. This study is based primarily on Gérard Genette’s theoretical framework and terminology, presented in Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, an analytical tool that allows me to provide a more objective and scientific analysis. Hence, I follow the Genettian division of narrative discourse in Time, Mood and Voice while examining the novel. Finally, I proceed to a description of the intertextual relationships 1982 Janine establishes with other texts.


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“A Narratological Analysis of D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel (1981)” originated within a seminar on British Postmodernist Literature during the first Master’s Degree in “British and North-American Culture and Literature” (2001-04) at the Universidade da Madeira set up by the Department of English and German Studies. This dissertation seeks to present a narratological analysis of Thomas’s novel. The White Hotel stands as a paradigmatic example of the kind of literature that has dominated the British literary scene in the past three decades, commonly referred to as postmodernist fiction, owing to its formal craftsmanship (multiplicity of narrative voices and perspectives, mixing of differing genres and text types, inclusion of embedded narratives) alongside the handling of what are deemed as postmodernist topoi (the distinction between truth and lies, history and fantasy, fact and fiction, the questioning of the nature of aesthetic representation, the role the author and the reader hold in the narrative process, the instability of the linguistic sign, the notion of originality and the moral responsibility the author has towards his/her work), The narratological approach carried out in this research reveals that Thomas’s text constitutes an aesthetic endeavour to challenge the teleological drive that is inherent in any narrative, i. e., the inevitable progression towards a reassuring end. Hence, the subversion of narrative telling, which is a recurrent feature in Thomas’s remaining literary output, mirrors the contemporary distrust in totalising, hierarchised and allencompassing narratives. In its handling of historical events, namely of the Holocaust, The White Hotel invites us to reassess the most profound beliefs we were taught to take for granted: progress, reality and truth. In their place the novel proposes a more flexible conception of both the world and art, especially of literary fiction. In other terms, the world appears as a brutal chaotic place the subject is forced to adjust to. Accordingly, the literary work is deemed hybrid, fragmented and open. So as to put forth the above-mentioned issues, this research work is structured in three main chapters. The initial chapter – “What is Postmodernism?” – advances a scrutiny not only of the seminal but also of more recent studies on postmodernist literary criticism. Following this, in Chapter II – “Postmodernist British Fiction” – a brief overview of postmodernist British fiction is carried out, focusing on the fictional works that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the periodising of British postmodernism. In addition, I felt the need to include a section – “D. M. Thomas as a Postmodernist Novelist” – in which the author’s remaining literary output is briefly examined. Finally, Chapter III – “A Narratological Analysis of The White Hotel” – proposes a narratological analysis of the novel according to the particular Genettian analytical model. To conclude, my dissertation constitutes an approach to D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel as a text whose very existence is substantiated in the foregrounding of the contingency of all discourses, meeting the postmodernist precepts of openness and subversion of any narrative that claims to be true, globalising and all-inclusive.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los avances y límites de las políticas de accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal. Se investigan las políticas publicas municipales de accesibilidad implantadas en los diez años subsecuentes, a partir de la sanción de la Ley Municipal de Accesibilidad Nº 4.090 del 03 de junio de 1992, que torna obligatorio la eliminación de las barreras arquitectónicas para personas con discapacidades en los lugares de circulación de peatones y edificios de uso público de la ciudad. Accesibilidad, en los proyectos de arquitectura y urbanismo es la condición esencial para asegurar a cualquier ciudadano su derecho a ir y venir con seguridad, dignidad y autonomía. Esta investigación se concentra en los barrios de: ciudad alta, Petrópolis y Ribeira, ya que esta área, en el período ya mencionado, fue la que tuvo una mayor concentración del presupuesto de inversiones públicas municipales de la ciudad de Natal, en la eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas en vías urbanas. El método adoptado fue el hipotético deductivo, a partir de la formulación de dos hipótesis de trabajo: la primera, una divergencia entre los objetivos propuestos por la Ley Nº 4.090 y sus aplicaciones prácticas y, la segunda, de las diferencias que existen en el grado de entendimiento del concepto de accesibilidad, para eso, se realizó una colecta y análisis de datos tanto empíricos como teóricos. Este estudio también retrata en el año de 2004, con el uso de la técnica de la fotografía, la realidad actual de la ciudad sirviendo como un parámetro comparativo con los proyectos asociados a la Coordinación para integración de las personas con discapacidades. Se utiliza la técnica de entrevista con especialistas en accesibilidad envueltos a lo largo del proceso de implantación de las políticas públicas en la ciudad de Natal, durante los años mencionados, obteniendo así un testimonio sobre las directrices adoptadas en ese período, con base en la legislación vigente. En la investigación documental y fotográfica se realiza una evaluación de la dimensión real de lo propuesto y ejecutado en un periodo de diez años, y se concluye sobre todos los avances y retrocesos de las políticas de gestiones públicas adoptadas con relación a la accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal


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This study aims at solidifying the theoretical bases to provide, above all, an explanation for this phenomenon which currently happens, with a scenario of social, political, economic and cultural transformations worldwide in medium cities. Nevertheless, because it has different dimensions from its transformation axes, gentrification comes with change, but also with the introduction of a new purpose in the space using and occupation, outlining in this context the identity of places from the formation of centralities with the presence of flows with social and economic dynamicsThe current forms of geographic space appropriation show the directions of the senses and ideological profile which recreates the meanings and uses of content and materials from descriptions of a historical past. However, today there is an economic context in the urban space which refers to a search of strategies for change, i.e., the acquisition of parameter aimed at meeting the demands of the relationship between capital and labor, which ends up overriding some actions for the specification of the transformation methods within the urban space to be explained by new needs and also by the agents from the value adding to their interests and investments. Thus, we assume that the appreciation/gentrification of urban spaces may or may not result from the building of a public space, since the dialogic structure as a place of political interaction externalize conflicts and disagreements in general; it keeps segregating spaces. As new spaces are transformed, the access to them tends to happen with particular restriction, whereas some places like parks, shopping malls, high-rise and horizontal condos are the scene for major professional and family events. In this context, the gentrification process is used to designate interventions in the urban environment, in certain city spaces which are considered central to public and private investments. A historical place is permitted to be presented as a scenario, a stage full of attractions, through the transformation process. Studying gentrification consists of an analysis of the underlying interests in the transformation of these areas, and especially of the assessment of the interest level in the private sector to partner in order to modify the landscape. Gentrification results from the transformation processes of capital, which influences the efforts and investments application in order to establish and achieve optimal economic growth, focusing on a location socio-culturally centered in the urban space. Thus, the urban social structure develops in the light of some questions that relate not only the cities growth but also environmental conditions it provides in cities like Mossoro, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2005 a 2011.


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The worldwide transformations that took place in the 20th century redefined the cities fate in this new century. The consolidation of urbanization, the technological revolution that fostered globalization, the economic restructuration and informalization, modified space and time concepts, bringing populations closer together and provoking political transformations. They made contemporaries cities protagonists of world events and as a consequence of such processes, worthlessness spaces appeared and cities all over the world started to bet on the strategy of acting in this problematic areas through initiatives aimed at promoting intentional transformations to obtain a multidimensional valorization urban, financial, environmental, cultural and social. In short, such urban initiatives intend to make cities more competitive, sustainable, creative, productive and fair. Also in Brazil, countless worthless spaces appeared in waterfronts, central areas, and deactivated industrial/urbanized areas, as well as in sub-used or misused areas lacking infrastructure and public services where it is imperative and urgent to perform urban initiatives. This research proposes as a thesis that urban initiatives, when carried out based on an adequate politicalinstitutional model, transform and give value to worthless spaces in their multiple dimensions, offering better quality of life to their residents and helping to fulfill the social role of the city. We intend to prove this thesis through the analysis of national and international cases and by introducing thoughts, critique and guidelines as a contribution to the improvement of the urban initiatives implementation processes, in particular to those regarding worthless areas of Brazilian cities


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This thesis concerns the study of the city and impacts that will be caused in its structure due to the aging process of the human society, mainly in Brazil. The most important focus will be those related to problems of accessibility, leisure, housing, health and labor, issues that most affect people over 60 years of age. Beyond the analysis of inherent problems to the subject, proposals will be made for urban intervention that the cities become more suitable for the living of the elderly. To support this study, a review of different theories about the city was carried out, then a panel about the presence of the elderly in society, including Brazil, and in the cities, aiming at a vision, as broad as possible, on how the elderly were treated throughout history. In order to establish paradigms and parameters in the approach to the subject, a series of systematic observations on the urban space in different cities proceeded, in Brazil and abroad, with works aiming the inclusion of the elderly in urban areas, such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brasilia, Luanda and Rio de Janeiro, a city considered by the UN as physical and territorial urban laboratory suitable for the elderly. From there we tried to obtain, in addition to literature and observation of other countries experiences, the conduct of field research and official standards analysis, the theoretical basis for establishing guidelines on how to plan and design a more appropriate urban space for the elderly


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O presente trabalho intitulado Uma viagem insólita: de um território pesqueiro a um paraíso turístico tem como objetivo buscar compreender e interpretar as mudanças socioespaciais que ocorreram na Praia da Pipa/RN, decorrentes da expansão da atividade turística e seus reflexos no território, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1970 e os dias atuais, recorrendo-se a fontes bibliográficas, entrevistas e observações in loco, além de levantamento de dados secundários, cartográficos e fotográficos. Reporta à nova territorialidade que emergiu com a expansão da atividade turística para o litoral norte-rio-grandense, atraída pela praia e pelo sol, que fez convergir para essa área, produtores e consumidores não apenas locais, mas também regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Do ponto de vista social, a população nativa vem sendo expropriada de seus espaços, da sua cultura, das suas tradições e, até mesmo, do mercado de trabalho, o que vem provocando um processo de desterritorialização e o surgimento de novas territorialidades marcadas pela atividade turística. A expansão da atividade turística em Pipa/RN, a partir de 1970, tem provocado um processo de construção de um novo território o território turístico que se reflete dialeticamente através do surgimento de um novo cenário socioespacial constituído de formas e imagens expressas materialmente no lugar